I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 438 The Goddess of Wealth of the Scorpio Constellation

Chapter 438 The Goddess of Wealth of the Scorpio Constellation

City of Telga.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Hana, this is a city with a population of about [-].

After the soldiers of the Athenian Empire entered the city, they began to arrest the royal family and nobles in the city.

Not only in the city, but even small nobles in small and small villages and towns outside the city will be arrested by the soldiers of the Athenian Empire.

Roy entered the city with Selene, Han Tiri, and Tiepin, and saw that the Athenian soldiers had really captured all the royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Hana. Selene asked curiously.

"You arrested all the royal family and nobles here, how can you rule this city?"

"It is precisely because I have captured all these royal families and nobles and given them to you as slaves that I can truly rule this city."

Roy explained with a smile.

"If I want to use the local royal family and nobles to rule the city of Telga, I must retain their privileges and wealth as nobles. When my rule does not satisfy them, they can always use huge wealth to arm soldiers against me. This In this case, the city of Telga is only ruled by me in name, but in fact this city does not belong to me at all. In the history of Mesopotamia, the Kingdom of Akkad, the Third Dynasty of Ur [Ur The Ke Dynasty] and the Kingdom of Babylon could only dominate for a short time, because they only ruled the city-states in name, and once the city-states ruled by the king weakened, the city-states would break away from the king’s control.”

"Without the local royal family and nobles to help you manage the common people, can you still establish a stable rule?"


Roy said confidently.

"As the ruled class, it can be said that the common people have nothing. I just need to give each commoner family [-] acres of land and exempt all kinds of taxes and corvees, so that they can thank Dade for supporting my rule. The common people don't like to be ruled by me. The fools exploited by the royal family and nobles, they will not want to go back to the bitter days of being exploited and squeezed just because I am a foreign ruler."

After speaking, Roy looked at Selene with complicated eyes.

The rule of the Hittite Kingdom was to retain the original royal family and nobles in the conquered city-states and make them princes of each city-state.

When the Hittite Kingdom was strong, there was no need to worry about the loyalty of the city-state princes.

Once the Hittite Kingdom fell into weakness, these city-state princes would break away from the Hittite Kingdom, causing the huge Hittite Kingdom to fall apart.

In the history of another world, after the son-in-law of the Hittite king Hantili usurped the throne of his brother-in-law, the Hittite kingdom fell into civil strife, and the Amorites immediately rebuilt the Yamhad kingdom in the northern part of Syria, and Kizuvatna in the southeastern part of the Asia Minor peninsula The region also broke away from the rule of the Hittite kingdom.

With these lessons learned from the past, Roy must firmly learn from the First Emperor Yingzheng, transform the conquered areas, and achieve the effect of the same track and the same text.

After listening to Roy's words, Selene asked Han Tiri and Tielepin.

"King Hantili! Prince Tielepin! What do you think of the policy of the Athenian Empire to eliminate the local royal families and nobles?"

Han Tiri and Tielepin looked at each other, then they shook their heads and said.

"This policy is bound to fail, and I don't think the Hittite kingdom should have pursued such a policy."

"Even if the Athenian Empire can get away with it, it doesn't mean that this policy is suitable for the Hittite Kingdom. After all, the situation of the Hittite Kingdom is different from that of the Athenian Empire."

As the city-state princes of the Hittite Kingdom, Han Tili and Tielepin themselves were the beneficiaries of the Hittite Kingdom’s retention of local royal families and nobles.

If the Hittite Kingdom eliminated the local royal families and nobles, their families would also lose their status, power and wealth as city-state princes.

Therefore, from the standpoint of the city-state princes, Han Tili and Tielepin would of course oppose the policies of the Athenian Empire.

The Athens Empire wants to completely transform the city of Telga. Of course, not only will all the local royals and nobles be reduced to slaves and given to the Hittite Kingdom as spoils of war, but also the local gods will be eliminated, and the gods of the Athens Empire will replace Amori. God of Thunder Marduk [Zeus], ​​Neptune Yam [Poseidon], Pluto Nergal [Hades] and other gods.

Roy personally led the Athenian soldiers into the Temple of Marduk, the Temple of Yam, the Temple of Nergal, the Temple of Hammurabi and other temples, and destroyed the statues enshrined in these temples.

When Roy led the soldiers to a small temple, a petite beautiful girl priest blocked the entrance of the temple and pushed all Roy's soldiers to the ground.

Seeing that this beautiful girl priest possesses the power of a demigod hero, and her temple is dedicated to a goddess, Roy walked up to her and asked.

"Which god is your temple dedicated to? Our Athenian empire only rejects male gods and married goddesses, and will not reject unmarried goddesses to join the ranks of the gods of Athens."

Hearing Roy's words, the beautiful girl priest first breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied.

"This temple is dedicated to the goddess of wealth, Lalere. She is an unmarried goddess. Please don't destroy my temple."

"Lalere, Goddess of Wealth?"

As the most advanced area of ​​civilization, the Mesopotamia began to have a commercial economy 1000 years ago.

However, the chaotic state of continuous wars in various city-states also made the commercial economy unsafe.

Looking at the Temple of Wealth, which has only one priestess and the temple is so small, Roy couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that this goddess Lale is neither regarded as the patron saint of the city-state, nor does she have many believers."

The beautiful girl priest said with a bitter face.

"I have worked hard to spread the faith, telling people that doing business can get wealth, but they would rather plunder wealth under the protection of the God of War. If this situation continues, the Goddess of Wealth will change to a new priesthood."

"Isn't this goddess Lalere originally the goddess of wealth?"

"I—Laleer was originally a Scorpio goddess born from star worship."

In Mesopotamia, the primitive worship of the Sumerians was star worship.

Utu, the sun god, Nanna, the moon god, and Inanna, the goddess of Venus, are the famous triad of stars.

Although the Sumerians worshiped the stars, they ascended to the throne of patron saints, and even became the king of the gods with the city-states they guarded to dominate the Mesopotamia, and there were only the three gods of the stars.

"Whether it is the goddess of Scorpio or the goddess of wealth, in this era, they are tasteless priesthoods that will be eliminated by the times! But you are very lucky to meet me. After the Mesopotamia Plain is included in the territory of the Athens Empire, this area will The prosperity and development of the commercial economy will be ushered in because of stability and peace, and human beings will also worship the goddess Lalere you serve because of the pursuit of wealth."

"If what you said can be realized, I, Goddess Lalell, will definitely bless you and make you the person with the most wealth in the world."

After speaking, the priestess made an appearance of devout prayer.

Roy rolled his eyes and said.

"I don't need your goddess Lalere to bless me! As the emperor of the Athens Empire, I will use my hands to obtain the wealth I want, and my wealth will not be a gift from any god."

Just as Roy was about to leave the Temple of Wealth, Roy suddenly looked at the priestess suspiciously and said.

"Your goddess Lalere is so weak that she has few followers, but you have the power of a demigod hero. Are you the goddess of wealth, Lalere?"

The priestess smiled awkwardly immediately.

"How can the great goddess Lalere be so pitiful that she can only spread faith to herself!"

(End of this chapter)

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