Chapter 453

As early as the Paleolithic Age 10 years ago, humans lived in the western part of the Persian Plateau.

In 700 BC, the Elamites who lived in the Karun River Valley in the southwest of the Persian Plateau established the Elamite Kingdom.

The Kasit people, one of the many forces in the Mesopotamia, are from the middle of the Zagros Mountains in the west of the Persian Plateau.

Because of the impact of the Aryans' invasion of the Persian Plateau from Central Asia, the Kassites were forced to migrate from the Persian Plateau to the north of the Karun River Basin.

The Kassite civilization is very backward.

Among the forces in the Mesopotamia, the only one without a large city-state is the Kasit people.

However, after hundreds of years of development, the Kasit people absorbed the advanced civilization of the Mesopotamia, and already possessed the military strength of the Bronze Age.

In the history of another world, after the decline of the Babylonian kingdom, it was the Kassites who once again conquered the Babylonian region and the Sumerian region, and confronted the Mitanni and Assyrian kingdoms for hundreds of years.

Tutubo City.

This city-state belonging to the Kingdom of Babylon was being besieged by an army of [-] Kassites at this time.

Roy rushed to the outside of Tutubo City with [-] cavalry, and saw [-] cavalry and [-] infantry from the Kassites encircling Tutubo City from the north and south, as if they wanted Tutubo City to take the initiative surrender.

Seeing Roy's army, the Kasitites did not take the initiative to attack, but sent envoys to negotiate with Roy.

The Kasit people were originally the most backward force in the Mesopotamia civilization.

In the history of another world, they not only dominated the Mesopotamia, but also established a stable rule for hundreds of years-this is definitely not accidental.

Because in the past history, both the Sumerians and the Amorites could only establish short-lived hegemony.

Hammurabi, the greatest king of the Babylonian Kingdom, only lasted 20 years of hegemony, not even one-tenth of the hegemony of the Kasit Kingdom for hundreds of years.

The envoy Jiaxi came to Roy on horseback, bowed his head very respectfully and said.

"Great leader, I send my greetings to you on behalf of Kasit King Agum. Are you the army of the Hittite Kingdom, coming to conquer the city of Tutubo in the Kingdom of Babylon?"

In the Warring States Period in the far east, there was a diplomatic strategy called far friendship and close attack.

The diplomatic strategy pursued by the Kasitites is to make friends from afar and attack close to them.

The Kingdom of Elam, the Kingdom of Babylon, the Kingdom of Haiti, the Kingdom of Assyria, and the Kingdom of Mitanni bordering on the territory of the Kassites are all forces that have long been hostile to the Kassites.

The Hittite Kingdom and the Kingdom of Egypt, which are very far away from the Kassites, are all the targets of the Kassites' alliance and friendship.

"I am Loi, Emperor of the Athenian Empire."

Roy looked at the special envoy Jiaxi expressionlessly and said.

"The Athenian Empire will conquer Mesopotamia, so the Athenian Empire has a hostile relationship with you Kassites. We don't need to waste our words. You can tell King Agum of Kassites now and let him lead the army to fight with me. "

After listening to Luo Yi's words, the envoy Jiaxi didn't say anything more, and turned his horse's head and left.

Kashit King Agum is a young man about 30 years old.

The envoy returned to Agum and told Agum what Roy had said, and Agum immediately prepared his five thousand cavalry to fight.

As a backward force with occluded information, Agum knew that the Hittite Kingdom was the strongest force in West Asia.

But the Athenian Empire—

Agum hadn't even heard of it.

Although he knew that the Athenian army and the Hittite army wiped out the Babylonian Kingdom together, Agum only regarded the Athens Empire as a vassal of the Hittite Kingdom.

Agum's [-] Kasit cavalry were assembled, and Roy took the initiative to attack with [-] cavalry.

After the two cavalry armies collided, a one-sided massacre began.

Although the Kasit cavalry fought bravely and did not fear death, their weapons were only backward bronze spears, their armor was backward cloth armor, and their war horses did not have stirrups, makai, saddles and other harnesses.

Roy's cavalry used sharp iron spears as weapons, and wore solid iron armor and horses to protect the knights and horses, as well as horses such as stirrups and saddles to assist the knights.

With such a huge equipment gap, this war is an unsuspecting dimensionality reduction blow.

After the first round of confrontation between the two cavalry armies, more than 1000 of the 2000 Kasit cavalry were killed and more than [-] were injured.

When Roy was about to launch the second round of attack, Kasit King Agum suddenly threw away his weapon and raised his hands and shouted.

"Surrender - we are willing to surrender! Please don't hurt us any more, we are willing to surrender to the great Athenian Empire."

Unexpectedly, Kasit King Agum would surrender so simply. After Roy ordered the Athens soldiers to stand by, he rode to Agum and asked.

"Are you really going to surrender?"


Agum said without hesitation.

"Although we are more numerous, you have more advanced weapons, so we are willing to surrender."

"After you surrender to the Athenian Empire, whether it is you, King Kassite, or the nobles of the Kassite people, they will lose their status and power as nobles-do you still want to surrender?"

In this era, after the royal family and nobles surrendered, the royal family usually obtained the status of nobility, the great nobles obtained the status of minor nobles, and the minor nobles could retain their property.

The princes of the city-state surrendered voluntarily and were even able to retain the right to rule.

This is why an overlord like Alexander was able to conquer a huge territory in a short period of time-most of the cities he conquered voluntarily surrendered in exchange for Alexander retaining their right to rule.

So when Alexander died, the empire he built fell apart.

If every city conquered by Alexander resisted tenaciously for seven months like Tire, even if Alexander defeated the Macedonian Kingdom, it would be impossible to establish the Alexander Empire.

After hearing Roy's words, Agum's eyes widened immediately.

Obviously, Agum just wanted to become a vassal of the Athenian Empire.

The Kassites were nominally subjects of the Athenian Empire, but in fact they were still ruled by Agum himself.

Seeing Agum's reaction, Roy joked.

"Since you don't want to give up the power of King Kasit, let's continue this war!"

Agum gritted his teeth and said.

"I am willing to give up the status of King Kasit."

Roy said with a surprised expression.

"The Kassites join the Athenian Empire, and I will use the policies of the Athenian Empire to transform you. In the future, the Kassites must abide by the laws of the Athenian Empire and respect the gods arranged by the Athenian Empire."

Agum said with a sigh of relief.

"This is a good thing we could not have wished for. Our Kassite civilization is backward, so for hundreds of years, we have absorbed the culture of the Elamites, Sumerians and Amorites, and worshiped their gods, hoping that their The gods make us Kassite stronger."

In the history of another world, the Kasit people did fully accept the inherent culture, gods and language of the Mesopotamia.

King Kasit not only redeemed the stolen statue of Marduk from the Hittite Kingdom, but also rebuilt and decorated the temples of Nippur, Lagash, Ur, and Uruk.

"Agum! Since you are willing to accept my request, then I have no reason to refuse your surrender."

(End of this chapter)

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