Two streets away from the Yang family's residence, there is another house that is also brightly lit.

However, there was only a sedan chair parked outside the mansion, and the person who walked out of it was Zhang Yi, a scholar of the cabinet.

The owner of the mansion is Yang Dan, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, who has already gone out to greet him in person.

Zhang Yi clasped his fists: "I have a lot of work to do, I just got away, so don't blame my good brother!"

Yang Dan led Zhang Yi to the inner house, and said: "I heard that Brother Zhang returned to the capital, and I made a special trip to Wenyuan Pavilion to meet him, but I saw that Brother Zhang was very busy. Is there something wrong with Mobei?"

Zhang Yi's face was full of exhaustion, and he said: "Two thousand cavalry from the Tatars suddenly rushed into our Daming territory. The emperor has no guards by his side. The situation is critical. We need to urgently dispatch troops to Mobei to meet the enemy."

When the two came to the inner house, a servant girl came over to serve tea immediately.

Yang Dan waved his hand, the servant girl understood, turned around and went out, closing the door behind her.

"So, the imperial court is going to fight again?"

Zhang Yi picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said, "That's right!"

Yang Dan was puzzled, and asked, "This... is it?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly and said, "It's only 2000 people, it's not a problem at all."

"Which army is the imperial court going to transfer to Mobei?"

While speaking, a cold light flashed in Yang Dan's eyes, but it was fleeting.

Zhang Yi didn't notice anything unusual, and said truthfully, "Fifth Army Battalion!"

It stands to reason that the deployment of troops to fight is a secret of the imperial court, and only the cabinet, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Households are the relevant government offices, and only a few high-level officials are qualified to know the inside story. It is not normal for a young minister of Dali Temple to care about the war.

Zhang Yi didn't hide it at all, because although Yang Dan was the young minister of Dali Temple, the two had another relationship.

Yang Dan's father was Yang Pu, the former chief assistant of the cabinet.

When mentioning the cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty, most people first think of the three Yangs, that is, the famous Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu.

After Emperor Taizong Zhu Di was in trouble, he abolished all the reform measures of Emperor Jianwen and restored the ancestral system of Hongwu Dynasty.

Soon, he realized that something was wrong.

Because Lao Zhu abolished the Ministry of Zhongshu and put the six departments under the direct control of the emperor, this also caused the emperor's daily workload to seriously exceed the standard. Even if he only slept for two or three hours a day, and the rest of the time was spent on approving memorials, he still couldn't finish approving them.

However, he started from Jingnan, and he used the slogan of the Qing Dynasty. Now that he has taken over the country, he must not dare to move a word about the ancestral system.

Do it but can't do it, change it but dare not change it, after much deliberation, finally found a compromise, the cabinet!
In the late Hongwu Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang once formed a cabinet, which was intended to be a secretarial group, which could only offer opinions and had no decision-making power.

The cabinet members at this time have neither taste nor power, they are just a few obedient babies.

Zhu Di simply came to change positions, summoned Xia Yuanji, Xie Jin and others into the cabinet, and at the same time gave the cabinet higher powers. In addition to making suggestions, he could also give instructions.

The general process is as follows:

The memorials sent by officials to the imperial court first went to the cabinet. Several people in the cabinet read it for the first time, and after reading it, they had to write a reply and then submit it to the emperor.

At this time, the emperor only needs to tick or cross, and it is over!
Those with a check mark will be executed directly, and those with a cross will be sent back for reconsideration.

Now, it can be regarded as freeing himself from the vast memorials, and he can free up his hands to lead the troops to fight.

However, in order to prevent the cabinet from becoming bigger and stronger, Zhu Di still kept an eye on it.

He separated the cabinet out of the six ministries, and all the cabinet ministers had very low grades. This can not only contain the officials, but also prevent his family from becoming bigger and stronger. It is always in a state of balance between the emperor and the officials. .

This state lasted until the end of the Yongle period. After the Renxuan Dynasty, the situation suddenly changed.

Emperor Renzong Zhu Gaochi's personality was completely different from his father's. He had no ambition to open up territories, and he had never fought a war since he was a child. Except for the battle in Beiping City, he had never been on a battlefield.

Since there is no war, we should vigorously develop the economy and restore people's livelihood, so we will rely more on civil servants.

That is to say, from this time on, in the imperial court, the momentum of emphasizing literature over martial arts emerged.

In the Xuande Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji couldn't sit still and wanted to fight again. However, at this time, under the leadership of Sanyang, the civil official group became bigger and stronger, and even began to send supervisors to various armies to participate in military affairs.

As a result of civilian officials leading troops, the combat effectiveness of the barracks began to drop sharply, and then... Jiaozhi was lost, and Nuer Gandusi was lost.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji was not reconciled to this result, so he set up the Neishutang, intending to use eunuchs to contain the cabinet. Unexpectedly, he trained his good son Zhu Qizhen, Wang Zhen, who can cover the sky with his hands.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" listed Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu as a biography, and said at the end:
Therefore, to be known as a virtuous prime minister, three Yang must be the first.Jun can be originally Confucianism, know how to do a few things, work together to help each other, and calm the Communists and bandits.Known in history as Fang, Du... also known as Yao and Jing, who are good at keeping the text, in order to maintain the integrity of the world.Three Yang Qishu almost.

To put it simply, Sanyang is the virtuous prime minister.

Since it is compared to a virtuous prime minister, it also shows that the cabinet developed and grew stronger during the Sanyang period.

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi died of illness in the fifth year of Zhengtong and the seventh year of Zhengtong respectively. Before Zhu Qizhen's personal conquest, only Yang Pu remained among the three brilliant Yangs.

At that time, Wang Zhen monopolized the power, creating a miasma in the court. Although Yang Pu took over as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he couldn't beat Wang Zhen at all.

In the next few years, he endured silently and successively trained Cao Nai, Miao Zhong, Chen Xun, Zhang Yi and others to check and balance Wang Zhen.

Zhang Yi was single-handedly promoted by Yang Pu, so he and Yang Dan are often referred to as brothers.

Even if it is a major court event, he will not deliberately conceal it.

First of all, Yang Dan's identity is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, so he has the right to intervene.

Furthermore, as the son of his mentor Yang Pu, his character is naturally trustworthy.

He had just returned to Beijing today when he received an invitation from Yang Dan. He didn't think much about it, turned down other entertainments, and hurried over after finishing his business.

Yang Dan looked calm, and continued to ask: "Since the situation is urgent, why didn't you send out the [-] battalion?"

The [-] Battalion is cavalry, which is more mobile in combat.

Zhang Yi replied: "The Three Thousand Battalion went out to train and has not returned yet. The Shenji Battalion has too much luggage, so the Fifth Army is more suitable."

Yang Dan nodded, and suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, Brother Zhang, a friend came from his hometown and brought you some small gifts."

Zhang Yi was puzzled and asked, "What?"

Yang Dan got up and took out a small wooden box and put it on the table.

Seeing that he didn't speak and was acting mysteriously, Zhang Yi asked, "What exactly is it?"

Yang Dan smiled and said, "Brother Zhang knows it at a glance."

Zhang Yi didn't think too much, he reached out and opened it, and there was a stack of land deeds inside.

"This is?"

Yang Dan still didn't speak, picked up the teacup, blew on the floating tea leaves, and drank slowly.

Zhang Yi became more and more puzzled, picked up the land deed and glanced at it, and suddenly his expression changed drastically.

"Brother Yang Xian, why are these land deeds in your hands?"

Only then did Yang Dan put down his teacup, and said leisurely, "It's not Yudi, but another friend."

"who is it?"

"Brother Zhang also knows this person, but he is the commander of Jiananwei, Yang Tai."

"Yang Tai?"

Zhang Yi's expression froze, this Yang Tai was not Yang Dan's relative, but the grandson of Yang Rong, another cabinet minister among the three Yangs.

"What does he mean by these deeds?"

Yang Dan said indifferently: "These are the ancestral properties of Brother Zhang. Wouldn't it be a pity to sell them to those cheap merchants at a low price?"

In the New Deal three years ago, the imperial court changed the tax law and implemented the system of apportioning the income from each individual to the mu.

Before that, it was called population tax, or poll tax.

How many people there are in the family, how much tax will be paid.

This system began in the Han Dynasty and has been like this for more than 1000 years, nearly 2000 years.

However, the people at the bottom are too poor to pay, so they have to run away with their families or conceal the report. In the most cruel cases, they even drown their babies.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, Zhu Yuanzhang established the household registration system to prevent people from escaping.

Zhu Qizhen went south and north to fight, and after quelling the foreign turmoil, he finally attacked the gentry class, opened the sea, and made a new deal in one go, which made people hard to guard against.

From then on, paying taxes does not depend on the size of the population, but on how much land and property your family has.

After the population tax is exempted, the common people can produce with peace of mind and no longer flee, and the restrictions on the household registration system are no longer necessary.

As a result, those big landlords who used to value the land more than their lives began to waver.

Because the land tax is divided into grades, the more acres of land, the more tax you pay, and it increases in multiples, up to [-]%.

After doing the calculations, the land at home is not enough to grow grain to pay taxes, how about planting balls?
Since then, the situation of land annexation has been broken in one fell swoop, and the former landlord and gentry class has continuously sold land, and invested the silver obtained from the land sale into other industries, such as trade, workshops and so on.

In short, what to do to make money.

Zhang Yi's hometown has 15 mu of fertile land, and he is a real big landlord.

This is not to say that he is a corrupt official, the greedy kind.

In the Ming Dynasty, as long as they were officials, they either had a lot of land in their own hands or their relatives had a lot of land. In short, no one was poor.

Even if it is bought by legitimate means, it cannot be less.

Not to mention that many land transactions are improper, and there are even extortion.

There is another situation, that is, anchoring.

For example, the gentry class has fame and fame and can be exempted from part of the land tax.

Zhang Yi can be tax-free for five hundred shi. That is to say, if he needs to pay two thousand shi for grain tax, he will only need to pay [-] shi for the exemption of five hundred shi.

This does not include some people deliberately concealing the number of acres of land through some means, and in the end they only pay a small amount of tax, and they don't even bother to pretend to pay it.

The common people can't do it, they can pay as much as they should, without any preferential policies.

As a result, a situation emerged, that is, the people took out the land from their families and gave it to the landlord.

Then he continued to farm the land as a tenant.

Part of the grain grown is handed over to the landlord, and the rest is kept by himself.

That's because the landlord has the right and the ability to conceal the number of acres he owns.

This kind of field is called hidden field, and there is no record in the government's fish scale book.

However, after the New Deal, the imperial court cleared Zhang's land on a large scale, and the hidden land could no longer be hidden.

Everyone can understand that the land is no longer profitable, so sell it without hesitation!
Under such a wave, Zhang Yi was no exception, and sold a large amount of his family's land. Anyway, he was not short of money, let alone food.

But I didn't expect that someone bought these lands back today, which is very strange.

Because the land in his family is close to Nanjing City, most of the people who bought his own land were used to set up workshops and engage in industrial production, so a lot of infrastructure will inevitably be built. It has only been two short years, how could they sell it? Woolen cloth?

What's even more bizarre is that it was Yang Rong's grandson who bought the land again.

The current cabinet members, except for the newly promoted Yu Qian and Peng Qing, are all trained by the original San Yang.

Although Miao Zhong and Chen Xun have already become scholars, their disciples and old officials are still serving in the court.

It is no exaggeration to say that San Yang is the ancestor of all civil servants today.

This is why Yang Dan's identity as the Shaoqing of Dali Temple is quite prestigious in the court.

Now there is another grandson of Yang Rong, and things are starting to get a little strange.

"My virtuous brother, don't be a fool. What do these land deeds mean?"

Yang Dan no longer concealed it, and said: "Yang Tai sent back the title deed just to tell Brother Zhang that these lands belonged to Brother Zhang's ancestors, how can they be sold easily?"

Zhang Yi frowned and said, "My dear brother, do you know how much tax you have to pay for holding these lands?"

Yang Dan still had a calm smile on his face, and said: "According to the new policy, the ones that exceed [-] mu will be the highest grade, [-]%."

Zhang Yi was at a loss for words for a while, do you know how to get it back for me?
Am I selling the land because of lack of money?
I am the second assistant of the dignified cabinet, is it short of this money?
"Brother Zhang, don't worry. In fact, Brother Yu invited you here tonight because he wanted to talk about land issues."

Zhang Yi finally heard some clues, squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "Your brother, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. With the relationship between you and me, there is no need to go around, otherwise, I will not come back tonight."

"Brother Zhang is refreshing, that foolish brother will not be around the corner anymore!"

Yang Dan's expression suddenly became dignified, and he said: "The current emperor is taking advantage of the new policy to seize wealth and compete with the people for profit, creating a mess in the court. The officials are even more reckless, corrupt and bribed, and exploit the people. It can be seen that the people of the world have already complained!"

Zhang Yi's face darkened all of a sudden, and he said, "My dear brother, be careful with your words!"

"Brother Zhang is an assistant minister of the cabinet, don't you know anything about these situations?"

Zhang Yiteng stood up and said angrily: "Yang Dan, I have done my best to you out of love for my mentor. I will pretend that I didn't hear your rebellious remarks tonight. If you mention them again in the future, don't blame me. Brother, turn your face and deny anyone!"

Slandering the New Deal and smearing the emperor are equivalent to public rebellion!
Yang Dan raised his head and laughed loudly.

Immediately afterwards, his complexion changed, and he said coldly: "Zhang Yi, you have to think clearly, who promoted you as a cabinet minister!"

Zhang Yi said angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Yang Dan said: "The so-called New Deal is all an excuse for the imperial court to solicit money. The people of the world are already miserable. At this time, do you still pretend to be blind and deaf?"

Zhang Yi finally understood that it was not equivalent to treason, this guy was just treason!
"Are you going to rebel?"

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