I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 574 The Goddess of Love and War, Freya

Chapter 574 The Goddess of Love and War, Freya

In Norse mythology, Freya, the goddess of love and war, is the daughter of Njord, the leader of the Vanir protoss, and the younger sister of Freya, the god of war who once defeated Odin and sat on the throne of the god king.

With such a prominent status, Freya's husband is Odd, the god of travel.

The God of Travel——

If it were in the civilized age 600 years later, this might be a welcome godhead.

But in ancient times, let alone traveling alone, even traveling with others was very dangerous.

In this era, there are land robbers on land, and sea pirates in the sea.

The so-called god of tourism will never be regarded as a patron saint in this era, let alone become a prominent and powerful god.

Freya's marriage to Odd in Norse mythology is like Aphrodite's marriage to the lame god of fire Hephaestus in Greek mythology.

Because the Greeks could not defeat the Phoenicians in reality, they humiliated the goddesses worshiped by the Phoenicians in fabricated myths.

Same thing -

Freya married Odd in Norse mythology, and I am afraid that she deliberately fabricated myths to humiliate the goddess worshiped by the enemy.

And the Odd used to humiliate Freya is still Odin's clone.

"I respect your desire to join forces with the gods in northern Germany."

Roy said with a faint smile.

"Although the Aryan gods did not compete with the northern gods for territory, they obviously want to conquer and assimilate the northern gods. Those northern gods who are unwilling to be conquered and assimilated by the Aryan gods will definitely be willing to deal with Aryan with you Gods."

Hearing Roy's words, Fenrir said with satisfaction.

"I'll take you to the northern regions now."

After speaking, Fenrir took Roy to the north of the Germanic region.

Central Germania.

It was originally ruled by the native gods of the Germanic region.

After the Aryans migrated to the Germanic region, they continued to expand their territory here, and finally conquered the fertile plains in the middle of the Germanic region, cutting the Germanic region from the middle into three parts.

As the first Aryans to migrate to the Germanic region, the group that worshiped Odin ruled the east bank of the Rhine.

Although Odin's ethnic group is the most powerful Aryan ethnic group in the Germanic region, it also has the deepest hatred with the local Germanic indigenous ethnic group.

The Aryan ethnic group who worshiped Thor, the god of thunder, and Tyr, the god of war, ruled the northern part of the Ore Mountains, and had a deep hatred with the local Germanic aboriginal ethnic group for hundreds of years.

An Aryan group who worshiped the sun god Badr ruled the northern Sudeten Mountains.

They were the last Aryan group to come to the Germanic region, and they didn't have much hatred for the local Germanic aborigines.

So in the Norse mythology of another world, the sun god Baldr did not participate in Ragnarok.

When the Ragnarok War ended, the sun god Baldr directly became the ruler of the new era.

Just like Greek mythology is a mythical story created with Zeus as the core protagonist.

Norse mythology is also a mythical story created with Odin as the core protagonist.

In Norse mythology, Baldr, the sun god, did not participate in the battle of Ragnarok, contributing to Odin and the Aesir gods.

However, in Norse mythology, the sun god Baldr is regarded as the direct son of the god king Odin and the god queen Frigg, and the orthodox heir to the throne of Odin.

Before Ragnarok, Baldr, the sun god, was the most important member of the Aesir clan.

Immediately after Ragnarok, the sun god Baldr reigned in a new era.

Baldr, the sun god, is just passing through in Norse mythology, but occupies the most important position in Norse mythology——

The only reasonable explanation is that in real history, the sun god Badr became the final victor.

After the war between the Aryans [Aesir Protoss] and the indigenous Germanic peoples [Giants], the Aryans who worshiped the sun god Badr became the most powerful force.

When Roy and Fenrir flew over the territories of Thor, the god of thunder, and Baldr, the sun god, they saw that although Thor's tribe had far more people than Baldr's tribe, Baldr's tribe had more bronze weapons.

Obviously, the sun god Baldr can become the final victor not only because he did not participate in the battle of Ragnarok, but also because his strength is indeed superior to all the gods in the Germanic region.

The tribes of other gods still use wooden and stone spears as weapons, and Baldr's tribe has entered the Bronze Age.

Northern Germania.

This is the true Nordic region.

Because the northeast is the Baltic Sea and the northwest is the North Sea, the northern part of the Germanic region has a cult of Poseidon.

The goddess Nasus, who is in charge of navigation and fishing, is the most powerful deity in the northern part of the Germanic region.

In the Nordic mythology of another world, Njord, the leader of the Vanir protoss, is a god created with Nasus as the prototype.

So in Norse mythology, Njord became the husband of Nasus and used to replace Nasus.

There are some opinions that Nasus gradually became a male god due to the evolution of language.

It is also believed to be a pair of gods, with some versions highlighting the goddess while others highlight the male god.

But from the performance of Njord in Norse mythology, it can be seen that he is like Odd, the god of travel, a tool man used to humiliate and demean the local gods.

[No. 3 Asa God's name is Njord, Nooton who lives in heaven.He controlled the direction of the wind and quelled the raging water and fire.Sailors and fishermen praise his name.To those who ask, he who is rich will give abundance and land.He was raised in Vanaheim. 】

[Deceiving Grufi] There is a passage in Chapter 23 that enshrines Njord as the Asa god.

[Biography of the King of Norway] According to records, Njord was a king of Sweden in ancient times and the successor of Odin.

In Norse mythology, Njord's identity is just a hostage.

Odin had so many sons and grandsons, how could his throne be inherited by the hostage Njord.

Unless Njord is not a hostage of the Vanir Protoss, but an important member of the Asa Protoss-Odin's clone used to humiliate the local gods.

As Odin's clone, his relationship with Odin is of course closer than those cheap sons and cheap grandsons.

In Norse mythology, Freya, the goddess of war, and Frey, the god of war, are the children of Nasus, the goddess of the sea.

In this real world, the war goddess Freya and the war god Frey, like Nasus, are also gods in the northern part of the Germanic region.

Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, war and magic in Norse mythology, the daughter of Njord and Nasus, and the twin sister of Frey.

Her husband is Odd, who loves to travel, and she often weeps in tears when she is struggling to find him.

Gulweger, the goddess of magic of the Warner Protoss, only appeared once in Norse mythology.

She is the fuse of the war that caused Odin to declare war on the Warner Protoss by boasting of her own power and provoking the Aesir Protoss.

There are some opinions that Gulweger is another identity of Freya.

It is precisely because Freya is Gulweger who challenged the Asa Protoss, so Freya was forced to join the Asa Protoss camp and was humiliated by the Asa Protoss.

Not only Gulweger, Ge Feng and Skadi are also considered to be Freya's two identities.

(End of this chapter)

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