I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 77 Just Like a Cheating Husband 1

Chapter 77 Just Like a Cheating Husband

Hearing what the goddess Mnemosyne said, Roy asked in shock.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, are you not because I responded to the sacrifices of these Phoenicians, but because these Phoenicians responded to my sacrifices?"

Seeing Roy's reaction, Mnemoshine said expressionlessly.

"Didn't someone tell you that unless the god you serve has a good relationship with other gods, it is considered very rude and offensive for you to perform sacrifice rituals for other gods."

"No wonder the goddess Aphrodite came and said I was wasting her time—"

Roy said suddenly.

"Is my behavior of holding sacrifices for other gods the same as a man who already has a wife and goes to hook up with other girls?"

"That's what happened!"

Mnemoshine said with a playful smile.

"You hold a sacrificial ceremony for me, not only is it an offense to me, but if the goddess you serve finds out, it may also cause her dissatisfaction."

"Like a cheating husband caught by his wife?"

Roy said with a wry smile.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, because no one taught me how to be a priest, that's why I did this kind of thing. From now on, I will remember what happened today, and I won't hold sacrificial ceremonies for other gods without authorization. .”

Then, Roy turned and said to all the Phoenicians.

"Companions! Goddess Mnemosyne has accepted our sacrifice. In the future, we can be protected by the great goddess Mnemosyne in the territory of Goddess Mnemosyne."

Although the Phoenicians could not see the gods, they believed that Roy, as the god's favored priest, had the ability to communicate with the gods.

Knowing that they could be protected by the local goddess Mnemosyne, the Phoenicians knelt on the ground and worshiped the altar devoutly.

Roy turned around, but saw that the goddess Mnemosyne was not looking at the Phoenicians who worshiped her, but was looking at herself with deep meaning.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, do you have something to tell me?"


After denying Roy's guess, Mnemosyne got up and left the altar, returning to the peak of Mount Helicon.

After the sacrificial ceremony, the Phoenicians continued to make a fire and cook. The golden bull dissected the sacrificial sika deer, and then made the sika deer meat into barbecue.

It's noon.

The Phoenicians made several pots of oatmeal with a bronze tripod, and the golden bull also brought the roasted venison to Roy.

Seeing that the eyes of many Phoenicians were attracted by the venison, Roy stood up and said loudly.

"Taurus! Since everyone eats oatmeal, of course I will eat the same food as everyone. If you want me to eat venison, cut the venison into 250 pieces, so that everyone can share the venison with me. "

After speaking, Roy walked to a bronze tripod and filled himself with a bowl of oatmeal in a clay bowl.

Seeing that Roy put the delicious venison and drank oatmeal with everyone, all the Phoenicians looked at Roy with surprise.

Because their former leader, Cadmus, claimed to be a prince of noble blood, and would not share weal and woe with them at all.

After Roy finished a bowl of oatmeal, Taurus held the venison at a loss and said.

"Priest Luoy, you are a noble priest and leader, do you really want to share food with us?"

The simple Taurus obviously doesn't know that sharing joys and sorrows with ordinary people is actually a way to buy people's hearts.

Roy looked at Taurus with a serious expression and said.

"Taurus! If people can't eat the same food as I do, I will never eat a bite of venison."

Facing Roy's tough attitude, Taurus could only cut off a small piece of venison with a knife and said.

"Priest Luoy, I will distribute the venison to each companion. This is your venison."

Roy took the venison from Taurus' hands, and patted him on the shoulder with his left hand.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

While the Phoenicians were cooking oatmeal for supper, Harmonia led dozens of Thebes into the woods.

Seeing that Harmonia brought so many Thebes, and besides Harmonia and the five Thebes who followed her, the dozens of Thebes behind were all fully armed The soldiers and the Phoenicians all gathered together nervously, worried that Harmonia and others were coming to attack them.

Roy stood up vigilantly, walked to Harmonia and asked.

"Priest of Harmonia, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the reactions of the surrounding Phoenicians, Harmonia said with a smile.

"Priest Loi, you don't need to be so nervous. I brought these five little chiefs to worship the ancient spring of Dierke, not to hurt these Phoenicians."

The Thebes regard the ancient spring of Dierke as one of the incarnations of the goddess Mnemosyne, and they do have reasons to worship the ancient spring of Dierke.

Roy looked at the surrounding Phoenicians and said.

"Companions! The Harmonian priests only bring people to worship the goddess Mnemosyne."

Then Roy cleared the way for Harmonia.

Harmonia brought the five little chiefs to the altar, and bowed down to worship the altar with the five little chiefs.

After the ceremony of worshiping the altar was over, Harmonia walked up to Roy alone and whispered.

"Priest Loi! I am the only leader of our Thebes tribe, and the five little leaders are the leaders of five nearby Thebes tribes. I summoned these five little leaders to the Thebes tribe to hold a Important meeting, I hope you can attend this meeting."


Thinking of participating in the meeting in Harmonia and eating rich and delicious food in the palace of Harmonia, Roy's stomach immediately let out a hungry cry.

Roy looked at Harmonia awkwardly, then nodded and said.

"Priest of Harmonia, I accept your invitation."

When night falls.

Harmonia took Roy and the five little chiefs back to her palace and stone house.

Walking into the hall of the stone house, seeing the maids lighting a bonfire in the fireplace to illuminate the hall, Roy immediately asked the maid.

"The candles I taught you to make, didn't you make them well?"

Hearing what Roy said, a maid came in from outside holding a few candles.

Roy took the five candles in the hands of the maid, then walked to the fireplace, and said while lighting the candles with the fire.

"Now that the candle is ready, it's time to light it with the candle according to the method I taught you."

After speaking, Roy walked to the stone table with the lit candle, and put the candle on the stone table to illuminate the surroundings.

Looking at the candles on the stone table, not only the five little chiefs who saw candles for the first time, but even Harmonia, who already knew that candles could illuminate, stared at the flames of candles with wide eyes in amazement.

After recovering, Harmonia said to the five little chiefs.

"Before our meeting begins, let me introduce you formally. He is the Loi priest of the Athens tribe. The god he serves is Metis, the goddess of wisdom and the sea. These candles were invented by the Loi priest. Our end The Bes tribe was able to defeat the Phoenicians who invaded their territory, and I was able to defeat the leader of the Phoenicians, Cadmus, all because of the help of the priest of Loi. Because the priest of Loi is the benefactor of me and the tribe of Thebes, That's why I invited him to our meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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