
Chapter 201 Water attack and the overall situation has been decided

Chapter 201 Water attack and the overall situation has been decided
The boat is leaking!

The bolt-like news pushed Ansos, who was just a staggering man, onto the deck.

"That's right, if it wasn't for the conspiracy and tricks, no matter what, that Salt is also a strong man at the level of an archmage, and it is impossible to even have time to destroy these ships."

The extremely dangerous situation successfully brought back Anthos's IQ.

Ansos urgently ordered to return to the shore, and ordered the soldiers to repair the hull with all their strength.

Soldiers used planks and canvas to enter the cabin to try to rescue, but the water level rose rapidly, making rescue very difficult.

Another group of soldiers carried everything that could hold water and wanted to bail the water out of the boat, avoiding the danger of being submerged and sinking.

But every time a little water is poured, more water will pour in, which seems like a drop in the bucket.

A few court wizards cast spells to help Ansos's lead ship stabilize the cabin, and even tried to help the surrounding ships stop the sinking momentum.

There is always a possibility that strange spells will have unexpected effects.

But it is a pity that there are nearly two hundred bait ships (medium-sized five-masted sailing ships, carrying 400-600 people) left behind by Sartre.

As for Andreoya's court wizards, counting those who just broke through after being promoted to the world, there are only four official wizards and nine senior wizard apprentices.

Excluding the official wizard and four senior apprentices who stayed behind in the capital, how could the remaining eight wizards be saved in the face of so many ships?

Just when Ansos was wondering why Yasha didn't take advantage of the fire to rob and counterattack, he was changing into strange clothes collectively.

The flood is coming!

A loud noise suddenly appeared, and the big waves enough to cover these ships suddenly slammed on the fleets of both sides.

The fleets of the two sides began to shake violently.

All the ships were swaying and staggering, and some ships were even cut off by the raging waves on the spot!
Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were sucked into the turbulent torrent like dumpling.

The difference is that the Asshai soldiers in strange orange clothes were ups and downs, but they still floated on the water after all; while most of Andreoya's soldiers were caught in the water and never came out again.

The piercing current submerged Andreoya's soldiers, making their idea of ​​​​repairing the ship completely defeated.

One by one sailboats, with hundreds of Andreoya soldiers, fell into the stream of giants with their heads up, and they could no longer see their traces.

The water covered the soldiers' feet first, then their knees, and finally their waists, their heads...

They began to feel the cold, their bodies soaked in cold water with no insulation.

At the same time, the surrounding water became more and more urgent, causing the boats to vibrate more and more, and more and more boats sank at an accelerated rate.

You can even see some formal knights and nobles of the earth knight level, struggling desperately, and finally disappearing in the river... These first-order extraordinary people generally have dozens of times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and they can't hold their breath for hours or even days. Not a problem, it is unlikely to die.

But if you want to say that they can run ashore against the mighty force of nature, it is still impossible if they can't fly.

Unless it is above the second level, there are very few people above the second level who can't fly, and the rivers in this flood season can't do anything to them.

It is not impossible to stop this kind of natural power in the late stage of the third level, which is deeply involved in the field of comprehension. Unfortunately, there are currently no strongmen of this level on both sides of the war.

But if you count carefully, those who can fly to the sky by themselves, the kind of powerhouse brought by Ansos this time, including himself who just took drugs and became a blood-turned sky knight (mid-level second stage), there are only nine people... Mowing

Ansos knew that he was finished, and sat slumped on the sloping deck, motionless.

Tired, destroy it!

There are more than 20 troops on the shore who are in the middle of internal strife, and the elite troops controlled by the three Saba families are only more than 4000 knights and more than 5 standing troops. They were caught off guard and caused a lot of chaos.

But if it is said that the establishment can be completely dismantled, it is not possible to do so.

The martial virtues of the lords are quite abundant. After all, although the human race dominates the mainland, the foreign races on the corners and corners, and the blood moon in the second half of the night often appear in the territory under the invasion of monsters, which tempered these knights well.

Coupled with the fact that Yasha and Andreouya's battles over the past few months have successfully ignited their bloody memories of the war, their ability to train and manage troops is improving rapidly.

The rebellion of the three families of Saba is being rapidly compressed and squeezed out of the queue, and the nobles from all directions are subconsciously cooperating to encircle and suppress them. The situation is very bad.

"Anani Saba, you traitor, die for me!"

"Lester Levine, you have insulted chivalry, go to hell!"

"Movis Karber, look at the trick!"

Many aristocratic lords let out their fighting spirit, all kinds of fighting skills were full of light effects, and stabbed the heads of the three families with knives full of hatred.

I don't know whether I hate their unethical betrayal, or hate them surrendering to the new boss without taking me...

They were at a loss for what to fight for a while. If Ansos hadn't brought all the masters to the boat, they would have been captured by now.

However, just then, the flood is coming!
The [-]-meter-wide river widened in an instant, and became four or five times fatter.

Although it cannot be artificially stored for a long time, the waves successfully overturned the figures of ordinary soldiers, and the water soaked deep into the military uniforms, making them more and more dull.

The banks became mires, and the frigid currents made it difficult for rebels and judges alike to move or move.

The soft soil even engulfed half of many soldiers.

The scene became chaotic.

Soldiers were no longer organized troops, but running chaotically, trying to escape the water.

Can't beat it!
Just to lure the enemy, there are actually [-] to [-] soldiers. In order to flood the enemy army, they simply drowned their own people.

The three traitors were all terrified by Salt's cruel method, but they were also grateful in their hearts. Since Yasha won, the three of them bet right!


More than half an hour later, when the chaotic two sides were still struggling in the mud, the orderly and stern sound of cavalry charging quickly reached everyone's ears.

The army of 200 warriors riding Zoya's world-class warhorses spared no effort to cross more than [-] miles, rushing from the upper reaches of the giants to the battlefield in the middle and lower reaches.

Even if the war horses are far better than Blue Star in the environment of the world of Zoya, after such a run, there is a high probability that these horses will not be able to slow down in the future and can only be stallions.

The Yashai warriors stopped their horses in unison, got off their horses, formed a phalanx, drew their weapons, and charged towards both sides in the quagmire!
You can't do it without getting off the horse, half a year of training and martial arts training, even if this group of people carefully select the seeds suitable for martial arts practice, identifying acupuncture points all day long, concentrating strength, and practicing military formations... It's already very tight.

Let them learn horsemanship with their strong bodies, and it would be good to be a mounted infantryman, and the requirement should not be too far removed from reality...

(End of this chapter)

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