Father-in-law Zhu Di, I am so happy to marry the disfigured princess

Chapter 127 Yao Guangxiao's Shock, This Is the Fulong Technique!

Chapter 127 Yao Guangxiao's Shock, This Is the Fulong Technique!

The night flowers are like water outside the window, but the room is brightly lit.

The candle shook slightly, and Li Xiao's figure seemed tall and mysterious for no reason.

When Li Xiao said what he said just now, the three sisters of the Zhu family were slightly surprised.

The three of them are not ordinary people, but the children of Prince Yan's mansion, so they have naturally been exposed to these important national affairs on weekdays.

Even the history books they study, or some Confucianism, contain the principles of governing the world.

The collapse of all dynasties stems from land annexation, and the rise of all dynasties stems from land reshuffle.
They can understand this sentence.

I vaguely feel that it is the reincarnation of history, but I don't understand its meaning.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly became interested, and asked curiously: "Brother-in-law, why did you say that?"

Zhu Ningyun was also very interested, "Xiaolang, let's talk about it."

Li Xiao nodded, there are no outsiders here, so it's not impossible to pretend to be Bobby in front of Ning Yun.

He smiled slightly and said, "Okay, before that, let me ask everyone why the Yuan Dynasty fell?"

Zhu Gaoxu was puzzled, and looked at Zhu Ningyun. My sister reads a lot, so she should understand.

Zhu Ningyun smiled and said: "The reason for the fall of the Yuan Dynasty is that it was very close to the enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Over time, with the weakening of blood relationship and the existence of distance, they will be separated more and more."

"The second is the four-class system, which intensified the contradiction between Han and Mongolia. It is divided into Mongolia, Semu, Han, and Nanren. As the ruling class, the Mongols are the most noble, followed by the Semu people, and the Nanren in the former Southern Song Dynasty have the least status. , the most oppressed, and lived the most aggrieved. This paved the way for the uprising of the southern people at the end of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Third, the country's finances have entered a deadlock. The excessive issuance of banknotes has led to severe inflation, and the severe inflation has forced the court to continue to issue excessive banknotes. This endless loop that cannot be resolved finally drove the people of the Yuan Dynasty to a dead end."

Following Zhu Ningyun's explanation, everyone nodded one after another. The eldest sister is the best, and she spoke clearly.

"Ningyun, what you said is almost correct."

Li Xiao didn't expect his wife to be more reliable than him, but he missed the point. Li Xiao smiled and said: "But what you said can't be the real reason for the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty. In the final analysis, it was because the people couldn't eat They rebelled when they started eating."

Zhu Gaoxu clapped his hands and said: "That's right, it was because of this reason that the emperor's grandfather rebelled."

Li Xiao said: "What is the reason why the common people can't afford to eat?"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "The tax is too heavy, and the people suffer unspeakably!"

Li Xiao said again: "But those landlords, under such a tax, why didn't they starve to death?"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "Because the landlord has a lot of land, he is still a noble family and has the privilege of tax reduction and exemption."

Speaking of this, everyone seems to understand a little bit.

"That's right!"

Li Xiao said, "In an agricultural society, land is the largest production resource, and the most important wealth is land!"

"With land, there will be food. With the turmoil in the country, these lands will eventually flow into the hands of one person, making this person a landlord!"

"At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, often the land in a village fell into the hands of one person in the end, and the entire village became tenants! Life and death are in the hands of one person."

"The people will not be the people, can the country still be the country? Once there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the refugees run wild, at this time, someone will wave their arms. So who are the first people they will fight?"

Zhu Gaoxu tentatively asked: "Fight the Landlord?"

"Yes, it's Fighting the Landlord!"

Li Xiao shook the poker cards in his hand, and laughed: "The landlord has a lot of food. If you don't rob the landlord, who will you steal? If you rob the landlord, the government will suppress it. What should you do next?"

Zhu Gaoxu stared, and suddenly realized: "The next step is to confront the government."

In the late Ming Dynasty, Chuang Wang Li Zicheng started his fortune by robbing landlords.

And the vassal king at the end of the Ming Dynasty was the biggest landlord, so rich that he was willing to spend money to beg for thieves!
In the end, it was robbed by thieves, and the country was gone!
Sun Chuanting, a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty, wiped out Li Zicheng's rebels several times in a row.

The worst time, Li Zicheng was beaten only by himself.

Relying on the slogan "Eat his mother, drink his mother, and the King Chuang will not pay the food", he gathers the peasants who cannot afford to eat, and continues to rob the landlords, and they can always turn the tables and make a comeback!

It can be seen that Doudizhu is the first step towards the downfall of the dynasty.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly realized, and said: "Brother-in-law is right! The same is true of the emperor's grandfather!"

Li Xiao nodded and said, "The annexation of land is one of the main reasons for the collapse of the dynasty."

"In the process, the land of the peasants is often in the hands of the landlords and tyrants."

"And they pay little or no tax as a privileged class!"

Zhu Ningyun said worriedly: "Xiaolang, in this way, our family doesn't have to pay taxes either."

Li Xiao smiled awkwardly and said, "That's right, our family is also considered a landlord."

After finishing speaking, the corners of the mouths of several people twitched.

Li Xiao went on to say: "The most important tax revenue in an agricultural society comes from the land. If the tax base is reduced, the tax rate can only be increased. If the peasants can't survive, they can only sell the land to the powerful landlords."

"Because those powerful landlords charge farmers less than the official tax. This forms a vicious circle."

"The imperial court raised the tax rate due to insufficient tax revenue, but it will further make the peasants sell their land to the landlords and tyrants or revolt, and finally the imperial court perishes!"

Li Xiao explained the question so thoroughly, not because of his understanding.

It is the analysis conducted by historians of later generations. He is engaged in self-media, and once compiled the remarks of these historians experts into an article.

After Zhu Gaoxu and the others listened, they were all terrified.

Makes sense!
The establishment of the Ming Dynasty was a reshuffle of the land division at the end of the Yuan Dynasty!

The common people regained the land, lived and worked in peace and contentment, recuperated, and the national strength was thriving.

But now, things like land annexation seem to have happened quietly.

Zhu Gaoxu whispered: "Brother-in-law, according to what you said, the current Ming Dynasty has already had land annexation. Many landlords' fields have begun to grow slowly, and there are even thousands of acres of fertile land."

Zhu Gaosui also nodded, and said in a low voice, "Tell me some inside information, don't disclose it to the outside world. I heard that Lan Yu, Duke of Liang, has 32 mu of fertile land in the south!"


Several people were shocked.

Lanyu has 32 mu of fertile land? ? ?

This is more than the father's field!

Zhu Gaoxu whispered: "Gao Sui, where did you hear this news? Tell the second brother."

Zhu Gaosui whispered, "Second brother, let me tell you, don't tell anyone else, I accidentally overheard the conversation between my father and Jin Yiwei Tan Yuan when I passed by my father's room last time."

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, expressing that he would not talk nonsense.

When Li Xiao heard the news, he broke his fingers in his heart. It seems that Lan Yu will be too angry when Zhu Biao dies this year?
At this time, Zhu Ningyun worried and said: "Xiaolang, according to what you said, we also have land annexation in the Ming Dynasty. Although it is not serious, there are hidden dangers."

Li Xiao thought for a while, recalling the last period of history of the Ming Dynasty.
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, land annexation was very serious, and the people rebelled one after another.

Nurha Chi, a Tartar in the north, wants to break through the Shanhai Pass and enter the Central Plains.

Under this double pressure, the Ming Dynasty was already on the verge of collapse. In the end, Li Zicheng invaded the capital, and Chongzhen ended his life with a single rope.

Do the math, it's still early, there are still more than 200 years
Thinking of this, Li Xiao said: "There are indeed some hidden dangers, but for now, it's still early."

Zhu Ningyun was startled, and anxiously said: "Then how to avoid it?"

Zhu Gaoxu also said anxiously: "Yes, how to avoid it, the land has already been given to the common people, the current taxation is not high, and the emperor's grandfather has already restrained land mergers. But once there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, there are still common people who cannot survive. If you have to sell the land and become a tenant, then you don’t have to pay taxes. Do you want to prevent the sale of the land, so that people will starve to death?”

Li Xiao said: "That's right, this is the fact and it cannot be changed."

Zhu Gaoxu hesitated, and then asked: "Forcibly suppressing land annexation, can it be done?"

"It just backfires."

Li Xiao explained: "If we really want to solve it, it should not be suppressed, but should be encouraged to annex land. However, such a move is simply not feasible in the farming society."

"What is an agricultural society?"

Zhu Gaoxu was confused, why did his brother-in-law say that land annexation should be encouraged? ?

Zhu Gaosui asked: "Brother-in-law, you just said that land annexation was the reason for the collapse of the dynasty, but why did you say that land annexation was encouraged?"

Li Xiao explained: "Think about it, if the land is scattered in the hands of ordinary farmers, more food can be grown, or if the land can be grown in the hands of one person?"

Zhu Gaoxu said: "Of course, it is in the hands of one person. There is a lot of food grown, large-scale irrigation, fertilization, and mobilization of rivers, so the yield will naturally be high."

"That's right. You understand the truth."

Li Xiao explained: "This is the reason for mass production! There is a lot of food and the output is high. Logically speaking, there should be fewer people starving to death. You only need to change the distribution structure to solve it perfectly! The same land can feed more people." people. But because of distribution and taxation, it will lead to the previous situation, an endless loop.”

Zhu Ningyun held Li Xiao's hand worriedly, and said, "Xiao Lang, what solution do you have?"

Li Xiao shook his head: "There is no solution, this is a historical trend, it cannot be avoided unless"

"Unless what?" Zhu Gaoxu asked.

Li Xiaodao: "Unless we leave the farming society, enter the industrial society and change the distribution structure"

The impact of land mergers on social unrest was limited to farming societies.

Since the agricultural society uses only a single form of land cultivation, land has become the only monopoly resource.

Once entering an industrialized society, land mergers can no longer be the main factor affecting social unrest.

"Industrial society?"

Everyone couldn't understand it at all.

Li Xiao smiled and shook his head: "Just don't understand! It's almost impossible to enter the industrial society."

"This industrial society, let's talk about it later."

Li Xiao felt that the more he talked, the more he said, he shook the poker in his hand, and said, "Can you play cards anymore? I just gave you a lecture, and I'm dry with what I said."

Zhu Gaosui immediately became sensible and poured a glass of water for his brother-in-law, "Brother-in-law, I like to listen to your lectures. The lectures are much more interesting than the master's in the palace. I will talk more about it in the future."

Li Xiao waved his hands and said with a smile, "It's all just chatting, not talking about lectures, let's play cards."

Zhu Gaosui clutched his stomach, pretending to be uncomfortable: "Brother-in-law, my stomach hurts again, you guys play, I'll go squat first"

"There's a lot of shit and urine on the lazy donkey."

Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand angrily: "Go, go. Let's play together."

"Okay, second brother."

Zhu Gaosui immediately pissed.

Then, he went back to the room and took out a pen and paper.

Recall what Li Xiao said just now.

The playing cards are played, the usage of Ming numbers, the relationship between land annexation and the rise and fall of the dynasty are all densely recorded on paper.

After writing for a full hour, Zhu Gaosui heaved a sigh of relief, stuffed the paper into his arms, sneaked out of the inn, and disappeared into the night
inside the room.

Everyone was having a great time playing Fighting the Landlord.

Li Xiao was on the side, teaching Zhu Ningyun how to play, while Zhu Gaoxu and Wei Jiangxue played separately.

Every hand, regardless of whether the cards are good or not, Zhu Gaoxu will be the owner. In an hour, he lost hundreds of taels of silver.

"Four twos."

This Zhu Gaoxu is the landlord again, and he hit a big bomb directly, holding a mistress in his hand, thinking that this is a sure win.

"Wang Bang!"

Zhu Ningyun laughed, and played Wang Zha!
"Come out to hang out, talk about power."

Li Xiao echoed from the side.


Zhu Ningyun threw down another card.

"Talk about the background."

Li Xiao echoed again.

At this moment, Zhu Ningyun only had a 3 and a 4 left in her hands.

She thought about it and threw a 4.

"I'm sorry," Zhu Gaoxu said helplessly.

"I can't even afford 4, so it's a small 3." Li Xiao laughed.

Zhu Gaoxu: "."

"Yeah, I won again!"

Li Xiao and Zhu Ningyun clapped their hands together, jumping for joy.

Zhu Ningyun turned her head, looked at her younger brother with a sad face, patted his shoulder and said, "Gao Xu, it's getting late, come back tomorrow."

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, and said boldly: "Tomorrow, my Overlord's Halberd will definitely win a round!"

"." Li Xiao's head was full of black lines, and he always felt that something was wrong.

In this way, everyone returned to their own rooms.

They were supposed to be on their honeymoon.
Now that there are so many light bulbs, I can only sleep alone.

Zhu Ningyun shared a room with Zhang Cuicui, and Zhang Cuicui, as a personal maid, had to take care of her at all times.

The next morning.

Everyone was full of energy from rest, found a restaurant, ate a sumptuous breakfast, and set off on the road.

As the carriage left the city, it came to the suburbs.

All the women in the carriage felt that something was wrong.

Zhang Cuicui said in surprise: "Princess, why does this servant feel that the carriage is so comfortable today?"

Wei Jiangxue said pleasantly: "Yes, sister, I feel that the carriage is no different from yesterday, but the sitting feeling has changed a lot. It's so comfortable."

"It's Xiaolang. He said yesterday that he remodeled the carriage, but he doesn't know where."

Zhu Ningyun felt it carefully, it was indeed too comfortable.

On the good road in the town just now, I even felt that I was either riding a carriage or on flat ground.

Now on the road in the suburbs, even if it is a little bumpy, it is very smooth and not uncomfortable at all.

"Xiao Lang."

Zhu Ningyun poked her head out of the carriage from the window, looked at Li Xiao with admiration and said, "The carriage you transformed is great, thank you."

Li Xiao was right next to the carriage, and said with a chuckle, "I made a mistake, it's not this sentence."

Zhu Ningyun blushed and said, "I love you."

After speaking, he immediately withdrew the carriage.

"Ningyun, I love you too!"

Li Xiao's anger sank to his dantian, and he roared loudly, his voice resounding through Yunxiao.

Another public show of affection, not only increased life expectancy by one day, but also gained more than 5000 sweet points!

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu also wanted to shout "Jiang Xue, I love you", his lips moved slightly, and finally his face turned red, but he was still embarrassed to say it
He said to himself, brother-in-law, you have to be awesome!

Such a loud voice.

Zhu Ningyun in the carriage kicked her feet angrily, her face flushed, and she whispered: "Xiao Lang, you are too loud, there are so many people outside, it's embarrassing!"

Wei Jiangxue looked at Zhu Ningyun with envy, and said with a smile: "Sister, my sister is so envious of you, what a gentleman. Look at Gao Xu, he doesn't dare to shout."

Zhu Ningyun nodded happily: "Well, he has this character."

Outside the carriage.

It was the first time for the ten guards to see Li Xiao, and they all whispered:
"Wow, Mr. Li Xiao is really a man who dares to love and hate!"

"I, Hu Hongbo, would like to call him the strongest. He is so brave. I am embarrassed to say this to my wife now."

"Otherwise, why would our princess like Young Master Xiao so much? Even the King of Yan agreed with them to travel south together, and the two princes are guards. What kind of treatment is this?"

"Hey, that's right, you should learn from Mr. Xiao, and tell your wife a few words of love when you go back, to ensure that your wife treats you"

A group of 16 people.

So happily headed south.

the other side.

Peking, Qingshou Temple.

At this time, it had been three days since my daughter and her two sons left Beiping and went south.

The palace became much quieter. Zhu Di felt very bored without his two sons who could be beaten, so he often came to this temple to talk to Dao Yan.

In an octagonal pavilion in the temple, two people were playing chess in the pavilion, and they were deadlocked.

At this time, a personal guard in armor came over, it was Zhang Fu.

"His Royal Highness King Yan."

He took out one or two letters and handed them over: "Prince Gao Sui sent it secretly."

"Oh? A letter so soon?"

Zhu Di nodded slightly, took out the first letter, opened it slowly, and watched it carefully.

This letter records the drawings of the shock-absorbing chassis, and Zhu Gaosui's supplementary instructions on it to create the effect of using the rear carriage.

The effect is astonishing. In addition to not bumping the carriage, it is not easy to roll over even when accelerating and turning!
"Good thing!" Zhu Di's eyes lit up, and he handed the blueprint to Zhang Fu, saying, "Zhang Fu, let the artisans in the mansion quickly make this thing, and remember to keep it secret."

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhang Fu arched his hands and retreated.

Zhu Di opened the second letter again, which was the letter that recorded playing cards, numbers, and the theory of the collapse of the dynasty.

After reading it, Zhu Di was secretly surprised, handed the letter to Yao Guangxiao, and said, "Master, come and take a look."

Yao Guangxiao took it with the same expression, after seeing the last remarks.

There was clearly something wrong with his expression.

It is actually similar to all the theories in the dragon slaying technique he learned!

This is the Fulong Technique! !

(End of this chapter)

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