I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 383 The Response of the Latin Sabines

Chapter 383 The Response of the Latin Sabines

The Apennine Mountains are like a natural moat, dividing the Apennine Peninsula in half from the middle.

After entering the Campania region with a team of thousands and forty centuries, Roy asked forty centuries to occupy all the Latin tribal villages in the Campania region, and Roy himself took thousands The team went to the border between the Campania region and the Lazio region.

Because the Apennine Mountains protect the eastern side of the Campania region, as long as Roy leads a thousand-man team to block the Latin tribes in the Lazio region, the Campania region can be absorbed and digested and become the territory of the Athens Empire.

As Roy's centurions attacked the Latin tribal villages one by one, the Latin leaders who ruled these tribal villages were either killed or fled to the Lazio area to report to the Latin leader council—that is, the Latin elders. hospital for help.

three days later.

Lowe brought the Thousands to the border between the Campania and Lazio regions.

Roy's forty centurions also completed the occupation of all Latin tribal villages in the Campania region.

There will be such a result, of course it is a matter of course.

Latin tribal villages usually only have a population of about [-]. If old people, children, and women are removed, Latin tribal villages can have a maximum of [-] men.

But even if two hundred men with wooden or stone spears had a numerical advantage, they could not defeat a centurion of seventy men with sharp iron spears and thirty men with bronze spears.

What's more, in the tribal villages of the Latins, there are many Sikurs who were conquered and assimilated by them.

These Sikurs are doing the hardest, most tiring, and dirtiest work in the tribal villages of the Latins. Seeing Athenian soldiers and Sikur soldiers attacking the tribal villages of the Latins, it is impossible for these Sikurs to help the Latins Fight against the invaders, and it is even possible to fight back against the Latins who usually oppress them.

While the Campania region was successfully conquered, the Basilicata region was also successfully conquered.

Although the Sabine tribal villages who worshiped the god of war Quirinus resisted tenaciously, their tenacious will could not allow them to defeat the dimensionality reduction blow of advanced weapons.

The Athenian soldiers obeyed Roy's order, and either killed the leader of the Sabine tribal village or drove away the leader of the Sabine tribal village.

Without a leader to take the lead, ordinary Sabine villagers were naturally reluctant to leave their homes when they saw that the Athenian soldiers would not harm them or rob them of their property.

The border between the Campania region and the Lazio region.

After Roy was stationed here, he asked the Athenian soldiers under his command to go to the Latin tribe village in groups of 15 and forty to supervise the forty centurions that occupied the Latin tribe slaves.

Lowe himself, with the remaining four hundred soldiers, guarded the border.

Lazio region.

Roman plain.

This land was not only abnormally humid, but also full of various diseases. After several centuries of reclamation and development, it has become a grain-producing area.

Because of the abundance of food, the Roman plains lived with the largest tribe among the Latins, the Turenus tribe.

The leader of the tribe of Thurenus was named Thurenus.

The tribe of Thurenus was originally just an ordinary Latin tribe on the Roman plain.

Because the current leader Thurenus developed his tribe into a large tribe with a population of tens of thousands, the tribe of Thurenus was called the Thurenus tribe.

Although he ruled the largest tribe among the Latins and made Thurenus the consul in the Latin Senate, Thurenus was not satisfied with the status of consul.

After frequent contacts with the Etruscans in the north, Thurenus learned that not only did the Etruscans not have a senate system, but that all the Etruscans were led by the only king.

This gave Thurenus the ambition to become the king of Latin.

Originally, Thurenus had always believed that his ambition could not be realized in his lifetime.

But the Athenians invaded the Campania region, and Thulenus saw an opportunity to realize his ambitions.

Tribe of Thurenus.

The hall of the stone house of the chief Tulenus.

More than 20 Latin tribal village leaders who escaped from the Campania region cried to Thulenus about their experiences.

"Great Thurenus, only you can save us now."

"Those Sikuls were aided by powerful outlanders and took all our lands."

"As Consul, please convene a council of chiefs to unite all Latin tribes against Sikurs and powerful outlanders."

Listening to the crying of the leaders, Turenus kept nodding his head.

"Dear brothers! I will defend the interests of all our Latins, but I also need your support. Although all Latins in the Lazio region can unite to form an army of tens of thousands of people, this army consists of several If ten chiefs command us, we are in a state of disunity. Even if the number of enemies is smaller than ours, it is difficult for us to defeat enemies with powerful weapons. So I hope you can support me in the chiefs council and let me become a dictator with power equivalent to a king official."

Hearing Tulenus' request, the leaders agreed.

"Great Thurenus, your request is very reasonable."

"We are willing to support you in the chief council, so that you, like the king of Latins, have the absolute power to order all Latins."

"As long as you lead us to defeat the enemy, I am willing to support you as a dictator for life."

Seeing that all the leaders who lost their territories and people supported him, Thurenus immediately called all the Latin tribal village leaders in the Lazio region.

the next day.

The chiefs of all Latin tribal villages gathered in the stone house hall of Thulenus for a formal chiefs meeting—also known as a council of elders.

After the leaders of the Campania region cried out, the leaders of the Lazio region were all filled with righteous indignation, and expressed their willingness to defeat the enemy under the leadership of Thulenus and retake the Campania region belonging to the Latins.

The same thing is happening in Puglia.

More than a dozen leaders of the Sabine tribal villages in Basilicata fled to the Puglia region and asked for help from the most powerful Sabine tribal leader Metius.

Most of the Puglia region is plain, so the Puglia region is very populated.

The Puglia region plus the Abruzzo region, the Sabines have a population of 20.

In other words, Metius could gather an army of 2 people to help the Sabine leaders in the Basilicata region regain their territories and people.

Bari in the heart of the Puglia plain.

A huge tribe consisting of 2 people-it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a city-state, lives in this place in Bari.

The leader of this huge tribe is Metius, the most powerful leader among the Sabines.

At this time, in the hall of Metius' stone house, Metius was listening to the cries of the leaders of the Basilicata region.

When the leaders calmed down, Metius said calmly.

"Dear brothers, I have heard about the Kingdom of Athens from the Phoenician merchants, so I know they are very powerful. The area of ​​Basilicata was originally taken from us by us In peace, I intend to give up the Basilicata region."

(End of this chapter)

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