Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 106 Murder in the Jungle

Chapter 106 Murder in the Jungle

After listening to Allen's speculation, Julie wiped off her cold sweat, thinking it was dangerous!

Uncle Ryan also darkened, his eyes full of anger.

Someone plotted against his precious son, which offended his inclinations!

"There are people in the forest, use a spell to sneak attack!"

Ryan lowered his voice and gestured at the crowd.

"Crew and Griffin, stay and guard the airship!
"Others, follow me into the forest to search for the enemy!"

Including Allen, a group of eight people quickly approached the dense forest.


Between dense forests.

"Hehe... I really fell for it."

"A group of naive guys, just die here obediently."

The ventriloquist sneered to activate his magic power.

The body under the cloak quickly deformed.

The feet become goat hooves.

On the forehead, a pair of curved horns protruded.

Under the jaw, a wisp of goatee flutters in the wind.

Level 1 atavistic transformation, half-goat form!
The ventriloquist snapped his fingers.

The magic power of the fingertips surged.

Ring 0 "Phantom Sound", applied 20 meters away, on a stone.

The stone immediately made a rustling sound.

It was as if someone was speeding through the woods.

Clothes and pants rubbed against branches, making a sound.

Lifelike, false ones!
The title of "ventral technician" is not for nothing!
as predicted.

Ryan and others fell for the trick, turned around collectively, and rushed towards the stone that made the phantom sound.

The ventriloquist smiled even more proudly.

Everything is under control!
Immediately afterwards, he drew a clarinet from his waist.

Through atavistic meditation, he learned the knack of playing magic music from the half-goat ancestor spirit.

The ventriloquist began to play a "lullaby".

The ethereal and melodious sound of the flute echoed in the forest.

Like the wind blowing the treetops, humming.

It is also like a clear stream and a spring, gurgling and flowing.

The fresh and refined melody is in harmony with the surrounding natural environment.

Even the spirits in the forest are more willing to listen to his playing than to be angered by the sound of the flute.

Not far away, Ryan and others heard the sound of flutes floating in the forest.

The group stopped in their tracks, dazed.

The expressions on people's faces changed from vigilance to relaxation, and they yawned one after another, feeling drowsy.

"Hehe... go to sleep, go to sleep, sleep well."

A ventriloquist can speak while playing the clarinet.

Whispering, came from his abdomen.

It was as if his navel had become another mouth.

The 1st ring magic "Ventriloquism" is so magical!

With this unique skill, a ventriloquist can play the two roles of "lead singer" and "harmony" at the same time on the theater stage.

"Hey! Knife Flyer, it's your turn."

"With your knife, kiss their throats."

"Send them to sweet and eternal dreams."

The ventriloquist continued to play the flute, whispering to his companions in ventriloquist.

The thin knife-throwing hand nodded slightly.

A slender and fair palm touched her waist.

Eight willow-leaf flying knives are held between the fingers.

The palm moved slightly, so fast that the throwing action could not be seen clearly.

Eight streaks of silver lightning flashed out through the forest!

Eight throwing knives were shot at the throats of Ryan and others.

Flying knife hand, the corners of the lips are slightly upturned.

The stupid stalker, who has been dazed by the ventriloquist's lullaby, has lost his vigilance, and there is no way he can escape his throat-sealing throwing knife!

But in the next second...

The smile of the knife-flying hand froze on his face!

Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded in the forest!

The sound waves blasted across the air, shaking the surrounding trees, and the leaves fell one after another.

The ventriloquist and the knife thrower were startled by the thunder.

Looking back, it turned out that it was an inconspicuous boy among the eight who suddenly released "Thunder Wave", causing a huge roar.

To be precise, what Allen cast was the "Shaping Thunder Wave", which shielded everyone in the Griffin family from the bombardment range of the "Thunder Wave" to avoid accidental injury.

The loud noise woke them up from half asleep.

At the same time, the eight flying knives flying from the opposite forest were all intercepted by "Thunder Wave" and shattered.

Among the eight members of the team, Alan was the only one who was not hypnotized.

His spiritual attribute is as high as 23 points, which is much higher than that of a ventriloquist.

In this case, it is difficult for the other party to hypnotize him.

Allen had no choice but to use "Thunder Wave" to make a rescue.

It wasn't until he confirmed that the simple roar of thunder was not a logical language, and would not anger the forest spirits, that he was relieved.

Turning to face the place where the ventriloquist and the knife thrower were lurking, Alan's face was cold, and he raised his hand and shot a snap of his fingers.


It was like a bullet hitting the reed flute in the hand of a ventriloquist.

Smash it on the spot!

The ventriloquist's face changed slightly, and he quickly retreated into the forest.

Hound pace!

Allen's figure flashed, and he chased after him!

With a flying knife, he was already waiting in front.

The flying knifeman's prediction was accurate to the millimeter.

It seems that Allen himself insists on hitting the throwing knife!

During the activation of the hound gait, it cannot change direction again.

In fact, Allen didn't need to change direction to avoid it.

Without changing his face, he let the flying knife be nailed to his chest.

Clang! !

The flying knife hit Allen's chest, first arousing a faint silver ripple of magic power, and then making a metal collision sound.

The tip of the knife broke and rebounded to the ground.

Allen never fought an uncertain battle.

Before following the Griffin family into the forest to chase the enemy, he had already applied the "shield technique" to himself and activated the "copper skin and iron bone".

As it turns out, caution is warranted.

The flesh bounced off the flying knife without any damage.

On the chest, where the flying knife touched, there was a slight fishy smell.

At the same time, Allen received a system prompt.

"Immune to level 3 snake venom!"


As soon as the poisoned flying knife was shot, the flying knife hand escaped into the dense forest.

Allen smiled as he looked at his rapidly receding figure.

"Hehe... Playing poison in front of me? My friend, you are very brave!"

Allen stared straight ahead, opened the cone-shaped diffusion detection spell, and scanned the toxin reaction.

Under normal circumstances, the 0-ring spell "detect virus" is centered on the caster itself, with a radius of 30 meters and a spherical spread.

The advantage of this detection method is that there are no dead ends.

But the detection radius is too short, and the utilization efficiency is too low.

Scanning the lower half of the region, the entire hemisphere below the surface, is usually redundant.

Allen used the super magic technique "Spell Shaping" to reshape it into a 1/8 spherical surface + 60-meter radius conical diffusion.

The detection radius has doubled compared to the original version!
Allen knew the general direction of the flying knifeman's escape, so 1/8 cone scanning was enough!

Allen chased into the dense forest unhurriedly.

From time to time, a silver light flashed in the eyes!
Using this highly effective method, Allen quickly detected the toxin response.

The locked toxin reaction source is moving quickly in the forest.

That was the snake venom carried by the flying knife hand, which was specially used to quench the poison of the flying knife.

Poison-enchanting flying knife, see blood seal throat!

However, Flying Swordsman never dreamed of...

His favorite poisonous concealed weapon has now become a "signal source" that reveals his hiding place!

This chapter is to thank the lord Aether V for adding updates.

12 chapters are still owed.

There is also a monthly pass as soon as possible, and there will be more updates if it is over 300.

(End of this chapter)

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