I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 415 Andromeda Failed

Chapter 415 Andromeda Failed
Phineus and the nobles were willing to leave because they had no better choice.

Facing the war Queen Nafir of Egypt waged against the Hyksos, they stayed to die.

When Phineus left the palace with the nobles, Cepheus got up and left the throne, and asked Roy.

"I entrust you with the future of the Hyksos, what will you do to us?"

"I will not squeeze the Hyksos as slaves, and I will not allow the Hyksos to continue to enjoy high-caste treatment. The Hyksos must abandon the traditions of the Aryan nomads and become like the Egyptians. into a farming nation."

As a branch of the ancient Aryans, the Hyksos have always practiced the prototype of the caste system.

After they migrated to a place to conquer the local ethnic groups, the king and priests would become the highest caste Brahmins, the nobles would become the second caste Kshatriya, and the commoners would become the third caste Vaishya, responsible for serving as landlords, merchants, soldiers, conquered local The ethnic group became the fourth caste of Sudra, who served as farmers, shepherds and other occupations responsible for productive labor.

Now the Hyksos rule the Egyptians with a caste system.

After the Egyptians conquered the Hyksos in turn, would they also use the caste system to enslave the Hyksos——

This was what Kefus was most worried about.

In the history of another world, the Illuminati enslaved the Egyptians together with the Hyksos, so after the Egyptians conquered the Hyksos and the Illuminati, both the Hyksos and the Illuminati were enslaved by the Egyptians , this is the mythical prototype of the leader of the Bright tribe leading the tribe to migrate and leave Egypt for the Phoenician region.

Historical facts have proved that the Egyptians will not repay kindness with kindness, they will retaliate against the enslavement of the Hyksos to them.

"You want us Hyksos to become a farming people—"

Kefus frowned and said.

"My dear son! Since you are going to marry Andromeda, you can trust us Hyksos as you trust your own race. There are too many Egyptians, and we Hyksos can help Together you rule over the Egyptians."

"Are you bewitching me like a child?"

Roy sneered and teased Kefus.

"If you are still stubborn and want me to treat you Hyksos preferentially, then I would rather let the Egyptians destroy the Hyksos. In Egypt, a land of millions of people, 10,000+ Hyksos Whether people exist or disappear makes no difference to me.

Hearing what Roy said, Andromeda immediately persuaded Cepheus.

"Father! It is the best result for us Hyksos to continue to survive in Egypt as civilians. If Roy refuses to save us, our end will either be wiped out by the Egyptians or turned into slaves by the Egyptians. "

"I know……"

Kefus said with a complex expression.

"I just want to fight for a better life for my people."

"Then let me tell you clearly now! There are various ethnic groups living in the huge territory of the Athens Empire. I will not rely on a certain ethnic group to rule other ethnic groups. I use the laws of the Athenian Empire to maintain my rule. Except In the royal family centered on me, no one can be above the law. As long as my laws and policies can make the life of the Athenians better and better, I don’t worry about my rule going wrong at all.”

After responding to Kepheus, Roy looked at Andromeda and said.

"Andromeda, you have lived in the city of Athens for a few months, and you should be very aware of the policies of the Athenian Empire. Now I leave it to you to manage the Hyksos. If you can't complete the Hyksos Transformation, I will not only abandon the Hyksos, but also you."

After speaking, Roy turned and left the hall.

After only Andromeda, King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia were left in the hall, Cassiopeia complained dissatisfied.

"How could he treat my daughter like this? My daughter is willing to marry him. He should hold my daughter in his palm and love her."

Hearing her mother's words, Andromeda said with a wry smile.

"Mother, there are so many women around Roy, I don't have much place in his heart. He is willing to accept me just to use me to rule the Hyksos and Northern Egyptians."

"My daughter is so beautiful, doesn't he love you at all?"

Andromeda shook her head, and Cassiopeia said immediately.

"Since he doesn't love you, why do you marry him?"

Andromeda said with a firm face.

"As a princess of the Hyksos, I want to save my people, and the only way is to marry Roy. As Andromeda, I must marry the most powerful ruler in the world, let me The child of my son was born as the most powerful royal family in the world."

Then Andromeda pleaded with Cepheus.

"Father, in order for me to be favored by Roy, please help me complete the transformation of the Hyksos. If we cannot fulfill Roy's request, even if we are not eliminated, the Hyksos will become Become a slave. Even if I survive, I will lose my princess status, unable to marry a powerful king and give birth to a prince and princess."

"How could it be! Even if Roy doesn't want to marry you, there is still Perseus who is willing to marry you. Although Perseus was driven out of the Peloponnese by Roy, he is now bringing the Mycenaeans They conquered the Illyrians in the west of the Balkan Peninsula and established a kingdom of Mycenae covering an area of ​​[-] square kilometers. As long as you are willing to marry Perseus, Perseus will definitely let you be his queen."

"Mother, you don't know anything about Perseus at all."

Andromeda explained helplessly.

"Loy did not destroy Perseus on purpose! When Perseus transforms the Illyrians into a farming nation, Roy will take away Perseus' territory again."

Seeing that Cassiopeia did not believe her daughter's words, Cepheus said to Andromeda.

"Son! For your happiness, I will do my best to help you. My daughter and grandson are also my blood. I will help you get Loy's favor, so that my grandson can become the heir of the Athens Empire."

the next day.

Cepheus and Andromeda began to implement the policy of the Athenian Empire in the territory of the Hyksos.

Phineus and the nobles also began to migrate with their families, property and followers.

When the common people of the Hyksos learned that they had lost the treatment of the third caste and had to rely on their own labor to obtain food, they immediately gathered in the palace to protest.

Andromeda personally communicated with these Hyksos, telling them that the Egyptians would wage war to conquer the Hyksos.

If the Hyksos did not want to become slaves to the Egyptians, they had to be protected by the Athenian Empire.

If the Hyksos wanted to be protected by the Athenian Empire, they had to accept the rule of the Athenian Empire and implement the laws and policies of the Athenian Empire.

Although Andromeda used the Egyptian threat of war as a justification, the Hyksos commoners were still unwilling to lose the treatment they had enjoyed in the past.

After all, without a knife on the neck, normal people would not give up the benefits they have always had.

(End of this chapter)

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