I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 443 Aphrodite Is Too Greedy

Chapter 443 Aphrodite Is Too Greedy

With the blessings and divine power bestowed by the ten goddesses of the Athens Empire, Roy's strength has been raised to the limit of a demigod hero.

Puta, Ra, Amon, Atum, and Hentiheti are demigod heroes disguised as humans. No matter how strong they are, they can only be at the same level as Roy.

In the case of one against five, although Roy could not defeat them, he could still dodge their attacks.

So under the siege of the five gods, Roy successfully supported until the goddess of the Athens Empire came.

Aphrodite descended from the sky to Roy with a gigantic figure of a thousand meters tall. The five gods who were besieging Roy were immediately shocked and stopped attacking Roy at the same time.

"I am coming!"

Aphrodite looked down at Roy and the five gods, and said with a sly smile.

"It seems that you are in a lot of trouble, and you need my help very much now."

Hearing Aphrodite's tone, Roy couldn't help but rolled his eyes and complained.

"Are you looking at the rich land in the Mesopotamia?"

Mesopotamia - how rich is the Mesopotamian plain?

Just in the Babylonian region in the middle reaches of the Mesopotamia and the Sumerian region in the lower reaches of the Mesopotamia, there are more than 11 square kilometers of arable land, equivalent to 5000 million mu of arable land.

In addition to fertile and rich arable land, Mesopotamia is also rich in oil and natural gas resources, accounting for one-tenth of the world's proven oil reserves, and natural gas reserves accounting for the world's total proven reserves. About 100% of the reserves, the phosphate reserves are about [-] billion tons.

The Syrian region in the upper reaches of the Mesopotamia also has agricultural land covering an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers.

Syria is rich in mineral resources, mainly petroleum, phosphate, natural gas, rock salt, asphalt, apatite, copper, iron, etc.

Seeing through her thoughts, Aphrodite said with a bright smile.

"Don't you want to marry me? Give me Mesopotamia as a wedding present, and I will marry you now."

"Shameless goddess!"

Hearing Aphrodite's words, Amon suddenly reprimanded.

"You are willing to become the wife of a human being, you are really a shame to our gods."

"Oh—are you saying that the grapes are sour when you can't eat them?"

Aphrodite said without showing any weakness.

"If you are also goddesses, Luo Yi gave you the rich Mesopotamian plain as a wedding gift, can you refuse?"

Not only Amon, but Puta, Ra, Atum, and Henti Heti also fell silent.

Because they can't say no.

The Mesopotamian Plain not only covers an area of ​​more than 70 square kilometers, but is also fertile and rich.

Become the king of the gods of Mesopotamia and become one of the most powerful gods in the world.

"You want me to give you the entire plain of Mesopotamia?"

Roy rolled his eyes at Aphrodite and said.

"Even if I don't marry you, it's impossible for me to turn you into a queen riding on my head."

Roy already felt that it was very inappropriate for Persephone to have a territory of 20 square kilometers in the affluent Apennine Peninsula, worrying that Persephone might be too powerful.

In order to use Persephone's physical body to become a god, Roy pretended not to see the threat of Persephone being too powerful.

Aphrodite dared to ask for the entire Mesopotamian plain——

"If you are not satisfied, we can discuss it!"

Aphrodite began to bargain.

"You can't give me the entire Mesopotamian Plain, but you can give me half of the Mesopotamian Plain! You are still not satisfied? Then give me a third! Could it be You are so cruel, you are only willing to give me four points—"

Roy interrupted her.

"What I give you belongs to you. You can't snatch what I don't give you. Hurry up and help me deal with them, and the benefits that should be given to you will definitely be given to you."

"Then the benefit you give me cannot be less than a quarter of the Mesopotamian Plain."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Roy to agree, Aphrodite summoned a golden bow, and then condensed her divine power into arrows and shot at the five gods.

As soon as Aphrodite's arrow left the bowstring, it split into five and shot at Amon, Ra, Atum, Pta, and Hentiheti.

The five gods turned into gods with a height of [-] meters to block Aphrodite's arrow attack, and then Amon said to the four gods.

"We are not her opponents, let this human go today."

After finishing speaking, Amon flew to the Amori Peninsula in the south with super fast speed.

After La, Atum, Puta, and Henti Heti also escaped with super speed, Roy immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Selene was at a disadvantage under the siege of Marduk, Nergal, Naboo, Utu, Zababa, Ulash, and Ninurta, Roy urged Aphrodite.

"Goddess Aphrodite! Now the Athenian Empire is in an alliance with the Hittite Kingdom. As an ally of Goddess Selene, you should take the initiative to help her."

"I can help her, but the benefits I deserve must be given to me."

"You—you really deserve to be the patron saint of Phoenician merchants. I will give you all the benefits that should be given to you."

After hearing Roy's answer, Aphrodite ran over to help Selene.

At this time, the Hittite Kingdom had a vast territory and a population of about 200 million.

There were only eight city-states left in the Kingdom of Babylon, with a population of about 30.

There is no doubt that the strength of the Hittite Kingdom was more than seven times that of the Babylonian Kingdom.

If Alina, the protector of the Hittite kingdom and queen of the gods, descends in person, even if Marduk, Nergal, Naboo, Utu, Zababa, Ulash, and Ninurta join forces, they will not be able to defeat the sun. Queen Alina.

Although the Moon Goddess Selene is the younger sister of the Sun Queen Alina and has authority second only to Alina in the Hittite Kingdom, she is not the Sun Queen Alina after all.

Under the siege of the seven city-state patron saints of the Babylonian Kingdom, Selene fell into a disadvantage in the battle and became more and more embarrassed.

After Aphrodite intervened in the battle, she stood behind Selene and said.

"Dear Selene, I'm here to help you."


Selene refused without hesitation.

"To deal with these guys, the Hittite Kingdom does not need the help of your Athens Empire."

"But you look like you're about to lose. It's not shameful to lose one against seven!"

"Even if I need help, I don't need your help."

After finishing speaking, Selene took the initiative to back away from Marduk and the others, and then said angrily.

"Yam! Haddad! Istanus! I order you to help me."

The Hittite Kingdom conquered the Yamhad Kingdom in the northern part of Syria, but did not take the local Sea King Yam [Poseidon], Thunder and Storm God Haddad [Marduk Zeus], ​​Sun Goddess and Earth Goddess Ishtar Nus [Aphrodite] expelled them, but let them join the ranks of the Hittite gods.

Accompanied by Selene's call, Haddad [Zeus], ​​who is almost exactly the same as Marduk, Istanus, who is very similar to Aphrodite, and Sea King Yam [Poseidon], with a height of [-] meters The huge figure descended behind Selene.

(End of this chapter)

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