Chapter 158 The Fall of the Chief

==Malogost Shen memory read by Karl==
"Hu... hu... hu."

That was the heavy panting of Malogost.

Ever since the unexpected earthquake separated him from the Warmaster, he had been trying to find another way to join him.

He was uncomfortably disturbed by noises coming from the upper deck of the Glory of Terra.

As far as he knew, only Erebus and his party were in charge of blocking Tamba's retreat in that place.

He was very worried about that guy.

He always felt that there seemed to be some ulterior secret hidden in the smiling face hidden behind the scriptures.

It was Erebus who called for support, but the previous tear plague and the horrible carrion now made Malogost gradually suspicious of Erebus.

At this time, his left chest was still aching.

There, he accidentally got a claw from a carrion in the chaos.

Anyway, Malogost didn't expect why that claw could be so powerful --- that doesn't conform to the truth of the empire.

Of course, as the chief of the Sons of Horus, he is not so easily frightened by these ghosts.

"Stay in formation and keep going!"

When his loud roar appeared in the communication channel, those Sons of Horus who showed a little fatigue due to long-term nervous tension moved again.

They knew that even if the entire attack failed, they would have to rescue the Warmaster from the bridge.

This is not only the responsibility in their blood, but also their mission as soldiers of the Empire.

The shoulders have already been covered with various hyphae;
The feet of the power armor have already become wet and greasy;

This place is like a huge hatching nest, and it will always be able to crawl out of every damn carrion from any blind spot.

Swinging the power long sword in his hand again, a stinky head soared into the sky, circled several times on the floor of the cabin covered with various vesicles, and finally stopped firmly on the ground under the pull of the surrounding mucus .

Tears had already begun to well up in both eyes.

But that is neither the touch of seeing relatives;

Nor the joy of seeing a lover;

Not to mention the satisfaction of completing the mission.

It's just a hideous unknown corruption playing with the minds of every warrior caught in it.

Marlogest knew very well that it would not be long before the blood would flow unstoppably from the victim's eyes like these tears now.

In the communication channel, he has heard too many wailing.

The pain of these former comrades-in-arms made him unable to calm down for a long time.

And it seems that this group of Astartes has begun to become weak.

More and more carrion corpses began to gather here like vultures smelling carrion.

At the beginning, with their tall stature and the bolt gun in their hands, Marrogost and his party could barely keep advancing.

Under the roar of the chainsaw, carrion corpses that crossed the bolter fire net were torn apart by the whistling monomolecular sawtooth.

The strong smell of promethium fuel hung in the air.

The chainsaw roared, and rotting limbs flew.

But this balance did not last long.

Unlike those endless rotting corpses.

The explosive bombs that can be carried at a time are limited.

Soon, more and more bolters gradually began to misfire.

The front that was still struggling to maintain has reached the verge of collapse.

"Shrink the defensive line, shrink to that corner, we must avoid being attacked!"

At this critical moment, Malogost immediately made a new decision.

It is true that as long as they start to shrink the line of defense, they can move from the channel that is attacked on both sides to the one-sided channel that is relatively easier to defend.

But everyone knows that in the face of such endless enemies.

Doing that is almost tantamount to cutting yourself off.

But this simple idea, wouldn't Marlogest have thought of it?
Apparently, he had no choice but to face this situation.

The only thing they can do now is to hang on here for a while, and hope that the Warmaster can deal with the enemies in the bridge.

After using his left shoulder to push away one of the rotting corpses, the power room in Marlogust's hand slashed into the body of another rotting corpse again.

The blue-glowing disintegration position on the surface of the constantly shaking sword body easily opened a huge hole in the carrion's body as usual.

The black septic blood was dripping from the burnt black wound.

But just when Malogest was about to pull the power sword out of the carrion body to block another claw swung by another carrion body on the right, a drop of blood and tears suddenly fell from the corner of his eye.

Accompanied by a sudden stabbing pain, Malogost's right hand holding the sword slowed down by half a minute.

If it is normal, it may be fine for half of it.

But at this time, the corpses opposite him were flooding in like a tide.

No pain, no sensation, no life.

Even Marlogst didn't realize that he was seriously injured until he lowered his head and saw the gash that reached to the depth of his lungs.

The power sword in his hand cut off the culprit's head again with the last remaining power.

But this time is different.

His broad palm no longer had the strength to take back the power sword that had been with him for a long time.

And after the power sword flew out of his hand, it chopped down a few unlucky carrion corpses in a circle.

Without the support of strength, his towering body gradually fell backwards.

This is not how much damage the last claw did to Malogost.

It's that he himself has been pushed to the limit.

His body has already been filled with various hormone drugs.

At this moment, even if the best medical officer comes to face Marrogest in this state, he will be helpless.

Because everything the doctor could do, the suit of armor that was on the verge of shattering had already been done.

An unprecedented sense of dizziness hit.

In a daze, he seemed to see several comrades guarding him, and then they were taking it off to the back of the passage.

He wanted to stand up now and tell the Sons of Horus that he was all right.

But he can't.

That was a backlash.

In other words, his so-called "return to light" has long been exhausted.

What followed was endless darkness.

But "fortunately" this darkness does not seem to last too long.

Of course, for a person who is unconscious, it is the same as you falling asleep, and you don't know how long it has been since you opened and closed your eyes.

Malogost, who was slowly waking up, was sore all over.

Looking at the white-style room that caught the eye, and a medical machine servant in a dormant state in the corner.

He knew that this was the medical room he usually used.

Even yesterday, he temporarily deposited the "Heroic Spirit Armor" armor that he took over from Petronia here.

And when he was searching around for the last relic of Sejanus, a bald man with scriptures tattooed on his head pushed the door open.

Obviously, it was Erebus who came.

"Oh, my old friend, you are awake at last."

Hearing the seemingly reasonable greeting from the other party, Marlogest frowned.

Although the other party did everything perfectly, the sense of concern and condolence in his mouth was just right.

But it was this overly perfect "performance" that aroused his vigilance.

He pretended to be casually gag: "I remember here is the armor of Deimos, that is a good guy who died heroically in 63-19."

"Of course, we will never forget his achievements."

Hearing this, Malogost already understood everything.


(End of this chapter)

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