Chapter 156 The Way of Governing the World
Zhu Qiyu had never considered this question.

The education he received when he was young was to respect the sages and follow the etiquette system.

I just remember that in ancient times, there were legends about three emperors and five emperors ruling the world. Then Xia came to Shang, Shang came to Zhou, and the Duke of Zhou formulated the Zhou Rites.

Then, the Confucianism of the sage Confucius carried forward Zhou Li to the world, and it has been passed down to this day.

However, how did this etiquette system come about? It seems... no one has told me...

And when I was studying, I never thought about this kind of problem, and now the emperor raised it, which made him fall into deep thought.

Zhu Qizhen seemed to have known the result a long time ago, so he continued to talk.

"In the Yin and Shang Dynasty, there was no such thing as etiquette in the world, because the Yin and Shang Dynasty was originally a tribal alliance, and it was enough for each tribe to have its own rules. However, in the Zhou Dynasty, the world was unified, and the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty As it continues to grow, at this time, a complete system is needed to restrain the people of the world, and Zhou Li came into being."

Hearing this, Zhu Qiyu thought thoughtfully, "Didn't the Yin and Shang Dynasties...unify the world?"

"It should be regarded as a form of tribal alliance," Zhu Qizhen said truthfully, "What the Xia Dynasty looked like, because there is no written language, it has long been impossible to verify, but the Yin and Shang Dynasties had written words, and the Twelve Heavenly Stems were the Shang Dynasty. The totems of twelve big tribes took turns to take charge of the government together. However, the later King Zhou's family planned to monopolize the power, which was opposed by other tribes. Among them, the Jiang tribe turned to assist the Ji family from Longxi. He overthrew King Zhou in one fell swoop and established the Zhou Dynasty."

"After the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, the concept of the world came into being. The Duke of Zhou claimed to be the Son of Heaven and formulated the ritual law to restrain the world. The sage Confucius highly praised the Zhou ritual and integrated it into Confucianism. With the changes of the times, today's scholars in the world If you only read the Four Books and Five Classics, you will naturally regard the words of Confucius as the truth, but they always praise the ancestral system, but they never mention the well field system of the Zhou Dynasty, my brother may as well go back and think about it, is there really any problem?"

Zhu Qiyu felt that his mind was a little messed up, and in his impression, anyone who dared to question Kong Shengren's words would be tantamount to asking for death.

Scholars in the world will spray you to death with saliva, even if you are the emperor, it won't work!

However, how should I explain what the emperor said...

"People in the world regard the Duke of Zhou and Confucius as sages, and admire their behavior and the rituals and laws they formulated. However, with the passage of time, any system and method will always be out of date with the times. Therefore, we cannot blindly follow the ancients. Make changes. If today, I have formulated a very perfect system, I will not require future generations to follow this method to govern the world, do you understand?"

Zhu Qiyu nodded with a half understanding, and asked: "The ancestral system that the emperor said cannot be changed, is this the truth?"

"Of course!"

Zhu Qizhen continued: "During the time of Emperor Taizu, the Ming Dynasty had just been established, and the world had just been established, and it was urgent to recuperate and strengthen the national power. Therefore, the strategies formulated at the beginning, such as the household registration system, the farming system, and the sea ban, were very effective at that time. However, Today, more than a hundred years have passed, do we still govern the world according to the rules established by Emperor Taizu?"

"Could it be that a hundred years later, or even a few hundred years later, the Ming Dynasty will still be the same as the Taizu period? Do you know how far the Ottoman Empire in the West and the Fragrant Kingdoms have developed? Their weapons are being used every day. In innovation, if one day they invade Daming with strong ships and sharp guns, what will we have to resist?"

"Leaving aside, I conquered Mobei myself. Taizu and Emperor Taizong didn't completely quell the troubles in Mobei, but I did it. What did I rely on? The soldiers used improved firearms, not the ancestral system! "

Speaking of this, Zhu Qiyu had a feeling of epiphany. This time the battle was very different from the past. In the past, it was fighting for numbers, supplies, and tactics, but this time it was fighting for money.

The new firearms are powerful, but expensive.

This battle was fought and cost more than 1000 million taels of silver.

However, the effect is indeed obvious to all.

Under the suppression of the new firearms, no matter whether it is the Oirats or the Tatars, they are helpless to fight back. It is like a strong man bullying a three-year-old child. The strength of the two sides cannot be compared together.

However, the foundation of all this is the development of technology.

Although it is just a small technical improvement, a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested, and the court has spent millions of taels of silver to achieve today's results.

What the court needs now is to improve and innovate, or to follow the old system...

The result is already obvious, but Zhu Qiyu still doesn't understand why these things have never appeared in books.

Why do those great Confucian scholars never teach these knowledge?
Could it be that what the sage said would be wrong?
Zhu Qiyu studied Confucianism since he was a child. Such a result is tantamount to earth-shaking for him, and he cannot accept it anyway.

"Returning to the emperor, I believe that the loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness admired by the ancients are the way to govern the world in any era, and should not be discarded at will!"

Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said: "Scholars all over the world put benevolence and righteousness first. This is the way of governing the country said by the sage Confucius. However, why did our court advocate benevolence and righteousness, but we have to fight against the Oirats and Tatars?" What about facing each other? According to what the scholars said, we should use benevolence and righteousness to educate them, otherwise, it would be disrespecting the way of saints, right?"

He is very clear that everyone has the limitations of the times, and his little brother is now a player in the game.

These things cannot be comprehended after a few days of reading. As the saying goes, those who are in power are confused, but bystanders are clear. I can see so clearly because I jumped out of this era and looked at the world from the perspective of a bystander.

Zhu Qiyu fell into deep thought again, he seemed to be defeated by his own theory.

Zhu Qizhen then continued: "Before benevolence and righteousness, there was the word loyalty and filial piety. This loyalty means being loyal to the Ming Dynasty and our ancestors. Back then, the Great Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Tartars, and the world has been stolen by people for hundreds of years. How many of our ancestors were brutally slaughtered? It can be seen that benevolence and justice have prerequisites. When dealing with the people, you must be benevolent and righteous, but when dealing with the enemy, you must forget about benevolence and righteousness, and take up a knife and gun to fuck his mother!"

"In the battle of Tumubao, 20 troops died on the battlefield. Outside Juyongguan, there were many bones and blood flowing like a river. The so-called way of a saint is to destroy the Wala people and avenge our soldiers! The way of a saint is not just to comfort the people, It's also about resisting the outside world, if you can't fight against the outside world, how can you secure the people?"

"Think about those soldiers. They live in extreme hardship on weekdays. They all have pale faces. They guard the border and may be attacked by the enemy at any time. If they are not careful, they will be buried in the wilderness. At this time, the benevolence and righteousness in the mouth of the saint are still is that useful?"

"The Duke of Zhou made the rites of Zhou, and Confucius made the Spring and Autumn Period. Among the rites of Zhou, the north is called Di, and the south is called Man. The Di is a dog. The barbarian is a worm. The Duke of Zhou, who used the etiquette to promote benevolence, knows that the north is a wolf. There are many harmful insects in the south, and they should be conquered, so that the world can be stable. In the Spring and Autumn Period, what the saints most admired was the matter of Duke Huan of Qi's respecting the king and fighting against the barbarians. Respecting the king is loyalty, and fighting against barbarians is benevolence. To live and work in peace and contentment, not to be invaded by foreign invaders, to kill those who want to trouble the Central Plains and harm the common people, this is benevolence and justice. On the contrary, if one uses propriety and righteousness to deal with barbarians, it is said to be following the way of the sage. Will be revived!"

Zhu Qiyu raised his head, his eyes full of confusion.

He felt that he understood it, but...he didn't seem to understand...

Everything the emperor said sounded reasonable, but no one had ever mentioned these reasons.

For a moment, he fell into a daze, could it be... that he had read all the books for more than ten years, and read them all wrong?

"I still don't understand something, I want to ask Brother Huang for advice!"

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said, "But it's okay to say."

"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors... really existed? What was the state of the world at that time? Is it recorded in the history books... the era of great rule?"

"I don't know!"

Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said, "But, so what if the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns exist or not? Do you want to ask how the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns governed the world? If you take their way of governing the world, can the world be peaceful? Not to mention that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are just legends. Even if they really exist, the Great Ruler also exists, but copying their methods may not be effective. I will never blindly worship the ancients and sages in the reading population. I only believe what I have seen and heard with my own eyes, if the ancestral system cannot allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment, why must we hold on to the ancestral system?"

Zhu Qiyu stood up, bowed deeply, and said: "Thank you for your advice, Brother Huang, I have benefited a lot from you!"

Zhu Qizhen doesn't know how much the little brother can comprehend. In short, let him know that times have changed, and we can't always listen to those civil servants.

Those bad old men are very bad. What they say seems to be in line with the rules and makes sense everywhere, but in fact they are all made up to fool you.

"When I'm not in the capital, you have to be able to take care of things when you encounter problems. You can't be indecisive, and you can't trust others blindly. Do you understand?"

"Understood... what?" Zhu Qiyu raised his head and asked, "Your Majesty, do you really want to leave?"

"That's right, I've made up my mind, and I'll leave the capital to you."


Zhu Qiyu struggled for a long time, but before the officials agreed, you ran away, what is this?
"I'm just telling you, you can't disclose the news, otherwise, the cabinet and the Ministry of Rites will definitely chase after me."

"Your Majesty..." Zhu Qiyu asked, "When are you going to leave?"

"After I've told you, I'll be leaving in the afternoon!"


Zhu Qiyu looked stunned, this is too fast!

"The emperor is going to Mobei, should he bring some people by his side..."

"This trip is accompanied by Tang Xinggu and escorted by [-] battalions. My brother doesn't have to worry. I only have one request for you. You can't reveal my whereabouts to anyone. Can you do it?"

Zhu Qiyu scratched his head and said, "But, after a long time, it will definitely show his feet..."

If it's a short period of time, you can still get away with it. However, if you go to Mobei for at least a month or two, it's fine on weekdays. If you encounter a major event, you must make a decision yourself. At that time, how can I cover you?

" can persist as long as you can. In short, I don't want to be chased back by the Ministry of Rites before I reach the Great Wall. Do you understand?"

"Your brother is worried... If the emperor needs to make up his own mind when it comes to important national affairs, when the time comes..."

Zhu Qizhen said solemnly: "I grant you the right to make a decision. Whatever happens, your decision is my decision, and I will bear all the consequences."

Zhu Qiyu thought for a long time, and finally said: "Your brother obeys the order!"

"Remember, remember, you must block the news of my departure from Beijing!"

To be honest, Zhu Qizhen didn't know how much the little brother had comprehended, and he didn't expect the other party to be enlightened all at once and fully accept his ideas.

I've shown him so much today, so it must be able to change a little bit...


Tang Xinggu looked at the sky and was very excited.

He finally made it!

From not being able to speak out when he was slapped by the emperor with his big mouth, to a few days ago when he fought against the Confucians in order to open the sea, he finally succeeded in winning the trust of the emperor.

Although he offended many people, including his immediate superior, it was all worth it.

The emperor is on a tour, and he is the only accompanying Hanlin, what kind of treatment is this?
Flying to the top is just around the corner.

At noon, Tang Xinggu left Deshengmen on time as agreed.

Not far away, a Jinyiwei officer came forward, first showed his waist badge, and then asked, "Is your honor the Tang Yushi?"

Tang Xinggu nodded and asked, "Excuse me, where is the emperor?"

The man looked him up and down, and said: "The emperor said, don't ask anything, just come with us."

Tang Xinggu looked strange, and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Because this is an imperial decree!"

The man suddenly changed his face, and said coldly: "The emperor also said that if Tang Yushi insists on asking why, let him go back!"

Tang Xinggu hurriedly shut his mouth tightly, then nodded vigorously.

The officer greeted them, and saw a convoy of about a dozen people parked by the side of the road. The carriage was loaded with food and other supplies, and it was slowly heading north.

Tang Xinggu followed the team for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't the emperor going on a tour, why did he bring these things?"

"It's not a tour, it's condolences, to visit the local people, if you don't bring food, why don't you bring two mouths?"

Tang Xinggu felt weird, of course he was talking, he had never heard that the emperor would bring food to the local people when he went on tour...


"I said are you finished?"

Tang Xinggu was about to speak, but was interrupted by the officer leading the team.

I saw his expression was extremely impatient, and said: "Your Majesty, you can tell me, if you ask this question, I won't take you there!"


Tang Xinggu waved his hands again and again, and said cautiously: "The journey is long, can you... let me take a ride for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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