I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 513 I Am a Burning Flame

Chapter 513 I Am a Burning Flame

On the southern Russian prairie before 3000 BC, the ancient Aryans who worshiped the god of thunder began to migrate to the south, and finally entered the Asia Minor Peninsula, the Armenian Plateau and the Mesopotamian Plain.

But before the ancient Aryans entered the Asia Minor Peninsula and the Armenian Plateau, they needed to pass through the Greater Caucasus Mountains and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, and the Caucasus region between the two mountains.

The Caucasus region is located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, covering an area of ​​about 15 square kilometers.

It is rich in natural resources such as manganese ore, iron, molybdenum, copper, gold, natural gas, petroleum, fuller's earth, chalcedony, diatomaceous earth, agate, refractory materials and clay for concrete, cement raw materials, lead, zinc, construction resources such as stone.

In the Colkas region in the western part of the Caucasus region, the Rioni River irrigates fertile plains, giving it about [-] square kilometers of agricultural land.

The Azerbaijan region in the eastern part of the Caucasus region has the Shirvan Plain and the Mugan Plain irrigated by the Kura River. The agricultural land here exceeds [-] square kilometers.

In other words, the entire Caucasus region has more than [-] square kilometers of agricultural land.

In the Paleolithic Age 4 years ago, people lived in the Caucasus region.

When the ancient Aryans traveled south through the Caucasus region, there lived groups that worshiped the goddess of the earth, forming an early farming civilization.

After the ancient Aryans who worshiped the sun god expelled the ancient Aryans who worshiped the god of thunder, they became the new masters of the southern Russian prairie—the neighbors of the Caucasus region. Under the influence of their northern neighbors, the Caucasus region began to worship the goddess of the sun and the goddess of the moon .

Now, 500 years later, there are three major ethnic groups living in the Caucasus region - the ethnic group that worships the goddess of the earth, Samzmary, the ethnic group that worships the sun goddess Mzekali, and the ethnic group that worships the god of thunder, Kopala.

Around 2000 BC, the Hittites, who worshiped the sun goddess, entered the peninsula of Asia Minor from this area where the sun goddess Mzekali was worshiped.

Therefore, Alina, the sun goddess of the Hittite Kingdom, did not become the sun goddess after she came to the Asia Minor peninsula and was influenced by the earth goddess worshiped by the Hattites. Alina was the sun goddess from the beginning.

In addition to the three main ethnic groups, there are also groups in the Caucasus who worship the wolf god Mumber and the group who worships the goddess of hunting Dali.

On the Armenian plateau in the south of the Caucasus region, there lived a branch of the ancient Aryans—the Armenian tribe who worshiped the sun god Aleg and the moon goddess Azlik, and worshiped the god of thunder Teshub and the god of plague Nergal. Yasa Azi tribe.Colchis region in the western Caucasus.

In the mythology of another world, this is the place where the Greek hero Jason led the Greek heroes to capture the Golden Fleece and abduct the eternal goddess Medea.

Prometheus was punished by Zeus and also became a prisoner on the Caucasus Mountain.

In Greek mythology, the Colchis area is the territory of the sun god Helios, so the ruler of the Colchis area is Aeetes, the son of the sun god Helios.

Mythical stories are novel stories similar to "Journey to the West", so of course myths are not equal to reality.

In reality, the Colchis region is indeed the territory of the sun god.

But the sun god worshiped here is not Helios, so the ruler of the Colchis area is not a descendant of the sun god Helios.

Perhaps this is why, in Greek mythology, the sun god Helios did not intervene in Medea's tragedy.

Although Helios, the sun god, has nothing to do with the Colchis region, Eos Circe and Selene Pasifae Medea, who became Helios' family members in mythology, really is the goddess of the Colchis region.

The prototype of Eos Circe is the sun goddess Mzekali in the Colchis region and the sun goddess Alina in the Hittite kingdom.

The prototype of Selene Pasiphae Medea is the moon goddess of the Colchis region and the moon goddess of the Hittite kingdom.

Because their prototypes are the sun goddess and the moon goddess, they will become the family of Helios in mythology.

In mythology, both Circe and Medea are goddesses who are good at using magic and potions, because they have seized part of the power of Samzmary, the earth goddess of the Caucasus.

Samuzmary is not only the goddess of the earth, but also the goddess of magic, potions and prophecy.

In Greek mythology, Medea was the priest and disciple of the goddess Hecate.

In reality, the goddess Hecate is the goddess of the earth worshiped by the Arzawa people in the southwest of Asia Minor Peninsula, and has nothing to do with the Caucasus region.

Apparently, mythmakers who did not understand the specific situation directly regarded Hecate, the earth goddess in the southwestern part of the Asia Minor peninsula, and Samzmary, the earth goddess in the Caucasus, as the same goddess.

The relationship between Medea and Hecate in mythology can reflect reality. The sun goddess and moon goddess in the Colchis area originally did not have the power to control magic, potions and prophecies. The power of magic, potions, and prophecy was obtained only under the influence of Muzimary.

Colchis Plain.

The Colchis tribe on the east coast of the Black Sea.

When the sun rose from the east, Roy found himself lying on the grass with his head facing east, and two ten-meter-high goddess statues came into Roy's eyes.

One of the two goddess statues is holding a sun wheel and the other is holding a moon wheel. It can be seen that one of them is the goddess of the sun and the other is the goddess of the moon.

Looking away from the two goddess statues, a series of questions popped up in Roy's mind.

who am I?
where am i from?
Where am I going?
Just when Roy was in a state of confusion, a beautiful silver-haired girl in a beautiful pure white dress, a gold belt around her waist, and golden strappy sandals appeared beside Roy, smiling with her beautiful golden pupils. Looking down at Roy contentedly, he said.

"you're awake."


Looking at the beautiful face of the silver-haired girl who seemed familiar, Roy asked with his eyes wide open.

"Who are you? Who am I?"

"Don't you remember your name?"

The silver-haired beautiful girl said in surprise.

"Think about it seriously, can't you remember anything?"

Roy frowned and thought about it carefully, a scene of a raging fire burning the grassland emerged in his mind.

"Phaethon [flaming]..."

"Phaethon—is that your name?"

Roy just recalled the raging fire that burned the grassland, and subconsciously said Phaeton.

Because in Greek, Phaethon means burning.

The silver-haired girl took Phaeton as her name, Roy said with a wry smile.

"I can't remember my name now. You can take Phaeton as my name. Now that you know my name, it's time to tell me yours."


The silver-haired girl said with a beautiful and lovely smile.

"You can call me Medea."


Roy said while standing up from the grass.

"I think I must have met you. Are we acquainted?"

Medea turned her back to Roy and said.

"We are strangers meeting for the first time! If I really know you, why should I ask your name."

(End of this chapter)

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