I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 56 The follower is finally here

Chapter 56 The follower is finally back
It's evening.

Looking at the figure of Procne and Philomela returning to the Acropolis under the protection of fifty personal guards, Roy was filled with disappointment.

Because Roy changed back to facing three thousand Eleusinians alone again, which made Roy feel very insecure.

At this moment, a group of sheep bleated and rushed towards Roy's position.

Behind the flock, there is a slow-moving herd of cattle.

"That is--"

Roy widened his eyes in surprise and observed carefully, and saw fifty teenagers including white sheep following the flock of sheep and cattle.

"You are finally here!"

Roy yelled happily, and then ran towards Aries at the fastest speed.

"Master Priest!"

Seeing Roy running towards him, Aries quickened his pace and walked towards Roy.

After coming to Aries, Roy said excitedly.

"Aries! Now that you are by my side, I can finally sleep with peace of mind."

Aries asked suspiciously.

"Master Priest, can't you sleep well now?"

"Before you come, I have to face three thousand Eleusinians alone. I must not be able to sleep well! After all, I am also an Athenian, and I am the enemy who conquered the Eleusinians."

Roy reached out and patted Aries on the shoulder and said.

"You are my followers, my real people. Now that you are by my side, I can leave things to you and go back to the Acropolis to sleep peacefully."

Seeing the tiredness on Roy's expression, Aries reproached himself.

"My lord priest, it seems that we should come back sooner. Now you can leave everything to me, my lord priest. You must rest well. After all, you are different from us. You are a priest who serves the goddess Metis and a member of the Athenian tribe. One of the important people."

Seeing the sheep and cattle grazing in the surrounding meadows, and the teenagers having to run back and forth to stop some of the sheep and cattle from getting out of line, Lowe turned and said.

"White sheep! You follow me first and drive the sheep and cattle to the village of Paar, and then we build a sheep pen and a cattle pen, and drive the sheep and cattle into the pen."

After speaking, Roy took the lead towards Paar Village.

Roy came to Paar Village with fifty teenagers and herds of sheep and cattle, and built sheepfolds and cattle pens with wood together with the teenagers.

Because Roy's performance won the trust and favor of the Eleusinian, the Eleusinian man from Pa'er village spontaneously came to help.

With the efforts of everyone, the sheep pen and the cattle pen were quickly built, and the sheep and cattle were driven into the pen.

After Roy and the boys sat on the grass to rest, Kaone walked up to Roy and said with a blank expression.

"That's my father's sheep and cattle."

"Are you going to claim your father's property and want me to give you back the cattle and the cattle? I could give you the sheep and the cattle, but they will still be my property. Because now you are mine Slave, everything about you belongs to me."

Kaone glared at Roy and said.

"I just want to tell you that since you got part of my father's property, you should treat us Eleusis better."

After speaking, Kaone turned and left with an angry look.

After there were no Eleusis around, Roy lowered his voice and said to Aries.

"Actually, I deliberately pissed off Chione, because I don't want the Eleusis people to hear what I'm going to say to you next."

Aries and the other teenagers immediately leaned over and listened to what Roy said next with serious expressions.

"Companions! I hope you can help me manage the [-] Eleusis in the village of Paar. This is not a very difficult task. Because most of the food of the Eleusis tribe was robbed by us If the Eleusinians want to survive, they can only obey the management of the Athenians. If the Eleusinians choose to flee, they can only survive by going to other tribes. But other tribes may not treat them better than We are better. So as long as we treat the Eleusinians better, they will not be able to choose to flee. Because the Eleusinians stay here so that they can keep warm with their kin.”

After listening to Roy's words, Aries agreed.

"My lord priest is right. The food that can keep the Eleusis alive is in the hands of the Athenians. As long as we treat the Eleusis better, the Eleusis really have no reason to escape. We will follow the instructions of the priest. Your request to manage the Eleusis, my lord priest, hurry back to the Acropolis!"

"Not tonight!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"I will stay here tonight and take you to inspect the villages of Paar and Pendelli at night. There will be many dangerous things happening at night, and the beasts from Mount Parnisa and Pendelli may attack the villages of Paar and Pendeli. Those Eleusinian men may also attack women under the cover of night. Tonight we will do a good job of patrolling. Tomorrow I will recruit 150 soldiers in the villages of Paar and Pendelli respectively, and let them patrol during the day and night Work."

"My lord, are the Eleusians in the villages of Pal and Pendeli all managed by you?"

After Aries asked suspiciously, Roy shook his head and said.

"As I said just now, only the [-] Eleusinians in the village of Paar are really managed by me. The [-] Eleusinians in the village of Pendelli are managed by Princess Procne and Princess Philomela manages it. But the two sisters don’t know how to manage it at all, so they completely follow my advice, which means that the three thousand Eleusinians are actually managed by me.”

"Master Priest is too powerful!"

A young man couldn't help but widen his eyes and said.

"The population managed by the leader of Pandion is actually only 3000 people in the Acropolis of Athens. Now the priest manages as many people as the leader of Pandion."

Another boy followed suit.

"Now the priest has fifty followers of us. Next, the priest recruits three hundred soldiers from the three thousand Eleusinians. Then the priest has 350 soldiers, which is only smaller than the five hundred soldiers of the Athenian tribe. 150 less."

"You recruits, how can you compare with the veterans of the Athenian tribe?"

Roy said with a smile.

"Furthermore, the personal guards of the leader of Pandion are all elites who can fight to the death for him. The three hundred Eleusis soldiers I recruit tomorrow will be good if they don't treat me as an enemy."

In a blink of an eye, day and night alternated, and it was the next day.

Procne and Philomela came to Pendelli Village under the protection of fifty personal guards. Roy immediately found them and proposed the idea of ​​recruiting soldiers in Paar and Pendelli Villages.

After listening to Roy's words, Procne said with a solemn expression.

"Priest Loi, we have just conquered the Eleusis, and now let them have their own soldiers. Will they resist our Athenian rule?"

"The food is in the hands of the Athenians, and the Eleusis can't resist at all. If you are worried that the Eleusis will fight against the Athenians again, we don't need to give the Eleusis soldiers weapons."

Roy explained patiently.

"In order to protect the safety and order of the villages of Pal and Pendelli, it is necessary to recruit soldiers. If we do not recruit Eleusis soldiers, then we can only let the soldiers of Athens protect the safety and order of the villages of Pal and Pendeli."

(End of this chapter)

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