I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 381 The Sikurs Have No Choice

Chapter 381 The Sikurs Have No Choice
If the Sikurs were still nomads, they would definitely oppose becoming a farming people.

Because even if the Sikurs are willing to become a farming nation, they do not have the knowledge that a farming nation should possess.

Now the Sikur people are already a semi-agricultural people, but because of the limitations of agricultural technology, they cannot carry out large-scale agricultural planting, so they still maintain a semi-nomadic state.

As long as the food produced by farming can guarantee the survival of the Sikur people, of course they have no reason to object to becoming a farming nation.

After the elders made eye contact, the consul came to Roy and said.

"Outlander! If you are willing to sell us these farm tools, we are willing to let you rule us. Because you have more advanced civilization technology, you can indeed make us live a better life. But we cannot let you become a The emperor of the king can only make you a consul for life in the Senate."

"The Consul—"

In the history of another world, even the royal power of the Roman king would be checked and balanced by the Senate, and the power of the consul was not as good as that of the Roman king.

Even if the title of the Consul has the word "lifetime" in front of it, it does not meet Roy's requirements at all.

Roy looked at the consul expressionlessly and said.

"What I want to do is an emperor with more power than the king, not a consul who has to discuss with the Senate on any important matter. You proposed to make me a consul. To be honest, I am really disappointed in you."

"We made you a consul is a very reasonable request."

Brutus walked up to the consul and said.

"Now all our elders believe that you will be a wise ruler, which is why we are willing to enshrine you as a lifelong consul. But no one can guarantee that your descendants will be as wise as you. We can I assure you that if your descendants are also wise rulers, the Senate will also enshrine your descendants as consuls for life."

"If my descendants are not wise enough, you will let others become consuls to rule the Roman province that I have developed—or even make the Roman province an enemy of the Athenian Empire?"

Seeing that the elders did not deny it, Roy said with a sneer.

"It seems that if I want to establish rule in the Roman province, I must abolish the decadent and backward system of the Senate."

"You're going to abolish our Senate—"

Hearing what Roy said, the elders were all excited.

"Our ancestors have used the senate system for thousands of years, and all leaders discuss important matters together."

"With all the power concentrated in one man, how do we stand against a tyrant?"

"Outsider, you should respect our traditions."

Roy asked with a sneer.

"If the Senate system is correct, why do you Sikurs have been squeezed by the Sabines and Latins? I don't think it will take long before you Sikurs will lose their foothold in the Apennine Peninsula .”

The elders were immediately speechless, not knowing how to answer Roy.

It is a fact that the senators cannot deny because the Sikurs have been failing under the leadership of the senate.

"If you'll help us defeat the Sabines and Latins and take back our lost territories—"

Brutus said with a serious face.

"We can dissolve the Senate and give you all the power."

Then Brutus addressed the elders again.

"Now we Sikur people have reached the time of life and death. If we don't make changes, as His Majesty the Emperor said, we will lose our foothold in the Apennine Peninsula. This kind of result-will be worse than the emperor ruling our Sikur Are people worse?"

There is no better option for the Sikurs now.

They would soon lose their last foothold in the Apennines to the Sabines and Latins.

If accepting Roy's rule can allow them to live a better life and allow them to regain their lost territories, being ruled by Roy is not really unacceptable.

Seeing that none of the elders objected to Brutus' proposal, Roy said with satisfaction.

"Very good! Now that you have made the right choice, you old men, look at how I made the Sikull live a better life, how I led the Sikule to defeat the Sabines and the Latins People. Starting tomorrow, I will allocate land and recruit soldiers in various villages of the Sikul people. If any of you obstruct me, I will kill the elder who hinders me and demote the elder’s family to lifelong slaves."

Roy did not propose that the Sikurs abandon their three patron saints—Palic, the god of agriculture, Adrenus, the god of war, and Hebra, the goddess of the sea.

Because Roy was worried that making this request now would completely anger the elders.

It is obviously a safer approach to wait until Roy has deeply controlled the Sikur people, and then proposes to let the Sikur people abandon their gods.

the next day.

When Roy returned to the port of Catanzaro, he personally demonstrated to all the soldiers how to use the agricultural tools.

Day three.

Loy's soldiers were divided into groups of 50 and went to fifty Sikur villages to distribute land and recruit soldiers.

In the village of Catanzaro, after Caesar said that the purpose of recruiting soldiers was to help the Sikurs regain their lost land, even though Caesar hadn't said how the soldiers would be treated, the young people in the village enthusiastically signed up.

Because in the hundreds of years of war between the Sikurs and the Sabines and Latins, the Sikurs were not only deprived of living space by the Sabines and Latins, but also killed many of their tribe.

Hot-blooded Sikur teenagers, all eager to reclaim their lost lands and avenge their ancestors.

After the recruiting of soldiers was successfully completed, the Athenian soldiers personally performed plowing and sowing with iron plows and cogwheels, convincing the Sikurs that they could cultivate more fields.

Roy's tenth day in Catanzaro.

The port of Catanzaro has been built into the walls of the city of Catanzaro.

In the center of Catanzaro, a Temple of Persephone was also built of wood.

At this time, the Athenian soldiers had finished allocating land and recruiting soldiers in [-] villages of the Sikurs, and brought [-] recruits to the city of Catanzaro.

Ten warships from the Kingdom of Athens also brought in [-] bronze war spears that had been eliminated by the Athenian army.

After Roy armed [-] Sikurian soldiers with these [-] bronze spears, he was ready to launch a war with [-] Athens soldiers and [-] Sikurian soldiers to conquer the Sabines and Latins. The Campania region and the Basilicata region in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

Although these two areas combined cover an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, their population is only about [-].

If it wasn't for the worry that the logistics could not keep up, Roy even wanted to conquer the Puglia region together.

With the area of ​​[-] square kilometers in the Puglia region, the area of ​​about [-] square kilometers in the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula will be included in the territory of the Athens Empire.

Now the Sikur soldiers are still recruits who have not completed their training.

Roy started the war, and he also had reasons for having to start the war.

The food brought by the Athens Navy simply cannot withstand the consumption of 1000 people together.

So Roy must conquer the Sabines and Latins, and plunder food from the leaders of the Sabines and Latins to feed his army.

(End of this chapter)

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