"Stay in formation and keep going!"

There is only the last line of defense left in front of us, and the city walls of the New City of Tehran are within easy reach.

A smile finally appeared on the corner of Barulasi's mouth. This place will soon become the territory of the Timur Khanate. People in the Ming Dynasty would never have imagined that everything they did here would benefit others in a blink of an eye.

Compared with these buildings, he cared more about the firearms of the Ming army.

If the Timurid Khanate had mastered these weapons, it would only be a matter of time before they conquered the world.

He is even fantasizing now that the legion under his hand is holding the muskets and artillery of the Ming army, fighting everywhere, invincible...

The Ming army continued to retreat, and the Timur army continued to advance.

Finally, the legion advanced to the last line of defense of the Ming army position!
This is a long and narrow trench, roughly one and a half people high.

Baru Lasi was even more excited, leading people to jump down without hesitation.

As long as they break through this trench, the Ming army will have no more positions to defend. At that time...

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

This is a keen fighting sense, coupled with the experience summed up after hundreds of battles, he immediately noticed the problem.

There is something wrong with the height of the trenches!

Generally speaking, the function of the trench is to provide a space for the musketeers to shoot. Therefore, they will not be dug very deep, about half the height of a person, at least when shooting, the eyes can see outside.

However, this trench exceeded the height of an adult man, even if he raised his hands and jumped his feet, he could reach the upper edge.

How did the Ming army shoot such a deep trench?
Baru Lasi quickly recalled the scene of the battle just now. The Ming army had blocked the first two trenches respectively, but when they reached the last trench, they did not let go of a single shot.

If it is not used for blocking, then what is the function of this trench?

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in Baluras' heart!

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

However, it's too late.

The ones rushing forward were all heavily armored knights. They were covered in iron armor all over their bodies, making their movements extremely inconvenient. After jumping off the trenches, it was impossible to climb up.

Moreover, the soldiers behind were still jumping down the trenches. At this time, the people in front suddenly received an order to retreat, and suddenly crowded together.


Amidst the chaos, there was a loud noise.

Here, the Ming army had already planted bombs and was waiting for the Timur soldiers to jump down.



Explosions sounded one after another. The entire trench was about 50 meters long, and ten bombs were planted in advance.

These bombs are made of black powder, because the production process of black powder is simple, and the quantity is large and full.

The power of the bomb depends on the amount of gunpowder. Regardless of the load of the Kongming lantern, it is not a problem to load as much gunpowder as you want.

All of a sudden, flesh and blood flew across the trench.

The bodies of Timurid soldiers were scattered everywhere, blood and mud mixed together, exuding a disgusting smell.

Baru Lasi was lucky. When the explosion started, the two heavy cavalrymen in front of him withstood most of the shock waves and shrapnel.

Even so, he was still thrown out, covered in blood.

I just don't know if the blood is my own or that of other people around me.

Because the trenches were dug too deep, many corpses were buried on the spot, which saved a lot of trouble.

As for those who are not yet dead, they are also in place at one time and buried directly.

Balurasi tried his best to push away the corpse on his body, struggling to get up, but his two legs seemed to have lost feeling, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move an inch.

At this time, his heart was full of fear and despair, and he could only wait for death to come and the massacre by the Ming army.


There was a sudden burst of shouting and killing in the distance, one after another, continuous.

Balurasi lay on the ground, clearly feeling the deafening hoofbeats.

He really wanted to see what happened, but his body was completely numb and he couldn't move.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, the main cavalry of the Ming army immediately rushed over from both sides, cutting off the back of Timur's army.

This time, it was real cavalry versus infantry, unilateral killing.

The Timurid soldiers hadn't reacted yet, the vanguard was gone, and now they had to face the cavalry's attack again, and they had no power to parry.

Barulas clearly heard the sound of rifles firing, the sound of bows and arrows piercing through the air, the sound of swords and spears piercing into the flesh, and the screams of soldiers.

His heart was ashamed, and he had lost this battle after all.

At this time, he could only lie on the ground, unable to move.

His heart was beating violently, as if he was going to burst out of his chest, and his hands clutched the soil tightly, trying to crawl out from the pile of dead people, but after a long time of hard work, it was still in vain.

A pair of military boots suddenly appeared in front of him. Judging from the style, they should be soldiers of the Ming Army.

Of course, at this time, it was no longer possible for someone of his own to appear.

Those who rushed to the front were all killed, and those who survived were just like themselves. They were buried in the pile of dead people and could not move.

Baluras smiled wryly, and slowly raised his head.

He wanted to take a look at the face of the person in front of him...

"It's not dead, it's still moving!"

The light of the knife passed by, and Balurasi's head fell to the ground.

The Ming army, who had just pretended to retreat, began to fight back. Those Timurid soldiers who had been wounded had nowhere to escape, and they were stabbed one by one, killing them all.

The cavalry marched back and forth, dividing the soldiers of Timur's army and breaking them one by one.

Holding the binoculars, Abu Saiza saw his soldiers being slaughtered, and felt blood dripping from his heart.

The 20 army has already suffered more than half of the casualties, and the rest are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, without even the courage to resist.

Military Minister Muhalda stepped forward and asked, "Khan, what should we do?"

Abu Saiza closed his eyes silently, and said, "Withdraw!"

"Khan, this is the main force of all of us!"

Muhalda was in a hurry. Could it be that he just watched the soldiers being slaughtered and did nothing?
Abu Saiza suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Do you have a better way?"

Muhalda was silent for a moment, yes, what else can I do?
The 20 army is the main force, and there are still 30 logistics personnel. Are these logistics personnel required to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?
The main force has been wiped out, what's the use of the support staff going up?
The only thing that can be done is to consume the physical strength of the Ming army. After all, killing is a physical activity. Even if there are 30 sheep lined up for you to kill, you will have to kill them for three days and three nights.

The failure of the front line is a foregone conclusion. If they don't withdraw, even the sweat will be involved.

The horn sounded, and the team broke out and retreated.

When the soldiers who were still fighting on the front line heard the voice, their hearts were instantly ashamed, and they no longer had a trace of fighting spirit.


"We surrender!"

Everyone threw down their swords and knelt down to beg for surrender.

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