At the beginning of the civil castle, the Ming God of War was a little panicked

Chapter 352 What does it have to do with you to destroy your entire clan?

Chapter 352 What does it have to do with you to destroy your entire clan?
Shi Heng stuffed the steamed buns into his mouth, then scratched his head, looking a little dazed.

Since you don't intend to let him go, why did you ask me to bring him here all the way?
The railway from Ningbo to Nanjing has not yet been completed. I have traveled thousands of miles day and night, just to bring people to you, and then you cut it with a knife?
Zhu Qizhen seemed to see the doubt in his eyes, and said, "Not only do I want to kill people, but I also want to kill people!"

In the Fengtian Hall, someone had already escorted Wanyan Gunaha to wait here.

At this time, Gunaha had long since lost his former air. He was kicked from the hollow of his knee, staggered, and fell to his knees.

"The Emperor is here!"

When Gunaha heard these four words, he trembled all over, struggling to stand up, but was held down by two big Han generals, unable to move.

Zhu Qizhen stepped forward, Shi Heng looked a little nervous, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

"It's just a dead person, so there's nothing to be careful about!"

Zhu Qizhen spoke lightly, with contempt in his eyes, as if he was really looking at a dead person.

"Foolish king, tyrant!"

Gunaha struggled hard, trying to raise his head, but his efforts were all in vain. Two towering generals, the kind who could kill a cow with one punch, almost pressed his head into the floor tiles.

"Why kill my people, why?"

Almost the whole face of Gunaha was pressed to the ground, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and his face was full of grief and indignation.

Because he was unwilling from the bottom of his heart.

When I was in North Korea, when I came back, my home was gone!
Not only is the home gone, but the people are also gone, as if Jianzhouwei never existed.

If there is a real rebellion, or if there is any reason, it will be recognized if it cannot defeat the Ming army.

However, the Northern Expedition to Mongolia was agreed, why did we pass by Jianzhouwei and wiped out us first?

He still doesn't understand why...

Seeing this, Shi Heng stepped forward and kicked him on the calf.

There was only a sound of Kara, and the sound of bones breaking.


Gunaha wailed in pain, his whole face was distorted, and now he couldn't survive, he couldn't die, and he was extremely desperate.

Shi Heng spat on his face and scolded: "You dog, if you don't know how to repent when you are about to die, if you dare to insult the emperor again, I will cut out your flesh piece by piece, and then beat your bones one by one. broken!"

These words are not threats, he has been wandering at sea all year round, if he is not ruthless, how can he restrain those thieves.

After Gunaha wailed, beads of sweat were all over his face, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

When Shi Heng saw this, he suddenly lost his temper, raised his foot, stepped heavily on his thigh, and there was another click, and Gunaha almost jumped up from the ground like a spring.

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand at Shi Heng, Shi Heng gave up and stepped aside.

"Are you a descendant of Li Manzhu?"

Gunaha panted heavily, and said, "So what?"

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said, "Then you killed the wrong person, it was you!"


Gunaha barely raised his head, with a look of grief and indignation.

"Why do you want to kill my people? Since the Ming Dynasty, my Jurchen family and the Ming army have resisted the Mongols. They have never had two hearts. Why do you want to kill them all?"

"Ha ha……"

Zhu Qizhen laughed lightly. Speaking of which, in the early Ming Dynasty, the Jurchen tribe did fight side by side with the Ming army. Of course, saying that they fought side by side was just a way of putting money on their faces.

However, it is pure nonsense to say that there is no second heart for the Ming court.

The Jurchen tribe was originally just a tribe under the rule of the Khitan. Later, a ruthless man named Wanyan Aguda appeared. Arriving south of the Yangtze River, even Zhao Gou, the then emperor of the Song Dynasty, called himself "Chen Gou" when he wrote letters to others.

However, when the Kingdom of Jin was thinking about how to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty all day long, a more ruthless person appeared on the grasslands in the north. His name was Temujin, who was later Genghis Khan.

After the rise of the Mongols, they were out of control and directly entered Bianjing, the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

Because the Mongols have been oppressed by the Jurchens all the year round, when they attacked the Kingdom of Jin, they almost slaughtered the entire Wanyan family, which was very tragic.

The rest of the Wanyan family either hid in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast and did not dare to come out, or they changed their surnames directly and lived on.

In the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, the Huligai and Woduoli tribes of the Jurchens who originally lived at the confluence of the Mudanjiang River and the Songhua River began to migrate to the southeast.Anduoli is the later Jianzhou Sanwei, and Huligai is Wuliangha.

As Xu Da's Northern Expedition army marched forward, these Jurchens found that the opportunity for revenge was coming. While the Mongols were focusing on the Ming army, they sneaked up and harassed the rear. This is what Gunaha called "fighting side by side." ".

In the first year of Yongle, Aha, the leader of Huligai, went to Beijing to pay tribute. Zhu Di appointed him as the commander and named him Li Chengshan, who was the great-grandfather of Gunaha.

In the second year of Yongle, the Ming court sent imperial envoy Wang Keren to Tumen River to formally establish the Jianzhou Guard, and appointed the head of the ministry, Mengge Timur, as the commander of the Jianzhou Zuowei Capital.Later, the left guard of Jianzhou was separated from the guard of Jianzhou, and the right guard of Jianzhou was separated from the left guard. Fancha, the younger brother of Weimeng brother Timur, was in charge of the right guard, and Dong Shan, the son of Weimeng brother Timur, was in charge of the left guard. The three guards are thus formed.

In the early days, the Sanwei of Jianzhou belonged to the Nuer Gandu Division, but later most of them were in charge of the Liaodong Commander Division.The leaders of the Three Guards are mostly hereditary, but they must be approved by the Ming government before they take effect, and they must go to the capital to pay tribute every year.

The Ming court used the conflicts and containment among the various tribes to rule the local area, and maintained exchanges with the three guards in peacetime.

However, all this is just an ideal state.

There is an old saying: People who are not of my race must have different hearts.

Although the three guards of Jianzhou belong to Daming on the surface, it is only because their current strength does not allow them to be arrogant. They do not agree with the Han people in their hearts, and they are ready to recover Dajin at any time.

Of course Zhu Di would never have imagined that the greatest enemy of the Ming Dynasty would be a command envoy he had conferred in the past.

More than 100 years later, Nurhachi of the Aixinjueluo family unified the three guards of Jianzhou, and the Ming Dynasty would lose its rule over the entire Liaodong.

Of course, only Zhu Qizhen knew what happened afterwards.

He looked at Gunaha on the ground with an extremely cold look, and said, "I want to kill you, what can you do?"

"But... why?"

Gunaha roared heart-piercingly, like a wild beast.

"what why?"

"I need a reason, why did we kill my people, what did we do wrong?"

Zhu Qizhen squatted down slowly, and suddenly fell behind and patted the ground.

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, he twirled his fingers lightly, it was an unknown bug.

"See this bug?"

Gunaha's eyes were full of doubts. Is there anything special about this bug?
Zhu Qizhen smiled lightly and said, "When I slapped this bug to death, do I need to explain to him?"

Gunaha was taken aback suddenly, the bug...

" say we are bugs?"

"Of course you are not bugs, but..."

Zhu Qizhen stood up slowly and said, "What does it have to do with you to destroy your people?"

"Uh... ah!"

Gunaha roared almost crazily, he was unwilling, why?
Even Shi Heng, who had experienced countless lives and deaths, couldn't bear to look at this situation.

Murder will be punished!
"Send him on his way!"

Zhu Qizhen has no interest in this person. These days, he has been cooperating with the other party in acting, just wanting to catch all these people once and for all.

Otherwise, if a few fish slip through the net and run out, I will be annoyed again in the future.

Shi Heng waved his hand, and the two big Han generals dragged Gunaha up, like dragging a dead dog, and walked out of the hall.

Outside the main hall, a scholar in a Confucian shirt stared at all this with a look of horror on his face.

Fan Zhong was leading people to patrol outside, so he stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, here is Meichun, come here to answer the call by the emperor's decree!"

"You are Mei Yongzhen's son?"


"Go in, the emperor has already ordered, if you arrive, just go there."


Mei Chun stepped forward, but couldn't help but look back, seeing the scene where the head fell to the ground and the blood was splashing everywhere, he was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes and walked into the hall.

"Student Mei Chun, long live my emperor!"

Zhu Qizhen looked up and down, and asked, "What is the name of the Qing family?"

Mei Chun replied truthfully: "Back to the emperor, the student is a member of Ying Tianfu."

This answer was somewhat beyond Zhu Qizhen's expectation. Originally, he thought that even if Mei Yongzhen's son was studying, he was messing around on his own. Unexpectedly, the person who was thinking about how to fly to the sky all day was actually Juren.

It seems that this is still a schoolmaster.

"I heard from your father that you don't like to read the Four Books and Five Classics?"

Mei Chun replied respectfully: "It's not that the students don't like it, but they like to read some miscellaneous books more than the Four Books and Five Classics."

When Zhu Qizhen heard the miscellaneous books, his eyes couldn't help but shine, and asked: "Tell me, what kind of books are there?"

Mei Chun thought for a while, and then said: "Gan and Shi Xing Jing, Huang Di Nei Jing, Mo Jing, Shui Jing Zhu..."

He talked about more than a dozen books in one breath, many of which were very low-profile at the time, because in the early Ming Dynasty, when Zhu Yuanzhang specified the imperial examination rules, he specifically stipulated the national unified textbooks, namely the Four Books and Five Classics.

It also stipulates that the Tao of Confucius and Mencius and Neo-Confucianism of Cheng and Zhu must be used as the only reference answer.

As a result, many books were thrown aside, and only four books and five classics were read every day.

The books that Mei Chun mentioned contained the crystallization of ancient wisdom such as astronomy, geography, medical engineering, etc. They were all invaluable to future generations, but at that time, no one cared about them.

Zhu Qizhen became even more interested, and brought Mei Chun to the imperial study.

There are many ancient books in Nanjing's imperial study room, which were left here for fear of damage when the capital was moved.

Mei Chun only took a few glances before being attracted.

Due to the popularity of the Four Books and Five Classics in the Ming Dynasty, there were very few other books on the market.

The books he had read were also obtained with great difficulty by relying on his family relationship.

With the full rollout of the New Deal, there are gradually more books on natural science on the market, but, after all, they are for exams, and there are still a few books that are really interesting to them.

But the emperor's imperial study room is different. Many books here are the only solitary copies in the world. They were collected when the Yongle Canon was compiled, and they cannot be bought outside with money.

Seeing his expression, Zhu Qizhen smiled and said, "Look, is there anything you like?"

Mei Chun nodded repeatedly, her eyes still scanning the bookshelves.

Zhu Qizhen said again: "Which one do you want to read, just take it yourself!"

Mei Chun hurriedly shook her head and exclaimed: "These books are all orphans, priceless, students dare not be hasty!"

Zhu Qizhen suddenly had an idea, and said: "Mei Chun listens to the order!"

Mei Chun was startled for a moment, but after she realized it, she hurriedly kowtowed.

"Student Mei Chun, welcome the imperial decree!"

"From now on, you will exclusively copy and copy in the imperial study. I will order people to engrave and print. The ancients did not write books for collection, but to pass on the knowledge in the book!"

"Students obey!"

Mei Chun was greatly shocked. For a long time, he thought he belonged to a different kind, because he was despised by people who spend all his time studying strange skills and tricks.

Although the New Deal was opened later and some novelty appeared, this deep-rooted concept has not been changed for a while.

Hearing the emperor's will, he finally understood that he was not a different kind.

These books are not magic tricks, but real knowledge.

But Zhu Qizhen had other plans. You must know that this person only took half of others, or even less time, to read the Four Books and Five Classics, and then won the Juren, so he must be a master.

However, he only researched on his own, without guidance or communication, so he seemed to be working behind closed doors.

Let him copy the book first to learn more knowledge, and then dial one or two at the right place, and he will become a master in the future.

"I will leave the imperial study to you. After copying the books, I will leave for the capital. I have another appointment."


Mei Chun was very excited. After all these years, someone finally recognized her.

Still the emperor, the emperor!

He had a premonition that the Ming Dynasty in the future would undergo earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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