Chapter 145
Although the court meeting was over, the battle to open the sea was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and it exploded among the officials.

From the next day, the snowflake-like memorials were sent to the Secretary of General Affairs, and then came to the imperial study in Zhu Qizhen.

Most of them are against the opening of the sea, and the reasons are also varied. Some say that the ancestral system cannot be violated, some say that Japanese pirates are rampant, and some say that coastal fishermen are colluding with thieves... In short, as long as the sea is opened, the country will not be a country.

In addition, there are still many people wantonly impeaching Tang Xinggu, saying that as a censor, he only valued interests and abandoned the righteous way of the world. above the hall.

In the writings of these people, Tang Xinggu has successfully surpassed Wang Zhen and became the number one treacherous official in the orthodox dynasty, and his fame has directly surpassed that of Qin Hui.

For these memorials, Zhu Qizhen stayed in China without paying any attention.

Then, leaving the stall to Zhu Qiyu, he turned around and came to Xishan Wanggong Factory.

"Please look, Your Majesty, this is the improved Type [-]. Compared with the Type [-], the stock is longer, the front sight and front thorns are added, and the quality of the steel has also been improved, which effectively prolongs the life of the barrel."

Zhu Qizhen asked puzzledly: "What did you say...fifteen moves?"

"Oh, that's it..."

Li Shulin hurriedly explained: "In order to make a distinction, the ministers named the first batch of muskets as the orthodox fourteenth style, referred to as the fourteenth style, and the improved one is the fifteenth style."


Zhu Qizhen nodded, and then picked up a brand new Fifteenth Form. Sure enough, the feel was much better than the Fourteenth Form.

Then he picked up a special three-edged army thorn, inserted it into the card slot in front, and gestured twice.

Li Shulin explained from the side: "This kind of military stab is specially made according to the opinions of the Ministry of War and the soldiers of the [-] Battalion and the [-]th Battalion. heal."

Zhu Qizhen was very satisfied, and asked, "Has Li Zhen been here?"

"Back to the emperor, Rui Guogong has already ordered someone to take away the first batch of experimental products, saying that it is to let the three thousand battalions get familiar with the use of the fifteenth style as quickly as possible."

"Well, let's produce [-] sticks first, so that the [-] battalion will have one set."

"Should all be allocated to the [-] battalion? Do you want to get part of it for the [-]th battalion first?"

"No, the [-] battalion will be given priority, and the [-]th battalion will wait for the next batch."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Later, Li Shulin brought Zhu Qizhen to the artillery testing ground.

"Your Majesty, I have a suggestion, I don't know if it is suitable..."

Zhu Qizhen said with a smile: "If you have something to say, you can say it. How come you have learned how to play tricks?"

Li Shulin said truthfully: "This kind of artillery is based on the emperor's manuscript, and it is manufactured by our Daming Wanggong Factory. If it is called a Franco cannon, it always feels inappropriate..."

Zhu Qizhen smiled and asked, "Can't it be called the orthodox fourteenth style?"

Li Shulin knew that the emperor was joking, so he said: "My minister suggested that it be called the Flying Tiger Cannon. This new type of artillery has both powerful firepower and an advantage in speed. Wouldn't it be even more powerful? I don't know what the emperor thinks?"

"Good name!"

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help applauding and applauding, "It's called Flying Tiger Pao!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

I saw Jin Ying trot over panting, swallowed, and said: "Your Majesty, it's not good, those ministers... ran to kneel in front of Fengtian Hall again, saying that they remonstrance! "

Zhu Qizhen seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said: "I must be begging you to kill the treacherous minister Tang Xinggu for the sake of the country and society?"

"Yes... that's right, it's the request... that's it!"

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help shaking his head, it's sad to say that the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty seem to be gentle and gentle like kittens on weekdays, but when it comes to fighting against dissidents, they immediately become more vicious than tigers.

Now that Tang Xinggu is being aggressively attacked, to put it bluntly, it is bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

When Wang Zhen ruled the power back then, these clean streamers who opened their mouths, kept their mouths shut, became deaf and dumb immediately.

Because Wang Zhen really dared to kill people and did things by any means.

However, when they are faced with someone who is alone and alone, and the other party only disagrees with them on a certain political opinion, they will fly over fiercely like a fly that smells blood, and they will not die. endlessly.

"Go back and tell them what to do at home when you kneel in front of the hall every day? In order to reassure your family, I will send Jin Yiwei to help them guard the house, and I will definitely not lose anything."


Jin Ying was stunned for a moment, is this going to tear her face apart...

"Ah what, do you want me to repeat it?"

" need, this servant is going to deliver the decree!"

After Jin Ying left, Li Shulin said with lingering fear: "Your Majesty, half of the people in the court support Kai Hai. This matter... should not be underestimated!"

But Zhu Qizhen said disapprovingly: "It's okay, I have my own way to deal with them!"

Li Shulin stopped asking, and continued to introduce the performance of the improved version of the Flying Tiger Cannon...

Zhu Qizhen walked around Wang Gong's factory, exchanged a lot of opinions with Li Shulin on the improved firearms, and did not leave for the palace until evening.

Regrettably, when passing by Fengtian Hall, there was no one there, and none of the so-called ministers who came to remonstrate to death were seen.

Next, those who insisted on the sea ban and the memorials to impeach Tang Xinggu still flew into the palace like snowflakes.

Zhu Qizhen still ignored it, and all of them stayed in the middle.

Three days later, things began to turn around, and a memorial supporting Kaihai appeared.

This memorial is mixed with hundreds of ancient memorials for insisting on the sea ban and impeachment of Tang Xing. It is so inconspicuous, but Zhu Qizhen sees hope.

He has a steelyard in his heart, but he must also take other people's opinions into consideration.

Only those who really support Kaihai stand up and listen to the voices of the people at the bottom. At that time, the time will be considered ripe, and their actions will truly conform to the will of the people.

Therefore, he has been waiting.

With the first copy, there will be a second copy. Gradually, there are more and more memorials supporting Kai Hai. After half a month, there are no fewer than one hundred copies.

Most of these memorials come from grassroots officials along the coast. They not only support the opening of the sea, but also give specific suggestions for the current situation and various difficulties.

As a result, those opponents began to panic.

They didn't expect that in such a high-pressure situation, there would be so many naysayers.

Could it be... They were all bought by Tang Xinggu?

It is obvious that Tang Xinggu does not have that ability, the reason is very simple, he has no money.

The job of censor is not fat, not to mention, Tang Xinggu has no greed in the first place, he only cares about his own reputation.

The current situation makes those opponents extremely uneasy, and they feel more and more that the trouble this time seems to be much more serious than imagined.

It's time to act now!

(End of this chapter)

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