I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 430 Left Wang Mang Right Cao Cao's Lineup

Chapter 430 Left Wang Mang Right Cao Cao's Lineup

After the upper reaches of the Mesopotamia were occupied by the ancient Aryans, a group of people who worshiped the goddess of the earth migrated to the northern part of Syria, where they established a city-state named Ebla.

With the invasion of the Amorites, a branch of the ancient Aryans, the Kingdom of Ebla was destroyed, and the Amorites established a city-state named Yamhad in northern Syria.

During the period when the Babylonian city established by the Amorites was at its strongest, the Amorite city-states in the upper reaches of the Mesopotamia, the Babylonian region and the Syrian region, and the Sumerian city-states in the Sumerian region were all united under the banner of the Kingdom of Babylon.

With the decline of the strength of the city of Babylon, the Kingdom of Babylon has existed in name only, and the city of Yamhad of the Amorites has become a substantially independent kingdom of Yamhad.

The Hittite Kingdom launched an invasion of the Yamhad Kingdom. The city-states of the Mesopotamian Plain did not unite to resist, because the various city-states of the Babylonian Kingdom were not only scattered, but also attacked each other and had a bloody feud.

If the various city-states of the Babylonian Kingdom united against the Hittite Kingdom, it would be impossible for the Hittite Kingdom to conquer the Babylonian Kingdom.

Because the Hittite Kingdom had only about [-] soldiers attacking the Mesopotamia, and the population of the Mesopotamia was in the millions.

There are too few soldiers in the Hittite kingdom, which is the main reason why the Hittite princess Hatepna invited Roy to attack the Babylonian kingdom together.

Because conquering the kingdom of Babylon is also Roy's goal, so Roy finally accepts Hartpurna's invitation.

The Amorites established the Yamhad Kingdom on the site of the Ebla Kingdom.

But when conquering the Kingdom of Ebla, the city of Ebla, the capital of the Kingdom of Ebla, was destroyed by the Amorites.

So the capital of the Kingdom of Yamhad is not Ebla, but a new city called Aleppo.

Aleppo city.

Roy followed the Hittite envoys to the city and saw that although the city was occupied by the Hittites, the city itself was not affected much.

Obviously, the Hittite Kingdom did not destroy the city in order to rule here for a long time.

Next to the palace in Aleppo, there are two shrines, one large and one small.

Seeing the statue outside the temple, Roy recognized at a glance that the statue enshrined in the Great Temple was the god of thunder [Zeus] worshiped by the Amorites, a branch of the ancient Aryans.

The statue enshrined in the small temple is the sun goddess Istanus [Astarte Aphrodite] worshiped by the group of the goddess of the earth.

Come to the magnificent palace hall.

Roy saw a young girl wearing a lady's armor and hiding her face with a helmet sitting on a throne.

The girl's whole body was hidden, and Roy could only see her beautiful silver hair hanging down her waist under the helmet.

On both sides of the aisle in the hall, there are two rows of nobles dressed in different styles.

Obviously, some of these nobles are Hittite nobles, and some are Amorite nobles.

After the Hittite Kingdom conquered the Yamhad Kingdom, not only did not eliminate the local nobles, but continued to let the Amorites occupy high positions.

Three middle-aged male priests stood in the center of the hall, arguing excitedly with the silver-haired girl on the throne.

"Princess Hartpurna! Since the Hittite Kingdom conquered the Amorites, our Amorite thunderstorm god should become the king of the gods in the Hittite Kingdom."

"We Amorites are a branch of the ancient Aryans who worshiped the god of thunder. Now the Hittite kingdom conquers the Amorites, and the Amorites are the Hittites. The king of gods worshiped by the Amorites is the king of gods worshiped by the Hittites .”

"Although we Amorites were conquered by the Hittites, the Amorite god of thunder is more powerful than the Hittite sun goddess. The Hittite kingdom should regard the god of thunder as the guardian god of the country."

Because the Hittite kingdom conquered the Amorites, the Amorites were also Hittites.

The Amorite worship of the god of thunder is equal to the worship of the god of thunder by the Hittites.

The Amorites enshrined the god of thunder as the king of the gods, which is equivalent to the Hittites enshrining the god of thunder as the king of the gods——

Hearing the fallacies and heresies of the three priests of the God of Thunder, Roy was completely shocked by their brazenness.

Although the Hittite Kingdom conquered the Amorites, the Amorites were indeed Hittites in the future.

The worship of the god of thunder by the Amorites can also be equal to the worship of the god of thunder by the Hittites.

But the Amorites were an ethnic group that was conquered by the Hittite Kingdom. How could the God of Thunder have the right to claim to be the king of the gods of the Hittite Kingdom.

However, the Mycenaeans, Amorites and other branches of the ancient Aryans, the most indispensable thing is the ancestral brazenness.

Even if they have fallen in real history, they still have to fabricate myths to blow the god of thunder into the king of gods.

"You should be glad that you are now conquered by the Hittite Kingdom. If the Athenian Empire conquered the northern part of Syria, I will definitely degrade you into lifelong slaves and let you personally tear down the Thunder God statue in the Thunder Temple."

Roy's voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

The Hittite envoy standing with Roy hurriedly introduced.

"Princess Hartpurna, the distinguished guest beside me is His Majesty the Emperor of the Athens Empire."

"What a surprise."

Hartpurna on the throne looked at Roy with beautiful ruby ​​eyes and said.

"You look more like a young prince than an emperor ruling millions of people."

After looking at Roy, Hartpurna said to the three priests of the God of Thunder in an unhappy tone.

"The priestesses of Istanus are not as annoying as you are. Get out of here quickly. The status of your god of thunder in the Hittite Kingdom is not determined by you conquered Amorites, but by us The Hittites decide."

After the three priests of the God of Thunder left unwillingly, Hartpurna looked at Roy again.

"Emperor Loi of the Athenian Empire——welcome to the Hittite Kingdom. Now I am Princess Hatepna of the Hittite Kingdom. On my left is General Hantili, and on my right is General Tilepin. They are all powerful princes of the Hittite Kingdom."

In this era, whether it was the Kingdom of Egypt, the Kingdom of Hittites, or the Kingdom of Babylon, they were unified into one kingdom in name, but in fact each city-state was essentially independent.

The symbol of the actual independence of the city-states of the Hittite Kingdom is that the princes of the city-states married to the royal family often usurped the throne of the orthodox royal family.

Han Tiri and Tielepin before Roy's eyes were the Hittite kings who usurped the throne in the history of another world.

In the history of another world, the younger sister of the current Hittite king, Mursiri, married Hantiri, a prince of one side.

After the Hittite kingdom conquered the Babylonian war, Hantiri killed Mursili and usurped the throne of his eldest brother.

Tielepin was also a Hittite king who usurped his brother-in-law's throne, but he should be a historical figure 50 years later.

Tiepin appeared in this world 50 years earlier - proving that the history of this world is not exactly the same as that of the other world.

The Hittite princess Hatepna has Han Tiri on the left and Tielepin on the right.

Just like Wang Mang standing on the left and Cao Cao standing on the right.

In the Hittite Kingdom, there will be so many brothers-in-law and brother-in-law usurping the throne of the younger brother-in-law, not only because the city-state princes of the Hittite Kingdom have great strength, but also because the Hittite Kingdom regards the Sun Goddess as the protector of the country and retains the princess's dignity. The succession to the throne is not lost to the tradition of the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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