Chapter 80

"She's actually..." Lu Zhenzhong resisted, but still told the truth, "My wife."

Bingbulin lowered her head.

"Did she ask you to transfer?"

Lu Zhenzhong shook his head.But Bingbulin lowered her head and didn't see it.Bingbulin thought that acquiescing meant admitting.

"I always thought... I thought you..." Bingbulin's voice was full of pain.

"I'm sorry I misunderstood you." Lu Zhenzhong apologized.He's not single, although he's not wearing a ring.

"Since you love each other so much, why haven't you lived together for so many years?" Bingbulin looked up at Lu Zhenzhong.Lu Zhenzhong was amazed that her eyes were so moist, shimmering in the night.Are those tears?

"If they love each other, they won't live together for many years." Lu Zhenzhong smiled bitterly.What he said was just the facts at the moment, in the past 5 years, he was not dissatisfied with Sang Baiyue.

Although it is the fact at the moment, it is still unavoidable to feel guilty.After suspecting that Bingbulin had other feelings for him, he still said that, which is suspected of being misleading.

"Why are you together again all of a sudden?" Bingbulin asked.

"Maybe, she knew that I wanted to divorce?"

Bingbu Linfei glanced at Lu Zhenzhong, and there seemed to be a smile in the corner of his eyes: "When did you want to divorce?"

"A few months ago." Three months ago, when he learned that his father was ill, his first reaction was to ask Sang Baiyue for money.The conflict started from then, right?

Bingbulin apparently has another method of timing events.After reminiscing about it, she smiled a little more, and asked in a sweet voice, "Can you not be transferred?"

Lu Zhenzhong pursed his lips and looked at Bingbulin.

"I'm new to work, and I don't know what to do. If you are here, I will be able to support me... Will you support me?"

Lu Zhenzhong shook his head and curled his lips: "I decided to transfer because I was afraid that I would make trouble in the dark. After the transfer, at least you are not my female boss, and I can..." Having said that, Lu Zhenzhong quickly stopped and changed his mind. , "I can still talk to you normally with normal emotions."

Bingbulin stopped, looked at Lu Zhenzhong's back, and shouted: "Are you so narrow-minded? Why can't the boss be a woman? Why can't the lover be stronger than you? Is a man's face bigger than the sky?"

Only then did Lu Zhenzhong realize that there was nothing around him.He turned back.I saw Bingbulin under the dim light of the street lamp.He couldn't answer her question, so he could only laugh it off.

Bingbulin shouted—the distance between them, there was no need to shout: "I thought you were different from them."

"What can I do? Why do you think I'm different from them?" Lu Zhenzhong was not perfunctory, but genuinely curious.In the past two days, there were too many things that aroused his curiosity.

"They talk casually, dress casually, and eat whatever they want. They are completely conformist. You seem to have your own opinions, attitudes, and tastes. But aside from these external things, you also have sexism in your heart!"

Lu Zhenzhong laughed, he hated those ideas and speeches about equal rights. "Bingbulin, in this world, there are either men or women. How can I ignore your gender? Do you expect me to treat you like my buddies?"

Bingbulin was emotional: "Then let me ask you, are you full of prejudice against divorced women and single mothers like them?"

Lu Zhenzhong knew that she was a divorced woman, and also knew that she was asking what was in her heart out of anger.

With his hands on his hips, he was extremely sincere: "When I first found out that you were divorced, I was really surprised. The surprise was more because you were completely different from the divorced women I imagined. A positive, motivated and optimistic divorced woman like you, How different is it from falling in love and breaking up one more time?
You didn't complain, you didn't give up on yourself, you still shine.Your charisma outweighs the bad experiences in your life.

Not only me, but someone else would not have any bad opinion of you because of your divorce. "

Bingbulin looked at Lu Zhenzhong who was a few steps away, and silently shed two lines of tears.She seemed to be crying, but also laughed, and asked, "What else?"

Lu Zhenzhong laughed: "I'm not complimenting enough, am I?"

Bingbulin was shy: "No, I'm asking..." She raised her eyes to look at Lu Zhenzhong, who was amused by her anxious look, and walked towards her.Bingbulin was nervous and speechless.

Lu Zhenzhong came over and bent down to help Bingbulin pick up the silk scarf that fell on the ground.It turned out that she was too emotional just now, and the wind blew off the long silk scarf without noticing it.

Looking at Lu Zhenzhong who was bent over, Bingbulin stretched out her hand, wanting to touch his head.And because of timidity, he withdrew his hand before he got up.

Lu Zhenzhong handed the scarf to Bingbulin.

Bingbulin didn't answer.

Lu Zhenzhong followed suit and put the silk scarf around her neck.For a moment, imagination replaced the real scene in front of me.He saw that he took the opportunity to pull her closer, and tasted the taste of strawberries as he wished... The night wind was gentle, the night was alluring, and the beauty in his arms burned his heart.

Lu Zhenzhong frantically wandered at the intersection of Yueji, and in Bingbulin's eyes, he just suddenly became dazed.

"Thank you." She thanked her aloud, waking up the dazed people.

Lu Zhenzhong pursed his lips and smiled.The two continued to walk side by side.

Soon they arrived at their respective cars.

The two said goodbye to each other with unspeakable emotions.

Lu Zhenzhong deliberately lagged behind and drove behind Bingbulin.After entering the community, even if he gets off at the same time, he will be later than Bingbulin.This is to spare the conscience from being burdened.Sometimes, he is helpless with his cowardice.

After Lu Zhenzhong got off the car, he saw Bingbulin wandering in the central garden.

The tacit understanding broken by a paper order returned, and it was a matter of course for Lu Zhenzhong to greet him and send Bingbulin home.

On the sixth floor, Sang Baiyue, who was smoking by the open glass window, accidentally saw Lu Zhenzhong downstairs.Within the range illuminated by one streetlight and another, Lu Zhenzhong and a graceful woman appeared, disappeared, and reappeared.

Sang Baiyue forgot to smoke because of surprise.The originally flickering cigarette butt became dim.The night absorbs the thin smoke.

The smoke between Sang Baiyue's fingers fell off and fell.A burning bright spot draws a line of light, straight to the ground.

Lu Zhenzhong on the ground bid farewell to Bingbulin.

What is restrained is the surface. In fact, after the previous temptations, the two have confirmed that the other treats them differently.Their hearts are soaring.

"Good night."

"Good night."

After saying good night to each other, they smiled and looked at each other for a while before Bingbulin turned around first.

Standing inside the security door, she looked out.Lu Zhenzhong's back was broad and straight.

Bingbulin bowed her head and happily sent a message.

"Very happy today. Very, very happy."

"Why?" the friend on WeChat replied.

(End of this chapter)

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