I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 477 The traitorous princess who betrayed the whole family

Chapter 477 The traitorous princess who betrayed the whole family

After Hantili loses to Loy, the Kizuvatna area will be separated from the Hittite Kingdom——

This is what Roy expected.

Not only the Kizuvatna region, but even the city-state princes of the Hittite Kingdom will no longer regard the usurper of the throne as the king.

Roy's next step was to choose between conquering the Kizuwatna region and conquering the Hittite kingdom.

The population of the Kizuwatna area is around 40 people.

The population of the Hittite Kingdom was around 160 million.

Judging from the superficial figures, it is easier to conquer the Cilicians in the Kizuvatna area.

But in fact, it was easier to conquer the 160 million people of the Hittite kingdom.

Because there is no other ethnic group oppressing the Cilicians in the Kizuvatna area, and there is no situation in which the Cilicians oppress other ethnic groups.

But in the core area of ​​the Hittite Kingdom, there are more than 120 million Hittites who are enslaved and exploited by more than 30 Hittites.

Roy targeted the Kizuvatna region, where the 40 Cilicians would unite against foreign invaders.

Loy took the Hittite Kingdom as his goal, he could save the Hittites, and used more than 120 million Hittites to conquer the Hittites, who only had more than 30 people.

Controlling the 160 million population of the Hittites and the Hittites, Loy can bring the entire Asia Minor peninsula into the territory of the Athens Empire.

Governor's Palace in Samal.

After the messenger from Adana City explained his purpose, Roy said with a displeased expression.

"When my father-in-law Mursiri was alive, the Kizuvatna region was also part of the Hittite Kingdom. As Hartpurna's husband, I inherited the Hittite throne, and I also want to inherit all the territory of the Hittite Kingdom, so I You Cilicians are not allowed to leave the Hittite kingdom."

Seeing that the Adana envoy frowned, Roy continued.

"I will not punish you for the expulsion of the Hittites by the Cilicians, because I also think it is unreasonable for the Hittites to rule the Cilicians."

"Would you like us to be self-governing?"

The Adana messenger said tentatively.

"If you are willing to respect us Cilicians, let us have autonomy in the Kizuvatna area - we can stay in the Hittite kingdom and support you to inherit the Hittite throne."


Roy nodded.

"I consent to the self-government of you Cilicians."

After the Adana envoy left contentedly, Hartpurna immediately said to Roy.

"Do you really want the Cilicians to submit to the Hittite Kingdom in name, but actually remain independent?"

Roy explained with a smile.

"I agree to allow the Cilicians to be autonomous in exchange for their nominal surrender, because we don't have enough strength to conquer the Kizuwatna area for the time being. When we conquer the core area of ​​the Hittite Kingdom, we will be able to conquer the Kizuwatna area. Carry out the policies of the Athenian Empire."

1599 BC.


A batch of weapons and armor transferred from Egypt came to Samar City.

After Roy armed [-] Iron Lancers and [-] Iron Lancers with these armors, he and Hartpurna immediately entered the Kizuwatna area with an army of [-] from the Oman Pass.

Of course, Roy's goal is not to conquer the Kizuwatna region, but to go through the Kizuwatna region to the core area of ​​the Hittite Kingdom.

As Roy's army entered the plain of Cilicia, the city of Adana immediately sent envoys to inquire about Roy's purpose.

After Roy explained to the envoy, Adana and Tulsa, the two major city-states of the Cilicians, remained on guard and obviously did not believe Roy.

Nor did they take the initiative to attack Roy.

Because the policies implemented by Roy in the Phoenician area and Syria proved that Roy was more credible than the Hittites.

Even if the Kizuwatna area is really controlled by Roy, only the interests of the nobles will be harmed.

early February.

The army led by Loy and Hatpurna came to the city of Hupisna in the snowstorm.

Governor Khupisna did not choose to fight desperately for Han Tiri.

Because even if the governor of Kupishna was stupid enough to fight against Loi for the throne of Hantili, the local Hittite soldiers were not willing to die in the internal struggle of the Hittites.

For the Hittites who were enslaved by the Hittites, they didn't care who the Hittite king was.

Could changing a Hittite king make the Hittite people no longer be enslaved and oppressed?
Then Roy used facts to prove to them that changing to a Hittite king could really make the Hittites live a better life.

After taking over the city of Hupisna, Roy directly implemented the policy of the Athenian Empire, abolishing the privileges enjoyed by the Hittites and making the Hittites equal to the Hittites.

When Roy redistributed the fields, the Hattites rejoiced and became enthusiastic supporters of Roy's and Hatepna's struggle for the throne.

The Hittites, on the other hand, ran out of the governor's mansion crying as if they were mourning their wives, angrily denouncing Hartpurna as a traitorous princess.

After the Hittites conquered the Hittites, they appropriated the fields of the Hittites for themselves.

Even if the Hittites do nothing, they can still enjoy the life of big landlords with no worries about food and clothing. The Hittites can only support the Hittites as tenant farmers.

Now Roy returns the land of the Hittites to the Hittites. The Hittites cannot parasitize the Hittites like blood-sucking insects. It is not surprising even if they want to kill Roy and Hatepna.

Inside the Governor's Palace.

Listening to the abuse coming from outside, Hartpurna showed a sad expression on her face.

After all, the Hittites who called her a traitor and a traitorous princess were all her people.

Roy hugged Hartpurna in his arms and comforted her.

"Hatpurna, we did nothing wrong. Hittites enslaving Hattites, this kind of thing is wrong. We are not only the king and queen of the Hittites, but also the king and queen of the Hittites. Hittites The kingdom belongs to the Hittites and the Hittites in common. The Hittites and the Hittites are both our people. We must treat them equally. If the Hittite Kingdom belongs to the Hittites only, we are only the king and the Hittites. Queen, the Hittite Kingdom is a sinful country doomed to perish."

Hartpurna said in tears while lying in Roy's arms.

"In order to avenge my father and my family, I have betrayed all my clansmen. You must not let me down."

"With the support of the Hattites, there is no way we can lose."

After allocating fields in Hupisna, Roy began recruiting soldiers, and all Hatti men enthusiastically came to sign up.

After all, the Hittites were not stupid. They knew that only by letting Roy conquer the entire Hittite kingdom would they not lose the fields that Roy allocated to them.

If the Loi were driven away by the Hittites, the Hittites would not only lose the fields allocated to them by the Loi, but also become slaves again and be exploited by the Hittites.

The Hittites enthusiastically signed up to become Roy's soldiers, not to help Roy fight for the throne, but to keep their own fields, so that they and their families would no longer be slaves of the Hittites.

In just one day, Roy recruited [-] Hatti soldiers.

These Hatti people not only have high morale, but also have little possibility of betrayal.

After reorganizing the Hattite soldiers with his own 1-strong army, Roy left [-] soldiers to stay in Hupisna City, and then went to Tuvanua City with Hartpurna and [-] troops.

(End of this chapter)

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