I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 456 The Hero God Gilgamesh

Chapter 456 The Hero God Gilgamesh
Before 3000 BC, the ancient Aryans migrated to Mesopotamia.

In this era, there was a catastrophe called the Great Flood by the Sumerians.

The catastrophe called the Great Flood, perhaps a real flood of the Euphrates or the Tigris, or perhaps an ancient Aryan invasion, is called a flood-like catastrophe.

After the great flood, the city of Kish, guarded by Zababa, the god of war, became the hegemonic city-state in Sumer.

Archaeological evidence from another world shows that the king of Kish once mediated the border dispute between Wenma and Lagash, and also led the Sumerian city-states to organize coalition forces to fight against the Kingdom of Elam.

The last overlord of the Kingdom of Kish was King Aga of Kish, who was of the same age as Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk.

In 2650 BC, King Gilgamesh of Uruk seized hegemony by defeating King Aga of Kish, making Uruk the hegemonic city-state in the Sumerian region.

Now, 1000 years later, Loi came to Uruk with an army of [-], preparing to conquer the greatest city in the history of the Sumerians.

140 years ago.

In order to suppress the rebellion of Larsa, Uruk, and Ur, the Kingdom of Babylon tore down the walls of these three cities.

Under the rule of the Kingdom of Haiti, the city of Uruk had new walls built.

Outside Uruk.

Loy observed the new city wall of Uruk and found that it was a city wall with an average height of more than five meters.

Legend has it that during the reign of Gilgamesh, the city of Uruk built a nine-meter-high city wall.

In other words, the current city walls of Uruk have not reached the level of 1000 years ago.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is called a tyrant because he forced the Uruk people to build this tall city wall.

Later, Gilgamesh relied on the tall and strong city wall to defeat King Aga of Kish, proving that building the city wall was the right decision.

Just when Roy was about to attack the north gate of Uruk, the north gate of Uruk suddenly opened.

It's a pity that what came out of it was not the envoy who surrendered, but Uruk soldiers in full armor.

One thousand... two thousand... four thousand... six thousand...

Under Roy's surprised eyes, tens of thousands of troops rushed out of Uruk to confront Roy.

The population of Uruk is only over 5, so under normal circumstances, the strength of Uruk is only about [-].

Now there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Uruk, obviously because of reinforcements from Larsa and Ur.

"You are the emperor of the Athenians?"

Accompanied by the voice of questioning Roy, a Uruk man who was out of place on the battlefield walked to the front of the Uruk defenders.

He has a youthful face in his mid-20s, with a teenager's beardless cheeks.

Although he is on the battlefield, he is wearing a gorgeous cotton robe and black strappy sandals made of leather, which looks like he is on a picnic.

Seeing this Uruk man with black hair and a handsome face, Roy's eyes widened instantly.

Because from a distance of hundreds of meters, Roy could also see that this Uruk man was not an ordinary human being.

"Are all human beings in this era as rude as you?"

Seeing that Roy didn't respond to him, the Uruk man complained dissatisfied.

"Before observing what kind of opponent I am, you should answer my greeting. Am I mistaken, and you are not the emperor of the Athenians?"

Feeling that the Uruk man was staring at him, Roy said immediately.

"I am Emperor Loy of the Athens Empire, and you are the governor of Uruk in the Kingdom of Haiti?"

"Governor? How could this status be worthy of me? My name is Gilgamesh, and I am the city of Uruk—correct me, I am the only king of all the Sumerians."


Gilgamesh! ! !

Hearing the Uruk man's name, Roy immediately widened his eyes in shock.

Although he has long seen that this Uruk man is not an ordinary human being, Roy never thought that his identity would be the king of Uruk who was deified 1000 years ago.

Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, was a real great king in the history of the Sumerians.

After Gilgamesh's death, he was deified as the son of a goddess and a human being, a demigod whose body was two-thirds god and one-third human.

Gilgamesh possessed the wisdom of gods and humans, but not the immortality of gods.

Now is the era 1000 years after the death of Gilgamesh.

1000 years is enough time for Gilgamesh to become a hero god after his death.


Looking at the protagonist in the [Epic of Gilgamesh], Roy said while suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"I didn't expect that not only the Amorite hero god Hammurabi would come as my enemy, but even the Sumerian hero god Gilgamesh would be my opponent. King of Uruk, your time is over In 1000 years, now belongs to the era of the king of Athens. I am different from King Aga of Kish who lost to you, I will conquer the city of Uruk that you guarded."

"It's really enviable!"

Not only was Gilgamesh not angry, but he said with a bright smile.

"This is the difference between a person who lives in the present and a person who has passed away for a thousand years. If possible, I really want to exchange identities with you."

"Are you envious of me?"

Roy said suspiciously.

"I take a hero god like you as my goal, and I long to obtain eternal life and the throne of a hero god like you, but you envy human beings with short lives?"

"You aspire to be a hero god like me?"

Gilgamesh looked at Roy with pity and said.

"When you truly become a hero god, you will definitely regret it. Although I have obtained eternal life as a hero god, for a thousand years, I have been like a sculpture on the hero god seat, with no freedom of action at all. After truly becoming a hero god , I realized that hero gods are completely different from real gods. Gods are only restricted by the rules of gods and cannot interfere with humans. Hero gods are undead who have lost their bodies and have no body to support their actions. I can be like this Appearing in front of you is still because Inanna—my main god wants me to protect the city of Uruk."

Undead who lost their bodies—

Hearing Gilgamesh's evaluation of himself, Roy said with a smile.

"Although I want to be a hero god, I don't intend to give up my body. I want to become a hero god with a body. For this reason, I want to build an unprecedented huge empire. The Mesopotamian plain is what I must conquer one of the goals."

"A hero god with a body?"

Gilgamesh said with a surprised expression.

"You are such an interesting guy, you actually want to be a hero god with a body, don't you want to be a real god?"

"If I can only become an immortal soul, I would rather give up eternal life. The eternal life I pursue is the eternal life with freedom."


After hearing Roy's words, Gilgamesh couldn't help laughing.

"I've decided! Come and have a one-on-one duel with me! Behind me are [-] soldiers from Uruk, [-] soldiers from Larsa, and [-] soldiers from Ur. As long as If you can defeat me, you can get Uruk, Larsa, Ur, and the soldiers behind me."

(End of this chapter)

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