Chapter 192
Since its establishment, Jinyiwei has gone through a hundred years, and now it has grown to as many as 8 people.

This time traveling with the emperor, only more than [-] people from Beizhen's government department were transferred, and [-] people were transferred in succession. Until now, they have simply mobilized, except for those who have been injured, the elderly and the weak stayed behind in the capital, the others All come.

Nanjing's Zhao Prison, Xingbu Prison, Yingtianfu Prison and other places capable of detaining people have long been full. However, a large number of prisoners are still sent to Nanjing City every day.

In desperation, Yuan Bin had no choice but to find a way to open up new prisons one after another.

Even the houses of some prisoners have been turned into temporary prisons after a little treatment.

The scale involved in this case is too large. The arrested people are basically the gentry class in the south of the Yangtze River, including many officials, or have direct or indirect interests with the officials. Fortunately, their bones are not Hard, most of them are similar to Wang Gongming, and before the torture tools greeted him, they began to cry bitterly, expressing repentance, and were quite cooperative.

But even so, Yuan Bin was still battered.

In just half a month, more than 1000 people have been taken down, and these dogs, seeing that they can't escape, started to bite, frantically confessing their accomplices, fellow villagers, fellow clansmen, and even their own former students.

In the whole of Jiangnan, everyone is in danger. These people suddenly discovered that their classmates, friends, teachers and students with whom they had been inseparable before became their worst enemies overnight.

So, in order to prevent you from confessing me first, I simply decided to confess you first.

So that some people really couldn't confess anything, and in order to win leniency, they confessed some small moral problems, such as peeping at the widow next door to take a bath.

In this way, more people are involved, which greatly increases the difficulty of screening.

Yuan Bin, the commander of Jinyiwei, is now notorious, such as the court eagle dog, the emperor's running dog, and the cruel Zhongliang... All kinds of names have been deducted. In just a few days, his reputation has surpassed Wang Zhen. Chase Qin Hui of the Song Dynasty.

He did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Everyone who was caught had a statement and evidence.

However, Daming's right to speak is precisely in the hands of these people. Facing such a situation, he can only say that he is suffering.

The memorials in front of Zhu Qizhen had piled up into mountains, all of which were about the impeachment of Jin Yiwei and Yuan Bin.

However, at least half of the owners of these memorials have been captured.

Some people had just delivered the memorials in the morning, and Jin Yiwei came to the door in the evening.

Even so, there are still a large number of memorials, flying in like snowflakes.

Even if they were not involved, seeing such a big commotion in Nanjing, they have already started to write a letter.

From their point of view, the relationship between officials and Jin Yiwei was already hostile, and it was a foolish act for the emperor to let Jin Yiwei do anything wrong. Therefore, although the memorials were full of insults to Jin Yiwei, there was a deeper meaning hidden between the lines.

Zhu Qizhen simply threw them all aside, not even bothering to take a look.

He is now determined to compete head-on with the gentry class of Daming, as for reputation, it doesn't matter!

Isn't it just a stupid king, scold you, when you scold enough, there will be more ruthless ones in the future!
Yuan Bin was interrogating day and night, and hurriedly sorted out the interrogation results of the past few days, and then came to report.

When Zhu Qizhen saw the result, although he was mentally prepared, he was quite surprised.

"This group of guys actually started biting each other?"

"Going back to the emperor, I think this is a good thing."

Zhu Qizhen suddenly became interested, and said: "Well, you continue to talk!"

Yuan Bin nodded and said: "Jiangnan is almost monolithic. Through various relationships, they have formed a group with common interests. It is really not easy to uproot these people. The only way is to let them Let's bite. In the past, they relied on the relationship of fellow villagers, the same year, classmates, and former students. Everyone sat together and ate meat, and the benefits were shared. But now it's different. They want to save the lives of the whole family, and don't bite out Others will have no chance to make meritorious deeds. In this way, they will no longer be monolithic, what kind of shit Jiangnan scholars, as long as they are sentenced, they will all be exposed!"

After hearing this, Zhu Qizhen couldn't help saying: "No wonder everyone is scolding you, this method is really poisonous."

Yuan Bin smiled wryly: "Actually, I just want to give them a chance by doing this."

"what chance?"

Yuan Bin continued: "Their network of relationships is too tight, and the clan in Jiangnan is the most entrenched. Does the emperor really want to kill them all? If he really wants to kill them all, I'm afraid that even if they kill 10,000+ people, they won't be able to kill them all. Instead of killing people If the emperor wants to carry out the New Deal, he must have money and food, and let these elders who guard their own one-acre three-point land regress. Now they bite dogs, pleaded guilty, and ransacked their homes. Money and food can enrich the national treasury, and it can also cause the original power to collapse, and the emperor will implement the new policy, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort!"

Zhu Qizhen nodded, Yuan Bin is really reliable in his work, and he can think of this episode.

The implementation of the New Deal will inevitably affect the interests of the gentry class. If the New Deal is implemented under the original situation, it will be extremely difficult. Pushing down the old mountains now is equivalent to building tall buildings on flat ground, and things will go much smoother.

He pondered for a long time, looked at Yuan Bin with piercing eyes, and said, "Since you have pleaded guilty, then ransack the house. How much money can this Jiangnan confiscate?"


Yuan Bin smiled wryly, "I can't say it well."

Zhu Qizhen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why can't you say it?"

Yuan Bin explained: "There are really too many, for the time being... it is impossible to estimate..."

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said: "It's a very important matter, so hurry up and do it. For ordinary things, you don't have to report to me. I'll give you the right to make your own decisions."

Yuan Bin got the order and hurried out immediately.

After further sorting out, things began to have a clue, and gradually became orderly.

For all the people involved in the case, don't rush to copy the mansion first, arrest them first, catch them, and interrogate them overnight. Goods.

Then classify the cases of different people according to the degree of severity, and adopt different handling methods for cases of different levels.

Differential treatment is actually the most confusing.

For example, Wang Gongming, a smart person like him, soon realized that he was being held in a new cell.

There is a B-size sign on the cell.

Sure enough, when he inquired, he found out that he was able to enter Room B because he confessed to it from the very beginning, which was considered a meritorious performance, otherwise, he would have been admitted to Room A.

Rumor has it that the Jia Zifang may punish the Nine Clans!
This made Wang Gongming heave a sigh of relief, but soon, he began to use his brain.

After all, a smart man like him is imprisoned every day, rarely interacts with people, and what he does all day long is to think in various ways.

So after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly felt...

Since we can drop from A to B, why can't we go one step further and strive for a C or lower level.

Thinking of this, he seemed to see hope, and began to write report letters non-stop.

Of course, there are also some confessions, but obviously, people are not interested in this.

So, he closed his eyes and meditated every day, racking his brains to figure out who else he did not report.


Just when the entire south of the Yangtze River was flying around, Zhang Yi and Kuang Ye finally rushed back to the capital from Mobei.

The road was full of dust and dust, I couldn't eat well, I couldn't sleep well, and I didn't bring a change of clothes with me. I just wanted to return to the capital as soon as possible, and I didn't care about these things.

Now I finally returned to the capital, but why does it feel... the atmosphere is weird?

The two of them didn't think too much, after entering the city, they went straight back to the palace to return to their orders, but they didn't expect that the road was blocked as soon as they arrived in the inner city.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi stepped forward and asked, "Who are you and why is the road closed?"

The other party glanced at him vigilantly, pressed the handle of the knife at his waist, and said: "Jin Yiwei handles the case, and idlers, etc., must not come near!"

Zhang Yi's complexion became ugly, the old man is a dignified cabinet scholar, but you say that he is an idler?

At that moment, his heart was filled with unknown anger, and he said, "So what about Jinyiwei, if you want to handle the case, why should you close the road?"

"Can't you change places if you want food? I told you to handle the case, so go away!"

Zhang Yi froze all of a sudden. He had suffered an old crime these days. His official uniform had long been tattered, his face was unshaven, and his hair was disheveled. At first glance, he really looked nothing like a beggar on the street. the difference.

Kuang Ye couldn't help but stepped forward, grabbed that Jin Yiwei's clothes, and said angrily, "Are you blind, do you recognize this old man?"

The other party didn't take these two people seriously. Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but take a second look, um... What's going on with these two old beggars, are they crazy?

At this time, a young officer suddenly recognized Kuang Ye and hurried forward.

"It turned out to be Mr. Kuang. I'm really sorry. The people below are blind. I don't know why Mr. Kuang... is dressed like this?"

Kuang Ye asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"The humble Jinyiwei South Township Secretary, Zhu Ji!"

Zhu Ji had just rushed back to the capital from Fuzhou. Since a large number of Jinyiwei had been transferred to Nanjing, Yuan Bin was worried that there would be no one in Beijing and that there would be trouble, so he sent Zhu Ji back.

Zhang Yi suddenly thought of something and asked, "Are you Yu Qian's son-in-law?"

"Yes, may I ask... oh, it's Mr. Zhang!"

Zhu Ji said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize it just now."

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "The old man just came back from Mobei, why, if it is a commoner, a beggar on the side of the road, can Jin Yiwei bully him at will?"

"I have absolutely no intention of doing so. I really have official duties today. Please forgive me, my lords!"

Zhang Yi's complexion improved a little, and he asked again: "Such a wide road hinders you from handling the case? The old man told you to keep a low profile. Your father-in-law is not like that, and your commander... ...Eh, this isn't..."

I raised my head inadvertently, and suddenly found that this place seemed familiar.

Kuang Ye also found out, and hurriedly asked, "What case are you handling? Isn't this Mr. Gao's house?"

Zhu Ji said politely: "It's Mr. Gao's house, and he's under the order of a lowly position...the house was confiscated!"


Zhang Yi and Kuang Ye looked at each other with incredulous eyes.

Copying the home of a cabinet scholar?


Zhang Yi immediately yelled: "Stop it all, tell me clearly, what's going on?"

Zhu Ji didn't panic, and took out a document from his arms.

"This is a driving invitation from the emperor himself!"

Zhang Yi almost snatched it over, and after a few glances, his face became even more ugly.

Isn't it just... Gao Zhu chased you to persuade you to go back to Beijing, and ransacked your house?

If at the beginning, it was me who went to Nanjing, but now the house is ransacked... Is it me?

He was very confused now, and asked, "Does His Royal Highness King Tan know about this?"

"The humble position is only to follow orders, and I don't know anything else!"

Zhang Yi threw the driving note back to him, pulled Kuang Ye and said, "Let's go to see His Royal Highness King Yan!"

The two came to the Meridian Gate angrily, but were stopped by the guards.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the palace, beg for food and go elsewhere!"

Zhang Yi was about to curse on the spot, and Kuang Ye rolled up his sleeves and was about to strike. Seeing that the two had forced their way into the palace, the guards immediately pulled out their knives.

Kuang Ye suddenly felt that he shouldn't be so irritable when he was old.

So, he said calmly: "The old man is the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and I will go to the palace to see His Royal Highness King Yi!"

As he spoke, he handed over his official seal.

The other party first looked at the official seal, and it was indeed all right, and then carefully looked at the two of them, although they were tattered, it was vaguely visible that they were indeed official robes, so they let them go.

The two came all the way to the Wenhua Palace, but they saw Cao Nai was there, and when they glanced at them, there was a bit of confusion in their eyes.

Zhang Yi didn't care about the small talk, he hurried forward and said, "Your Highness, just as I returned to the capital, I saw Jin Yiwei besieging Mr. Gao's house, saying that they wanted to... raid the house!"

Zhu Qiyu nodded, and said: "This king also just learned that Jin Yiwei has a driving letter signed by the emperor himself. It's a long story..."

Having said that, he gave Cao Nai a wink.

Cao Nai handed over a stack of self-written papers, all of which were confessions. After Zhang Yi took it, he hurriedly read the content on it, his face full of disbelief.

"This is impossible... Mr. Gao has always been known for his incorruptibility, how could he be greedy for so much money..."

Cao Nai said: "Your Highness, we still don't know the truth of the matter. If someone here interferes, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the court!"

Zhu Qiyu is also very tangled, after all, he is a cabinet scholar, so if you can't just copy it, you have to find out more about the matter before drawing a conclusion.

"This king is also worried about this, how about this, let's all go there, and you will know what's going on at a glance!"

Cao Nai bowed his hands and said, "That's very good!"

Zhang Yi and Kuang Ye immediately said: "I will go with His Highness!"

Cao Nai glanced at the two of them and asked, "Why don't you two go take a shower first and change your clothes?"

"What clothes do you need to change?"

Zhang Yi said impatiently: "Jin Yiwei is already raiding the house, it will be too late if we don't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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