I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 542 The Three Major Ethnic Groups of the Hurits

Chapter 542 The Three Great Ethnic Groups of the Hurits

Roy and Apollo engaged in a battle of gods in Asia Minor, so naturally they couldn't hide it from other gods in Asia Minor.

The goddess Hesione who guards the city of Troy, the goddess Hecate in the Arzava area, the goddess Istanus in the Chizuvatna area, the goddess Alina and the goddess Selene in the Hittite area, will soon be Watch Roy and Apollo's battle of the gods.

Aware of the eyes of these goddesses, Roy showed his strength without reservation, and burned Apollo with the blazing fire of the sun.

Burned by Roy's fire, Apollo fled around like a mouse, and finally got into the ground.

"Have you seen it!"

After winning the battle of the gods, Roy proudly showed off.

"Although I was originally a human being, I now use my own strength to defeat real gods. Apollo is just the beginning. In the future, I will defeat more and more gods to prove that I am fully qualified to be your husband."

His own failure turned out to be Roy's capital to show off.

Apollo who was hiding underground roared angrily.

"Damn human, I won't just admit defeat like this."

Hearing Apollo's words, Roy looked down at the ground and mocked.

"If you are not reconciled, then crawl out from the ground and continue fighting with me."

Apollo did not respond to Roy.

Because at this time underground, Apollo has turned into a mouse, using the technology of mice to dig holes to go east.

As one of the gods of the Aryans, Apollo decided to go to the Persian plateau.

Now there is not only the Aryan god of thunder, but also the Aryan god of the sun.

Apollo escaped from the peninsula of Asia Minor, and the Paleks lost the protection of Apollo——

The war in which Iros led the Athenian soldiers to conquer the Paleks became no longer suspenseful.

Even if Tilipin had become the king of the Paleks and led the Paleks to develop primary iron-smelting technology, it could not prevent the defeat of the Paleks.

1598 BC.


Roy came to the city of Kumani in the east of Asia Minor peninsula alone.

The city of Kumani was originally an important city-state of the Iswa Kingdom established by the Hurits.

When Nefertiti, the princess of the Kingdom of Isuva, married Roy, the city of Kumani entered the territory of the Athens Empire as Nefertiti's dowry.


The city of Kumani has become a military center of the Athenian Empire.

Shouskar Temple in Kumani City.

Upon hearing the news of Roy's arrival, Nefertiti immediately ran out from the temple to greet Roy.

Seeing that Roy really appeared in front of her, Nefertiti threw herself into Roy's arms with tears and cried.

"Great, you're really alive."

It could be heard that Nefertiti was crying happily.

After all, Luo Yi is still alive, so she doesn't have to be a widow for the rest of her life as a girl.

"Sorry for making you shed so many tears for me."

Roy hugged Nefertiti tightly in his arms and comforted her.

"This time I'm here to conquer the Hulit people, and I will make you the queen of the Hulit area."

"That's not what I want."

Nefertiti shook her head and said.

"I just want to be with you all the time, fulfilling the responsibilities of husband and wife to each other."

Nefertiti's wish obviously cannot be fulfilled by Roy.

"Dear Nefertiti, we are separated now so that we can be together forever in the future. You will be the queen of the Hurit region for a few years, and when the Hurit region enters the Athens model, we will be together forever."


Responding to Nefertiti was Roy's silence.

Because Roy is obviously drawing a big cake for Nefertiti.

As for whether this pie can be realized, of course Lowy cannot guarantee it.

In order to prevent Nefertiti from realizing that she was just a tool used by Roy to rule the Hurits, Roy changed the subject.

"Dear Nefertiti, I still have important matters to negotiate with the goddess Sauska you serve, let's enter the temple together!"

After speaking, Roy walked into the temple with Nefertiti in his arms.

Walking into the depths of the temple, Roy looked at the statue of Sauska enshrined on the throne and said.

"Dear Goddess Sauska, are you willing to negotiate with me?"

The statue of Sauska immediately burst into divine light.

The next moment!

The Shoshka Idol became the Goddess Shoshka herself.

Looking at Roy who was holding his priestess in his arms, Souska asked expressionlessly.

"Is there anything you want to negotiate with me?"

"I plan to conquer the Hulites and turn the Hulites into the territory of the Athenian Empire."

Roy said with a serious expression.

"Goddess Sauska! As the patron saint of the Hurits, will you become my enemy?"

Faced with this question, Sauska couldn't help frowning.

The city of Kumani dedicated to Shoska is now the city of the Athenian Empire.

In other words, Shoska is now not only a god of the Hurits, but also one of the goddesses of the Athenian Empire.

In the war between the Athenian Empire and the Hurits, which side Shoska should be on-this is a very serious question.

A moment of silence—

Sauska said with a sigh.

"The Hurits cannot resist the conquest of the Athenian Empire, so I will not be stupid to support the Hurits. But I will not, as the goddess of the Athenian Empire, support the Athenian Empire to conquer the Hurits."

"You want to remain neutral—"

Roy joked playfully.

"Of course I will respect your idea. After conquering the Hulit area and driving away Kumarbi and Ashur, I planned to make you the only goddess in the Hulit area. Now it seems that I want to make other goddesses Come to take over the territory left by Kumarbi and Ashur."


Shoska said immediately.

"After Kumarbi and Ashur are driven away, the Hurit area should all belong to me."

"But you have to stay neutral! You don't have any credit for this war, so what qualifications do you have—"

"I'll help you!"

Sauska said angrily.

"I will help you defeat Kumarbi and Ashur, on the condition that you make me the only goddess in the Hurit region."


After Roy and Shoska reached an agreement, Kumani City immediately began to operate as a war machine.

the next day.

Roy asked Nefertiti to take [-] cavalry to Malatea, the capital of the Kingdom of Isuva.

As a filial daughter who is strong and filial.

Nefertiti defeated her father, King Isuva without bloodshed, and brought the entire Isuva Kingdom into the territory of the Athens Empire.

When Roy asked Nefertiti to attack the Kingdom of Hurit on the east bank of the Euphrates River, her father and brothers took the initiative to bring [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to be her allies.

The words of filial piety and strength are vividly reflected in Nefertiti.

While humans are at war—

Roy and Shoska have entered the kingdom of the Hurits, fighting the gods with Kumarbi, the god of war of the Hurits, and Ashur, the god of thunder of the Assyrians.

The Hurits are the collective name for all the ethnic groups living in the Hurits.

So the Hulites do not refer to a single ethnic group.

The Hurits are mainly composed of three major ethnic groups.

The most primitive Hurits come from the northern part of the Armenian plateau and are an ethnic group who worship the god of war Kumarbi.

The Hurits came to the northern part of Mesopotamia and merged with groups who worshiped the earth goddess Shoska.

The Assyrians, an offshoot of the Aryans, became vassals of the Hurits, who in turn merged with the Assyrians who worshiped Ashur, the god of thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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