Father-in-law Zhu Di, I am so happy to marry the disfigured princess

Chapter 261 Yu Qian's decision, Zhu Di set off to conquer the country of Wa.

Chapter 261 Yu Qian's decision, Zhu Di set off to conquer the country of Wa.

The civil and military officials continued to play until the end of the Shangyuan Festival before accepting leave.

It was really a day of carnival for the whole people. The money that the officials earned throughout the year finally had time to spend it at the end of the year.

Those poor scholars also made a lot of money through this Spring Festival. They write couplets with good calligraphy, and draw pictures for other people's families if they are good at painting.
For example, Yu Qian, Yu Qian's family is not good, this time he earned 20 taels of silver in half a month by selling paintings through writing, which is enough to spend a long time.

After the Spring Festival holiday, the imperial court will also arrange the work of these scholars.

First of all, the candidates who ranked in the top [-] in the national examination were selected by officials in the past, but this time, under Li Xiao's proposal, a two-way selection was carried out.

Thus, Daming's first job fair began.

In the Gongyuan, several departments put up temporary sheds, and everyone sat here to recruit officials. Because of the expansion of enrollment, there were no officials, so the successor officials needed to undertake a lot of basic work.

"Look, take a look, the Ministry of Industry is recruiting people, and the Ministry of Industry is recruiting people. Before the total score is [-], if you score more than [-] points in arithmetic, you can come to the Ministry of Industry."

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The Ministry of Criminal Justice is recruiting people. The top [-] people with a total score of [-] or above have common sense. Come to our Ministry of Criminal Justice to select the best."

"The Ministry of Rites is recruiting people with a total score of more than [-], and a single subject of Confucianism with a score of more than [-]. The Ministry of Rites will give priority to admission, priority admission, and favorable treatment!"

"Dali Temple is recruiting people. The overall ranking is above [-], and the math and general knowledge are above [-]. Come and have a look."

All departments are robbing people. They found that after Li Xiao was divided into departments, it was easier to choose people. In the past, everyone studied Confucianism, so it was not easy to choose people.

Now it’s all right, each takes what he needs, the Ministry of Industry needs to be good at arithmetic, the Dali Temple needs to be good at common sense, and the Ministry of Households needs to be good at math and policy theory
In the past, the lowest-ranking officials in each department were the clerks, but now these people start working as the lowest-ranking clerks, and then climb up step by step according to their performance.

As for the selection of the remaining ones that no one wants, they will be arranged by the Ministry of Officials in the end, and sent to Nanjing to be the head of the dormitory, the deputy head of the dormitory, or the staff of the dormitory.

Therefore, many of the top [-] crane tails are trying their best to try their luck everywhere to see if they can stay in the capital and become a Beijing official. Even if they are low-level clerks, they can be transferred to other places as county magistrates if they have the opportunity.

"Where should I go?"

Yu Qian took his own report card and looked around. These departments were chosen by him at will. He was clearly among the best in the imperial examination this time, and all departments met the requirements.

However, if there are too many choices, people will get tangled up. Yu Qian obviously has a choice phobia. After wandering around for a long time, he still hasn't decided which yamen he will work as an errand.

"Hey, who is that?"

Bo, a member of the official department, saw Yu Qian, who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, so he was the child prodigy this time. He got No. 2 in the exam, because No. 1 was Zhu Yuanzhang with a bit of human sophistication in it. Excluding this factor, wouldn’t he be No. 1? In the past, this was a proper champion.

Yu Qian pointed to himself, "Are you calling me?"

"Don't look, it's you Yu Qian." Bo, the head of the Ministry of Officials, waved at Yu Qian: "Come here, I have admitted you here, the Ministry of Officials is a good yamen."

When Bo heard that it was Yu Qian, the leaders of other departments surrounded him one after another.

"Yu Qian, come to our Ministry of Rites. The Ministry of Rites is suitable for talents like you. It is very useful."

"Come to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance can show your talent."

"Come to the Ministry of War, now the Holy Majesty intends to expand the territory, the Ministry of War has a bright future."

Everyone was chattering, wanting to get this talent into their bag.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Yu Qian took a few steps back and ran away.

"Don't run, you"

Everyone was speechless.

Yu Qian ran for a long time, ran to a remote location, sat down under a tree, took a rest, and at the same time leaned on the tree trunk to think about the future, not at random, this time the choice determines the future.

Suddenly, a sentence reached Yu Qian's ears.

"Actually, the positions here are not good. The really good positions are in the dormitories that no one cares about."

A few people nearby were chatting and farting. These people were all candidates who were over [-] students away, so they must be working in the dormitory.

Hearing this, Yu Qian's ears perked up.

A scholar in his 40s said: "Why do you say that, isn't the official position in this dormitory selected from the rest?"

Another person said: "You don't know about it. I studied it for two months and asked many people before I figured it out."

"How?" asked another.

"Hey." The scholar at the beginning said: "When we become an official, it depends on who is above, who made this dormitory, who set it up, and who is above?"

A scholar pondered: "It seems that the dormitory was first established by the National Teacher in Beiping."

"That's right, who is the most promising to hang out with these years?"

"Of course it is the most promising to mix with the national teacher."

"Isn't that right, the dormitory organization was created by the national teacher, isn't it because we go to work in the dormitory to mess with the national teacher?"

"Hey, what you said makes sense, but with so many dormitories, can the national teacher notice us little people?"

"You are ignorant. The National Teacher pays great attention to grassroots officials, especially the officials in the dormitory. The dormitory chiefs who made achievements in Beiping at the beginning, some are now high-ranking officials in the bureaucracy, and some have become high-ranking officials in state-owned enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises. Their income is even higher than that of working in the imperial court."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. I can still lie to you. This dormitory is clearly opposed to the local gentry. How can the national teacher not pay attention to it? I guess that the dormitory will be highly valued in the past few years. As long as you make achievements, you will not be promoted as slowly as those who are now entering the various yamen. Maybe you can become a county magistrate."

"Hey, there is some truth to it. We didn't do well in the exam, but it was a blessing in disguise."

These scholars began to brag about how good the dormitory is, obviously because they could only enter the dormitory because of their exam rankings, so they found some reasons for themselves.

Even so, they are indeed blind cats meeting dead rats. Li Xiao really pays great attention to the dormitory area. Talents come out from the grassroots. In Li Xiao's plan, these people will be of great use in addition to the dry dormitory area.
"Heyshe District faces the grassroots villagers, and can be reused by the National Teacher!!"

Yu Qian's eyes lit up when he heard these words.

He was able to enter the court as an official this time, naturally he wanted to make some achievements, and at the same time he also had the great wish of the people of the world.

"It's really possible. The purpose of bringing us to Nanjing now is to turn Nanjing into a city like Beiping. In this way, the dormitory will be promising when it grows up. With my grades, it's no problem to be the head of the dormitory."

Thinking of this, Yu Qian thought about it a few times, made up his mind, and walked towards the official department.

"Yu Qian, plan to come to the Ministry of Officials? You know the people, figured it out, the Ministry of Officials is a heavenly official in the mouth of the people, with your talent and learning, in the future"

After receiving Yu Qian, the head of the official department, Bo began to tell the benefits of the official department.

But Yu Qian said resolutely: "Zhang Zhubo, I will not join the official department."

Zhang Zhubo was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Yu Qian said: "I'm going to the dormitory, I'm going to the grassroots!"

Zhang Zhubo: "????"

"Gao Chi, what do you think of the recruitment of officials this time?"

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi and asked.

Zhu Gaochi said: "I think it's very appropriate. This time, there are old and young people who are in the front ranks. According to the needs of the yamen, the yamen can either select brave men with bravery and strategy, or talents who are proficient in astronomy, or use sages who are also proficient in calligraphy. A large part of them are at the back. They can also be used to benefit one side and transform Nanjing."

Zhu Di smiled and said: "That's right, this two-way choice is really a breakthrough. It is in line with what Li Xiao often said to make the best use of things and people to their best ability. Presumably there will be more and more capable ministers in the court in the future."

"That's right, Father."

Zhu Gaochi replied: "In addition, the national teacher also said that the new military system will abolish hereditary inheritance. I feel that this move will greatly enhance the strength of the army. I have discussed with the cabinet and worked out a plan."

Zhu Di said, "Let's listen."

Zhu Gaochi said: "Children of hereditary positions with military merits who are 20 years old must participate in martial arts. If they fail the first test, they will be appointed as an agent and enjoy half of the salary. They will try again in the second year. Those who pass will receive full salary, and those who still fail will enlist in the army."

Zhu Di said: "That's right. With such a change, those who make up the number will be ruled out. However, in future wars, rewards will be based on merit, and the titles that can be rewarded will not be attractive. It will inevitably be carried by the generals. Besides, there will be a war soon."

In ancient times, being a soldier was a job of hanging your head on your trouser belt, and the title of title was the best reward, enough to make soldiers work hard on the battlefield.

If he survived on the battlefield and cut off a few heads for military merit, he would be rewarded with titles and positions.

Even if it is mixed with a small flag or a hundred households, it can be passed down from generation to generation. This is not an iron rice bowl, but a golden rice bowl.

Zhu Gaochi said: "The meaning of the national teacher is that the sixth rank and twelve ranks of martial arts will not change, but the hereditary military positions will be cancelled, and all talents in the army will be selected from the army."

The two were discussing, and the most recent memorial was brought in by the eunuch again.

Zhu Gaochi sighed, he was exhausted with so many memoirs that had just been corrected.

Zhu Di dodged his eyes, pretending not to see, and then changed the topic: "By the way, Gao Chi, didn't you mention that there were plague outbreaks in two places before? How are you dealing with it now?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "Speaking of which, Peking University really has talents. It has only been in operation for half a year. Last time the plague was rampant, it sent more than [-] students from the medical school and hundreds of soldiers to the local area for diagnosis and treatment. Within two months, it was cured."

"Is Peking University so powerful?"

Zhu Di was startled, he didn't even know about this matter. In the past, when the plague broke out, the imperial court would be devastated, but now it's better, so lightly.

"What about water control?"

"It was also the students of Peking University who took care of it."

Zhu Di asked several questions in a row, and found out that the students from Peking University were the ones who took care of it. He was completely stunned. Isn't this group of students who graduated from high school and just entered the university dealt with problems better than his court officials?

"So, the last five years of national examinations are a chance for scholars to turn around. The things taught by Peking University are really practical." Zhu Gaochi said.

Zhu Di took a deep breath. It seems that the abolition of the imperial examination is no problem. In the future, when selecting officials, he must pass the national examination and be admitted to Peking University.

"For such a university, we need to establish several more." Zhu Di suggested.

Zhu Gaochi said: "Father, this matter is already under planning. After the first batch of students from Peking University graduate, many of them will become university tutors and become teachers of the new university."

Zhu Di clicked his tongue, as if everything was done without opening his mouth?
He couldn't help asking: "What about the military horse?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "It has been arranged. The Napahai Grassland and Hulun Buir Grassland Jurchen's side have several large grasslands. The National Teacher has signed a pre-purchase agreement with the local big tribes to provide silver and horse breeds, and they will raise them. Father, this time you finish fighting the Wa Kingdom. When you come back, you can see 20 military horses."

"20 military horses??" Zhu Di's scalp was numb. Wouldn't that make up 20 cavalry?

"More than that." Zhu Gaochi said: "Brother-in-law uses a new breed of army horse. The new horse breed obtained through crossbreeding is stronger than Mongolian horses. It is cold-resistant, plateau-resistant, thirst-resistant, hard-working, and not afraid of the cold. It adapts to extremely extensive breeding and management. It has strong vitality and can survive in harsh conditions. It can travel long distances and only needs to drink water once a day for hundreds of miles."

These logistical matters were handled after discussion between Zhu Gaochi and Li Xiao, and Zhu Di and Zhu Gaoxu didn't even ask.

Now, Zhu Di's scalp was numb again from the shock.

The son-in-law gave too much.

All the feelings need to do is to fight
"20 military horses." Zhu Di said in a daze, "Could it be that Li Xiao wants me to go to Europe?"

Zhu Gaochi said: "Brother-in-law said, as long as you are willing, father, you can reach America as far as the railway will be repaired, and turn those countries into our vassal states."

"Okay! Good job!" Zhu Di laughed and said, "Then I'll go to inspect the soldiers and horses. You take good care of your home. When spring comes, you will first go to the Japanese kingdom, and then go to the Northern Expedition to expand the territory."

Zhu Gaochi suggested: "Father, you should go and see the Ming Dynasty treasure ship produced by the shipyard first. If you want to go to the country of Wa, across the mountains and across the sea, only the treasure ship can arrive with a large number of soldiers. It has already been built and will soon go to sea. Waiting for your order, Father."

"The Treasure Ship!" Zhu Di's eyes lit up: "Gao Chi, you reminded me that the last time I went to see the Treasure Ship was not completed, and it has been half a year. I will go there immediately."

As soon as he said he would leave, Zhu Di passed an order to Li Xiao, and they went to watch the grand ceremony of launching the treasure ship together.

A few days later, Tianjin port.

Zhu Di and Li Xiao arrived and held a launching ceremony for the treasure ship.

When Zhu Di saw the giant ship, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

The warship in front of me is magnificent, like a moving castle, with a towering hull reaching 269 meters long, more than five floors high, weighing about 46 tons, and hundreds of meters long, it looks like it can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The surface of the ship is covered with heavy armor giving it an indestructible feel.

On the deck of the hull, what can be seen is a row of huge artillery, each of which is enough to destroy a small ship, ready to launch a devastating blow to the enemy at any time.

It took ten years for this treasure ship, the tonnage is equal to that of the Titanic, and it cost close to 5000 million taels of silver. Tens of thousands of people started construction at the shipyard day and night.

The hull was painted with waterproof paint, and six large characters were printed on it: Daming Treasure Ship No. [-].

The officials who accompanied Zhu Di to check were all stunned.

The same is true for Zhu Di, he thought about the majesty of the treasure ship, but when he saw the treasure ship, he was shocked and trembled all over.

What Li Xiao has always said is not wrong!
The advancement of technology is really great!
"If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three."

Li Xiao pointed at the treasure ship and said with a smile: "The No. [-] Daming Treasure Ship is just the beginning, and it is also the beginning. There will be No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] in the future."

Zhu Di couldn't help asking: "Li Xiao, why build so many big ships just to attack Japan?"

Influenced by Confucianism, the emperors of all dynasties in the Central Plains never thought about expanding their territory to overseas. They have always been in the Central Plains, and they dare not even think about it.

But now that the treasure ship is released, Li Xiao thinks it's time to think about it.

Li Xiao smiled and said, "The world is so big, father-in-law doesn't want to see it?"

Zhu Di was slightly puzzled: "Li Xiao, you want to conquer more territory, but you can't control it. Who can control it?"

Li Xiao said: "Father-in-law, didn't we have been discussing with the Supreme Emperor before, the question of the Daming vassal king, this question has not been settled yet, my son-in-law feels that now there is an answer."

Zhu Di nodded, then came back to his senses, and said in surprise: "You mean?"

"That's right." Li Xiao said with a smile: "The feudal land doesn't have to be set up in the Central Plains. The overseas countries will be enfeoffed. No matter what happens in the future, isn't that also the land of our old Zhu family?"

With that said, Li Xiao took out the world map and showed it in front of Zhu Di.

"This!" Zhu Di seemed to suddenly broaden his horizons. He looked at the ship again, and said proudly: "That's right, if there is such a big ship, all the overseas countries can belong to the Ming Dynasty. If the land of the vassal kings is found, it will start from this Japanese country!"

After the words fell, Zhu Di ordered: "Go to the sea!"

At the scene, salutes were fired, firecrackers were fired, and flags were fluttering. The civil and military officials who were present watching the big ship launching into the sea could not take their eyes off it. Tens of thousands of craftsmen watched the majestic works of art created by more than 3000 of them day and night, and finally they were about to go into the sea.


With the operation of the craftsmen in the shipyard, the dry dock was filled with water and floated away, the slideway was launched, and the big ship entered the ocean, causing stormy waves!

A group of officials followed Zhu Di to visit the ship. Under the guidance of Zheng He, they learned that the anchor alone weighed five tons. The driving force was similar to the steam engine of the Beiping train. It burned coal and the hull was made of steel. Nearly half of the iron ore in the whole country supplied this ship.

Li Xiao was also admiring the existence of this work of art on the boat. At that time, the Daming Treasure Ship was the highest-level fleet in the world. Now this huge ship is really a sight to behold!

"Is this a lighting lamp??"

Zhu Di asked, pointing to the big spotlight on the ship.

"That's right, Song Yingxing of Peking University has researched electric light, but it's only for military use, not for civilian use." Li Xiao replied: "With this big spotlight, you can observe the situation on the sea surface at night."

Song Yingxing's research was indeed very fruitful, but the technical difficulties in it were all on-demand and directly overcome by Li Xiao, so he was able to appear on the big ship.

"Okay!" Zhu Di couldn't put it down for this ship, and finally walked to the bow of the ship and looked towards the boundless sea, and said, "Don't wait, since the ship is out of the sea, I will send troops to conquer the Japanese country someday, but..."

"But what?" Li Xiao asked.

Zhu Di said: "The teacher came out of no name, attacking like this is tantamount to robbery."

Li Xiao thought for a while, and said: "Father-in-law, seven years ago, my son-in-law and Ning Yun met an assassin in the Wa Kingdom. The assassin intended to take our lives. It was very dangerous, and we were almost assassinated. This Wa Kingdom has ulterior motives, and dared to attack the princess of Daming. This is a serious crime."

Although it is a bit far-fetched, it can be regarded as finding a reason.

"Anything else?"

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Then it's easy to handle. If you dare to touch the princess and the national teacher of Ming Dynasty, they deserve to die for this one. Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away! The kingdom of Japan will be destroyed!"

Li Xiao raised his right hand high, and said loudly: "The Holy One is wise, and the Ming Dynasty will last forever!"

All civil and military officials held high: "The Holy One is wise, and the Ming Dynasty will last forever!"

That's it.

After Zhu Di returned to Beijing, he immediately inspected [-] elite soldiers. Zhang Yu, Zhang Wu, Zhang Fu, Zhu Neng, and other generals who were once Zhu Di's confidantes followed him to the expedition.

The ordnance provided by the Ministry of War is surprising. There are more than 3000 flintlock guns alone, and a new type of cloth face armor is also taken out. It only weighs more than ten kilograms. The defense is amazing.

The logistics also has a variety of canned food, beef jerky and other new dry food
It was the first time for Zhu Di to fight such a rich battle, and he couldn't help but feel happy, and he valued Li Xiao even more. Before the battle, the son-in-law prepared so much? ? ?

In this way, Zhu Gaochi appointed Zhu Di as the general to eliminate the Japanese, pointed his sword at the Japanese country, and attacked him for the assassination of the national teacher and the princess.

Wa country never dreamed that because of such a trivial matter, it would soon encounter a catastrophe.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian, who was in the country of Japan, caused wars in the country of Japan, and fought a civil war for seven years, which was not over yet, and the fight was riddled with holes.

However, when Wei Zhongxian learned that the Wa country was about to be crusaded, he felt something was wrong, and when Zhu Di landed in two months, he immediately expressed his loyalty.

But how could Zhu Di not know that this person's behavior in the Wa country these years is really a disaster, otherwise how could he harm the Wa country to such a great extent?
With one knife, Wei Zhongxian's head was chopped off to sacrifice the flag.

Not playing tricks, Zhu Di intends to use absolute force to crusade directly, and follow Li Xiao's suggestion to eliminate them completely.

Immediately afterwards, after Zhu Di went ashore, he occupied a city and recuperated for a period of time.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhu Di, they began to sweep away the various families of the Japanese kingdom like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, killing Maoli, Asakura, Hojo, Takeda, and Oda.

I'm afraid it won't be long before these powerful figures who will appear in history will become history.

Because these people are really like paper in front of Zhu Di's cavalry.

Not to mention a big killer like a flintlock gun, Zhu Di found that even without this thing, it would be easier to beat these people than to practice in the army.

Zhu Di smiled. If there is no sea to separate the relationship, such a country would have been cleaned up by any regime in the Central Plains long ago, it is too weak.

Later, Zhu Di simply began to be treated as training.
News of the victory kept coming to the court.

And Li Xiao sighed, if history is changed in this way, maybe everyone won't be able to see anime in the future, right? ?

However, you can’t see things that don’t concern you. Anyway, you can watch them, and the animation source on the TV provided by the system is still there.
at the same time.

the other side.

After spring began, Li Xiao personally boarded the train to Nanjing with a thousand officials who were about to take office in the dormitory.

Following Li Xiao, there were also soldiers of Cixi Guard led by Li Jinglong.

What happened in Beiping before has to be repeated in Nanjing. Without soldiers coming over, the reform cannot be successful.

As for Zhu Gaosui and Zhu Gaoxu, they both went to the Wa country, so there was no hope, and a group of elite generals were also taken away, but this Li Jinglong is available, and his soldiers are also very strong!
"You are Yu Qian? Didn't you get No.2 in the exam, how did you get on this train?"

On the train, Li Xiao visited these scholars with the car, and was welcomed and loved by everyone excitedly, and then he found Yu Qian.

Everyone thought to themselves that this dormitory is indeed the real son of the national teacher, and many officials who were among the best in the exam but chose to go to the dormitory were excited, including this Yu Qian.

Yu Qian said excitedly: "The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!"

This comes from the heart, and Yu Qian is such a person.

"Very good." Li Xiao looked at Yu Qian. When he was upright and vigorous, he was still a master who did not fear power. He just could be the helper for his reform this time. After training, he could also help him carry out subsequent reforms.

Only such a person can succeed in his own place, and after he is cultivated, he can be a shopkeeper again, perfect.

When the time comes, hand over the toughest bone to him.
(End of this chapter)

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