Chapter 117
Su Jing talked too much at once, and it was Ding Yin and Ding Ding's family.

Although Zhu Biao has realized the beauty of spreading the law into the mu, he has not really understood the difficulty of its implementation.

He just looked at Su Jing excitedly and said: "Su Shi is really a heavenly man, this method is a good strategy to kill three birds with one stone!"

On the one hand, corvee labor is reduced, and at the same time, the taxes on farmers are also reduced. More importantly, it can curb the phenomenon of land annexation.

Zhu Biao only thought that Su Jing was too amazing, and he could think of such a way.

Su Jing shook her head slightly, but didn't say much.

Zhu Biao is not stupid, so he can naturally think of the difficulties when he calms down.

Let him realize it by himself.

Zhu Biao was still immersed in his own world, carefully considering the benefits to Daming after Ding Yin and Tan Ding entered the mu.

Financially, it will definitely be much better than it is now.

Because the tax paid by the peasants was originally grain, there must be fire consumption in the process of paying the grain.

There are so many places in the whole country, and the total fire consumption is a very large number.

Not to mention that corrupt officials use this fire consumption to make a fuss about corruption.

But after turning into taels of silver, there is no need to worry about the problem of fire loss.

In the case of dividing the land into acres, the farmland, taxes and corvee are bound together, and the collection depends on the amount of the land.

In this way, the less land there is, the less taxes and corvees, and the pressure on the poor will be much less.

And those officials and gentry who tried to grow themselves through land annexation were not so happy.

The more fields, the more taxes and corvee they have to pay.

What a perfect way!
But soon, Zhu Biao realized the problem.

This Great Ming, who has the most land?

Children of the royal family!
Zhu Yuanzhang had also discussed with Zhu Biao about Zhu Biao's younger brothers becoming kings and vassals.

Several people will be crowned king next year. Although it is still early to become a feudal clan, a large amount of land will definitely be distributed by then.

It is difficult to carry out the government-gentry one-to-one payment of food and food. Now that we do this, we will definitely encounter the same problem!

If it is forced to implement, I am afraid that there will be huge resistance.

Although Zhu Biao is well aware of the terrible consequences of taxation and corvee in the future, the current Ming Dynasty has not reached that point yet.

Can we just continue to wait?

Wait until the terminally ill, have to implement and then promote?

Zhu Biao only felt that it was so difficult!
Why is it so difficult to implement something that is obviously beneficial to the people and the country?
Does the feudal dynasty deserve to be destroyed?

Zhu Biao fell into helplessness and despair again.

With a famous teacher in front of him, the magic method has been released, but he can only watch it with his own eyes. This feeling makes Zhu Biao very uncomfortable.

"Why, I figured it out."

Su Jing watched Zhu Biao's expression change with a smile, and teased.

What I said was a classic reform of the Qing Dynasty.

But there are still some big differences between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

Times are different, social environments, and upper-level rulers are all different.

The same method, if you want to copy it, it is not that simple.

Su Jing also read some online articles in his previous life, and he found some plots ridiculous.

Science and technology are truths and can be copied directly, but can some institutional bills also do it?

Just kidding!
"Master Su, the students have figured it out."

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "Although this method is good, it is not easy to implement."

Su Jing nodded and said: "That's the reason, don't think so much."

"Let's go, I'll teach you something new."

This is just a simple lesson anyway, and Su Jing didn't want to tangle with Zhu Biao here.

I am not the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, so it is useless to worry too much.

"Okay, Master Su."

Zhu Biao nodded.

He didn't forget about it like Su Jing did, because he was the crown prince, and he would really be the emperor of Ming Dynasty in the future.

Zhu Biao just temporarily sealed up these thoughts and thought about them slowly in the future.

Su Jing brought Zhu Biao to the papermaking workshop.

To be precise, it is outside the papermaking workshop, on the road that must be passed in and out.

Days of rain made the ground quite muddy, and after walking for a while, the feet must be covered with mud.

At the same time, there are more potholes on the ground than usual, and they are more serious.

The horse-drawn carts and ox carts that transport papermaking materials will also be much slower.

"Master Su, this road should be repaired."

Zhu Biao said to Su Jing.

This is not only a problem for pedestrians to walk, but also affects the production efficiency of paper factories.

Su Jing asked: "Niu Yi, if you want to build this road, who should build it?"

Who will fix it?
Zhu Biao was stunned for a moment, and replied: "The local government should be responsible for this matter."

Roads are public service facilities, and like city walls, they are all repaired by government conscripts.

"well said."

Su Jing nodded and said: "But in fact, if I go to the government, no one will repair this road."

Zhu Biao just wanted to refute, but after thinking about it for a while, although this papermaking workshop is in Lishui County, it is actually quite far from the main city.

If you want to build roads, go to the government, and the government will probably ignore it.

"Well, then you can only fix it yourself."

Zhu Biao looked at Su Jing and said.

Su Jing asked back: "Then why do I have to repair it myself? The money for road repairs is not a small amount."

Zhu Biao immediately replied: "Master Su, you said that transportation is an important foundation for economic development. Only when the road is repaired can the transportation be convenient. For the paper workshop, the transportation is convenient and can produce higher benefits. You You can also make more money, so building roads is beneficial to you.”

After studying by Su Jing's side for a long time, Zhu Biao's knowledge of the economy has improved a lot.

Su Jing nodded and said: "That's right, the summary is only six words, if you want to get rich, build roads first."

"If you want to get rich, build roads first?"

Zhu Biao repeated Su Jing's words, and felt that it was simple and clear, very essence.

Su Jing continued: "But Niu Yi, think about it, building roads can make my paper workshop earn more money, does it mean that I also pay more taxes?"

"In this matter, the country will benefit in the end. According to you, the country will benefit, so the road should be repaired by the government."

After these words, Zhu Biao was also stunned.

That's right!
It is the country that ultimately benefits from road construction, so it is normal for the government to build roads.

However, Zhu Biao also knew some realities.

The government doesn't care about this kind of thing.

Because they do not have such a vision of development.

"Master Su, if the government builds roads, it must be corvée again. Doesn't this increase the burden on the common people?"

Zhu Biao asked Su Jing back, Zhu Biao thought he could change the government's problem, but isn't this corvee a new problem?
Su Jing smiled and said, "Then how about another way?"

"Naturally, this road needs to be repaired, but in another way, for example, in a disaster year or a bad harvest year, the government should have opened warehouses to distribute grain instead of providing relief through work."

"Conscript them to build bridges and pave roads, and then distribute food so that they can survive."

"In this way, the victims of the disaster have received relief, and the construction of these public facilities has also been completed."

"In the coming year, we will be able to better develop production and overcome difficulties faster."

Su Jing also proposed a concept of labor in lieu of relief.

Zhu Biao thought about what Su Shi said carefully, nodded and said: "Master Su's idea of ​​using work for relief is indeed possible, but doesn't everything have to wait for natural disasters?"

Relief with work, on the one hand, solves the problems of the victims, and on the other hand, strengthens the infrastructure construction.

It has a good effect on post-disaster production and economic recovery.

However, if you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, you can't wait for a natural disaster to do everything.

"There's nothing wrong with your thinking."

Su Jing nodded and said: "If it is a good year, wouldn't the road be repaired? It must be repaired."

"But the method is different. The government can use the method of raising funds to borrow money from the private sector, and then build roads. In this way, it is not a corvee, but a normal project."

The government borrows money from the private sector.

Hearing Su Jing's words, Zhu Biao thought it was a fairy tale.

Isn't it funny that the dignified court of the Ming Dynasty actually borrowed money from the people and businessmen?

The status of merchants is the lowest among scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce.

In any dynasty, if they really had no money, they would sell the merchants directly. How could there be a saying of borrowing money?
"Master Su, don't the students think that this is an exploitative businessman in disguise?"

Zhu Biao looked at Su Jing and said, feeling extremely incomprehensible in his heart.

Su Jing is also a businessman herself, why would she have such and such an idea?

Is this shooting yourself in the foot?
In Zhu Biao's eyes, Su Jing is not this kind of person.

Su Jing smiled and said: "No, no, this is fundamentally different from exploitation."

"Listen to me, the government has borrowed private capital to build bridges and pave roads, which has promoted economic development. If the merchants make money, will there be more taxes? If there are more taxes, the government will have money."

"If you have money, you can pay back the money. When the time comes, those who are not in a hurry to ask for money will be the ones who borrowed money."

"After all, the government allowed them to make money, and this has something to do with owed money. Everyone has more confidence in doing business."

In ancient times, the authority of the government was extremely high.

Businessmen really hope that they can have some benign relations with the government, which is better than having no background.

Borrowing some money, not all assets, but also allowing yourself to earn more money, why not do it?

After Su Jing said these words, Zhu Biao was a little confused again.

This seems to be using the money of the people to make the people make money, and the government plays a role of integration in it.

At first glance, it sounds a bit unreliable, but when you think about it carefully, the truth is really the same.

"But Master Su, what if you don't make any money after building the bridge and paving the road?"

Zhu Biao asked again.

Everything Su Jing said was based on making money.

Without money, everything is just a castle in the air.

Su Jing took it for granted, "Then this is the business of the superiors. If they don't even have this ability, then they can only be said to be unqualified."

"The method is here. If the executor has no ability at all, it will be useless even if the gods come to teach."

Zhu Biao couldn't refute the simple truth.

The Ming court managed countless people in the territory of the Ming Dynasty. For such a huge country, the ruler must be capable.

There is no saying that everything is easy and smooth, but it is inevitable that it will be difficult.

"Mr. Su's teachings are profound, and the students are taught."

Zhu Biao nodded seriously.

Su Jing shook her head and said, "What kind of profound teaching is this, I just saw something that ordinary people don't see."

For what he said, Su Jing didn't think it was how awesome he was.

This is just the wisdom of later generations, it does not mean that the ancients were stupid.

"Master Su is too modest. The students think that what Su Jing said is even reasonable."

Zhu Biao didn't think too much, but felt that Su Jing was humiliating himself.

"Wise words?"

Hearing this, Su Jing looked at Zhu Biao and said, "Niu Yi, then you are very wrong!"

Hearing Su Jing's words, Zhu Biao showed doubts on his face, "What do you mean by what Master Su said?"

After hearing so much from Su Jing, Zhu Biao didn't gain too much.

But listening to this meaning now, it seems to be wrong.

Zhu Biao really didn't understand.

Su Jing laughed at herself: "I'm just an ordinary person. Governing the country is the business of the emperor. I can see too little. I just use some ideals to imagine how to govern a country."

"In the end, he can only be regarded as a keyboard warrior at best."

"If the emperor really listened to me to govern the country, it would be a joke."

(End of this chapter)

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