Chapter 308 Exceptional Promotion
Chapter 304: Returning
(The chapter was repeated last night and has been corrected)
Luzon Island, City Hall.

Since Luzon was included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, the original royal palace was officially renamed the Nanyang Council, and King Zhu Qiyu was appointed as the first Governor of Nanyang in the Ming Dynasty, responsible for the military, political and civil affairs in the Nanyang region.

At this time, Nanyang is still in a relatively backward state. Small countries such as Java and Brunei intend to attach themselves to Ming Dynasty, but they are blocked by Annan, Sudan, Luzon and other countries. The whole Nanyang is that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat Pattern of dried shrimps.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is expanding strongly, Annan, Champa, and Luzon are all included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty. The surrounding small countries finally have the opportunity to send envoys to express their favor to the Ming Dynasty.

Since Zhu Qiyu came to Luzon, he had a better understanding of the situation in Nanyang.

I thought that Ming Dynasty was the kingdom of heaven with rich products, but I didn’t expect that these island countries in Southeast Asia also contain rich resources. Needless to say, agriculture and fishery, gold, silver, spices, ivory, and sucrose are all The rare things in the Central Plains are only used for internal trade, and their value is already quite amazing.

At the same time, King Xiang had already stationed in Oceania with his troops. It was said that the land was vast and sparsely populated, and there were only a few natives who drank blood, and the Ming army easily occupied them.

The terrain of Oceania is very strange, most of which are alpine deserts, very barren, and only a few areas are suitable for habitation. However, according to the accompanying exploration team of the Academy of Sciences, a large number of iron ore and coal mines have been discovered in the western coastal area of ​​Oceania.

Coal and iron are the two most important resources for construction. Now, Oceania is completely on fire.

When the other princes heard the news, they all became excited.

Since these people received the decree of enfeoffment, their future has been very uncertain. Although they can break away from the shackles of the imperial power, they can venture into the world by themselves, but when they think of giving up their stable and comfortable life and going to those barren lands, they feel very uncomfortable. taste.

Now, when they see the rich products in Luzon Island, Oceania and other places, their mood immediately becomes beautiful.

Zhu Qiyu has rich experience in supervising the country, and he can be regarded as handy in managing Nanyang, handling all affairs in an orderly manner.

On this day, while he was looking at the file, someone came to report him suddenly.

"His Royal Highness, there is a fleet at sea, please stop at the port to rest!"

"Which country?"

There are often merchant ships from various countries in the vicinity of Luzon Island, and Zhu Qiyu is no stranger to this.

"Return to Your Highness, it's my Daming's ship!"

"Oh!" Zhu Qizhen continued to look at the dossier and said without raising his head, "A merchant ship? Send someone to check and register it."

"Your Highness, this not a merchant ship!"

"It's not a merchant ship, is it an envoy sent by the emperor?"

"It was the voyage fleet sent by His Highness himself two years ago!"

Zhu Qiyu suddenly raised his head and asked, "Peng Qing is back?"

"Return to Your Highness, that's right!"

Zhu Qiyu let out a long breath, threw the file in his hand, got up and walked out.

In September of the 15th year of Zhengtong, Peng Qing and Tang Xiaozhong each led a fleet to the West to explore waterways, leading the way for the imperial court to resume voyages to the West.

At that time, Zhu Qizhen secretly went to Nanjing, and these people were sent out by Zhu Qiyu himself.

Tang Xiaozhong's fleet ran aground a long time ago. Fortunately, he accidentally captured the king of Champa, and he was able to make up for it. Otherwise, it would be easy to go back and dismiss him.

Because they not only wasted the resources of the court, but also made wrong insistence on the chart.

If the fleet sailing to the West really copied that copy, and there are problematic charts everywhere, the loss will be great.

Fortunately, Peng Qing is back!

The sea is extremely dangerous, and these people have been gone for two full years without hearing from them.

Many people are making inferences, thinking that they have already died in the belly of a fish when they encountered storms overseas.

Finally, they are back!

Zhu Qiyu was very excited and went to the port to meet him in person.

At this time, the fleet was still relatively far from the port, and because they did not get permission to call at the port, they could only send horse boats to deliver the letter.

After receiving the instructions from the port, the horse boat has returned to the fleet.

Peng Qing was very surprised when he heard the report: "You mean, Luzon Island has been included in the territory of Ming Dynasty? We... have returned to Daming?"

The sailor replied: "My lord, I'm sure!"

Peng Qing turned around and looked at Wu Canghai, both of them were confused.

It's only been two years since I went out, and Lu Song has become Ming's?
what's the situation?
The news spread quickly, and as the fleet slowly approached the port, countless crew members rushed onto the deck.

Some people even hugged the mast like children, crying loudly.

"We're back, we're back!"

The storms overseas made them extremely resolute, but seeing the horizon in front of them made these five big and three thick men shed tears of excitement.

Although this is not the native land of Ming Dynasty, it is not the hometown they dream of.

There are people from home here!
At this moment, countless people have fantasized that when they return to Daming and return to their brocade clothes, they must have red faces, hands in their pockets, and they don't know what it means to be sad.

But in fact, many people cried.

Two years!

How many two years are there in your life?
After going out to sea, they are like duckweed without roots. They can only eat some dry food on the boat. The long-term malnutrition has caused a whole body of diseases.

Living on the ship for many years, epidemics will break out from time to time, and people will die at any time without a place to bury them.

In the face of the shocking waves in the sea, people are like floating. Whenever there is a storm, they are so powerless except to pray for the blessing of God and ancestors.

Also beware of pirates who will appear at any time. The only way to face these vicious people is to be worse than them.

Being in a foreign land, the indescribable sense of loneliness and the suffocating despair bit their hearts like ants gnawed at their bones.

Now, they're finally back!

They were not born strong men, nor were they heroes. They were human beings with flesh and blood, a group of people who still had emotions and desires after being beaten by the sea breeze.

Countless people stood on the deck, lying on the side of the ship, staring blankly at the land, at the horizon that had been dreaming about countless times, all of a sudden there was no light in their eyes, only that seemed to be a long time ago A touch of nostalgia for the homeland.

Standing on the deck, Peng Qing also cried as he watched the bustling crowd on the bank.

He held his head up to keep his tears from falling.

The vicissitudes of the face carried the last restraint, and the bronze-colored skin let the sea breeze blow, but his nails dived deep into the ship's side, scratching out traces.

Wu Canghai was quite calm, because he had worked in sea smuggling business for a few years, and he was able to withstand the wind and waves at sea.

However, such a long journey was also the first time for him.


A sailor stepped forward, choked up and said, "Master, the port has dispatched a pick-up ship."

Peng Qing slapped the ship's side hard: "Send the order, enter the port!"

"There is an order, enter the port!"

"Enter the port!"

The sailor's voice was resounding, and then, the big ship slowly entered the harbor.

At this time, countless people gathered at the port.

Immediately after the big ship docked, some sailors set up the planks and began to disembark.

Many of them were ragged, with disheveled hair, and looked haggard.

When you get closer, you can see that their skin is dark, their lips are chapped, and because they have been drifting at sea all year round, it is difficult for some of them to walk, and they have to lean on the ground with wooden sticks or support each other.

The people at the port were stunned. They never thought that these warriors who sailed to the west were not the high-spirited heroes of the world as they imagined, but a group of people like beggars.

Zhu Qizhen stood in the crowd, watching all this silently.

At this time, a person slowly stepped off the sampan.

It was a face with disheveled hair, but it had already changed beyond recognition, but the man's eyes immediately met Zhu Qiyu's.

Obviously, those eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Your Highness?"

Zhu Qiyu stepped forward, pulled Peng Qing's hand, and said excitedly: "Peng Qing, it's been a couple of years, but... is it okay?"

Peng Qing's lips twitched a few times, and then he drew back his hands seriously, and bowed in salute: "Chenqin Tianjian, Peng Qing, pay homage to His Royal Highness Prince Tan!"

"Free gift!"

Zhu Qiyu stretched out his hand again, and held Peng Qing's withered hands.

"Qin Tianjian is gone, and the Qing family is now the dean of the Academy of Sciences."

"Sci... Academy of Sciences?"

Peng Qing was surprised, what's going on?
How did I become the dean?
What about Qin Tianjian...

At night, the council hall is brightly lit.

On the desk, there are steamed yellow croakers, lobsters, crabs, and squids, and the cups are served with hot rice wine.

Zhu Qiyu invited Peng Qing to sit opposite each other, but Peng Qing declined, fearing that it would be a breach of etiquette.

In his heart, the thought of dignity is very heavy, how can he drink at the same table with the vassal king?
Zhu Qiyu didn't care about these, he just pulled him to sit down and poured the wine himself.

Peng Qing was flattered and didn't know what to do.

Zhu Qiyu chuckled, and said: "The Qing family is an important minister in the court, there is not so much etiquette tonight, let's get drunk!"

Peng Qing had no choice but to agree. He found that King Tan had changed a lot.

He used to be a good boy, he had a choice, but for some reason, he could always see some shadow of the emperor.

You know, when the emperor ran around and didn't like to go to court, all the civil and military officials in the whole court shook their heads secretly, saying that the king was not like a king, but when the king was in charge of the country, he would ask the ministers for their opinions when encountering things, which won the hearts of the people.

Now... King Tan has also been led to ruin by the emperor.

The two chatted while eating, but mostly Zhu Qiyu was talking and Peng Qing was listening.

If you want to talk about these two years, whether it is long or short, Daming has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Annan, Champa, and Luzon were all included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, that is to say, almost the entire Southeast Asia became the inland sea of ​​Ming Dynasty.

I can't even think about it!

After a long silence, Peng Qing said: "I thought that in the past two years, I have experienced many hardships and learned a lot, and I deeply feel that the world is vast, but the changes in Ming Dynasty are even more unimaginable. "


Picking up the wine glass, Zhu Qiyu said with emotion: "The emperor has pointed out a way for us, this too vast!"

Peng Qing took a sip of wine and said: "This minister will follow the path pointed out by the emperor and keep walking until death!"

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "We should encourage each other."
Peng Qing passed by Luzon, but it was just for supplies.

He has more important things to do, and that is to bring the nautical chart back to the capital.

Two days later, the fleet continued to sail.

From Luzon to Tianjin, I wandered for another two months.

Finally, the ship docked.

At this time, Tianjin Port is no longer what it used to be, and the entire Tianjin Weidu has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The person who came to greet him was Peng Qing's most proud student, Bei Lin, the current acting dean of the Academy of Sciences.

After two years, the master and apprentice met again, very excited.

After the excitement, Bei Lin took Peng Qing on the train back to Beijing.

Peng Qing was dumbfounded.

This... what is it?
"Sir, this is a steam train."

"Steam... what car?"

"It's a steam train!"

Belin explained the principle of the steam train to Peng Qing in detail, unexpectedly, after he finished explaining, Peng Qing's face became even more surprised.

"You said this thing was researched by the Academy of Sciences?"


"Then... I am the dean of the Academy of Sciences?"


"What's right!" Peng Qing waved his hands again and again, and said, "I... how do I know what trains are, the name of this dean... is really a teacher!"

Belin explained: "Master, I don't know. This Academy of Sciences does not only study trains, but also all natural sciences. Ocean navigation is also a profound knowledge. Nowadays, only a mentor can be competent. The position of dean is well deserved."

Hearing what he said, Peng Qing felt a little more at ease.

After one or two years, Daming has changed a bit too much!
A giant steel beast that does not require human and animal power can run away after burning coal. Isn't this a monster that only exists in Shan Hai Jing?
When he heard that there was a maritime academy in Ningbo that was researching steam engine ships, that is, iron-clad ships that can run without sails and burn coal, his jaw dropped in shock.

It's over, it's over, it can't keep up with the times!
It is three hundred miles from Tianjin Wei to the capital. If you ride a fast horse, you will start early in the morning and arrive in the middle of the night.

If it takes a carriage, it will take at least two to three days.

However, when I got on the train, I only heard the sound of groaning in my ears, and it took me half a day to arrive.

Peng Qing couldn't help sighing, this thing is faster than riding a horse!
After all, horses also need to rest. If they keep running fast, they will die of exhaustion after running for less than half a day.

The train does not need it, as long as there is coal, it can run without getting tired at all.

Moreover, since the railway is specially built, there is no road condition problem.

It doesn't matter whether it is rainy, snowy, cloudy or windy.

According to Belin, the new Liangjing Line is being laid and will be completed before the end of the year.

If the two capitals are connected, is the whole country still far away?

If the railway can run through the whole country, it will only take three to five days to get there in a month's journey. What kind of feeling will it be?
Just imagine, when a battle starts on the front line, there is no need for preparations at all. Trucks of soldiers, horses, food and grass are transported over, and the other party still fights?
Peng Qing sighed secretly, times have changed!
(End of this chapter)

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