Global God Card Age

Chapter 234 Hidden Demon

Chapter 234 Hidden Demon
On February 2th, in the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng, where the former Starfire Alliance was stationed.


Accompanied by the sound of wheels turning, a team of more than 2000 people drove out of the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng and headed north.

This is already the last round of transfer of family members of the Starfire Alliance. In the past three or four days, nearly ten thousand family members have already been transferred twice, and this is already the last time.

Moreover, among the transfer personnel this time, there is another important person, the old man "Ren Yuanhua" who was officially appointed by Gu Ran as the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Liaoyuan City yesterday.

The old man is almost 60 years old this year, and his son Ren Yang is the second batch of old members who joined the Starfire League, and now his position in the League is not low, serving as the deputy captain of the third brigade in He Jiang's first battalion.

With Ren Yang's status, their family's status is not low among relatives and families, but now it's the other way around. Even Ren Yang's status is far inferior to that of a minister.

Among the positions at all levels of the Starfire Alliance, such as the Logistics Department, the Training Department, and the newly established Mechanical Engineering Department, the ministers of these institutions, although their status is not as high as that of the battalion generals of the combat regiment, they can still compete with a group of deputy generals. In other words, he has already surpassed ordinary mid-level military officers and stepped into the absolute upper ranks of the entire Starfire Alliance.

The person responsible for the transfer of this group of relatives was the member of the second battalion under Yin Zhiqiang's command. Yan Xuefei, the lieutenant general who had reached level 16, went out in person for no other reason than Yin Zhiqiang issued a strong order. There must be no surprises for family members.

Transported by nearly a hundred wolf carts and ten blue-backed wild rhinoceros trucks, a group of more than 2000 people was not slow to advance. At the front and end of the team, ten goblin infantry fighting vehicles led the way and reared, and nearly a hundred people in the middle An ordinary wolf car can be protected inside.

These goblin infantry fighting vehicles were undoubtedly seized from those goblin bears, but despite the fact that the soldiers of the second battalion were driving skillfully at this moment, these goblin infantry fighting vehicles were not completely owned by the second battalion.

Among the twenty infantry fighting vehicles, only ten were owned by the second battalion, and the other ten were actively deployed by the higher-ups to help them better complete the transfer work and avoid personnel losses. After completion, it needs to be returned.

Four days ago in the battle against the bear goblin tribe, the Starfire Alliance seized a total of 110 intact goblin infantry fighting vehicles. However, during the follow-up distribution, these 110 infantry fighting vehicles were divided into [-] by Zhao Mei's long-range fire strike group. vehicles, so there are only sixty vehicles left.

The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, plus Jiang Yun's upcoming sixth battalion of Xinghuo, each battalion can only get ten vehicles.

The infantry fighting vehicle at the front of the team, this infantry fighting vehicle carried five people inside, except for one person in the driver's seat and three 11th-level members in the rear compartment, the second battalion lieutenant Yan Xuefei was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Although Yan Xuefei didn't speak, the discussion in the carriage never stopped. As the deputy general of the second battalion, Yan Xuefei has a calm personality and a rather gentle temper. He has a good reputation in the battalion. In front of him, he will not be too rigid.

"It would be great if our battalion could get a few more infantry fighting vehicles. Not only are these vehicles powerful, but they also have excellent defensive capabilities. It's a pity that most of them are allocated to the long-range strike group."

"Who says no, I heard..."

Just when several people were discussing, Yan Xuefei, who had never spoken in the co-pilot seat, opened his eyes suddenly.


This sudden opening made the car suddenly silent. Although the reason is not known yet, everyone in the car understands that Yan Xuefei will never target indiscriminately. Even if there is no turmoil in the outside world, he must have discovered something.

There was no explanation, and I listened carefully for a while again in the silence. A few seconds later, Yan Xuefei suddenly jumped up from the passenger seat. to an order he left behind.

"Stop advancing and notify the rear team members to be on full alert."


In a wolf cart in the middle of the team, Mr. Ren Yuanhua was sitting upright. Even though he was close to sixty, his body was very tough. In addition, he had the care of "Ren Yang", and his level had almost risen by one level. Jie, he was in good spirits, no, he immediately noticed the abnormal movement in front of him.

"What's going on? What happened to Master Yan?"

Hearing his words, the wife and daughter-in-law sitting next to him also cast their gazes forward, and at the same time, the reply from the first-order team member in charge of driving outside the carriage also came quickly.

"It should have been discovered. The old man doesn't need to worry. With the strength of the lieutenant general at level 16, it is enough to suppress all sneakiness."


Besides, Yan Xuefei, after rushing out of the infantry fighting vehicle, his eyes were fixed on the southeast direction behind him. Now the team has passed through the mountains in the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng and arrived at the plain previously occupied by wolves.

Therefore, when the members of the Second Battalion followed Yan Xuefei's gaze, they saw only densely forested mountains and did not find anything unusual.

For the doubts of the team members, Yan Xuefei didn't explain anything, his eyes were still fixed on the southeast direction, he didn't move, he seemed very determined.


A space ripple flashed by the side of the infantry fighting vehicle, and Yan Xuefei stepped on the body of the infantry fighting vehicle with both legs, leaping up.

This jump was no joke, he jumped to a height of more than ten meters with ease, and just as he was about to fall, the black water snake came out from the crack in the void and caught him just in time.

The figure landed steadily on the head of the Black Water Profound Snake, Yan Xuefei moved his mind, and the next second, the Black Water Profound Snake swung its body and swept towards the southeast at a high speed.

Although his Black Water Profound Snake has just contracted for less than a month, and has not yet fully caught up in terms of level, it is still level 15. With a 40-meter-long snake body, it can easily rush tens of meters, and the speed is extremely fast. amazing.

In a few seconds, the Blackwater Profound Snake had rushed hundreds of meters away. Seeing this, some members of the Second Battalion were about to follow up, but a voice that almost covered the entire team stopped them.

"Everyone remains on the highest alert and stays put."


All the way into the dense forest, Yan Xuefei narrowed his eyes slightly, a drop of heavy water overflowed from his body, and then turned into a layer of light ink water curtain, quietly covering his body surface.

After doing this, the vigilance in his eyes was still puzzled, and he turned around, staring at every corner of the dense forest.


A strange black light suddenly appeared from above the head of the black water black snake that swept forward at high speed. Even with his current insight, he couldn't see how it appeared at all, but this doubt did not last long.

Almost immediately after the appearance of this strange black glow, Yan Xuefei's sight had caught a black figure looming from the void.

This figure is completely black, with sharp fangs in its mouth, jet-black pupils, a black short-handled sickle in its claws with sharp nails, and the strange black light is caused by this black sickle. inspired.

Although his eyes caught the black shadow, it didn't mean he could dodge it, because the black shadow attacked almost right in front of Yan Xuefei.

This was also the reason why his pupils shrank violently at this moment. He had clearly raised his vigilance to the highest level, but he didn't even see the slightest clue as to how the other party was approaching him. It was really too weird.

A strange black light was cut on the body, and Yan Xuefei's whole body was already upside down, but suddenly there was a shocking reversal in the blink of an eye.

This black awn seems to give people a very threatening feeling, but the damage caused by cutting on the body surface is hard to describe.

Even if the heavy water shield's protection ability is not too strong, it only produced a burst of ripples.

Can't even break the heavy water shield?

A question mark first appeared in Yan Xuefei's mind, but soon he realized that although the monster's actions were weird, its attack power was very ordinary.

Knowing this, Yan Xuefei immediately changed his coping strategy, quickly stretched out his right hand, and locked the black figure by the throat before it was about to disappear into the void again.

At the same time, the brilliance emerged in front of his eyes, and the small black monster attribute panel was successfully captured.

[Name: Hidden Demon]

[Level: Elite]

[Race: Hidden Demon Race]

[Level: 12 (Level [-])]

[Skills: Shadow Stealth, Hidden Night Slash]

[Introduction: Born with superb stealth and concealment abilities, he is a born killer. 】

"Hidden Demon? A brand new monster, level 12 elite, weak enough..."

Thinking to himself, Yan Xuefei didn't pause, and after giving the Blackwater Profound Snake under him an order to move on, the neck of the elite hidden demon in his hand was directly twisted off.

The movement he heard before was not caused by this Hidden Demon, or in other words, it was not only made by this Elite Hidden Demon, but the position was still ahead.

With previous experience, Yan Xuefei was even more vigilant this time, and his attention to his surroundings was also greatly increased.

Ten seconds later, the black water snake had rushed through the dense forest behind him and came to a valley.

Looking at the scene in the valley ahead, Yan Xuefei's eyes above the head of the black water snake were completely cold.

The already stiff figure of Ba Dao was lying everywhere in the valley, and the blood that could be seen everywhere painted the whole valley with a layer of blood.

These eight figures all wore fiery red badges on their chests, obviously they were all members of the Starfire Alliance, but at this moment their throats were all cut open, and they had already turned into eight corpses.

After carefully checking all the bodies of the eight people, Yan Xuefei quickly came to the conclusion that the eight members of the first battalion who were in charge of the investigation were all killed by the hidden demons before, because the fatal wound on their bodies was the hole between their throats. That wound perfectly matched the hidden demon's attack method.

PS: Today is only 3k, let me take it easy, Calvin is uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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