
Chapter 141 The collision of ideas in magic agriculture

Chapter 141 The collision of ideas in magic agriculture
"Your Excellency, your subjects are really interesting."

"Oh, did something happen that I don't know about?"

"Is such that……"

The chat between the two gradually became better, and it was a bit late to see each other. Princess Le Qi also chatted with Zhong Ming about her experiment.

There are many mountains and hills in the Principality of Majek, and there is a large dry land desert in the west, and the grain production fluctuates on the edge of the dangerous line all the year round.

Therefore, the Principality of Magzek has been importing a large amount of food and exporting a large amount of mineral resources all year round, barely making ends meet.

The food lifeline has been held in the hands of other countries all the year round, so Magzek showed considerable weakness from top to bottom, and was always thinking about expanding and winning a piece of valuable grain-producing land.

This is also the reason why the Principality of Magzek first wanted to enter Yasha (formerly the Principality of Yige).

Princess Leqi's mother has [-]/[-] elven blood, and she is outstandingly beautiful and was kept outside as a concubine by Grand Duke Magzek.

The civilian life outside is naturally not as good as the life of the nobles. Even if the Grand Duke secretly protects and supports her, Le Qi's childhood life is not particularly affluent, and occasionally she can see hungry commoners.

After discovering her ancestral bloodline and talent as a wizard, Le Qi was taken back to the palace and raised as a direct descendant.

With the blood of an elf, she has a kind heart and has never forgotten the low-level hungry people she saw. She has achieved quite a lot in studying natural spells and methods of increasing production.

And the royal family of Princess Majek is also willing to cultivate the power of wizards belonging to the royal family, and they are quite supportive of her practice and research.

Princess Leqi's wizard talent is amazing, and her talent in pharmacy is also exceptional. In just a few years, she has developed a relatively cheap magic potion, which can speed up the ripening of food and increase food production.

However, no matter how cheap the magic potion is, it is also a product of magic, and the cost problem is doomed that it will not be able to solve the problem of food shortage in the Principality of Magzek.

Therefore, the Principality of Magzek still cannot rely on her research to achieve food self-sufficiency.

And what Princess Leqi is doing recently is the research on the low-cost mass production of Harvest Potion, but the research has fallen into a bottleneck and has not made any progress for a long time.

Magzhek's ruling class has gradually become indifferent to her research from astonishment, and research and development funds have gradually declined.

After the two chatted, Princess Le Qi also began to complain to Zhong Ming about the short-sightedness and incompetence of her father and the nobles of the Principality... and so on.

Maybe she really doesn't have much sense of money, and she doesn't understand the development cost of such a magic potion. For Magzek, who is known as the poorest country in the Northern Continent, it is really a lot of money...

"Hmm." Zhong Ming didn't expect that the wizards in the world of Zoya have such a wide range of research topics. The problem of food production increase that he wants to study has already been covered by wizards, and it seems that they have gone a long way.

Zhong Ming stroked his chin and smiled inwardly. Maybe this is a good opportunity to prostitute a high-level labor force and research results for free.

"Princess Lucky, I am also a wizard, please forgive me, there may be some problems with your method."

"My lord, please tell me." Princess Le Qi was still quite conceited about her research in this field, and when she heard that Zhong Ming questioned her research direction, her tone was a little unhappy.

"Princess Leqi, have you ever thought that there is a problem with your initial idea of ​​solving the food problem? No matter how mass-produced and cheap magic potions are, it is an expense that farmers cannot afford."

Zhong Ming sharply pointed out the biggest flaw in her thinking.

"The Principality can subsidize it, as long as it can grow more food..." Princess Le Qi's voice became softer as she spoke, obviously she still had a little understanding of her family's financial resources and noble conduct.

"Oh, I think Princess Le Qi has already realized something." Seeing Princess Le Qi's dejected expression, Zhong Ming's expression became more confident, and he said with confidence,
"I have some ideas and want to cooperate with your country, and maybe the princess' wish to increase production can be realized."

"Your Excellency, please tell me." Le Qi excitedly reached out and grabbed Zhong Ming's sleeve, and asked.

Le Qi felt sad that her years of painstaking effort went to waste, and she was also a little confused about whether she could solve the country's food problem. Hearing Zhong Ming's words, she couldn't help but look forward to the thoughts of this wise man recognized by the gods.

"My method is - cross-breeding,
Select the crops with high yield, drought resistance, salt-alkali tolerance, sand-resistant land and other characteristics, and then carry out hybrid cultivation of the crops. The specific method is...

Then perform magic ripening;
Secondly, employ a large number of intellectuals and farmers to conduct secondary screening on the hybridization results and record reports;

Then repeat the above content many times until the characters of these crops are completely stabilized;

Finally, use spells to reproduce the high-quality crop seeds bred on a large scale. "

"Yes, why didn't I think of it," Princess Lucky said with a look of sudden enlightenment, "it is much easier to completely change the origin of crops than magic potions."

"Oh, why am I so stupid." Le Qi patted her head with her palm and said annoyedly.

In fact, it's not that Princess Le Qi is not good, but that the elf blood has blessed her talent, and her own talent and learning goals are inclined to natural magic and pharmacy.

For this kind of practice that belongs to the bloodline transformation system in her eyes, how could she think of it with a half-knowledge?
Zhong Ming suddenly changed his mind, and said regretfully: "However, this method is simple and easy to promote, but it also has a drawback."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Le Qi's mood changed from despair to surprise, and she was shocked and agitated. Hearing what he said, she couldn't help becoming nervous, and grabbed his sleeves with both hands again.

"The production of crops consumes land, and often the land that is not fertile still needs to be cultivated in rotation. How can it withstand the destruction of these super crops produced by cross-breeding? I am afraid that it will become sandy land after a few rounds of planting."

"This..." Princess Le Qi's mood fell to the bottom again.

"However," Zhong Ming changed his tone again and said, "It's not that there is no solution."


Having been teased by Zhong Ming several times, Le Qi was also a little ashamed, angrily, grabbed Zhong Ming's right hand, and bit down hard without thinking about anything else.



Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Zhong Ming who was grinning in pain, but Le Qi, who was looking at the silver teeth shattering, felt pain and took a deep breath.

"Why is it so hard?" Le Qi, who was tearful and tearful from the pain, only had this thought in her head at this moment.

Divine body is that hard.

After some laughter, Le Qi cast a "quick self-healing" natural spell, and the broken teeth grew out quickly, and the loose and shaking teeth were replaced by new ones, and she quickly returned to her beautiful appearance.

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke, please tell me directly, what price does the Principality of Magzek have to pay to help us solve this problem?"

Le Qi, who calmed down a little, also thought that Zhong Ming must have asked for something, so she straightened her posture and asked.

"Princess Le Qi said this, as if I am some kind of villain who takes advantage of others' danger. I have always been willing to help others, but I just have a small request."

"Whatever the Grand Duke wants, please speak up."

"I want you!"

 It shouldn't be too bad to push a book, and you can read it after dealing with the book shortage
(End of this chapter)

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