Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 140 Beast Maniac

Chapter 140 Beast Maniac

The fresh blood added a blush to the girl's face.

Kelly stroked her cheek.

The slightest pain made her excited.

Kelly sent the blood from her fingertips to her lips.

Stick out your tongue and lick the blood.

Under the double stimulation of the full moon's brilliance and blood...

Kelly finally couldn't hold back the restless animal nature deep in her blood.

He raised his head suddenly and looked at the full moon outside the window.

From the depths of the throat, let out the roar of a beast!
In an instant, the beautiful girl turned into a black panther.

He stared fiercely at the drunk with bloodthirsty eyes.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the drunk man was so frightened that all the alcohol turned into cold sweat, and he screamed.

The howling of the prey will only stimulate the hunting instinct of the beast.

Kelly, incarnated as a black panther, is full of viciousness.

He arched his waist, exerted strength in his limbs, and rushed towards the drunk man!

The sharp fangs reflect the moonlight, shining brightly!

A figure suddenly crossed over!

Alan stood between his sister and the drunk, raised his arms, and hugged the panther flying in the air.

Turning around on the spot, she let go of the inertia on her sister.

Kelly was like a cat, voluntarily throwing herself into his arms.

With her younger brother in her arms, Kelly's mood improved.

However, the bestial instinct was still about to move, prompting her to twist and struggle.

Trying to break free from his younger brother's arms, satisfying the desire to hunt.

"Kelly, stop messing around!"

Allen's strong arms hugged his sister tightly.

That's all, it's impossible to completely suppress her madness.

A half-inch bone spur popped out from the palm of his left hand and pierced into the panther's buttocks.

Use your own body to block the eyes of others.

Unknowingly, a dose of daturaline solution was injected into my sister.

Calming effect, onset quickly.

With the mother leopard in her arms, she calmed down.

Alan hugged the female leopard and walked upstairs quickly.

Go into my sister's bedroom and lay her flat on the bed.

Caressing the black panther's smooth back, he comforted his sister softly: "Kai Li, be good."

Kelly was injected with sedatives by her younger brother, her limbs became limp and weak, and she fell into a drowsy state.

Her brother's caress made her feel very comfortable.

The excited nerves gradually relaxed.

Under the caress of his younger brother's broad and warm palm, the mother leopard could not help but purr from the depth of her throat.

Like a masturbated cat...

Not long after, Kelly fell asleep peacefully.

The female leopard on the bed turned into a young girl again.

At this time, there was a knock on the door behind him.

Allen covered his sister with a quilt, turned and opened the door.

Parents walked in with worried faces, followed by Ms. Sola.

Allen also noticed that the principal's aunt was winking at him.

Nodding knowingly, Allen asked his parents to take care of his sister.

Take Ms. Sola and walk into your own bedroom next door.

Sola locked the door behind his back, turned around, and asked with a serious face:
"Alan, do you know what's wrong with your sister?"

"I was going to ask the teacher for advice."

"Kelly, I chose the wrong meditation method!"

Ms. Sola, with a heavy tone.

"Beast transformation warlocks must be equipped with a special calming meditation method, otherwise it will be difficult to suppress the madness impulse!"

Allen was speechless.

All he knew was that infected lycanthropes would go berserk.

But he didn't expect that the beastly bloodline warlock who awakened spontaneously could not escape this catastrophe.

In the final analysis, it was because of my lack of knowledge that I made mistakes that I took for granted.

"Teacher, it's all my fault for killing Kelly..." Allen sat on the edge of the bed with his head lowered, "I knew there would be such serious consequences, and I shouldn't have allowed Kelly to awaken her beast blood."

Sora looked at his favorite student, with beautiful turquoise eyes, showing love and sympathy.

She sat down beside Allen and stroked his hair.

"My dear boy, it's not all your fault."

"Actually, Kelly's situation is not as serious as you think."

"A lycanthropist who awakened spontaneously like her has much better self-control than a lycanthropy who was infected with the virus the day after tomorrow."

"As long as there is no stimulation on the night of the full moon, there is basically no risk of becoming mad."

"In addition, calming and calming drugs are very useful for her."

Allen nodded silently.

What the teacher said was right, but it couldn't completely solve my sister's hidden dangers.

Unless he got the "Shenshen Meditation Method", Allen no longer dared to let his sister continue to practice.

Because he couldn't be sure what the consequences would be for a veterinary warlock who practiced the wrong way of meditation.

Will my sister have more serious problems in the future?

Even if the risk is not great, he dare not let his sister try.

Ms. Sola comforted him a few more words, and couldn't help asking a question that had been hidden in her heart for a long time.

"Alan, I know Kelly's bloodline and aptitude very well."

"She can't even awaken the blood of the ogre, how could she suddenly awaken the blood of the beast?"

"It's still a very rare leopard girl bloodline, with high aptitude!"

"What's even more unbelievable is that I haven't heard that Kaili has injected the awakening potion. It's only been a few months. How can she improve so fast and learn so many martial arts..."

"It's unbelievable what happened to her!"

Ms. Sola looked at her students with anticipation in her green eyes.

"Alan, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

After a long silence, Allen finally spoke.

"Teacher Sola, I have a special method that can help Kelly improve her practice efficiency."

"This method is originally a secret technique of the cult. If it is spread out, it will definitely attract the followers of the cult to hunt down and kill me. I'm afraid my whole family's life will be lost!"

Ms. Sola was moved when she heard the words, and quickly shook her head: "Since this is the case, don't say it..."

Allen waved his hand to signal her not to interrupt.

"If someone else asks me, of course I dare not disclose it."

"But you are different."

"You are my first teacher, and you are so kind to me!"

"I dare not tell my parents this secret."

"They are just ordinary people, the more they know, the more dangerous they are."

"Teacher Sola, besides Kelly, you will be the second person in this family who knows my secret."

"Alan..." Ms. Sola held his hand tightly, her eyes filled with emotion, "Thank you for treating me like a family member."

Allen shook the teacher's hand.

Get up and turn off the lights, draw the curtains.

Sola has also awakened her dark vision, but she is a single woman after all, sharing a dark room with a young man, her face is inexplicably hot and flustered.

Allen opened the drawer and took out a storage bag.

"Teacher, I have prepared a thank you gift, please keep it."

Sola opened the heavy storage bag, dumbfounded.

After a long time, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Ancestral Spirits! This is not true, is it?!"

The storage bag is filled with green crystals, which cost no less than 100 yuan by visual inspection.

Each piece exudes a strong and fresh magic power, just like the forest after the rain.

This is a wood attribute magic stone, the crystallization of natural magic power.

Sola is a nature warlock, of course he knows the benefits of the wood magic stone to nature warlocks.

She is one of the richest women in the whole Kunt Island.

However, with her financial resources, she can't afford the wood magic stone for daily practice.

Allen gave her this gift casually.

Her mood at this moment can only be described as flattered!
"Alan, this gift is too expensive, far beyond what I have paid for you."

"If you call me teacher, I will be very satisfied, but I dare not accept this generous gift..."

Sola still wanted to decline, but was interrupted by Allen.

"Teacher, listen to me, put it away, there are more important things to tell you later."

Sola froze for a moment, hummed lightly, and obediently put away the storage bag.

She has already noticed that Alan is no longer the immature boy he used to be.

With the growth of age and experience, especially the rapid development of strength, Alan now no longer needs her teaching and protection.

Instead, she needs to rely on Allen's protection.

The reversal of strength between master and apprentice will inevitably be accompanied by the transfer of the right to speak.

Sola, is not a particularly strong woman.

When facing the strong, the instinct will be submissive.

However, the other party happened to be her student, so it felt a little strange...

Alan sprays the psychic spores while revealing the secrets of the congregational meditation to Ms. Sola.

"Teacher Sola, I'm going to set up a meditation gathering, you and I meditate at the same time, and keep our hearts connected."

"I will instill in you the idea of ​​second-order meditation, which will be of great benefit to your practice."

"Thank you, Alan."

Sora conveyed his gratitude to him through telepathy.

After a moment of hesitation, another mental wave came out.

"Alan, actually... What I lack is not just wood magic stones and high-level meditation ideas."

"There is another difficulty, which has been stuck in me for many years, so that I have become a demon..."

"If I don't break through this barrier and get rid of my inner demons, I'm afraid I will have no hope of breaking through the bottleneck in my life."

As he spoke, he conveyed his problem to Allen.

Ms. Sola's plight is actually not special.

Warlocks will always encounter similar problems during their long practice careers.

Ms. Sola, what has been awakened is the "stimulating blood vessel".

In the pedigree of the entire goblin family, the elves belong to a very unpopular and weak branch.

Sola originally only had the first-order meditation method.

The lower the level of meditation, the fewer ancestor spirits you can come into contact with, and the level of power is generally lower.

Stinging spirits are very rare, and meditation methods are not powerful. Most of the ancestor spirits that Sora can choose are very weak. Even if he achieves perfect meditation, the benefits will not be great.

The few ancestral spirits with high potential lived in an extremely harsh environment.

The desire to achieve is far beyond one's own strength!

Sola tried his best, but he couldn't help these ancestors fulfill their long-cherished wish and achieve perfect meditation.

Countless failures caused her to have inner demons.

For many years, his cultivation has been stuck in the late stage of the first order, and he has been unable to break through the bottleneck for a long time.

In Allen's view, Ms. Sola's plight is like getting stuck in a soul-based game in her previous life.

The enemy boss is too powerful, and a low-level handicapped rookie, no matter how to load the file and start again, they just can't make it through!

At this time, it takes a long time and a lot of energy to hone your skills alone.

However, if you can connect online, invite a skilled player to enter the arena to cooperate, and you can kill the boss with three punches and two kicks.

Allen, it just so happens that there is this "online" secret technique!

He is the advanced player who can help Sora carry out dimension reduction strikes!
"Teacher Sola, I will help you get rid of your demons!"


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(End of this chapter)

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