spirits light song

196 Chapter 194, character determines destiny

196 Chapter 194, character determines destiny
Liu Qingyu called Zheng Xiuju to his office, and said some secret news quite seriously.

"The last time I went to Xijiu Group with the chairman, I met with the senior management of the group. It seems that the situation is good."

Although Zheng Xiuju was not interested in this, she was still a little curious. In the information age, whoever has more information has the right to speak.

"Do you know, now is a very critical moment! You have to think more about your future!"

"If you seize the opportunity, you might even work for Xijiu Group in the future!"

Liu Qingyu seemed to be guiding Zheng Xiuju's life.

This Spring Festival is the most painful festival in Zheng Xiuju's life.

According to her thinking, since she has no relationship with Zhao Zhiyang, she might as well part ways.

But Zhao Zhiyang disagreed.

"Is there someone outside? I have to let me know!"

He wondered why there was such a result.

"No. I just feel tired and boring."

A marriage without feelings is a prison, and she doesn't want to stay for a moment longer.

"We all need to be calm and calm. Now I am on business trips all year round, and you are at home alone, free and at ease. Isn't it the same after divorce? Why bother?"

"Anyway, it's come to this point, why bother to force a smile?"

Neither of them found it difficult to convince the other.

Finally, Zhao Zhiyang put forward a condition:
Now is the critical moment for whether Qinghe Distillery can be acquired. Whether it will succeed or fail, no one knows the result. Divorce at this juncture is of no benefit to both of them.

It may even lead to the destruction of the future of the two people.

Even if it is Li, we have to wait for the results of the acquisition before considering it.

Otherwise, he will drag on forever.

"What's the relationship between whether to divorce or not and whether to buy or not?"

Zheng Xiuju muttered angrily.

But in the end, she acquiesced to the request.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

During the Spring Festival holiday, she had to pretend to be happy to visit with Zhao Zhiyang, and play the role of a good wife for the last time in front of her parents and in-laws.

Wearing a mask to show people always feels a little tired.

But now, the reminder from Chairman Assistant Liu Qingyu gave her a glimmer of hope: If she can get out of this environment and work in a new environment, will there still be so many troubles?

"I don't understand you."

she asked suspiciously.

"The last time I went, the top management of the group has made it clear: After the acquisition is completed, the top management will make major adjustments, and we must vigorously use middle-level cadres who are familiar with the environment and capable."

"Moreover, staff rotation will be increased, and the people from the group and Qinghe Winery will be exchanged for cross-training."

Master Liu Qingyu's ability is to tell lies as true as the truth.

Of course, this is not groundless. During the chat, he did say such a way of using personnel.

But that's just a random thought.

Maybe it's like a game in the mouth of a child.

However, a game for some is a dream for others.

At this time, Zheng Xiuju was the one who needed to wake up from a dream to relieve her pain.

"The evaluation team has arrived, and I will personally connect them to ensure their accommodation and travel arrangements. As the office director, this is your job, and you must perform well!"

Liu Qingyu felt that now was the right time to bring Zheng Xiuju under his command.

For this reason, even the general manager Zheng Yongping couldn't say anything.

"I'll just obey the arrangements for what you need. I'd better not get involved in these things!"

Zheng Xiuju is not so ambitious.

Liu Qingyu walked in front of her with staring eyes, staring at her closely, making her a little nervous.

"Let me tell you the truth! The senior executives of the Xijiu Group have already said that no matter how the senior management of Qinghe Distillery adjusts, there will always be a place for me.

At that time, as long as I protect you, I will definitely give you a good job and opportunity, understand? "

Serious about wine?
Yes, quite seriously.

"I... I don't really have any ideas, as long as I have a fixed job, it doesn't matter whether the position is high or low..."

Zheng Xiuju never thought so much.


Liu Qingyu stared angrily.

"I treat you as one of my own, so I tell you so many secrets. Can the positions be the same?

Besides, when the time comes, the right to choose is yours, and having the right to choose is more important than not having the right to choose, understand? "

Zheng Xiuju's face was reddish, like a primary school student who made a mistake.

It seems that in front of Liu Qingyu, a teacher who thinks of herself, her mistakes must be corrected.

"Then...then I will follow your arrangement."

Zheng Xiuju compromised.

The biggest bottleneck in her life is that she can't firmly believe in what she believes in.

When choosing Cao Mengxing or Zhao Zhiyang, it is like this;
When choosing whether to divorce immediately and end the cage, it is like this;
This is still the case when facing future choices and the life you want.

"Tomorrow night, the two of us will have a banquet for the evaluation team. It is a meeting before the official matchmaking. You should dress up like Sykes, and let's get the atmosphere going!"

Liu Qingyu decided to strike first.

This action does not need to be reported to Hu Yuliang, because he has already been granted this power.

Of course, it wasn't that Hu Yuliang let it go. Maybe it's better not to know about Liu Qingyu's little tricks.

"We must establish a relationship foundation so that we can keep abreast of the assessment situation. This is for the sake of everyone in Qinghe Distillery, understand?"

"Also, take this opportunity to get in touch with Xijiu Group, this is the ladder of your life!"

Put on a tall hat and pave a wide road, who would have the nerve to bow their heads and refuse?
Watching Zheng Xiuju go out, Liu Qingyu tried hard to look away.

Recently, some rumors about her and Zhao Zhiyang have reached Liu Qingyu's ears.

There are no airtight walls.

Zhao Zhiyang and Zheng Xiuju are not only separated in different places, but also in a cold war. Although there is no clue on the surface, it is not groundless after all.

Rumors are always closer to truth than lies.

When I got home at night, Zheng Xiuju was somewhat noncommittal.

I really want to talk to someone, but when I pick up the phone, I don't know who to call.

She didn't have the courage to slam the door like Cao Mengxing and resign resolutely.

And she doesn't know where the next job will be waiting for her in that case.

Thinking of the divorce that was already on the agenda, I suddenly felt a panic.

All the people in Qinghe Distillery will ask for answers openly and secretly:

"Okay, why did you leave?"

"Is it because he can't do it, or does he have someone else?"

"Are you… is there something wrong?

A mouthful of saliva can drown a person, this is the disadvantage of this small town.

Maybe go out for a walk, you will meet several acquaintances.

So all the depression and sadness have nowhere to hide.

It would be great if I could really take this opportunity to stay in Xijiu Group for a while!

Zheng Xiuju thought secretly.

For a person who wants to escape, this seemingly unrealistic hope has become the dawn she most wants.

Therefore, she wanted to use this ray of light to give herself respite and tranquility.

It is her character and destiny to always want to use others to realize her hopes.

(End of this chapter)

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