I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 421 I want to go to West Asia

Chapter 421 I want to go to West Asia
While Roy was making arrangements for the Bright Clan and the Ramses Clan—

Over the city of Avaris.

Almighty God and Sun God Ra are confronting Sekhmet, who is [-] meters tall, with a height of [-] meters.

Hearing the arrangement made by Roy, Sekhmet said with a playful smile and looked at the two male gods in front of him.

"What a pity! I thought you would join my pantheon, but I didn't expect you to be driven away by humans. Now do you want to leave by yourself, or should I help you leave?"

Sun God Ra said with an unwilling expression.

"Great goddess Sekhmet, do you really want to let the Athenians mess around? It's fine for the Athenians to drive away the Almighty God, a foreign god. I'm the native god of Egypt."

"But you are the sun god!"

Sehmet said with a sneer.

"Hey! You don't think so stupidly that I can tolerate other gods with the sun godhead! Even if Roy drives away all the other gods with the sun godhead in Egypt, I won't object."

The sun godhead is the highest godhead in Egypt.

The king of the Egyptian gods in all dynasties, including Sekhmet, was the sun god.

Only when the Hyksos ruled Egypt, Zeus, the patron saint of the Hyksos, used the identity of the storm god to become the king of the Egyptian gods.

Therefore, this period was also called the period when the sun disappeared by the Egyptians.

These sun gods who have ascended the throne of the king of the gods do not want to suppress other sun gods - that is of course impossible.

In the history of another world, the sun god Ra ascended the throne of the protector of the country in Egypt's No.19 dynasty and became the king of the gods in Egypt, then launched a frenzied suppression of other sun gods in Egypt.

The sun god Atum and the sun god Kebri were annexed by Ra and became the two clones of Ra.

Sekhmet, Hathor, Bastetto and other sun goddesses are all reduced to Ra's daughters.

The history of another world has proved that the sun god who ascended the throne of the guardian god will suppress other sun gods.

It is not surprising that Sekhmet took the initiative to suppress the sun god Ra, of course she would not defend the sun god Ra.

The sun god Ra also knew that Sekhmet would not help him, so after glaring at Sekhmet with resentful eyes, the sun god Ra flew away from the city of Avaris, preparing to seek refuge with Zeus.

Seeing the sun god Ra leave, the Almighty God had no choice but to leave Egypt unwillingly.

However, Almighty God is not going to seek refuge with Zeus, but is going to the Phoenician region to find a branch of the Illuminati.

Before 2000 BC - when the Mesopotamian Plain was still under the rule of the third dynasty of Ur, the ancestors of the Illuminati lived a nomadic life in Syria and Phoenicia.

Later, the Amorites, a branch of the ancient Aryans, migrated to West Asia. They not only destroyed the third dynasty of Ur and established the Babylonian Kingdom, but also squeezed the living space of the nomadic Guangming people, who were forced to split into two.

John's ancestors brought the Illuminati, first migrated to the Phoenician area, and then migrated to Egypt.

Another branch of the Guangming tribe has always existed in Syria and Phoenicia.

After the city of Avaris was also conquered by Nafer, only the city of Itawi remained in Egypt and was still ruled by foreigners.

Roy and Nafir came to Itawi City with an army of [-], and saw thousands of Phoenicians leaving in ships of all sizes.

Obviously, Arathia's transformation of the Phoenicians failed.

This is what Roy expected.

Beginning before 2000 BC, the Phoenicians, who were seized by various foreign groups for their living space, had long been accustomed to living from the sea.

They can buy from backward areas at low prices and sell them at high prices, and they can also colonize backward areas with advanced weapons-what a wonderful life this is.

Arathia wants them to give up this beautiful life and become a farming nation again, and they will only be regarded as fools by them.

After Nafir's Egyptian soldiers take over the chaotic city of Itawi, Roy and Nafir travel to the palace of Arathia.

Palace hall.

Arathia and his queen sat on the throne.

Seeing Roy and Nafiel walk in, Arathia asked with a wry smile.

"You knew I was going to fail, didn't you?"

Roy nodded frankly and said.

"Araxia, although your purpose of transforming the Phoenicians is good, you have underestimated the greed of human nature. Without the threat of a knife on the neck, no one would be willing to give up the interests they have now."

Arashiya said with tears in her eyes.

"I persuaded the nobles so earnestly, but they told me that the Mediterranean Sea is so big that it is impossible for the Athenian Empire to manage every piece of water in the Mediterranean Sea, so there is no need for the Phoenicians to surrender to the Athenian Empire. But I know your ambition is very big. Great, maybe in the future you will really be able to conquer the entire Mediterranean world and make the entire Mediterranean a lake managed by the Athenian navy. Even if we Phoenicians do not submit to the Athenian Empire now, we will submit to the Athenian Empire in the future."

"Araxia, it seems that you are really very smart. My ambition is indeed to make the Mediterranean Sea the inner lake of the Athens Empire."

"Your Majesty Loy! Most Phoenician civilians cannot escape. Please look at our friendship in the past and treat every Phoenician well."

Roy shook his head and said.

"Looking at our friendship in the past, I will make you a first-class citizen-level businessman, but I will not treat the Phoenicians preferentially because of you. In order to transform the Phoenicians into a hard-working ethnic group, I will Phoenician men are reduced to slave river workers, and Phoenician women are reduced to slave weavers. If you don't want to see me change my mind, take your family and leave the palace immediately!"

"You're going to make us Phoenicians slaves—"

Arathia stood up angrily, ready to fight Roy.

Arathia's wife hastily persuaded him.

"Honey, please think about me, think about our children, let's get out of here quickly!"

Facing his wife's entreaties, Arathia sighed helplessly, and took his wife out of the hall.

After Arathia and his wife left, Roy sat on Arathia's throne with Nafir in his arms and said.

"Unexpectedly, after the nobles of the Hyksos and the Phoenicians left with those who were unwilling to submit, the Hyksos and Phoenicians who were willing to submit had no resistance, and let us directly take over A Varys City and Itawi City."

Nafir said with a proud smile.

"My dear! I have finally fulfilled the wishes of my grandfather, my father and brother Kamose, and let the whole of Egypt return to the rule of the Egyptians. Next, we will follow your plan and turn the Kingdom of Egypt into an Egyptian province of the Athenian Empire. "

"My dear Nafir, I want to leave it entirely to you to merge the Athenian Empire with the Kingdom of Egypt. I plan to enter the Sinai Peninsula, the Phoenician region, and the Syrian region of the Asiatic continent, and transfer the Hyksos The Sri Lankans, the Phoenicians, and the branches of the Illuminati all conquered."

After listening to Roy's thoughts, Nafier frowned and said.

"Conquering the Sinai Peninsula and the Phoenician region is nothing. The Syrian region is the sphere of influence of the Babylonian Kingdom. If you enter the Syrian region, it is likely to trigger a war with the Babylonian Kingdom."

"so what?"

Roy said confidently.

"If the Kingdom of Babylon wants to go to war with me, then I will destroy the Kingdom of Babylon and bring the city-states of the Mesopotamian Plain into the territory of the Athenian Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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