Full-time Master: Detaining Generals

Chapter 102 0 Thunderbolts

Chapter 102
When Life Extinguisher lay quietly on the ground, the audience was silent.

Gu Ziyou won, although the result is not too surprising, after all, everyone guessed that the probability of the match between Xiao Shiqin and Gu Ziyou was [-]-[-] at the beginning, Gu Ziyou had maneuvers, Xiao Shiqin's tactics were even better .

But after watching the entire game, no one was surprised.

Ju Ling sent generals to burst out with residual blood, and the unreasonable damage reduction surprised everyone.

Gu Ziyou waved his hand to Xiao Shiqin in Thunder Control Room and gave him a thumbs up.Xiao Shiqin smiled back, but the smile was a bit forced no matter how you looked at it.

He suddenly felt a little tired, and this discovery made him startled, because he hadn't felt the emotion of "tired" for a long time before, not because he wasn't tired, but because he didn't dare to get tired , Thunder behind him did not allow him to get tired.

Xiao Shiqin took off his glasses and wiped them with his team uniform. He was always strict and never wiped his eyes with anything other than glasses cloth.

Put away his peripherals, put on his backpack, and walked out of the control room.

Seeing Xiao Shiqin's resignation, Lei Ting surrounded him with shame on their faces, and comforted Xiao Shiqin. Xiao Shiqin also smiled and explained that he didn't care, and asked everyone to prepare for the team competition and calm down.

The purpose of Xiao Shiqin's first start was to be the first to take the advantage and win the advantage for the players, but he was killed by Gu Ziyou, and he didn't even take a single person away.

Without Xiao Shiqin's Thunder, it is obviously not enough to face Xingxin's "monsters", and everyone in Thunder naturally understands this.

The two Thunder players who played next gave the best proof. Gu Ziyou controlled Ju Ling to hide in the corner, summoned all four summoned objects, and then fought in groups.

Without the mechanic's field of vision detection, relying on the character's own field of vision, trying to find the Juling dispatcher who is deliberately hiding is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a lake.

However, Gu Ziyou still gave Lei Ting a face. When fighting against the second person, he chose to fight hand-to-hand. In the end, they exchanged blood and died at the same time.

Thunderclap's No.3 player was killed by Tang Rou three times, five times and two times, and Xingxin successfully won the game again.

The score was 5:0.

So far, both the live broadcast viewers and those watching the scene have speculated whether Xingxin will have a zero seal this time, and the voice of this topic is gradually getting louder.

"Captain..." Dai Yanqi expressed concern and spoke out.

"Don't be nervous, follow the plan!" Xiao Shiqin sighed veiledly, it seemed that his breathing was the same as usual.

Seeing that the expressions of the team members were still not very good-looking, Xiao Shiqin's gentle expression instantly became serious.

"Why are you still playing in this state!? I'm telling the organizing committee now that we won't be playing against the Thunder!" The tone was very hard, and this kind of tone is rarely seen in Xiao Shiqin's body.Dai Yanqi shivered in fright.

After Xiao Shiqin finished speaking, he thought about going outside the arena.

"Captain!... Let's fight!"

"Yes, captain, we made a mistake, we must fight hard!"

Only then did Xiao Shiqin turn around, and patted the shoulders of everyone in Lei Ting.

"Play the game well, the Thunder is not a weak team, and I hope you think so too."

After speaking, he slightly adjusted the position of the backpack, exhaled, and walked to the competition platform first.

The team competition has officially started, and both sides are ready to go.

Seeing the results of the picture selection, everyone in Xingxin laughed.

It's just because Xiao Shiqin also chose the water map, the water map that everyone in Xingxin once regarded as a nightmare.

Map: Atlantis
This is an underwater palace. There are many ventilation points on this map. In fact, the small compartments of many palaces are not filled with water, and there is a certain space for players to breathe.Indoor combat increases the complexity of the confrontation.

When Xiao Shiqin saw the ID of the Juling dispatcher, he didn't know whether to be nervous or relax. ,

Since the official issued Gu Ziyou an account card with the same name, and allowed Gu Ziyou to use it to play professional games, it must have released the news to the outside world.

Now all the big teams know that Juling dispatched generals are likely to have two forms now, one is Guiyuanliu, the well-known form of barbarian summoning.The other is the spirit flow of Concealed Light in the last game.

So Xiao Shiqin wasn't sure. It was because of this that the information gap between Xingxin and Lei Ting appeared again.

Information gap is always the best resource for new teams, but except for Xingxin, the information gap of other new teams is not so outrageous.

Game start!
Lin Lang appeared out of nowhere, with a simple and simple shape. A layer of leather paper was tightly bound by a metal plate, which added a sense of time. And the paper pages of four colors in the middle of the book, not only did not look fancy, but even more mysterious.

When the audience sees this book, perhaps only the evaluation of "good-looking" will appear.

But the other professional players who were watching this match, especially Zhang Xinjie, were staring intently at the white screen in front of them, on which the match between Happy and Thunder was projected.

"New Yinwu again?" Han Wenqing's extremely magnetic voice sounded, and he kept tapping his thigh with his fingers, asking his own question.

"I've never seen it before. It must be a silver weapon, but I don't know its attributes." Zhang Xinjie pushed his glasses.

"I heard Ye Xiu tell me that Gu Ziyou is a core member of Xingxin's equipment R&D center."

"Well, both Wang Jiexi and Yu Wenzhou have reacted sideways. In fact, they accidentally went to Happy to have a look. It's not hard to find out."

Han Wenqing nodded, looking at the general Ju Ling who was standing at one end of the underwater palace. The general Ju Ling didn't wear the symbiotic cloud robe. After all, there was only one symbiotic cloud robe, and Xingxin didn't have extra materials to make another one.

"It's really stressful! Xinjie, is this part of the reason for your increased investment in the R&D department?"

After Happy's defeat against Blue Rain, Zhang Xinjie replayed that match at least five times. He didn't pick a segment to watch, but watched it at a slow speed.

Since then, Zhang Xinjie has proposed in several team meetings that he hopes to increase the team's investment in equipment production and focus on equipment research and development.

And Zhang Xinjie's opinion is very persuasive in Tyranny, after all, Zhang Xinjie's brain understands everything.

And the investment budget of Tyranny's equipment research and development department has increased by at least five points compared to the previous year.

The equipment production team has joined several experienced technicians.

"Yes, Xingxin made me realize that the limit of Glory's equipment editor has not yet been reached. In fact, according to my speculation, many silver equipment of Xingxin has far exceeded the silver equipment of the starting players in the professional circle. Have they touched it? To the limit I don't know, but obviously we didn't."

Zhang Xinjie said without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Huh... This Gu Ziyou is really surprising, he is obviously a brat! He looks clear-sighted, and always likes to be silly. I didn't expect equipment production to be so successful."

"Oh? Have you seen him? Offline?" Lin Jingyan was curious.

"Yes, during the Qingming Festival, I went to sacrifice to an old man, and he was there at that time."

"Old man? The one who snatched your gloves and took them apart for fun?"

Hearing this, Han Wenqing nodded. Although he and Su Muqiu had conflicts mostly, in retrospect, they considered themselves friends.

Look back to the game.

After General Juling was born, he didn't choose to summon him directly, but chose the path and followed Xingxin's people to keep running.

Atlantis is actually a commemorative map made by the Glory Alliance abroad, but it was adopted by the Glory in China.

In fact, the Honor national server and the foreign server are not connected. This is also a major pain point for Honor officials, and the technology in this area is also being developed.

Although the server is not connected, the map development can be used universally.

Atlantis actually came from ancient Greece. No one has really seen the real face of Atlantis. It is still a legend until now. The source of the current map is actually based on the ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s view of Atlantis. Tice's description is fictitious.

Atlantis is a city in Greek mythology. It is said to be a palace because in the map setting, it is located in the central part and stands a huge palace dominated by towering western cylindrical buildings.

The central palace is surrounded by small European-style buildings.

Gu Ziyou's perspective was always placed on the top of the central palace, staring closely at the tip of the pillars. Although it was a little far away, Gu Ziyou still saw the silver robot with a slightly raised head under his full attention.

The underwater vision is actually very dim, but it is easy to find it no matter how far away it is by the reflection of the light coming in from the water surface.

Since this is a game map, the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the water will not be too long, otherwise the character will not be able to breathe successfully, and playing games will be meaningless.

"The field of view has been exposed, the thieves can pull up and charge directly!"

Gu Ziyou reminded that after hearing Gu Ziyou's command, Fang Rui, Baozi, Qiu Fei, Qiao Yifan and Gu Ziyou stopped hiding at all and rushed straight to the opposite side.

Ling Ling sent Lin Lang in his hand, the pages of the book fluttered, and the light blue pages flew out and floated in the air.

The pages of the book fluttered with the wind and slowly dissipated, and an ice elf appeared in the water.

The whole process from the beginning to the end of the summoning may only take a second or two, and the speed is astonishingly fast. Originally, the summoning and chanting speed of the spirit stream is faster than that of the four beast streams. In addition, Linlang stacks are full of singing and CD reduction, which is simply unreasonable.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the detection robots, Xiao Shiqin suddenly felt something was wrong, but the movements in his hands still didn't stop, the robots were squeezed out one by one, and scattered away.

"Everyone, be careful, the general who is sent by the Lingling is an elf-style, and the silver weapon in his hand is not a scroll, and the singing speed is very problematic!" Xiao Shiqin reminded.

"Elemental Mage, on the second floor at two o'clock, hide away!"

Xiao Shiqin's hand speed and mouth speed are soaring at the same time, sweat has gradually oozed from his forehead, and even spit out a lot of saliva.

"Assassin stealth to explore the way, don't act rashly, keep a little distance away."

When Dai Yanqi heard Xiao Shiqin's voice, her eyes swept over Xiao Shiqin's keyboard, her hands were already so fast that she couldn't bear it both emotionally and rationally.

However, she still tried her best to shake off the distracting thoughts and return her attention to her screen.

The other team members naturally also noticed the slight change in their captain, but they didn't speak, and listened to Xiao Shiqin's arrangements.

Soon, the ice elves also discovered the location of Lei Ting's group of people.

This is the funny scene of Summoner vs Mechanic, you can detect my location, I can also see yours, there is no privacy at all!

"At eleven o'clock, Yuanfa behind the pillar on the second floor, look at the water flow, about ten yards to Brother Rui's right, the water flow fluctuates, it should be Thunder's assassin."

"Baozi, Qiu Fei, Yifan, you three charge first, but don't use full speed, reduce it by about 20.00%."

"Yifan keeps an eye on the blood volume, and puts on the shield first if he can."

Gu Ziyou's mouth speed also began to increase, and the entire command took less than 20 seconds, and he pronounced the words clearly.

And Gu Ziyou tapped rhythmically with his left hand, and almost 20 seconds later, when Baozi and the others handed over to each other, there were already eight elves in the air in front of Juling Dispatch, Ice Thunder Dark Fire, Four kinds of elves, one kind of two.

And the picture of the four elves flying out together is still very strong.

Ju Ling dispatched the general to shorten the distance between Yu Leiting and everyone while calling.

On the frontal battlefield at this moment, the densely packed robots seemed to be overwhelming, with bullets flying around and hitting Baozi's shield.

As the four spirits arrived ahead of time, Xiao Shiqin was naturally aware of it, and turned around, trying to get rid of the summoned creatures first.

The elves have low health, which is easy to solve, but what Xiao Shiqin was puzzled about was that the four elves didn't hide at all, they just looked for the robot in the ground and threw their skills, the four energy balls fell one after another, and the damage was still very high. Considerable.

In a short while, many robots were destroyed, or exploded on the spot, or fell apart directly, which greatly reduced the pressure on the three people on the front line.

But when the elves arrived behind, the four elves who arrived first had already died. Gu Ziyou raised the corners of his mouth and murmured:
"Playing with Linlang and spending money? Do you think I'm a white belt in an online game top-notch blue-recovery suit? If you want to play, I'll play with you!"

The general Ju Ling didn't have any silver equipment on his body, and all the weapons on his body were marked with silver characters. Other than that, they were all marked with orange characters. The suits in online games are famous for their extremely fast recovery of mana.

And Gu Ziyou only uses small elves, which consume very little mana. The mana consumption of elf-style skills is focused on the synthesis of elves, and the synthesis of big elves and elf kings consumes more mana.

Therefore, the current mana level of Ju Lingqi is still around 80%, the number of elves that have been summoned has exceeded ten, and the mana bar is still rising visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Shiqin had already noticed something was wrong when he was destroying the second wave of elves and the third wave had arrived.

"Don't hit the elves, get the spirit to send the general himself. Assassin!"

"Captain, I can't get away here. The ghosts seem to be able to see me. They have been following me and kept a certain distance."

Xiao Shiqin looked up and saw the ice elf floating on the top, frowning.

"Careless, regardless of everything, take away Ju Ling and dispatch the general! The fight must be fast, the summoner has to change positions!" Xiao Shiqin shouted.

Assassins have the skill of risking their lives, and they are fully capable of killing people directly.

After receiving Xiao Shiqin's order, the assassin changed direction, increased his speed, and rushed directly towards Ju Ling.

In the vision of the ice elves, Gu Ziyou noticed this.Take it easy and remind me:
"Brother Rui."

"I saw!"

The tacit understanding between Xingxin people has reached a certain level, and this has something to do with the high-pressure training mode. The most important thing is that Xingxin has a good atmosphere, just like home, and everyone's daily communication is not only about competitions, but also about life. !

After Gu Ziyou reminded him, he didn't care about the affairs here, and completely handed over his back to his teammates.

The ghostly and suspicious equipment crushed, and the speed caught up in an instant. The dagger was raised, and it cut the Thunder Assassin's throat, causing a spray of blood.

On the frontal battlefield, as Thunder ignored the elves, there were already two big elves and eight little elves in midair.

That skill coverage, like the end of the world, the scene of falling meteorites is extremely spectacular.

And the elf's attack is range damage, and the group of small robots are taken away by the elf's energy ball one by one.

The sweat on Xiao Shiqin's forehead had twisted into crystal drops.

In fact, here, the situation of the game is also very clear, the only assassin who can pose a threat to Ju Ling is blocked by ghosts and ghosts, unable to advance an inch at all.

And the horror of the elf style is vividly displayed by the general sent by the spirit and the book Linlang.The style of painting is completely different from the Four Beasts style, and the fighting rhythm is completely different, which makes all the players who play the Elf style dumbfounded.

"So that's how the spirit flow is played?"

Originally, there were fewer summoners in the professional league, and even fewer elves. Everyone was still carefully controlling one or two elves, thinking about how to merge and match them.

Now it seems that it is too low.

Look at Gu Ziyou, the elf army!That is!
And even if it is an elf army, there is no such thing as four-beast multi-line control pressure. The summoned objects have basic operations. You only need to stand up and release energy balls. The skills on the opposite side are not hidden at all. .

In general, up to the current situation, the result of the game is no longer in suspense.

Because Lei Ting's front row had already been taken away by Qiu Fei like chopping melons and vegetables.

The gap between the strength of the players and the silver weapon equipment was too great. Thunder's front row was completely crushed, and Xiao Shiqin's robot and Gu Ziyou's elves were crushed mechanically.

The robot has nothing to do with the infinite replenishment of the sprites. It will come as soon as it is finished, and it will not give people a chance to take a breath.

When the three people in the front row of Thunder fell to the ground, Xiao Shiqin knew that the competition was going to be cold.But even with the sweat running down his cheeks, Xiao Shiqin remained calm.

The Thunder players who had been eliminated, looked at Xiao Shiqin who was sweating profusely, and suddenly felt that the temperature of the air conditioner was a little low. It was so low that Xiao Shiqin was as hot as Xiao Shiqin, but they didn't feel the heat at all.

It was so low that their actions made him feel chilled.Perhaps they worked hard, but those efforts were not enough to equate with Xiao Shiqin's devotion to Thunder.

Dai Yanqi shivered, her eyes became a little moist, after all, women are more emotional than men.

Soon, Xiao Shiqin's computer screen became gray.


Xiao Shiqin's fingers were removed from the keyboard, and the sound of the keyboard rebounding sounded.

In the end, Thunder was still defeated by Xingxin with a score of 10:0.

(End of this chapter)

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