I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 520 My Target Is The Sun Godhead

Chapter 520 My Target Is The Sun Godhead

The sun goddess Mzeka used the golden spear to nail the god of thunder Kopala [Zeus] to the ground at the same time——

The earth goddess Samzmary also defeated the debilitated fire god Apaosa (Poseidon), and the moon goddess Medea and the hunting goddess Dali teamed up to subdue the plague god Mana (Hades).

Seeing the end of the war between the gods, Roy fell into hesitation.

Although now Kopala's Godhead of Thunder, Apaosa's Godhead of Vulcan, and Mana's Godhead of Plague are all for Roy to choose, but Roy doesn't want Thunderhead, Firegod, and Plague to be his initial godheads.

Without a doubt-

In various regions of the world, the gods of thunder, god of fire, and gods of plague are all very powerful gods.

But they are not supreme godheads.

The godhead of the god of thunder worshiped by the Aryans was originally expected to become the supreme godhead.

But the godhead of the sun god worshiped by the Aryans is like the nemesis of the godhead of thunder.

Whether in India, the Persian Plateau, or the Mesopotamia, the Aryan god of thunder was trampled down by the Aryan sun god.

Even if the Aryan god of thunder ran to Egypt, he was defeated by the sun god Amon in Egypt.

Sun Godhead is the nemesis of Thunder Godhead——

History has proven this beyond a doubt.

Only the sun godhead is the supreme godhead without any nemesis.

Thinking of this, Roy said firmly.

"Dear goddesses, I am not interested in the Godhead of Thunder, Godhead of Fire, or Godhead of Plague."

Hearing what Roy said, the four goddesses all widened their eyes in surprise.

Kopala, Apaosa, and Mana immediately seized the opportunity and turned into three balls of light and flew across the Caspian Sea to the Persian plateau.

Mzekali didn't care about the three escaped gods, and asked Roy with a frown.

"What godhead do you want?"

"I want the Sun Godhead."

"Sun Godhead—"

Medea glanced at the north and south and said.

"On the southern Russian prairie in the north of the Caucasus region, there is the Aryan sun god Beloberg. In the Armenian plateau in the south of the Caucasus region, there is a branch of the Aryans - the Armenian sun god Aleg. Is Beloberg on the southern Russian steppe the target, or is Aleg on the Armenian Plateau the target?"

"The people of the sun god Beloberg should have hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. Is he the target I can covet?"

"Now Erechtheus, the king of the grasslands of the Athens Empire, is at war with the Aryans of the southern Russian prairie. You can use the power of the Athens Empire to capture Belloberg's sun godhead."


Hearing this very familiar name, Roy couldn't help but feel a splitting headache, and some memory images vaguely emerged in his mind.

After the splitting headache disappeared, Roy shook his head and said.

"Now the southern Russian steppe should have entered winter, so I plan to target Aleg, the sun god of the Armenian plateau. Most importantly, I can conquer the gods who worship Aleg without the help of Erechtheus." Armenian."

After nightfall.

The Colchians, the Sasbelians, the Dali, the Mumbels, and the Kopalas all sat together, drinking wine and eating meat to celebrate the end of the war.

Now all the tribes in the Caucasus are conquered by Roy. As long as there are no accidents, there will be no more wars among the tribes in the Caucasus for a long time to come.

Although the Kopala people were defeated, the Kopala king and the noble leaders of the Kopala people were not humiliated.

Roy sat with King Colchis, King Sasbel, King Dali, and King Kopala. When everyone was full of wine and food, Roy took the initiative to speak to King Kopala.

"Dear King Kopala, since you Kopala people are defeated, I can't ask too much of you for two!"

King Kopala hurriedly nodded and said.

"Great Phaethon, even if you make twenty requests, it's not too much. I have a beautiful daughter and a beautiful niece, and I am willing to make them priestesses serving you."

"I don't want girls who serve me."

Roy said with a smile.

"I once made a request to the king of the Mumber people to let the Mumber people give up worshiping the wolf god Mumber. King Mumber foolishly refused my request, so I abolished his throne and demoted all members of his family I am a lifelong slave. Now I make the same request to you, let you Kopala people give up worshiping the god of thunder, Apa Osa, and Mana, the god of thunder, do you agree or disagree?"


King Kopala said without hesitation.

"Since the three Kopala brothers cannot help us defeat the enemy, such incompetent gods are not worth my sacrifice for them and all my family members. In the future, we Kopala people will no longer worship the three Kopala brothers, we must worship the great Fa Eton God."

It has to be said that King Kopala's flattery made Roy very satisfied.

Roy said with a bright smile.

"My second request is to let your Kopala army join me and go with me to conquer the Armenians on the Armenian plateau."

"no problem."

King Kopala said without hesitation.

"With you, a god, taking action, we are participating in a war that must be won. Of course, we will not miss the opportunity to share the spoils."

the next day.

Roy integrated the army under his command, and then took [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to the Armenian Plateau.

The Armenian Plateau is a volcanic lava plateau located in the west of the Asiatic continent. It is mainly composed of the Alborz Mountains, the Zagros Mountains, the Taurus Mountains and the Ponting Mountains. 4000 square kilometers.

The Armenian Plateau has intense magma activity, with many volcanoes, earthquakes, hot springs and geysers.

Many rivers develop due to snowmelt in the mountains, and often form large and small lakes in the fault basin. It is the birthplace of the Tigris River, the Euphrates River, the Kura River and the Aras River. There are mountain lakes such as Lake Fan, Lake Rezaye and Lake Xievan .

The larger rivers include the Karasu River, the Murat River, and the Alas River.

Here is rich in natural resources, producing copper, tin, iron, gold, silver and stone and other mineral deposits, and many mineral springs.

The Armenians who worship the sun god Aleg live a nomadic life here, with a population of about 30.

Hattusha City.

Temple of Alina.

While Roy entered the Armenian plateau with an army of [-], the sun goddess Alina sent an oracle to the Hittite queen Hatepna.

After listening to the content of the oracle, Hartpurna looked at the statue of Alina full of doubts.

"Let me send a large army to conquer the Hayasaaz tribe in the Ponting Corridor, and connect the Hittite region that worships the sun goddess with the Caucasus region?"

Although unable to understand Goddess Alina's intentions, Hartpurna decided to obey the oracle.

Because the Hayasaaz tribe worshiped the god of thunder Teshub [Zeus Kopala], the god of fire Apa Osha [Poseidon], and the god of plague Nergal [Hades Mana], For Queen Hatepuna, who ruled the Hittite region of the Athenian Empire, it was like an ant at the foot of an elephant.

(End of this chapter)

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