I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 565 Annexation of Vishnu and Surya

Chapter 565 Annexation of Vishnu and Surya

One's own power is limited, but the enemy's power is unlimited——

Rama said with a wry smile while fighting Roy.

"This is so unfair!"


Roy sneered and teased.

"When you nomads use the unique weapon of war horses to conquer other ethnic groups, do you think it's unfair to other ethnic groups? Rama! You don't object to unfairness, you just object to enjoying unfairness. "

While speaking, Roy seized the opening exposed by Rama's weakened strength, and then stabbed Rama's abdomen with a black gun.

Although Rama retreated in time to avoid, his abdomen was still cut by the sharp spear blade.

Looking down at his wound, Rama asked Roy with a solemn face.

"King of Athens! If I were killed by you today, how would you treat my people?"

"As long as they lay down their weapons and surrender, I will let them join the Athenian Empire and enjoy equal treatment with the Athenians."

"I can rest assured that."

Rama said while counterattacking Roy.

"King of Athens! You are the most powerful enemy I have ever encountered in my life. Even if I know I can't defeat you, I don't intend to run away from you like a coward. I hope that after I die in battle, you will be merciful and tolerant." and be kind to my people."

After speaking, Rama ignored Roy's attack and rushed over.

Obviously, Rama wanted to hurt Roy at the cost of his own injury or even death.

It's a pity that Rama underestimated the strength gap between the two.

Roy easily dodged Rama's attack, and then pierced Rama's heart with his spear blade.


With his body hanging on Roy's spear blade, Rama's eyes widened at first, and then his eyes gradually became dull and lost their light.

After killing Rama, Roy mobilized his divine power to fly into the air, and said with a voice that resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Soldiers of Rama! Your King Rama has been killed by me. Now I order you to lay down your weapons and surrender. You will not become captives and slaves, but become my subjects, protected by the laws of the Athenian Empire."

Hearing Roy's words, the entire battlefield fell silent instantly, and the soldiers on both sides looked up at the bodies of Roy and Rama in mid-air.

Seeing that Rama was really dead, Rama's soldiers were immediately demoralized.

"Damn Rama is really dead!"

Seeing Rama's body, Phineus didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

It seemed he should be happy to think of the humiliation Rama had allowed himself to suffer.

But without Rama fighting Roy, Phineus didn't even have the courage to fight Roy.

After some hesitation, Phineus ordered to the followers around him.

"Let's go! Now that Rama has failed, let's move on to the east."

Phineus and his Vedic soldiers were already in the rear of the field.

Now they left the battlefield without any hindrance.

Not just Phineus and his Vedic soldiers.

Seeing Rama's death, the soldiers of the Garuda Kingdom also left the battlefield under the leadership of King Garuda.

All the soldiers of Shesha Kingdom put down their weapons and surrendered.


His beloved Rama was killed by Roy, and Vishnu, the sun god, uttered an angry roar.

It's a pity that he can't protect himself now.

Under the fierce attack of the sun goddess Alina, Vishnu may be defeated at any time, and naturally he cannot avenge Rama.

"Aren't you running away?"

Alina, who already had the winning ticket in her hands, asked curiously.

"Even if you are my elder brother, I will destroy you without mercy."

"Where else can I escape?"

Vishnu said angrily.

"Now I only have the choice of dying here in battle, or fleeing and becoming a wandering god. To be a wandering god is to choose a slow death, and will die in obscurity like a wandering lion. Since my beloved Rama can fight to the death In the end, of course I won’t lose to Rama who is a human.”

After using Rama's body to order his soldiers to surrender, Roy lowered Rama's body back to the ground.

Seeing that the battle between Alina and Vishnu has reached the final stage, Roy urged the sun god to fly high into the sky, and then used his own divine power to change the surrounding space, so that all the gods appeared in human eyes.

When the soldiers on both sides saw the ten goddesses and ten male gods who were engaged in the battle of gods, they all stared in shock.

After regaining consciousness, the soldiers with pious beliefs knelt on the ground one after another, praying for the victory of the gods they believed in.

"My subjects!"

Roy declared in a divinely majestic voice.

"As you can see, your emperor is also a great god. Now I will personally defeat the enemy god under your witness."

After speaking, Roy's body released the blazing sun fire, turning into a sphere of flame ten meters in diameter and rushing towards Vishnu.

Vishnu, who was suppressed by Alina during the battle, could not evade Roy's attack at all.

Bang Bang!
Roy turned into a sphere of flames and hit Vishnu from behind.

Under the burning of Roy's sun fire, Vishnu's divine body was quickly burned up, and his sun godhead was also captured and absorbed by Roy.

After getting the sun godhood of Vishnu, Roy did not stop, and attacked the sun god Surya again.

The sun god Surya is in a close battle with the water god Anahita.

Seeing Roy attacking him, Surya immediately wanted to run away.

It's a pity that Roy's strength is far higher than Surya's, so Surya's escape was not successful.

Roy caught up with Surya and devoured Surya with his own sun fire. Surya only let out a scream, and his body was completely burned by Roy's sun fire, and his sun godhead was also destroyed. Roy absorbed.

After absorbing the sun godheads of Vishnu and Surya, a new message appeared in Roy's mind.

Roy Phaethon.

Age: 23 years old

Race: human body · god soul

Godhead: Sun Godhead, Thunder Godhead

Occupation: God of Heroes, God of the Sun, God of Thunder

Strength Level: Upper God
Status: Patron Saint of the Eastern Caucasus, Northern Armenian Plateau, and Northern Indus Plain

Seeing that his strength had increased by a level, Roy showed a faint smile and announced to the humans on the ground.

"My subjects! As I have devoured the godhood of the sun god Vishnu, I will replace Vishnu as your sun god and patron of the northern Indus plains."

Feeling that Roy has become stronger, Indra is unwilling to ask fire god Agni, death god Yama, wine god and moon god Somo, water god Varuna, beast master Rudra, and bird god Garuda. Luo, the two-horse boy Nasadiya [God of Fire Attar] and Dashiluo [God of War Veleslana] ordered.

"Vishnu is dead, you all must obey me and leave now with me."

After speaking, Indra left the battlefield first.

After the Vedic gods left with Indra, Roy looked at their fleeing figures and smiled.

"Run away! Just run away! I don't have the ambition to conquer the whole world. After all, I left some backward areas as a comparison, so that the people of Athens will understand how happy their lives are. As long as you escape to the backward areas that I am not interested in, you can stay alive."

(End of this chapter)

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