Chapter 184
Rumors and rumors spread very quickly.

If you do good deeds like Lei Feng and help the old lady cross the road, no one may be willing to take a second look at you.

However, if you accidentally knock over an old lady while crossing the road, it will be a lot of fun!

Once the news gets out, the overwhelming self-media will instantly overwhelm you. Those who are full and have nothing to do on the Internet will reveal the eighteen generations of your ancestors in a blink of an eye.

It was the same in ancient times. In less than three days, the news that the heavenly soldiers attacked the city had spread in the streets and alleys.

It even intensified, and it seemed that the emperor was fatuous and the punishment was sent down by heaven.

Yuan Bin tried to block the source of the news and cut off the channel of transmission, but after working for a long time, it was of no avail.

The common people are naturally interested in such gods and ghosts. In fact, this is not difficult to understand, because even the emperor must regard himself as the son of heaven in order to consolidate his dominance.

Well now, the heavenly soldiers are coming.

Whether it is the authentic emperor or the powerful soldiers of the heavens, I can only see the real chapter under my hands.

Zhu Qizhen frowned, the only way right now is to defeat this celestial soldier head-on, so that the rumors will be self-defeating.

But the problem is that most military households, like ordinary people, fear ghosts and gods from the bottom of their hearts. Moreover, this emotion is contagious. If one person shrinks back, he will immediately spread it to ten or ten, and eventually lead to The entire army was defeated without a fight.

Nanjing Zuowei is a living example. Once the soldiers' psychological defense line collapses, the result is obvious.

Nowadays, most of the soldiers and horses in Nanjing City have been transferred away. Except for the Zuowei, only Xiaolingwei is left.

The Xiaoling Guard is rather special. It will not leave the station unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, if a thief raids the old Zhu's ancestral grave, it will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, even if they are transferred, who can guarantee that they will not repeat the mistakes of Nanjing Zuowei?
At this moment, Fan Zhong stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Shi Heng is here!"

Zhu Qizhen nodded: "Let him come over!"

Shi Heng came to Zhu Qizhen and kowtowed.

"Sinner Shi Heng, long live my emperor!"

Zhu Qizhen looked at Shi Heng carefully, this man was originally a dark and rough man, but in just half a year, he became as dark as an African buddy.

"Your family please stand up!"

But Shi Heng didn't get up, and continued: "Your Majesty, the guilty minister and the [-] soldiers under his command please order to go out of the city to meet the rebels!"

Zhu Qizhen frowned, and said: "There are tens of thousands of rebels outside the city, with only 300 of you, is there any good strategy for repelling the enemy?"

For Shi Heng, no matter what his character is, at least he is quite capable in terms of fighting.

"Back to the emperor, the guilty minister has no plans, but he has a passion. Even if he dies today, he must kill the vigor of these heavenly soldiers!"

Seeing Shi Heng's upright expression, Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but laugh.

"I haven't let you die yet, when will it be your turn to make a decision?"

Shi Heng was a little agitated, and said: "The guilty minister is not afraid of death, I just have a request!"

Zhu Qizhen became interested and asked, "If you have any request, tell me!"

"The offender implores the emperor, for the sake of the loyalty of these brothers to the emperor and Daming, pardon their crimes, and let them be treated as soldiers of the Ming Dynasty after death, I implore the emperor's permission!"

Zhu Qizhen was not in a hurry to speak, he looked at Shi Heng quietly, then raised his head and saw three hundred soldiers kneeling in the distance.

These people have committed the most treasonous crimes. According to common sense, the crime of treason is unforgivable. Even if the world is amnesty, the treasoners must be eliminated.

However, they also shed blood for Daming.

At the beginning, Wala also attacked Datong first, and Shi Heng led his troops to fight to the end. He couldn't hold it anymore, so he abandoned the city and fled.

One wrong step, one wrong step, finally led to the hastily brewed rebellion that has not yet been implemented.

Fortunately, Zhu Qizhen did not kill them all, but gave them a chance.

He left his hometown and went overseas to undercover the lair of Japanese pirates and wipe them out in one fell swoop.

This feat is enough to erase the mistakes they have made.

Zhu Qizhen stared into Shi Heng's eyes and said: "I said, now is not the time for you to die, I have other arrangements for you, what you have to do now is to live well and wait to perform more important tasks !"

Shi Heng seemed a little at a loss, and murmured: "But...but..."

"It's nothing to worry about. The so-called Heavenly Soldiers outside the city are nothing more than a group of clowns pretending to be fools. If you can't stay idle, you should continue to strengthen patrols in the city and find out the evils of Bailian hidden among the people one by one."

Shi Heng replied: "The guilty minister obeys the order!"

"In the future... remove the word "crime!"

Shi Heng suddenly trembled all over, as if being shocked by electric shock, he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Remember what I said, you can't die until I let you die!"

Shi Heng kowtowed heavily, choked with sobs and said, "I... obey the order!"

Zhu Qizhen turned to Fan Zhong and asked, "Where is the Three Thousand Battalion?"

"Returning to the emperor, the [-] Battalion had just arrived near Zhongshan. Duke Rui was not in a hurry to enter the city when he learned that the rebels were rampant."

Zhu Qizhen frowned and said, "What is this Li Zhen up to? Since he knows the situation, he still doesn't come here to put down the rebellion. What are you waiting for?"

Fan Zhong replied: "The main reason is that there is not enough ammunition. After passing through Hai'an, although the main force of the Japanese pirates was wiped out, most of the ammunition brought by the [-] Battalion has been consumed. We are waiting for the ammunition to be delivered from Huai'an Prefecture. If there is no accident, it will be released tomorrow." ready to fight."

The [-] Battalion carried the latest Type [-] rifles, and had no place to replenish ammunition, so they had to send them over from the capital.

Zhu Qizhen did not enter the city at first in order to avoid scaring the snake, so the ammunition of the [-] Battalion was deposited in Huai'an Mansion.

Hearing this, Zhu Qizhen felt relieved and said, "Then let these monsters live for one more day!"


Outside the city, the rebel camp.

This time the Nanjing Mutiny caused heavy losses to the White Lotus Sect.

The leader Mei Linrong was captured, and the protector Yang Xiong and others were all killed in battle. Only the saint Song Guxi escaped.

The leader of these heavenly soldiers was originally Qiu Shiyue, another Dharma protector of the White Lotus Sect. According to the plan, his task was to ambush in the area of ​​Jiujiang and stop Wei Guogong's troops.

Now that he has learned the news of the leader's defeat, all his plans have been disrupted, and he has to reconsider the way forward.

The first way is to return to Nanjing and rescue the leader.

Of course, the most important thing is to kill the dog emperor and take Nanjing. As for whether the leader can be rescued, it doesn't seem so important.

Doing so is very risky, but as long as you succeed, you will get something beyond your imagination!

The second way is to escape with the remaining strength, find a corner to hide, wait for the opportunity, and make a comeback.

Although it is a little bit cowardly, at least you can save your life. As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood. As long as the people are still there, you will still have a chance in the future.

At this moment, an unexpected guest was ushered in.

Qiu Shiyue looked at Song Guxi with a smile on his face, and felt MMP in his heart, because in name, Song Guxi's status was even more special than his own.

Originally, he was in control of the power, but when this person came, things changed.

Do you listen to you, the holy woman, or to me, the Dharma protector?

Song Guxi didn't think too much about it. She knew the situation in Nanjing best. When she saw Qiu Shiyue, she immediately questioned, "Guardian Qiu, the leader is in trouble. Why is it so late to send troops?"

Qiu Shiyue secretly thought in his heart that he really came here to seize power. As soon as he came up, he asked the teacher to ask for a crime. Obviously, he wanted to find a reason to get me down, and then you came to the position yourself. It's not your turn to call the shots!

"It's not that I don't want to send troops. According to the plan, my mission is to stop the court troops. I heard that something happened to the leader, so I rushed back from Jiujiang. I don't know anything about the situation in Nanjing, so I dare not rush to send troops."

Song Guxi was worried, and said: "The leader has been captured and is in danger. If you don't send troops, it may be too late!"

Qiu Shiyue pondered for a moment, and said: "The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are nothing to be afraid of. They were just repelled by the heavenly soldiers under my seat yesterday. Why don't we make a plan first..."

Song Guxi interrupted him and said: "The one you fought back was the Nanjing Zuowei. The Three Thousand Battalion next to the emperor is the real trump card. If you continue to delay, the Three Thousand Battalion will kill you, and it will be difficult to attack Nanjing again." !"

Qiu Shiyue said disapprovingly: "What is there to be afraid of in the Three Thousand Battalion, no matter how powerful it is, can it hold back the Five Thousand Heavenly Soldiers of this seat?"

"You still don't know the horror of the [-] Battalion. The main force of more than [-] Japanese pirates was wiped out by the [-] Battalion as soon as they landed in Hai'an. Our Heavenly Soldiers are no deterrent to them at all, and the only hope right now is to send out a surprise attack before the [-] Battalion arrives in Nanjing, and catch them by surprise, otherwise, there is really no chance!"

After listening to Song Guxi's words, Qiu Shiyue's expression became serious.

A very important part of this rebellion plan is the Japanese pirates.

These people are all desperadoes who kill without blinking an eye, and their fighting power is not inferior to the regular army of the imperial court. How could they be wiped out in an instant?

In this way, the dog emperor's pro-army really should not be underestimated.

But... since the opponent is so powerful, why fight, or run away...

He glanced at Song Guxi with a guilty conscience, and said, "Miss Song, what you said makes sense. Since the situation is urgent, how about raiding Nanjing early tonight?"

Only then did Song Guxi feel relieved, she just wanted to avenge Zhu Wenkui and add trouble to the old Zhu family, as for the life and death of the White Lotus Sect, she didn't care!

Qiu Shiyue changed the subject and continued: "I teach from the leader down, and I should respect the saintess. Now that the leader is killed, I dare not steal the big position, and I would like to see Miss Song as my leader!"

Song Guxi was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Qiu Shiyue would be willing to give up his position.

"Hufa Qiu is too modest, the little girl dare not..."

"Ms. Song, don't shirk. The key to the invincibility of the heavenly soldiers lies in the belief of the congregation. If you know that the saint is still there, your fighting power will be greatly increased. Whether you can capture Nanjing and rescue the leader depends on Miss Song!"

These words are true. The so-called heavenly soldiers are a group of dead soldiers. If they encounter timid ones, they will be scared to death before they start fighting. If they encounter even more desperate ones, it is hard to say.

Song Guxi had no choice but to nod, and said, "Since that's the case, the little girl is willing to come forward, but please invite Qiu to sit in the army. Together, we will be able to win Nanjing City!"

Qiu Shiyue laughed and said, "It should be so!"


At midnight, there was another commotion in Nanjing City.

Zhu Qizhen rushed out of the Forbidden City with a face full of anger.

"What's going on?"

The city guard is the governor of the Nancheng Bingma Division, and he said with a guilty face: "Report to the emperor, the White Lotus Sect heavenly soldiers launched a surprise attack at night and have already broken through the outer city gate!"

Zhu Qizhen said angrily: "It's just a group of rebels, and they don't have large siege weapons, how can they break through the city gate?"

"Back to the emperor, it was the remnants of the white lotus in the city who opened the city gate, and it was the minister's dereliction of duty... Please the emperor..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what's the situation in the city now?"

"Chen Weisong led the Nanjing Zuowei to block the rebels in the Dajiaochang area, but...the rebel army relied on the heavenly soldiers to take the lead, and the situation is not optimistic..."

"Fucking Celestial Soldiers!"

Hearing these two words, Zhu Qizhen felt dizzy. It was nothing more than a group of pretending to play tricks, but they turned the city of Nanjing upside down.

"I still don't believe it, are these heavenly soldiers really invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire! Fan Zhong, find me a horse, and I will personally command the battle!"

"Your Majesty, no!"

Fan Zhong hurriedly stopped him and said: "The army of thieves is powerful, the emperor should stay in the palace and leave it to the ministers!"

"It's all fucking beaten into the city. If I don't show up again, it will be a joke!"

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help but insist on going to the battlefield in person, Fan Zhong had no choice but to accompany him to protect him.

Near the big school field, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and it was chaotic.

The soldiers of Nanjing Zuowei all looked resolute. They thought they were defeated in the last battle, and they didn't know what kind of punishment they would receive. However, the emperor didn't seem to want to punish them, which made them feel even more ashamed. But it was an uncontrollable fear in his heart.

But tonight, everyone remembered this humiliation in their hearts, and they would rather die than retreat, intercepting the rebels in the big school field, and it was always difficult to take a step forward.

At this moment, someone shouted: "The emperor is here!"

Seeing a group of people approaching in a hurry, Chen Weisong hurriedly handed over the front line to his deputy, while he limped forward to meet them.

"I kowtow to the emperor, long live my emperor!"

Zhu Qizhen asked, "Are you injured?"

Chen Weisong replied: "I got an arrow in the thigh, it's okay!"

Zhu Qizhen asked again: "What happened before?"

"Back to the emperor, there is a stalemate for the time being, please rest assured, the emperor will guarantee with Xiang Shang's head, this time, everyone in Nanjing Zuowei will never back down!"

Zhu Qizhen nodded. It seems that the last defeat made Chen Weisong understand the problem. The most important thing to deal with these people is morale.

Seeing this situation, he didn't say much, he just reined in his horse and looked ahead.

"These are the so-called heavenly soldiers and generals?"

(End of this chapter)

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