I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 434 Sea King Yam was expelled from household registration

Chapter 434 Sea King Yam was expelled from household registration

While Roy was fighting Hammurabi, Hartpurna left her chariot and rode on Roy's steed in stirrups.

Sitting in the saddle and holding the rein in hand, Hartpurna immediately discovered the wonder of these harnesses.

With these harnesses to assist knights, war horses are no longer just war tools for pulling chariots, and can make knights the most mobile and powerful arm on the battlefield.

Riding Roy's war horse to Roy's cavalry, Hartpurna looked at the black iron guns in the hands of the cavalry and said in surprise.

"Your iron weapons—looks more mature than our Hittite kingdom's iron smelting technology. It's incredible. The horse gear and iron smelting technology of the Athenian Empire should be advanced technology hundreds of years ahead of the times. Why can you master it? These world-changing technologies?"

Ordinary soldiers naturally couldn't answer Hartpurna's question.

Not to mention these soldiers, even the artisans of the Athens Empire could not answer Hartpurna's question.

Because these technologies beyond the times were all invented by Roy alone.

Hartpurna turned her gaze back to the battlefield, just in time to see Hammurabi being besieged by Roy, Hantili, and Tilipin, and gradually falling into a disadvantage.

"The God of Heroes is indeed the God of Heroes!"

Hartpurna mocked with contemptuous eyes in her beautiful red eyes.

"It will be defeated by humans by numbers - this is exactly what our gods don't want to treat hero gods as the same kind."

The walls of the city of Telga.

King Hannah also saw that Hammurabi was at a disadvantage.

In order to defeat the enemy, King Hana could only pray to the sky once again.

"Great Neptune Yam—the elder brother of Haddad [Baal Zeus], ​​the king of the gods, I pray for your divine power to destroy the enemy."

Along with King Hana's prayer, a golden chariot drawn by four divine horses galloped from the western sky, and a male god in golden armor stood on the chariot.

Four divine horses landed on the battlefield with the golden chariot, and the ground shook for a while as if an earthquake had occurred.

While besieging Hammurabi with Han Tiri and Tilipin, Roy observed the god curiously.

Sea King Yam's golden chariot is as huge as a palace, and Sea King Yam on the chariot also has a huge figure of ten meters tall.

Seeing Neptune Yam's face, Roy immediately couldn't help complaining.

"What is Haddad, the king of the gods [Baal Zeus]'s elder brother Sea King Yam—it turned out that Zeus' elder brother Poseidon changed his name."

Hearing the name Poseidon, Neptune Yam looked at Roy and said.

"Poseidon—how dare you say the name Poseidon in front of my origin. Since you know me, you should know that Yam is my real name, and Poseidon is a name that came later."

"But the name Yam is too well-known."

Roy teased Yam.

"Not only do I know that you are the origin of Poseidon, Poseidon is just your clone. I also know that Zeus, Haddad, and Marduk are all the names of your younger brother, and Baal [Master] is the honorific title for your younger brother I also know that your brother has the names of Hades, Mote, and Nergal. But Yam [Poseidon], you and Mote [Hades] are just the clone and subordinate of Haddad [Zeus] Now you come here alone, it must be because you want to get rid of Haddad [Zeus], ​​you were expelled from your household registration by Haddad [Zeus]! So in the myth fabricated by the Kingdom of Babylon, Marduk [Zeus] is the king of the gods , Nergal [Hades] is the elder brother of Marduk, the king of the gods, and the king of the underworld, but Marduk, the king of the gods, does not have an elder brother named Yam, the king of the sea."

"Babylon is an inland area. It is normal for them not to feel the greatness of Sea King Yam."

Jam said proudly.

"The Kingdom of Yamhad established by the Amorites in the northern part of Syria is a coastal country. Do you know what Yamhad means? Yam is my name, and Hadd is the name of my younger brother Haddad [Zeus], But my name is ranked before the name of Haddad [Zeus]. Because the Kingdom of Yamhad is a coastal country, they need me, the sea king, as the guardian god of the Kingdom of Yamhad to protect them. My brother Haddad [ Marduk Zeus] became angry because I replaced him in the Kingdom of Yarmhad, and made my name not appear in Babylonian mythology."

The ancient Aryans, the ancestors of the Amorites, originally lived in the Great Plains of Eastern Europe.

As a nomadic people, the ancient Aryans did not need to live by the sea, so the ancient Aryans did not worship the sea god.

The main worship of the ancient Aryans was sun worship and thunder worship.

Around 2000 BC, the Amorites, who worshiped the god of thunder, ruled the northern part of Syria. Under the influence of the local Phoenician goddess, Astarte [Aphrodite], the god of navigation and protection, they let the thunder The god splits out Neptune Yam.

Hundreds of years later, Yam, the king of the sea, wants to turn against the guest and replace the god of thunder as the guardian god of the kingdom of Yamhad. Of course, the god of thunder will become angry.

But the Yamhad Kingdom is a coastal country, and the sea god's importance is obviously more important than the thunder god.

The God of Thunder could not prevent the rise of Yam [Poseidon], so he could only expel Yam [Poseidon] from the Babylonian area, leaving Marduk [Zeus] with only one older brother—Nergal, the king of the underworld. Hades].

"His Majesty, please help me!"

Seeing that Yam [Poseidon] didn't seem to have the intention to take the initiative, Hammurabi suddenly shouted.

"Without your help, I will soon lose to these humans."

"Aren't you a human being yourself? Don't you really think that you are the same as our gods now?"

Although he was speaking mockingly about Hammurabi, Yam summoned a golden trident with his right hand and released a burst of divine power at Hammurabi.

Unlike Hammurabi who is a hero god.

The hero god Hammurabi can directly intervene in human wars, but Yam, a god, cannot directly intervene in human wars.

With the blessing of Yam's divine power, Hammurabi's divine power soared immediately, and he was full of confidence in defeating Roy, Hantili, and Tielepin.

At this moment, Hartpurna's voice suddenly teased.

"Yam, do you really dare to appear in front of me, have you forgotten the shame of being chased by me like a lost dog?"

Hearing these humiliating words, Yam's gaze immediately locked on Hatpurna.

Staring at Hartpurna who was hiding her whole body with full body armor and a helmet, the angry expression on Yam's face quickly turned into a fearful expression.

"You—really you!"

Not only the voice was trembling, but even the body of Neptune Yam [Poseidon] also began to tremble.

Under Roy's suspicious gaze, Hartpurna brandished an iron gun with her right hand, and rode Roy's war horse towards Sea King Yam.



After Roy's horse ran for a while, a pair of white wings appeared on the horse's back.

Then the war horse soared into the sky, and rushed towards Haiwang Yam with amazing speed.

what the hell? ? ?

Seeing that his war horse turned into a winged god horse, Roy's heart was immediately filled with question marks.


What made Roy even more concerned was that the Hittite princess Hartpurna actually wanted to challenge the protector of the kingdom of Yamhad and the king of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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