Chapter 111 Dark Night War 1 - (Franco Line 1)

After leaving the mechanical church with Kaya, Franco followed Kaya all the way to an opera hall building.

"Take the memory, see you here in 6 hours."

After speaking, Kaya left Franco outside the theater alone, and checked the tickets into the hall by herself.

Looking at Kaya who left, Franco didn't say much.

In his opinion, as a qualified "chaotic undercover agent", it is best to do less talking and more action.

After all, as the saying goes - too much talk is bound to fail.

Franco touched the two data storages in his pocket, and after confirming that the mission items were well preserved, Franco entered the loose mode.

Yes, at least in his opinion, he has never been a person who can sit upright all day long.

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, and there is no need to deliberately endure it when it is time to enjoy it.

Strolling on the streets of the A-2 throne area, Franco also had to admit that he was as old as the buildings on both sides of these streets.

After nearly 900 years, many things are less important, but many are not all.

Just like those aging buildings, some things still maintain their original edges and corners even if they are eroded, worn down, or even violently destroyed by the years.

If there is a best metaphor for Franco's state of mind at this moment, it is a broken heart that is still beating.

Soon, he came to a shop.

"Boss, here is a pack of the most expensive cigarettes."

Of course, seeing Franco dressed in high-end clothes at this time, the boss will naturally not neglect.

Soon the boss carefully took out a beautifully packaged box from behind.

After the box was opened, what appeared inside was a pack of high-end goods worth 100W francs.

These special cigarettes for nobles transported from the Sun Starfield, although they are not as good as the top quality smoked by the nobles at the top of the tower, they can definitely be regarded as high-end goods.

Of course, Franco hadn't smoked even this stuff for a long time.

On the one hand, Franco couldn't afford it, and on the other hand, Xia Nest basically didn't sell it.

It is only possible to find such a good thing in the "relatively high-level administrative area" such as the throne area.

Taking a casual glance at the packaging, Franco knew it was a genuine pack of cigarettes.

After all, Franco has been in the upper nest for many years, and this kind of thing basically belongs to the common sense of No. [-] Frank Nobles.

After throwing 100 Skyhawk coins to the boss casually, Franco ignored the grateful boss and took the cigarettes and left.

Yes, the storm of crazy depreciation of the franc has been gradually brewing at this time.

Even now, only the royal family on Frank III and a small group of nobles involved in the shipping business know about the extinction of the Astronomical Torch.

But we are not fools.

You said it's okay if the cargo spaceship that was supposed to come didn't come for a few days, but it's almost been postponed for several months.

Smart people have already seen some clues, but to be honest, most of them can't do anything except hoard supplies and weapons.

This is a cage called "death".

No one can leave until the cage is broken or the victim is completely consumed.

But these have nothing to do with Franco for the time being.

After tearing off the wrapping paper, Franco put the noble cigarette case in his hand to his nose and sniffed it.

It was a fragrance, a fragrance mixed with natural breath.

At this moment, Franco seemed to get some kind of satisfaction.

Because that is the taste that Fei Li likes.

The Battle of Tefar VII was the wound in Franco's heart that could never stop bleeding.

Only under the hypnosis of this kind of cigarette with psychedelic ingredients, which is a special product of the Sun Star Field, can Franco find a sliver of salvation as a human being in the endless abyss.

Silently taking out the lighter from his side pocket, Franco carefully lit a cigarette.

Taking a deep breath, Franco didn't smell the choking smell of other low-quality and defective cigarettes from Bottom Nest.

On the contrary, this is a warm and fragrant taste.

Of course, he knew very well that this was just an illusion.

But what about hallucinations?
It's just a shitty world.

The more he knew, the less Franco could return to his original simple life.

This is a kind of helplessness and a kind of sadness for those who are engulfed by the tide of history.

Silently finding a corner in a nearby bar, Franco asked the waiter for a glass of beer.

Why did Franco choose to join Chaos in the end?

It was the Imperial Inquisition that snatched Feli from him himself;

It was the Sisters of Silence who used their sharp knives to force Feili onto the testing platform;

It was the troops on the imperial battleship, all pointing their weapons at Feili.

No matter how many stakes there are in it, these reasons are enough for Franco himself.

As for the bullshit loyalty to the Inquisition Chamber, that's just Franco's choice due to formality.

Because if you don't do this, maybe Feili won't even be able to get off the death ship.

True, Franco was well aware that the Emperor loved humans.

Even he could understand why the final battle had gone the way it did.

But extreme rationality often results in extreme despair.

In that case, the Human Empire seemed to have no choice, but Franco, who was sacrificed, also had no choice.

It seemed to him that for the Emperor the word "human" did not include Feli.

But if it was just Fei Li, Franco might not directly choose to join Chaos.

But the saddest thing is that when he lost Feili, he also lost his last thought.

Hope is such a precious thing, especially for someone like Franco who has been swallowed by the abyss.

Only those who have seen the light can understand the horror of the dark.

At this moment, Karl is the only hope in Franco's eyes.

After taking a sip of wine, Franco's mood seemed to improve slightly.

But just as Franco lamented the impermanence of fate and the irony of reality, a burning sensation suddenly came from his fingertips.

Looking down, it turned out that the smoke in Franco's hand had burned to the end before he knew it.

"Oh, good fortune tricks people."

After sighing silently, Franco prepared to take out a new cigarette to "refill".

But before he reached his hand into his pocket, everything around him suddenly changed dramatically.

A violent vibration suddenly came from under his feet.

At this moment, Franco felt as if his whole body had been thrown into a blender.

But fortunately, with years of experience as a judge's servant, Franco will at least not be as at a loss as the screaming crowd next to him.

But this was not over yet, amidst the violent shaking, everything around Franco suddenly fell into darkness.

Seeing this, he immediately took out the lighter reflexively.

But just as he lit the weak flame on the lighter, he was about to see what was going on.

As the light source turned on, the scene in front of him directly drove Franco's "san value" crazy.


(End of this chapter)

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