Chapter 136 Flood Control and Troops

After the court meeting, it is the cumbersome link of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth and ancestors.

Such an outstanding achievement, of course I have to report it to my ancestors to make everyone happy.

Under the command of the Ministry of Rites, after a whole set of sacrificial procedures, Zhu Qizhen was exhausted.

When he returned to the palace, it was already evening, he thought about it, but still pulled himself together, and called Yu Qian to the imperial study.

Yu Qian looked at Zhu Qizhen's tired face, and knew that there must be something important, otherwise, the emperor would have gone back to sleep a long time ago with his urgency that he didn't even go to court in the morning.

"Yu Qian, Wang Yonghe, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, went to Huai'an Mansion to control the water, do you know?"

Yu Qian nodded and replied, "I heard about it yesterday."

Zhu Qizhen said again: "Wang Yonghe recruited [-] civilian husbands in Huai'an Mansion. What do you think about this?"

Yu Qian thought for a while, and then said: "6 people...for Wang Shilang, it may be a big hidden danger."

"Oh?" Zhu Qizhen asked, "How do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, do you still remember how you led the troops in these two personal conquests?"

Zhu Qizhen was puzzled and said: "Wang Yonghe controls the floods, what does this have to do with leading troops...?"

"Throughout the ages, water control has been a major national event, and a little carelessness can lead to catastrophe."

Yu Qian paused, and continued: "In the late Sui Dynasty, there were several severe floods in Shandong and Henan. Because the court at that time could not provide relief in time, tens of thousands of people died. Li Mi, an uprising army from Shandong, took the opportunity to attack the Liyang granary and opened The warehouses were released for relief, and the army expanded rapidly, and the Sui Dynasty came to an end in the second year. If you don’t mention it far away, you can say that the former Yuan Dynasty fell, and the emperor knows why?"

Zhu Qizhen didn't even think about it, so he said casually: "Of course it's because the Yuan court was brutal and the people suffered unspeakably."

Yu Qian shook his head lightly and said, "Not exactly."

Zhu Qizhen suddenly became interested, and asked: "Then tell me, why?"

"It's also because of river governance!"

Yu Qian looked resolute, and continued: "At the beginning of the Yellow River's frequent diversions, the Yuan court summoned the people to dredge the river. Logically speaking, river regulation is good governance, and it is also a good thing that the Yuan court rarely does. However, after hundreds of thousands of people arrived at the Yellow River , It turned out to be the opposite! The world is full of turmoil, wars are everywhere, and in the end, Emperor Taizu stood out, annexed all the powers, drove out the Tartars, and the world is today!"

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help asking: "You have said so much, what is the relationship between flood control and leading troops?"

Yu Qian smiled lightly and said: "The relationship here is very important. Just imagine, the emperor, the common people were recruited to build the embankment together. Logically speaking, what they did was for the benefit of the world. Why? , will they oppose it?"

"Of course...the world has been suffering for a long time!"

Yu Qian shook his head and continued: "Of course this is the reason, but there is another more important reason, that is, tens of thousands of people gathered together, but the officials of the Yuan Dynasty did not know how to manage them effectively. , I must have this feeling, when countless young and strong people gather in one place, as the coach, if you want to order them, you must let countless officials convey and manage them.”

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said, "That's the truth."

Yu Qian continued: "The army can implement orders and prohibitions, but it is difficult for civilian husbands. They have not been trained, their behavioral abilities are uneven, and they lack a backbone. However, there are some people who feel resentment towards the court or complain about it. If you have other intentions, spread some news, just imagine, everyone has worked hard and are exhausted, and suddenly they know that their food has been deducted from the top, or that drinking water has not been supplied in time, and their resentment will grow day by day."

"Although the common people are timid, no matter how timid they are, once they get together, they will be more courageous than the sky. They will be angry, scold, and even try to provoke Shangguan. No matter how good an official is, he can't guarantee to take care of everyone, and once someone succeeds in provoking, everyone will lose their respect for the superior. But once the superior punishes the provocateur severely and suppresses the provocateur, then other people will breed Out of the sad mentality of the death of a rabbit. Did the emperor think that they wanted to rebel from the beginning?"

Zhu Qizhen felt confused and his head hurt...

Yu Qian smiled lightly and said: "Perhaps, they didn't want to rebel at the beginning. Even if they knew the rumors that their superiors had embezzled food, in all likelihood, it was nothing but lies. As far as it is concerned, there is no harm, even if the sky falls, there will be a tall person to support it, and once the officials choose to back down, they can also seek benefits from it."

Zhu Qizhen really didn't think so much. In these two battles, the reason for the failure of the civil fortress was that the superior made a wrong decision, but the army did not have any problems in implementing it. If it weren't for Yu Qian's words today, he would not have realized it. The organization and discipline of the Ming army are still very strong.

"I understand that leading troops is the same as controlling floods. Because of this, Han Xin called himself Han Gaozu, but he could only lead [-] soldiers and horses, and he, Han Xin, led more troops, the better. It can be seen that people who don't know how to lead soldiers , if you want to stabilize the hearts of tens of thousands of people and make them obediently obey orders, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky!"

"As the emperor said, Wang Shilang has never had experience in leading troops, so I think that these [-] civilians are a hidden danger in his hands."

After Yu Qian finished speaking, Zhu Qizhen thought about it for a long time. If the White Lotus Sect wanted to incite these people to rebel, it would be a breeze.

Even if they don't stand up and rebel, just using these 6 people to stir up a mess is enough for the court to have a headache.

For the time bomb of the White Lotus Sect, it must be completely eliminated, otherwise, it may explode at any time.

Zhu Qizhen told Yu Qian everything about Song Guxi, and then asked: "Help me find a way, and we must eradicate Bailian completely!"

Hearing this, Yu Qian showed embarrassment, and said: "The minister thinks that the best way is to follow the plan and make them mistakenly think that the imperial court has transferred Nanjing's troops to Ningbo and Fuzhou, and then ambushed another army in advance. , and when the White Lotus Sect and the Japanese pirates show up, come forward and wipe them all out. However, the emperor has ordered a thorough investigation of the White Lotus Sect, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to lure the snake out of the cave if it has already scared the snake."

"I know!"

Zhu Qizhen sighed, and said: "The six-hundred-mile rush has already been sent out, even if it is recovered now, the news must have leaked out, so I want you to think of a way, how can we catch all these thieves!"

Yu Qian suddenly felt worried and said: "I will do my best, please give me some time."

"The other party may take action at any time, and there is not much time left for you."

"Within three days, I will give the emperor an answer."

"Okay, I'm waiting for your news!"

(End of this chapter)

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