I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 395 Sandpipers and clams compete for the fisherman's profit

Chapter 395 Sandpipers and clams compete for the fisherman's profit
"That's—the sun god Helios? The moon goddess Bendis?"

on the human battlefield.

Roy looked up to see the faces of Jupiter, the Etruscan god of the sun, and Minerva, the goddess of the moon, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Although Roy had long guessed that the Etruscans were natives of the Apennines conquered by the Caucasus nomads, Roy still did not expect that the sun god Jupiter and the Thrace sun god Helios In exactly the same way, Minerva, the moon goddess, is exactly the same as Bendis, the moon goddess in Thrace.

It seems that the Caucasus nomads who conquered the Apennines had the same ancestors as the Caucasus nomads in Thrace, so Jupiter and Minerva were the same gods as Helios and Bendis hundreds of years ago .

As the branch of the Caucasus nomads dominated the Apennines, Jupiter and Helios split from the same column of gods into brother gods, and Minerva and Bendis split from the same column of gods into sister gods.

In the future, the gap between Jupiter and Helios, and the gap between Minerva and Bendis will become bigger and bigger.

In the history of another world, after 2000 years of evolution, Jupiter developed into the sky god king corresponding to Zeus, and the moon goddess Minerva also developed into the goddess of wisdom corresponding to Athena.

It can be seen from this that as long as the time is long enough, gods of the same origin can be developed into two pillars of gods that people cannot think of together.

"You are the Emperor Loi of the Athenians?"

While Roy was observing Jupiter and Minerva, King Amlius of Etruria came to Roy and said angrily.

"You despicable guy, what method did you use to eliminate my five thousand knights? Now that I have been completely enraged by you, I will kill you to avenge my people."

Roy withdrew his gaze from observing the gods, looked at Amelius with a smile and joked.

"It seems that you really love your five thousand knights, so I will send you to the underworld to reunite with them! I believe that as long as you die, the Etruscans will lose their morale."

"Arrogant guy, I also believe that as long as I kill you, your Athenian soldiers will surrender to me."

After Amlius finished speaking angrily, he immediately swung a bronze spear and stabbed Roy.

Roy said while dodging Amrius' attack with ease.

"As expected of the darling of the sun god Jupiter, you are not the same as Turenus and Metius, you are also a demigod hero [enemies of ten thousand people]. It is a pity that there is also a huge gap in strength between demigod heroes and demigod heroes , it is impossible for you to defeat me."

After speaking, Roy brandished an iron gun to fight back.

Facing the iron spear blade that swept across, Amlius could only dodge Roy's attack in embarrassment.

While Roy suppressed Amlius in the battle, the forward of the Athenian army also used sharp iron spears to unilaterally massacre the forward of the Etruscan army.

Although the forwards of the Etruscan army were brave and skilled soldiers, their courage and strength could not make up for the gap in weapons.

Jupiter, Minerva, Mars, and Quirinus saw that the Etruscan army was at a disadvantage, and the four gods immediately wanted to help.

At this moment, Persephone, Hera, and Luna came to the battlefield.

"It's finally here!"

Seeing the three goddesses of the Athens Empire, Jupiter said in a cold voice with no expression on his face.

"As long as I defeat you, I can help the Etruscans defeat the Athenians."

Quirinus blamed Luna.

"Luna, how dare you stand with the foreign god, aren't you afraid that we will wipe you out after the foreign god is driven away?"

Luna said without showing any weakness.

"You accuse me of standing with foreign gods. Are Jupiter and Minerva not foreign gods? Before the Athenian Empire conquered the Apennine Peninsula, Mars was the patron saint of the Latins, and Quirinus was the patron saint of the Sabines. You, who were kicked out of the throne by the Athenians, of course have a reason to become sworn enemies with the Athenians. However, the arrival of the Athenians not only did no harm to a wandering god like me, but also gave me a chance to ascend to the throne. Of course, I must seize it This opportunity to rise."

After hearing Luna's rebuttal, Quirinus was immediately speechless.

Because the fact is as Luna said, Mars and Quirinus are enemies of the Athenians only because their interests are harmed.

If the Athenians were willing to accept Mars and Quirinus as the patron saints of the Athenian Empire, Mars and Quirinus would certainly accept it.

"Quirinus' accusation against Luna is indeed unreasonable."

With the appearance of new voices, Vesta, Janus, Neptune, Diana, and Venus descended on the battlefield.

Seeing the five gods, Mars asked happily.

"Dear brothers! Dear sisters! Are you here to help us?"

"It's not!"

Vesta shook his head and said.

"If the Athenians are willing to accept us like they accepted Luna, we will help the Athenians. Now you both come up with your own conditions, and we will choose to help whichever side can give us greater benefits."

After listening to Vesta's words, Minerva frowned and said.

"After this war is over, Brother Jupiter will build the Temple of the Roman Gods. As long as you help Brother Jupiter and me, Brother Jupiter will have your seat in the Temple of the Roman Gods."

After listening to Minerva's words, Venus excitedly said to Persephone and Hera.

"Goddess Minerva has spoken her terms, now it's up to you."

Persephone and Hera looked at each other, and then Persephone said with a bright smile.

"In the future, the Apennine Peninsula will be the territory of me and Hera. I can promise you the throne of God and make you the subordinate gods of me and Hera."

The conditions for Persephone and Hera were not to allow them to become independent patron saints with territories.

Vesta, Janus, Neptune, Diana, and Venus first showed disappointed expressions, and then looked at Jupiter and Minerva, hoping that they could offer better conditions.

In order to win the support of these five gods, Jupiter said with a smile.

"After driving away the Athenians, I will divide the territory for the gods, so that you all have a territory with an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers."

Hearing Jupiter's words, the five gods almost screamed in anger.

At this moment, Roy said loudly while fighting Amrius.

"No matter how good the conditions are, they must be fulfilled to be attractive. If the Etruscans lose to us Athens, no matter how good the conditions are given by Jupiter, it will be impossible to fulfill them."

Hearing Roy's words, the five gods calmed down.

Diana looked at Roy and asked.

"Can you Athenians offer better terms?"

"Better terms?"

Roy said with a playful smile.

"If you choose to join the Athens Empire, it's okay to give you a territory of [-] square kilometers. But I can only accept the goddesses Vesta, Diana, and Venus, and I will not accept Neptune, the god of the sea, and the gate gods." Janus."

If they don't mind the deserts in North Africa, even if they want a territory of 20 square kilometers, Roy can agree without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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