Daming: Old Zhu, we agreed not to rush!

Chapter 457 I will always be your support

"Sir, Uncle Ren Yuan went to the Prince's Mansion and never came out."

In the Yongjia Marquis Mansion, the servants had just reported Su Jing’s whereabouts to Zhu Liangzu, who was pretending to be ill.

Although he was not arrested and the situation eased a little, it did not mean that Zhu Liangzu truly relaxed.

Before seeing Su Jing again, Zhu Liangzu would always be nervous.

"Sir, do you think it's okay to send someone to send a greeting card?"

The housekeeper asked Zhu Liangzu. He was pretending to be ill and was so concerned about Su Jing's whereabouts. Although the housekeeper didn't know what was going on, he still had to make suggestions for Zhu Liangzu.

Zhu Liangzu said coldly: "Did I let you speak?"

"I don't dare, sir, please forgive me!"

The housekeeper immediately knelt down towards Zhu Liangzu tremblingly.

Zhu Liangzu said without even looking at him: "Continue to pay attention to Uncle Ren Yuan's movements, and don't ask any other questions."

"Yes, sir."

The butler stood up and retreated slowly.

Zhu Liangzu frowned and murmured: "Su Jing, what do you mean? Are you not interested in my answer at all?"

When we talked that day and night, we did not reach the final intention.

Su Jing asked Zhu Liangzu to go back and think about it, but he didn't say anything about the deadline. He didn't come to deliver the news at all. Zhu Liangzu didn't understand what Su Jing meant at all.

Moreover, those people who were brought from Lishui County also began to be interrogated.

At the same time, Zhu Liangzu received news that King Zhu Di of Yan had already set off from Lishui County to return to Beijing.

A series of news made Zhu Liangzu panic inside.

Until now, he was not completely sure about Lao Zhou's life and death, and Zhu Liangzu had no idea whether Lao Zhou would confess himself.

Zhu Liangzu didn't know whether the assassination in Lishui County left any clues.

This matter seems to be a fog now, and Zhu Liangzu doesn't even know where to start.

The most important thing is that Zhu Liangzu himself did not dare to investigate too openly.

He knew that the person above him was not someone who could be easily fooled.

Su Jing didn't say anything. Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang wouldn't investigate it himself?
If he is caught doing something strange, it is tantamount to bringing it upon himself.

Zhu Liangzu would not do such a stupid thing.

But if you don’t check, you won’t know accurate information and you won’t be able to respond accurately.

Zhu Liangzu is really anxious!
He himself didn't even realize that he was now completely led by Su Jing.

"Damn it! Su Jing, what on earth do you mean!"

Zhu Liangzu cursed angrily, lay back on the bed, and continued to pretend to be sick.

He doesn't know what's going on outside, so it's not appropriate to show his face, otherwise that guy Hu Weiyong will definitely come looking for him.

This situation really made Zhu Liangzu helpless and frustrated.


At this time, at the gate of the capital, a team of foreigners had just entered the city. They were not many in number, but they were not wearing the clothes common to the people of the Ming Dynasty.

The clothes of this group of people are very colorful, and both men and women wear silver jewelry. Of course, there are not many.

If Su Jing were here, she would be able to recognize the clothing of the Yi people at a glance.

In his previous life, he also traveled to places like Guizhou and Yunnan, and even bought traditional Yi clothing.

These distinctive clothes can be seen at a glance without any detailed identification.

But at this moment, for the people of Ming Dynasty, these people are completely "alien" that they have never seen before.

Even if this is the capital, the people should still be ignorant.

The main area where the Yi people live is thousands of miles away from the capital of the Ming Dynasty, which is really too far away.

"Miss, we have arrived at the capital of Ming Dynasty."

Next to the carriage, a middle-aged man rode a horse and said against the carriage window.

"I understand, Tashi, now we have to find a way to find Ming officials first."

In the carriage, a woman's voice came out.

The middle-aged man Tashi said solemnly: "Yes, miss."

A group of Yi people traveled thousands of miles to come to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. They must have something important to do.

However, for them, Ming Dynasty is very strange, and the capital of Ming Dynasty is even stranger.

Although official letters had already been sent before arriving, they reached directly into the hands of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty.

But when it would arrive, I didn’t know at the time.

Therefore, now that this team of people has arrived in the capital, they are really confused.

Of course, part of it is due to the Ming Dynasty.

Normally, when a foreign envoy like this comes to Beijing, he must spread the message all the way, and he must deliver the message every time he goes.

But there is no way, who would have allowed this to be the third year of Hongwu.

It was also the first time for Lao Zhu to become emperor. There were too many things that needed to be done and there were too many things that he didn't know.

Therefore, there was such an omission.

Foreign missions have entered the capital, but there is no one to greet them. They have to rely on the missions to find them themselves.

According to the standards of the Celestial Kingdom, it is indeed a bit low.

But considering the actual situation, it is understandable.


In the Prince's Mansion, Su Jing and Zhu Biao had finished their dinner and were taking a nap in the inner courtyard.

The weather in May is still relatively cool and pleasant. It is a little hot during the day, but in the evening it is very comfortable.

"Master Su, sometimes students really want to be like teachers, able to constantly explore the mysteries of the sky and explore the infinity of the universe!"

Zhu Biao looked up at the sky. The sun had not completely set at this time, and the sunset in the distance was very gorgeous.

Su Jing smiled and said: "Prince, this is not a difficult thing. I remember that I taught you how to make a telescope and the principle of refraction of light. If you want to make an astronomical telescope, you should be able to make it."

"Or if you really want it, I can give you the one I have at home."

Since Su Jing built the astronomical telescope at Su Jing's home, the number of observations has not been that many.

The purpose of creating it in the first place was indeed a hobby, but the bigger factor was to pass the time out of boredom at night.

After that, Su Jing gradually found what she wanted to do, and she used less astronomical telescopes that day.

Zhu Biao shook his head and said: "If the student was still with Master Su, he would definitely accept it happily, but now, the student will not want it."

"Because even if students want it, they don't have much time to go see it."

The prince does not only represent supreme power.

Su Jing turned to look at Zhu Biao and said, "Niu Yi, you have really grown up."

Niu Yi is the pseudonym Zhu Biao used when he was around Su Jing.

At this moment, Su Jing mentioned it again, which made Zhu Biao stunned.

"Prince, what's wrong? You can't forget this name." Su Jing said with a smile, pulling Zhu Biao out of his daze.

Zhu Biao immediately said: "Of course the student has not forgotten it, but now that Master Su mentions it, he is very surprised."

"But if I had a choice, the student would like to be Niu Yi forever, rather than the prince he is now."

The days when he lived and studied with Su Jing in Lishui County were the happiest and most relaxing times for Zhu Biao.

He is not a prince, just a student.

There aren’t that many responsibilities to take on, and there aren’t that many expectations to fulfill.

The sense of relaxation that Su Jing brought to him was something he had never felt since Zhu Biao was born.

"It's a pity that God doesn't fulfill one's wishes. There are some things that we can only think about."

Zhu Biao sighed slightly, there were some things that he couldn't go back to after all.

Su Jing shook her head and said: "Prince, you are wrong. If I tell you, I can let you go back, but the price is that you can only be Niu Yi forever. Are you willing?"

Zhu Biao was stunned. He didn't expect Su Jing to ask him this question.

Although it sounds like something impossible, Zhu Biao has no reason to believe that Su Jing can really do it.

Perhaps it was because Su Jing had given him too much shock before.

"you will not."

Before Zhu Biao could answer, Su Jing had already told him the answer.

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "Master Su is right, students should not be able to do it. I am the prince of the Ming Dynasty, and I am responsible for the people of the entire Ming Dynasty. If it is because of my selfish desires, wouldn't I be sorry for my father and the world?" All nations.”

Su Jing smiled and said: "This is you, Prince. There are not many people who can recognize and accept themselves at this age."

Although being a prince may be something that almost everyone wants to do, Zhu Biao's desire to become a prince was never because of the power he wanted to enjoy.

He deeply understands the responsibilities and obligations that come with being a prince, not just the power that a prince represents.

"The students Master Su said are a little embarrassed. Compared with the people of Ming Dynasty, I still have a much better life. This is nothing."

Zhu Biao had a shy look on his face. After all, he was only a teenager.

Su Jing said calmly: "You can afford it. I can still see this clearly."

Su Jing really knows how good Zhu Biao is.

He is perfect in every aspect, and is simply the standard template for a good emperor, if he can become the emperor.

"Master Su, is what you just said true?"

Zhu Biao came back to his senses and asked Su Jing. The question was naturally about what Su Jing said that made him continue to be Niu Yi.

Su Jing smiled and said, "You have already refused, so please keep this matter in mind."

"Yes, Master Su."

Zhu Biao nodded, his inner curiosity not weakening at all, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Whether it's possible or not, it has nothing to do with him.

He is the prince of Ming Dynasty and will not become anyone else.

"By the way, the Firearms Bureau has been built and should have been put into production."

Su Jing changed the topic and asked.

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "Back to Master Su, it has been built. The production is now going very smoothly. The main firearms produced are all designed and improved by Master Su."

"I believe that next year, the entire Ming Dynasty's army will use firearms modified by Su Shi!"

Because of Su Jing's improvements, the cost of using firearms has been greatly reduced, which also means an increase in the number of equipment that can be equipped.

Su Jing felt quite proud after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, this Ming Dynasty, because of his arrival, could actually take the lead in weapons and equipment.

It seems that I am not so meaningless.

"Master Su, I heard that you accepted your third brother as your student, is that right?"

Zhu Biao asked, and the topic changed quickly.

This is how Su Jing and Zhu Biao usually get along. They are not so reserved and just say whatever comes to mind.

"Yes, Prince Jin has officially become my student."

Su Jing nodded and said, thinking of Zhu Fan, he found it quite interesting.

"Students congratulate the teacher! Thank you to the teacher too!"

Zhu Biao saluted Su Jing, his face filled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

Whether Su Jing has accepted a new student or his younger brother Zhu Fan has successfully become a disciple of Su Jing, it is a very happy thing.

Su Jing smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Prince Jin is actually a very delicate person. The more you know about him, the more you feel the difference between Prince Jin."

Su Jing remembers Zhu Fan, the king of Jin in history. He was wise and cruel, and liked to abuse his servants.

This kind of character is different from the Zhu Fan that Su Jing knows now.

It can only be said that what is recorded in history books are the final results.

What caused this result will not be recorded too much.

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "The third brother is indeed like this. He has been very smart since he was a child. No matter what he does, he learns very quickly. My father also likes him very much."

Su Jing said lightly: "What I'm talking about is not this difference, but the empathy in King Jin. He can understand the suffering of others, which is very good."

Su Jing still remembers Zhu Fan's three-day survival challenge deeply.

As a prince, he was smart enough to understand his intentions, and learned to try to accept and understand them, and finally felt something.

This kind of ability is what Su Jing really values, and it is also the reason why Su Jing is willing to accept him as a student.

Zhu Biao listened to Su Jing's words and seemed to understand.

But he knew that since Su Jing said this, it meant that his third brother really had strengths that others did not have.

Even if he doesn't understand, he is still very happy!

"The student thanked the teacher for his third brother!"

Zhu Biao bowed seriously to Su Jing again.

Su Jing smiled and said: "Prince, it's just chatting now. You will give me a big gift this time. I'm afraid we won't be able to continue talking today."

Zhu Biao hurriedly said: "The student has no other intention, he just really wants to feel you, teacher! I hope Master Su doesn't mind!"


Su Jing laughed out loud, patted Zhu Biao on the shoulder and said: "Although I have never been a prince, but I can see from your look that being a prince is very tiring, so when I am with the teacher, especially this time At this time, relax and be casual, don't tense yourself all the time, even the bowstring must be loosened sometimes."

Zhu Biao's time away from Su Jing was not particularly long, but the changes were obvious.

First, when it is growing, it becomes taller and stronger.

Secondly, Zhu Biao's expression was obviously much tired.

It’s not easy to be a prince!

Zhu Biao looked at Su Jing, with tears glistening in his eyes, but he immediately put it away and said with a smile: "Master Su said that the students will remember it!"

Su Jing turned to look at the darkened sky and said slowly: "Maybe I am bragging a little bit, but I will always be your backing. Understand, Prince." (End of Chapter)

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