I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 388 The Etruscans in the North

Chapter 388 The Etruscans in the North

The Latins were conquered by the Athenian Empire, and Mars, the patron saint of the Latins, lost to the patron saint of the Athenian Empire—this is a fact that the Latins are unwilling to accept and must admit.

Seeing that the Latins around him were not crazy enough to stand up against Persephone replacing Mars, Roy looked at the family members of Thulenus.

Under Roy's gaze, the two daughters of Tullenus and their younger brother went to the altar and knelt down, and then swore an oath in the name of the goddess Persephone.

"May the great goddess Persephone witness that Lavinia is willing to join the Athenian Empire and be loyal to His Majesty the Great Emperor forever."

"I invite the great goddess Persephone to witness that Sylvia is willing to join the Athenian Empire and pledge her allegiance to His Majesty the Great Emperor forever."

"May the great goddess Persephone bear witness that Numitore is willing to join the Athenian Empire and pledge allegiance to His Majesty the Great Emperor forever."

The two daughters of Turenus, Lavinia, Sylvia, and the youngest son, Numitore, swore to join the Athenian Empire under the witness of everyone in the Turenus tribe, and to be loyal to the emperor of the Athenian Empire. Roy showed satisfaction said with a smile.

"The laws of the Athenian Empire will protect all the people of the Athenian Empire, and I am the legal defender of the Athenian Empire. That is to say, from the moment you join the Athenian Empire, you will be subject to the Emperor of the Athenian Empire—that is, My protection. As your reward for leading the Latins to the Athenian Empire, Lavinia will serve as a priestess at the Temple of Persephone in Rome, and Sylvia will serve as a priestess at the Temple of Persephone in Catanzaro The temple acts as a priestess. Numitore can live with his mother in the Temple of Persephone in Rome, under the protection of the goddess Persephone."

Hearing Roy's words, Lavinia and Sylvia couldn't help looking up at Roy.

Roy let them be protected by the goddess Persephone, and it seemed that she really didn't intend to hurt them.

But Roy made them priests serving the goddess, obviously because he didn't want them to get married.

Because the priests who serve the goddess usually never marry for life.

Although there are not many examples of priestesses serving the goddess getting married, these priestesses are basically married to the king.

In other words, Roy made Lavinia and Sylvia priestesses, which meant that they could only marry Roy.

Without Roy's permission, Lavinia and Sylvia would not be able to have a husband and son, let alone rely on the strength of their husband and son to avenge Roy.

It is also impossible for Lavinia and Sylvia to secretly marry and have children.

In another world's history, in 470 BC, a priestess of the Temple of Vesta, Erbinia, was investigated and tried simply because a slave accused her of not being a maiden.

According to records, the man accused of having an affair with the priestess was beaten and then executed.

After the priestess was found guilty, she was first punished with a rod, then pushed through the streets of Rome, pushed into a field near the gate of Colin, and imprisoned in a tomb. She was only given food for 30 days and left to sit and die. .

Even the secret that the priestess is not unmarried is hard to hide, and if Lavinia and Sylvia secretly marry and have children, it is even more impossible to hide their pregnancy.

What awaits them will be the crime and punishment of blasphemy.

Roy made Lavinia and Sylvia priestesses, of course not to limit them to marrying Roy himself, but simply did not want them to marry.

After all, no one can guarantee that after Lavinia and Sylvia get married, whether their husband and son will want to use their identities to call on the Latins to resist the rule of the Athenian Empire.

With the children of the leader Thurenus taking the lead in joining the Athenian Empire, it was indeed easier for the Athenian soldiers to register the Latins of the Thurenus tribe.

In addition to less than 1000 diehards, more than 8000 people from the Tulenus tribe were registered and became the new subjects of the Athenian Empire.

the next day.

The Athenian soldiers began to allocate fields among the tribe of Thurenus, and at the same time recruited soldiers from the tribe of Thurenus and three thousand captives.

The Latins, like the Sikurs, are also in a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural state.

Due to the limitations of agricultural technology and outdated agricultural tools, even if the Latins were given more fields, they could not cultivate them.

So the Tulenus tribe, staged such a scene everywhere——

The Athenian soldiers found a Latin family and said that they would allocate [-] acres of land to them. The head of the Latin family immediately explained with embarrassment that they could not cultivate such a large amount of land.

The Athenian soldiers also explained to the hostess that according to Roy's request of [fewer sheep and more land], every Latin family must be forced to cultivate [-] acres of land.

For thousands of years, the Latins have never seen such a foreign conqueror.

Not only did the Athenians not take away their land, cattle and sheep, but they also provided advanced iron farming tools, forcing them to cultivate more fields.

And the Athenians also swore in the name of the goddess Persephone that the grain harvested by the Latins from farming [-] acres of land would not meet the minimum taxation standard of the Athenian Empire.

When the Latins themselves are the leaders, they have to expropriate some property to maintain their rule.

This alien Athenian rule was even better than that of the Latin chiefs.

Amid the doubts of the Latins, the Athenian soldiers completed the compulsory distribution of fields among the tribes of Thulenus, and at the same time recruited three thousand soldiers.

After mixing the Athenian soldiers and the Latin soldiers, Roy immediately sent [-] soldiers to occupy all the Latin tribes in the Lazio region.

While Loy promoted the rule of the Athenian Empire in the Lazio region and effectively controlled the Lazio region, Thulenus also brought a thousand soldiers to the Po River Plain in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

The Po River Plain, also known as the Milan Plain, is not only the largest plain in the Apennine Peninsula, but also the largest plain in Southern Europe, with an area of ​​6000 million square kilometers.

The Po River Plain is sandwiched between the Alps and the Apennines, connecting the southern slopes of the Alps to the north and the northern foothills of the Apennines to the south.

Three thousand and 600 years later, the Po River Plain is the most agriculturally developed area in the Apennine Peninsula, and it is also the most economically developed area. Milan, Turin, Bologna, Venice and other major cities are located in the Po River Plain.

The current plain of the Po River is where the royal court of the Etruscans is located.

The grass here is lush and lush, and you can only see the cattle, sheep and horses being driven forward by the shepherds, and you can't see the farmers busy in the fields at all.

Although the Etruscans were also a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural people, the royal family that ruled the Etruscans was no different from the real nomads, and turned the most fertile plain into a prairie.

The Etruscans were also southern European Caucasians with black hair and black eyes.

As Thurenus got closer to the royal court, Thurenus began to see more and more blondes and mulattos.

When Tullenus came to the royal court, he saw that it was a tribe of blond and blue-eyed people.

Although the Etruscans were black-haired and black-eyed natives, they were ruled by a group of foreign nomads with blond hair and blue eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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