I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 547 The Contract and the Sun God King Mithra

Chapter 547 The Contract and the Sun God King Mithra
The main body will not allow the clone to have the power to challenge itself - just like the king will not allow his subjects to have the authority to challenge himself.

Therefore, it is a matter of course that the god of fire Atar and the god of war Veleslana cannot defeat Roy, the sun god Phaethon.

On the Sahad Plateau.

Watching Roy's battle with Atar and Veleslana, Mithra frowned and said.

"My dear sister Mahe! Anahita, the god of water! Go and help Atal and Veleslana defeat our enemies."

Hearing Mithra's order, the moon goddess Maher immediately aimed at Roy with a bow and arrow, and the water god Anahita also used her divine power to create a huge water snake and pounce on Roy.

"Your opponent is me!"

Inanna took the initiative to rush in front of Maher and Anahita, first blocked Maher's moon arrow with the golden spear, and then smashed the water snake made by Anahita with her left fist.

The moon goddess Maher and the water god Anahita are subordinate gods of the sun god Mithra, and their powers and gods all come from the sun god Mithra.

Inanna is not only an independent patron saint, but also owns Sumer and Elam as territories, guarding a territory of 10 square kilometers and a population of several [-].

The strength of the moon goddess Mahe and the water god Anahita is of course far inferior to Inanna.

Even if she fought Maher and Anahita at the same time, Inanna did not fall into a disadvantage.

Inanna spoke to the two goddesses while fighting Mah and Anahita one against two.

"Just as lionesses on the grassland don't intervene in the battles between male lions for territory and lionesses, we don't need to intervene in the battles of male gods."

Moon Goddess Mahe said with a blank expression.

"While I would love to agree with you, we have no choice."

Anahita, the god of water, explained.

"As the subordinates of Mithra, the sun god, we must obey the orders of the main god."

Roy, who was fighting Atal and Veleslana, also spoke to Mithra at this time.

"Proud Mithra, you should fight me yourself! Don't you think I'm not qualified to fight you because you regard yourself as the king of the gods?"

"Stupid guy!"

Mithra said with a sneer.

"Since you are crazy enough to challenge the Sun God King, then I will punish you with destruction."

After Mithra finished speaking, the god of fire Attar and the god of war Veleslana immediately turned into two balls of divine power and flew into Mithra's body.

After absorbing the two clones of Mithra, his body blooms with infinite light and heat like the sun.

Roy also urged the sun godhead without showing any weakness, making his body bloom with infinite light and heat like the sun.

On the Sahad Plateau, it seems that two small suns have appeared.

The next moment!

Roy and Mithra flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters at the same time, and began to have a fierce collision.

It has to be admitted that the power of Mithra, the sun god, is far beyond that of the god of thunder.

After all, the current period is the period when the Aryan god of thunder is weakening and the Aryan sun god is reaching its peak.

In the history of another world, the sun god of the Aryans ruled not only the continent of Europa, but also Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia of the continent of Asia Minor.

In the Indian region of South Asia, the Aryan sun god used the identity of Vishnu to become the only creator god.

Brahma, the five-in-one god of thunder, is only a son born from the navel of Vishnu.

The rise of Lord Shiva worshiped by the indigenous people to become the three-phase god happened in the future thousands of years later.

In the grasslands of Central Asia and the Persian plateau, the Aryan sun god used the identity of Mithra to become the king of the gods.

In West Asia, the Aryan sun god ruled the Armenian region.

Around 1500 BC.

The Aryans who worshiped Mithra, the sun god, also conquered the Hurits and established the Kingdom of Mitanni.

The oldest record of Mithra is a Hittite inscription belonging to the fourteenth century BC, which is a peace treaty between Hittite and Mitanni.

The inscription mentions Mithra as the chief god of Mitanni.

The inscription mentions that Mithra is one of the five great gods worshiped by the Mitanni, while the other four gods correspond to the water god Varuna, the thunder god Indra, and the twin horse boys [Twin Gods] in Indian mythology.

In Roy's view, the five great gods of the Mitanni Kingdom should be the Aryan sun god Mithra, the thunder god Ashur [Marduk Zeus], ​​the sea god Yam [Poseidon], The twin gods are Atal, the god of fire, and Veleslana, the god of war.

tens of thousands of meters in the sky.

Roy said to Mithra while barely fighting Mithra.

"Mithra, your name means contract, so you are not only the god of the sun, but also the god of contract, the master of pastures and water. Now I want to know whether your original godhead is the god of contract or the god of the sun .”

"What a stupid question!"

Mithra said while releasing the blazing sun fire to attack Roy.

"Among men, will man believe that a beggar can punish a man who breaks the contract, and make the beggar a king? The answer is of course no. Humans have never believed that a beggar can protect the contract from the beginning. The king is both king and The person who protects the contract is because he has the power of the king, and human beings believe that the king can protect the contract and punish those who betray the contract. In the same way, I am not the god of the contract to become the king of the sun god. It is because I am great The Sun God King, human beings will regard me as the god of the contract, and pray for me to punish those who betray the contract."

"I did ask a stupid question."

Roy said with a smile.

"Dear Mithra, thank you for your willingness to waste your time answering this stupid question so that I can play for time. I now have to admit that I cannot defeat you by myself, so I summon reinforcements who can."

After Roy finished speaking, a dazzling sun appeared in the western sky and flew towards Roy and Mithra with lightning speed.

"I am coming!"

After a moment-

Alina, the goddess of the sun with white wings spreading out from behind, came before Roy and Mithra.

The sun god Phaeton Roy, the sun god Mithra, and the sun goddess Alina—the three sun gods are like three little suns.

Plus the real sun in the sky.

At this time, people on the Persian Plateau looked up at the sky and could see four suns appearing in the sky.

"My dear sister!"

Seeing the sun goddess Alina, Mithra, who was originally full of confidence in defeating Roy, showed a dignified expression on her face.

In the history of another world, it was the Hittite Empire guarded by the sun goddess Alina who defeated the Mitanni kingdom guarded by the sun god Mithra.

In other words, historical facts prove that the sun goddess Alina is the nemesis of the sun god Mithra.

It was because Alina was able to defeat Mithra that Roy summoned Alina.

"Although you are the sun goddess and I am the sun god, our origins are Aryan sun worship, so we are undoubtedly like blood-related brothers and sisters. Do you really want to be my enemy? "

If Mithra is Helios in Greek mythology, Alina is Eos, the goddess of dawn in Greek mythology.

Alina and Mithra indeed have a brother-sister relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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