Warhammer: I live under the watchful eyes of the gods

Chapter 192 Seeing the False Emperor for the First Time

Chapter 192 Seeing the False Emperor for the First Time
"Changing the route, let's go here first."

After giving Aurelia a new order, Karl turned his attention back to the camera in the wall.

Unfortunately, it seems that due to some unknown interference, the entire picture of the camera is becoming more and more blurred with the approach of the rotten flesh in the distance.

That is the result of the warp's erosion of the physical universe.

Fortunately, compared to the death guards with pure wireless communication, the camera Karl connected to at least used wired communication for the first half, and it was because of this that he was able to observe carefully before the decisive battle, "The emperor is about to face part of the enemy" .

But even so, relying solely on these fragmented information is enough for him to restore the situation on the battlefield.

But obviously, this level of battle is still a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow to the current Death Guard cans.

"Set up a firepower network, fight while retreating!"

This time, it was not the command from the communication channel.

It was an attempt by Captain Galo, who pulled his helmet off, to compete for "command authority" with the loud and continuous sound of the surrounding bolt guns.

Fortunately, although the effect is limited, the death guards who have been tempered for many years are specially trained for this so-called "adversity".

In the distance, it was a wall of exploding smoke that was advancing.

Before the old smoke dissipated, the new bombs, like moths to a flame, interfered with everyone's sight one after another.

Even the structure of the huge passages around them made crumbling sounds of metal tearing and breaking under this excessive attack.

This is the maximum long-range firepower that the Death Guards can exert in the passage.

And with the addition of follow-up reinforcements, more other weapons have also joined this "firepower pouring".

The bright red high-temperature heat fusion beam, the sparkling ion beam, and all the weapons that could be turned out were all thrown over in one go.

Fortunately, the passages restricted the entry of those large combat units, such as dreadnought mechs or titans.

Otherwise, Captain Jia Luo would definitely use as much firepower as possible to kill such a weird enemy.

It's a pity that even though the death guards have used all the weapons in their hands to the extreme, the seemingly insurmountable wall is still slowly pushing towards the defense line of the death guards.

Through the cracks in the smoke and dust, Jia Luo continued to observe the monster that had been entangled with the small 7th company for several minutes.

Oh, to be precise, it should be part of the monster.

Because according to the report before the communication was disconnected, the same strange piece of meat was not only encountered by the 7th company.

And what's even more ominous is that the 7th company seems to have just bumped into the hometown of this weird creature.

Therefore, these meat block walls here are extraordinarily numerous compared to other attack directions.

This is not good, because the entire core area of ​​the perfect city is a complex maze.

But now, a small group of unbreakable monsters appeared out of thin air in this maze, chasing after the asses of the death guards.

It's not that no death guard dared to go up and make gestures with a chainsaw.

It's an entire team that disappeared inexplicably before, and the tactic called "cautious" is playing a leading role.

Only by understanding your enemy can you defeat them.

In fact, the tactical style of the entire Death Guard is highly flexible.

When it's time to fight, it's time to fight to the end, and when it's time to be cowardly, it turns around and runs away.

At least from the think tanks accompanying the army, Jia Luo has received enough warnings.

They are absolutely unable to contend with this monster in front of them.

Captain Galo knew very well that this was almost the answer to the question.

These strange pieces of meat in front of him are the product of a kind of "spiritual energy".

From the materials exchanged with the No.15 Legion - the Thousand Sons, Jia Luo already had a preliminary understanding of this strange power.

However, there is one difference from the Thousand Sons. The Death Guard under Mortarion are more inclined to use so-called "science" to explain these supernatural powers.

Of course, the essence of this so-called science is not much different from the behavior of the Thousand Sons.

An act of analysis and research based on experimentation.

It's just that one of them studies the use and manipulation of psionic energy, while the other studies the cause and utilization of psionic energy.

Even in a certain sense, the starting point of the Death Guard's research is a bit higher than those of the Thousand Sons of the school style.

But unfortunately, scientific research is not limited to those things in the so-called "subspace".

In fact, they prefer to get in touch with some research related to the real universe than those random things in the subspace.

After all, everything in the physical universe is more regular than a bunch of monsters and ghosts that are difficult to find a "reasonable" explanation for.

Fortunately, none of the above was stuffed into Captain Galo's mind.

Scientific research is the work of those think tanks who are resident on board the Perseverance.

And creating scientific research conditions for those school think tanks is the daily life of Company Commander Jia Luo and the death guards who focus on fighting.

While paying attention to the retreat route, he observed the slowly advancing smoke wall.

Captain Jia Luo was examining the sudden change in front of him with an analytical eye.

Where did these weird chunks of meat come from?
The entire core area of ​​Perfect City reveals an aura mixed with weirdness and conspiracy.

But at least one thing makes sense.

That's why the Emperor ordered the raid on the Perfect City.

This concentration of subspace energy is enough to cause catastrophic consequences.

Simply because some distortion monsters generated by the aftermath can carry explosive bombs physically, how strong will the culprit in the center of this vortex be.

He didn't dare to imagine it at all.

Stepping step by step into the channel where the metal skin has leaked, the iron feet under his feet made a heavy collision sound with the ground.

The sound of explosive bombs shooting around has gradually faded away.

There are only sporadic aftermaths occasionally, which are already reminding the monsters approaching from behind.

But seeing this, he didn't panic in the slightest.

In the previous attack, the bomb had no effect on this kind of monster wrapped in the power of subspace.

Rather than wasting ammunition and batteries for nothing, it would be more useful to leave it to the monster's shield to break the defense, and then severely beat the dog in the water.

And this is also the reason why Captain Jia Luo left the main force again.

He needs to contact the fleet in advance, and prepare enough firepower to break through these monsters at the entrance of the passage - a defender siege tank.

This kind of giant cannon and big iron box, which looks like "Assault Tiger", should be enough to open up these monsters that suddenly appeared.

This is also the limitation of the so-called subspace power.

In the physical universe, there is a so-called "upper limit" for these warp forces.

When there is enough one-time destructive power in the physical universe, even these seemingly unsolvable weird powers will be restricted.

A pungent burnt smell wafted through the dilapidated passage.

Looking at the communicator indicator light that had started to flash from pure red to red and yellow alternately, he knew that his reasoning above was basically correct.
It's not like they haven't encountered weirder situations where panic doesn't help.

Only rationality and calmness can bring every soldier who has entrusted his life to his hands back to "their home on the Perseverance".

Maintaining an even and rhythmic breathing, he was turning back step by step towards the road down.

Coincidentally, when passing a familiar intersection, he saw the mural again.

Although compared to before, under the smoke and dust around it, this mural already looks more dilapidated than before.

But it was this dilapidation that once again gave Jia Luo new inspiration.

(Could it be that those monsters just now were distorted by these beliefs?)

Shifting his gaze downward again, he seemed to have made a new discovery.

The broken limbs that were scattered on the ground before are all gone now.

There was a chill behind his back, and he seemed to have sensed some terrifying truths.

If that's the case, he must report this information immediately.

This place is far from as simple as imagined before, at least the appearance of these monsters was not in the original raid plan.

Fortunately, there were no visions for the rest of the journey.

As he left the scope of the subspace distortion position, the communicator in his hand turned on the green light again.

After quickly calling for airdrop support from a Vindicator siege tank, he burrowed back underground again.

The situation they encountered has been reported, and now they only have to see if Ju Pao can cure this lump of black strange meat.

Fortunately, the speed of the monster's action is definitely not fast. It can only be said that the defensive attribute points are full and there is nothing else.

At least this time, enough time for the Vindicator siege tanks to set their traps.

However, several questions still reverberated in Jia Luo's mind for a long time and could not be dispelled.

If it's just such a weird meat wall, then why did the previous team completely lose contact.

This is very weird and unexplainable.

Even if the subspace position of the rotten monster meat can indeed interfere with the communication in a certain area, according to his experiment just now, this kind of suppression should be limited in scope.

As long as the distance is far enough, you can get rid of the communication interference.

So no matter what, if it's been so long and they haven't been able to re-establish contact with Selkan Leonard's team, then the other side probably has some bad luck.

So even though the defenders siege tank support had been arranged, he still felt that there was a lot of weirdness in this whole thing.

But this kind of intuitive weirdness can't be expressed.

After trotting for a while, looking at the communication that was disconnected again, he knew that the route ahead was the route of the rotting meat.

In fact he didn't need to come back.

But as the commander of the 7th company, he has the need to stand with his brothers.

There is no reason, because they always have been and always will be.

Most of the Death Guard did not fire, only sporadic tentative fire continued to hit the front surface of the rotting flesh.

Although I don't know the principle, at least this can "guide" the direction of the rotting meat to a certain extent.

During the period, Jia Luo also sent people to bypass the creeping route of the rotting meat, and went to the rear of the place where the rotting meat passed to check the situation.

Unfortunately, except for some black blood stains left on the ground, the investigation team was unable to find anything.

"Take these and report them together."

After speaking, Captain Galo handed the photo back to Andus Hakur, a veteran of the 7th company of the Death Guard.


With the irreversible interference of the signal of the last camera, Carl's rape came to an end.

Stretching silently, he put the video panel that was pulled out from the train back into the robe, and he felt a little bit of fun.

This was the original Death Guard in his memory, and it wasn't exactly the Death Guard in his memory.

It is difficult to find some accurate words to describe the changes of some things.

How many hairs does a person have left to show the effect of baldness?
Just like the point where quantitative change leads to qualitative change, no one can clearly understand this subtle point before or after the real change.

More people?

Become more cautious?
Has it changed to no longer reject psionic energy?
Has the relationship with Qianzi improved?
These are superficial information.

The real point is, what happened to Mortarion?
It's a pity that after searching all the surveillance cameras, he couldn't find the figure that was both familiar and strange to him.

"Do you think this Vindicator siege tank can take down this piece of rotting flesh?"

As if feeling a little tired and bored, Karl threw a question that he thought up on the spur of the moment to Aurelia who was trying to run away.


Almost subconsciously, Aurelia gave her answer without thinking.

This speed of light gives the correct answer, which makes Karl feel the deepening of boredom.

Coming here this time is really a vacation in a sense.

All the fighting was "doed for" by the Emperor.

The only room for him to operate is to use his brain.

(Wait, when did thinking only become a vacation?)
After reacting, Carl realized that he was almost gone forever on the road of voluntary 007.

Good guy, having a home office in a previous life is equivalent to 007 being online all the time.

Having unpaid leave in this life is equivalent to brain 007 working overtime.

The bad roots of capitalism cannot be brought over!

But who let Karl, the unlucky guy, be sent to the Warhammer world.

As the saying goes, since you can't fight cough cough cough... Since you can't take a normal vacation, you can only have fun while suffering.

So in an attitude to pass the time, Carl turned to Aurelia who was below him and asked: "Then why do you think they can't win?"

Hearing this, Karl felt as if he had received a blank stare.

That kind of meaning probably means that you have the energy to sort out so many questions that you ask knowingly, why don't you come down and run around?
However, in the spirit of seriousness and responsibility, Aurelia still answered Karl's questions truthfully despite the many complaints in her heart.

"Because they couldn't see the false emperor behind the piece of meat."


It was a huge explosion in the distance.


(End of this chapter)

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