
Chapter 212 Strengthening and the Textile Industry

Chapter 212 Strengthening and the Textile Industry
It can be seen that the Flanner family is not very reassured about their in-laws and family friends, and Ondina, the mermaid royal family, has carefully collected a lot of information.

Thanks to these materials, the three of them had a general understanding of the strength of the mermaid clan.

It can be said that even these 50 mermaids who landed will not be weaker than 20 extraordinary fighters.And the talents and abilities are changeable and varied.

However, due to the current situation of "joint denunciation" of material reserves and appeasement of the local area and neighbors, Zhong Ming could not provide much troops, so it can be said that he was at a disadvantage.

The favorable condition is that the racial innate abilities of the mermaids will be weakened to varying degrees when they leave the ocean, and the mermaids cannot leave the water environment for a long time, otherwise they will die suddenly.

"What's so difficult about this?" Rena stood up confidently and said, "If I lead the mere mermaid tribe, I just need to lure the enemy to go deep, and then take advantage of their unpreparedness, and the magic cannons will bombard them.

When he panicked, he armed his guns and attacked forward, while the rest of the army ambushed from the rear, attacking back and forth, and they would definitely be able to strangle this group of alien races who offended our lord's heavenly power. "

"Ahem," Zhong Ming reminded, "The magic cannons have almost been scrapped after this big battle. It is estimated that before you go out this time, I can only collect two hundred for you at most."

Rene backed away in embarrassment.

"What about you, Di Pu, what do you think?" Zhong Ming asked Di Pu who was frowning.

Di Pu thought for a while and said cautiously: "According to the information given by His Majesty, the general mermaids still have a great need for water, except for the legendary golden mermaid, no mermaid can be dehydrated for a long time.

That being the case, water has the same need for mermaids as the human army needs for food and grass. We can cut off their water source just like cutting off the enemy's food and grass! "

Zhong Ming tapped the desk with his right hand in turn: "Cutting off the water source is much more difficult than cutting off the food and grass, and it is summer, when there is plenty of rain, but it is still a feasible tactic.

What about you, John, what do you think? "

John widened his already very big eyes, and said brightly:
"Both Baron Rene's and Baron Dipper's strategies are feasible to a certain extent, but they also have some small shortcomings. I intend to combine them and add a little trick..."

Dipper and Rene gasped, contributing to the warming of the atmosphere in the world of Zoya.

Zhong Ming also looked at him with admiration: You are indeed a military genius recommended by the great devil, you boy, you are so dark-hearted!I like!
Zhong Ming arranged: "In this case, the commander of this war will be Viscount John Tucker, and you will set off in a week. I will fully support the supply of supplies.

I will also inform the local standing armies in Coastal Province and Near Ocean Province to fully cooperate with you.

Do not let me down. "

The three of John patted their chests and promised not to mention it.

Zhong Ming followed the temptation: "In this way, the Mermaid Clan can be regarded as a strong ocean clan, and there are quite a few strong ones dispatched. The three of you are just body-refinement warriors and formal knights. If you don't have high-end strength, you will inevitably suffer.

On my side, I can communicate with the God of Wealth, the Master of Metal, and the Protector of Machinery and Industry, hold a blessing ceremony for you, and help you improve your bloodline level.

Not to mention the achievements of the golden species, it is still possible to promote you from the black iron species to the silver species.

I have also prepared a whole set of enchanting equipment for you, which can also help you overcome obstacles and defeat aliens.

What do you guys think. "

Di Pu looked slightly startled: "Your Majesty, this?"

Rui Nei's cheeks flushed with excitement: "I am willing to die for Your Majesty!"

John, who was the calmest and calmest, was also agitated, his pupils focused: "My lord loves me deeply, and I will remember it in my heart."

Zhong Ming stretched out his hand to comfort the three of them. He fully understood the feelings of the three of them. In this bloodline equals power, people generally believe that the higher the bloodline, the closer to the gods.

It can be said that people's desire for blood is greater than their desire for titles.

After all, people with high bloodlines can easily find a place wherever they go, become stronger, and obtain titles.

However, titles cannot improve bloodlines.

What can improve the bloodline, except for the occasional pity of the misty gods, that is, some gods in the legend can do it.

Or the wizard's blood transplant operation...

Each one is a rare opportunity, enough to make people break their heads.

This good thing fell from the sky, who is not excited?
"I'm not asking you to prostitute me for nothing. This time, you have paid in advance the reward for defeating the mermaid clan. There will be no other rewards after you come back. Can you accept it?"

The three of them have nothing to do.

Titles, money, beauties...all can't be compared with raising the bloodline of the family. Rene, who felt that it was an advantage, even proposed to donate a large sum of money to Yasha...

Of course, Zhong Ming refused the donation. After all, the other two were obviously not rich, and the young man did not understand the world by doing this.

"If you lose, hehe..." Zhong Mingchou said first.

The three immediately stated that if they lost, they would bury their bones in a foreign country on the spot, and vowed to guarantee that they would win.

Zhong Ming sent the three of them away and told them to go back to stay with their families and prepare to receive reinforcement before leaving.

Zhong Ming continued to think.

Think about the development of the textile industry.

The source of industrialization is "basic clothing, food, housing and transportation", especially "clothing". Bluestar's industrial history has already explained the driving force of the textile industry to the industry.

If you want to develop the textile industry on a large scale, you need to know which factories the textile industry needs.

What equipment is needed for each factory, and what are the raw materials for production?How to lay out the production line?

If a piece of clothing wants to be produced, it first needs to weave plant fibers into yarn, then weave the yarn into cloth, and then go through dyeing, drying, printing, drying, and finally sewing to make a finished garment.

Therefore, there are five types of factories needed by the textile industry:

1. Spinning mill: mainly produces yarn products such as cotton yarn and wool yarn. ——The corresponding production equipment is spinning machine.

2. Textile factory: mainly produces fabric products such as cotton cloth and woolen fabric. ——The corresponding production equipment is a loom.

3. Dyeing factory: mainly dyeing textiles to make them have different colors. ——The corresponding production equipment is dyeing machine

4. Printing factory: It mainly prints textiles to make them have different patterns and patterns. ——The corresponding production equipment is printing machine

5. Sewing factory: mainly produces finished products, such as clothes, socks, hats, etc.The corresponding production equipment is a sewing machine

The functions of key production equipment are as follows:

1. Spinning machine: used to spin cotton, wool and other fiber materials into yarn.

2. Loom: used to weave yarn into cloth.

3. Dyeing machine: used for dyeing fabrics.

4. Printing machine: used to print fabrics.

5. Sewing machine: used to make finished products, such as clothes, socks, hats, etc.

As for Zhong Ming, the only one who still remembers the basic structure and successfully restored it is the Jenny Spinning Machine (also called "Jenny Spinning Wheel"), which is a kind of spinning machine.

Its working principle is that a rotating pulley drives multiple spindles to rotate, and the cotton fibers are drawn into slender yarns.

The advantage of this machine is that it can spin multiple spindles at the same time, which is much more efficient than manual spinning, and it is many times faster than the hand spinning wheel that is popular in the world of Zoya, spinning spindles one by one.

Of course, now it is named Zhong's Textile Machine by Zhong Ming.

Thanks to the illustrations in the history books of Longguo Middle School and the super memory after his mental strength has been improved, otherwise Zhong Ming would not be able to build a spinning machine.

As for other equipment, we can only use the existing ones in Zoya World. Zhong Ming can at most suggest some small improvements or make some arrangements for the distribution of labor.

"To promote local industrial development, promote innovation and technological progress, "patent protection" is essential, and it's time to come up with it."

Zhong Ming looked at the rising blood moon, stretched his waist with a sigh, relieved his tired heart, and thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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