big city small home

Chapter 196 Sang Baiyue

Chapter 196 Sang Baiyue (3)

At work, if the leader is eccentric, you must be patient; if the author does not deliver the manuscript on time, you must be patient;In daily life, mother must apply the old ideas to Xiao Zhenqi, and she must be patient.

The mirror always reminds her that she is short, so she has to be patient; the wallet shrinks faster than it bulges, so she has to be patient.Advertisers always advertise to her accurately, tempting her to chop her hands, so be patient.

Life as an adult is not easy.Life is even more difficult for married adult women.

In addition to all kinds of dissatisfaction, Lu Zhenzhong's silent city mansion and his wife want and never get enough care.

Lu Zhenxin is a typical intellectual who is good at planning for rainy days.The matter has not happened yet, and the countermeasures that are ten steps away have been considered.In this way, he believes in his own eyes and judgment, better than other people's explanations.

As a result, Lu Zhenzhong often came to conclusions in his mind without asking anything.

Are you smart?Is not stupid.

Are you really smart?Not that.

It's more about being smart.

Adding factors such as being born in a small town, having no mine in his family, being unable to afford housing in urban areas, and slow job promotion, the calm man in those days has become increasingly sensitive.Sensitive heart + smart brain, so misunderstandings emerge in endlessly.

However, Lu Zhenzhong is self-reliant and calm, he won't open up a lot of words, he will only frown deeply, and feel depressed alone.

She could feel that he was unhappy, but she had to speculate carefully to figure out why he was unhappy.No way, not as smart as him, the reaction is always slow.

Even if you guess it, you may not have a chance to heal it.

If he didn't mention it, she wouldn't speak rashly.Men love face and are afraid of being seen through.

In short, for half a year, there is an undercurrent between the two people, and small emotions will revolt every now and then.Fortunately, the two don't live together, and there are very few opportunities to quarrel.Those little anger, little unhappiness, and little awkwardness have all been crushed under the giant wheel of life that is rolling forward.

Looking back roughly, the two got along well after they got married.

As for the sufficient amount of care that the wife wants but will never get, it would be tears to talk too much, so it doesn't matter if I don't mention it.

Sang Baiyue is often amazed that she still maintains a normal mind after going through all the above.There was no explosion in place, no shouting and roaring, no hitting the table and smashing the computer, it was amazing.

Is this the female resilience that countless literati have praised throughout the ages?
Working No. 13 years, and the fourth year after marriage, Sang Baiyue was surprised to find that women's resilience, at some point, was developed into women's willfulness by her.

The proof is that she dared to hate her mother.

When Muma said that Xixi was as thin as a skeleton, she suddenly felt angry and gave Muma a cruel look with strong emotion.Mama was visibly frightened.

She seems to have given birth to a third eye, which can only manifest energy. With the view of the camera hanging from the high corner of the wall, looking down at the mother's aura, her aura gradually rises.

Since then, she has gone from probing to unscrupulous.

The peak of unscrupulousness occurred after the mother lured her to refuse Lu Zhenzhong to take money to see the doctor for the father-in-law.

When she said that all the money was spent by her to buy financial management and the financial management was losing money, Lu Zhenzhong was obviously angry, he turned around angrily, slammed the door and left.When the door slammed, she felt that her three souls and seven souls were about to be shaken out of her body.

Once again, he didn't persuade, didn't coax, never got angry, turned around and left her.

Sang Baiyue covered her mouth with one hand, and then covered this hand with the other.

She can't cry.

Not only because there is a father who is always worrying about her endlessly in the room, and there is a naive and romantic daughter who thinks that her parents are in love with each other, but also because there is a mother in the room who can clearly predict Lu Zhenzhong's reaction in advance, and still coaxes her to reject him.

She wanted to prove that it was her own wish to reject Lu Zhenzhong, not being deceived.Then she wants to prove that she is an independent individual, not a puppet manipulated by her mother at will.

Enduring the first few seconds when she wanted to cry, Sang Baiyue lowered her hands, pretended nothing happened, and walked back to her bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door was closed, she leaned against the bedroom door and walked down along the door.Hugging her knees and biting her pants, she wept bitterly.

The third eye does not have the ability to see through walls.But her intuition told her that Mama must be on tiptoe, close to the door, and listen to the movement in the house.

That night, Sang Baiyue was not in the mood to take a bath for the first time.

She lay on the bed, thinking silently.

To be fair, to make an upside down.

If her father is sick and lacks money to save his life, she is full of expectations to find the closest person, but she is rejected at the beginning.What would she think?
Sang Baiyue stared at the ceiling, the ceiling in the dark night was as deep as a bottomless pit.

The next day, she opened the bedroom door with swollen eyeballs and pink eyes, and Mama was standing at the door.Mommy opened her mouth for the first sentence: "Do you regret it?"

The desire to contradict her mother made her subconsciously deny it.

Mommy shook her head: "Don't you mean duplicity?"

She froze.Only then did I realize what had just happened.

calmly.Breathe slowly.She warned herself not to follow Mama's way.

After taking a few deep breaths, she bent her lips and smiled, and looked at Muma calmly: "I will take care of the matter between me and Lu Zhenzhong." After saying that, she walked past Muma with her head held high.

During that time, Muma watched her very closely, and always exposed her before she decided to go to Anting, which made her angry, so she had no choice but to deny it.The plan to go to Anting was delayed again and again, for a full two months.So much so that Sang Baiyue really wanted to ask: Mom, do you really want me to be happy, or do you want me to be unhappy?
No parent wants their kids to be unhappy - that's just a theory.

In fact, in many families, it is the parents who destroy the marital happiness of their children.

Tan Xiu, her favorite children's book author in the past two years, once told her about her marriage in person.

Tanxiu's mother-in-law was a widow at a young age, and she had an abnormal emotional sustenance for her son.When I met my mother-in-law for the first time, the mother-in-law cried and told her about the difficulty of raising the eldest son alone, which successfully aroused her desire to protect.

She is kind to her mother-in-law in every possible way, and she loves her mother-in-law wholeheartedly.result?It was her mother-in-law who put the first knife in her marriage.

The mother-in-law often reprimanded her son for all kinds of bad things in a sad tone in front of her. She didn't agree with it when she first heard it, but she was brainwashed over time.

The husband and wife quarreled, thinking that the mother-in-law would stand by her for granted, but never thought that the mother-in-law was filled with righteous indignation, and fought back against her fault-finding with her hands on her hips.The degree of anger is worse than that of a wronged husband.

The first lesson of family fighting.The talk show was a complete failure.

Realizing how powerful her mother-in-law is, Tan Xiu decided to hide from her mother-in-law from now on.Facts have proved that it is difficult to hide from those who cannot be provoked.

The mother-in-law always has two faces, and she has the ability to prevent her son from seeing her second face forever.

Tanxiu, who is suffering so much, the more she separates, the more she is rejected by her husband.Since you have said a lot and made a lot of mistakes, it is better to remain silent to the end.Husband and wife are relatively speechless, emotionally drained.Thanks to the support of a pair of twin daughters, she did not run away from home.

Tan Xiu's mother-in-law successfully won all of her son's attention, and managed to prevent Tan Xiu from spending any of the money her son earned.It's a pity that she used her own way to develop cancer.

She took away all her son's emotions and all his money, leaving behind a small family in dire straits and foreign debts that were too heavy to breathe.I wonder if the old man is satisfied with his record?
Tan Xiu's poor husband was kept in the dark by her mother-in-law, and she couldn't make up her mind to abandon him.Until many years later, the husband who woke up in his old age filed for divorce by himself.

At that time, Sang Baiyue didn't know that Tan Xiu would usher in the happiness of being released, and she didn't know that the war of control and anti-control between herself and her mother would affect the marriage, and the marriage boat almost turned upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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