Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 166 Meow Meow Team

Chapter 166 Meow Meow Team

From spring to summer, the weather turns hot.

The construction of New Kunt Town has been in full swing for more than two months.

Alan is busy planning the municipal administration, supervising the construction of houses, and clearing wasteland and farming in his spare time.

The face of the town has changed drastically.

Streets, houses, town halls, wells, markets and warehouses have been built.

Facilities under construction, as well as defensive facilities such as city walls, barracks, and arrow towers.

Schools and libraries are also urgent, children need to be educated.

On the outskirts of the town, the amount of construction work is even greater.

The harbor and the lakeside each require a dock.

Lighthouses, dams, reservoirs and aqueducts are all under construction.

Watermills and windmills have been erected to provide free power to construction sites around the clock.

The map drawn by Allen before was copied in many copies and distributed to all walks of life.

According to the resource points listed on this map, quarries, logging camps, mining farms and blacksmith shops were established in the town.

Farms and ranches are also intensively reclaiming wasteland.

Building a home is not easy.

Field construction sites are often harassed by ferocious beasts.

Near the newly opened farm, there are still goblin activities, and they come here to steal things from time to time.

Allen couldn't tolerate these "wild monsters" getting in the way of his blueprint.

A militia has been established in the town to maintain law and order.

Instructor Carter and Hunter Hunter were respectively elected chief security officer and head of the militia to cooperate in training young militiamen.

Alan's old classmate Robin is now also the captain of the militia.

Ordinary beasts, a small group of goblins, and the militia are enough to deal with it.

However, I heard that there are signs of dire wolves on the farm recently.

The dire wolf is a kind of mutant beast.

The relationship with ordinary dogs is similar to that of rats to giant rats!

The intelligence level of dire wolves is similar to that of ordinary wild wolves, but they are larger and more ferocious.

The wretched little goblin actually domesticated a group of dire wolves to act as thugs.

Goblins are nothing to be afraid of, but riding a dire wolf and changing jobs to become "wolf cavalry", but changing shotguns for guns, it's a big difference!
Not long ago, there was a conflict between the militia and the goblin wolf cavalry.

After the bitter battle, they repelled the gangsters and paid a lot of losses.

Six militiamen were killed and five were seriously injured.

Originally, the number of immigrants was small, and the loss of six militiamen was not a big blow.

Allen decided to take action himself to wipe out the group of goblin bandits!
Early the next morning, Allen led the militia and set off.

The entourage, in addition to Hunter and Robin and his son, instructor Carter, and Kelly and Angie.

A group of people fully armed, followed the footprints of goblins and dire wolves, and gradually went deep into the forest.

During the hunt, Kelly occasionally disappeared alone for a while, and when she returned to the team, there was always at least one more big cat by her side.

Leopards and bobcats often appear in this woodland.

Allen asked her sister to pay attention to these wild big cats, and she did not hesitate to use magic power to tame them.

Kelly is happy to be able to help her brother.

After wandering around the woods with the militia group for two days, the number of tamed big cats has exceeded double digits.

Cheetahs, leopards, and bobcats followed her in a large group, which was spectacular!
Surrounded by big cats, Kelly looks like a queen of the jungle!
Angie is very envious of Kelly's prestige.

She also has cat-human blood, and after returning to her ancestors, she can have spiritual communication with big cats.

But she has not awakened the magic of "turning beasts into friends". The cold big cat may not be willing to listen to her instructions.

Angie followed Kelly's ass to help manage the big cat guard.

By rubbing Kelly's light, she got acquainted with the big cats.

Two days later, they were able to pretend to be powerful and command the Meow Meow team to hunt around and provide enough meat for the militiamen.

After three days of tracking, the militia finally found a goblin lair deep in the valley.

Rough huts, damp cave dwellings, and a sickening smell.

"The weather is hot, and it's time to clean up these smelly garbage."

Allen issued the order lightly.

"Put it on fire and burn it all."

Countless rockets shot into the valley, and the goblin lair turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Amidst the thick smoke and flames, screams could be heard from time to time.

There are at least one or two thousand goblins in the valley.

It is too troublesome to find out and kill them one by one.

Fire Attack is the best option, followed by Poison Attack.

Allen finds the cave where the goblins are hiding and releases "gas splash".

High-grade toxins are not worth wasting on goblins.

Allen just ordered a level 2 toxin on the spot, and he was able to take out the goblins hiding in the cave in one pot, and the whole family, young and old, were neat and tidy.

In the sea of ​​flames, there was a mournful howl of wolves.

Allen raised his eyebrows and was refreshed.

Dire wolf, finally appeared?

Goblin screams and curses, accompanied by wolves howling from far to near.

Nine black-haired wolves as big as brown bears, each with a goblin on their backs, swooped out of the flames.

The militia regiment stood ready, and under the command of Hunter and Carter, they fired their bows and arrows.

Swish swish!
Three shots!

The goblins on the back of the wolf fell under the rain of arrows one after another.

Some were still alive, struggling to climb onto the wolf's back.

The injured mount had already gone berserk, turning its head and biting off the goblin's neck with one bite!

Dire wolves are indeed ferocious!

However, no matter how fierce it was, it was still at the level of a brown bear.

Of the nine wolves, three were shot to death by random arrows.

The remaining six heads were also wounded, which was just right for the young militiamen to practice.

Kaili and An Qi led the Meow Meow team to stand by.

When he found that the wolf broke through the encirclement of the militia, he whistled and ordered the big cats to come forward to make up for the leak.

Allen watched the people hunting from the side, and sometimes cast the "water control technique" to artificially rain, dousing the fire that was spreading outside the valley.

By the way, pick some wild fruits and eat them with barbecue.

A combination of meat and vegetables, reasonable nutrition.

Allen was not willing to roast the dire wolf.

He still kept the corpses of these mutated beasts for use.

When the sun was about to set, the battle came to an end.

Nine dire wolves were all hunted down, and sporadic goblins came out of the smoky valley.

Allen carried the body of the dire wolf into his tent.

Facing the corpses of the wolves, implant parasitic spores.

Within half an hour, all the nine hungry wolves were reincarnated in the dirt and turned into "fungus beasts".

With the help of mind spores, Allen can mentally control the fungus.

After Kelly and Angie's "Meow Meow Team", the militia has another "Wow Team".

The ferocious wolf that has turned into a fungus can no longer roar like it did before, and is as quiet as a mushroom, but its combat effectiveness is not bad!

It can even be said... stronger than in life!
The fungus has lost the fear of death and pain, unless its head or limbs are completely destroyed, it will follow Allen's orders and fight endlessly.

Allen didn't bring the nine "bacteria wolves" back to the town, and let them patrol the valley to hunt down the goblins who slipped through the net.

After killing all the goblins, the nine fungal wolves lurk in the woods near the farm, always ready to answer the master's call.

Allen intends to use them as a hidden reserve team, which may come in handy at critical moments.

Kelly and Angie did not follow the militia back to town.

The two sisters took the Meow Team and wandered around the mountains.

"An Qi and I have made a plan to spend half a month thoroughly inspecting this mountain forest!"

Kelly said excitedly to her brother.

"From now on, this is our territory."

"On my territory, no bad cats are allowed!"

Good guy!Queen Meow is ambitious!

When Alan learned that his sister planned to tame all the big cats in the mountains, he thought it was a good idea while being amused.

Tell An Qi to accompany her sister to practice in this forest, and if she encounters any trouble, send him a message through the "Secret Imprint" as soon as possible.

The strength of An Qi and Kaili, coupled with the ever-growing Meow Team, is enough to walk sideways in this mountain forest.

Allen also left two small bottles of spores for his sister and An Qi, so that they should not waste their practice while subduing the cats.

Both Kelly and Angie are already familiar with the congregational meditation method.

Even if Allen is not around, the two of them can use the psychic spores to build their own assembly.

Kelly also enthusiastically gave her and Angie's meeting a name that she thought was nice - Lily Tea Party.

Allen objected.

But it doesn't work.


During the time of hunting in the wild, Allen had a good time.

But back in town, the mood is not so beautiful.

The town of more than 3000 people started from scratch, and there are endless trivial troubles every day.

These things, sorted by trouble level.

Dad handles a big chunk of it.

Sola handles a small portion.

What was finally sent to Allen were two problems that neither Dad nor Sora could solve.

The newly rising immigrant town finally attracted the attention of "Dimenbao".

Two days ago, an orc messenger riding a wolf came to the town to convey the message from the master.

Orc Warlord "Flame Axe" Akila ordered the town of New Gwent to pay heavy taxes!

The tax is based on the head, including babies and livestock, and those who can breathe are counted!
"There is a deadline of one month, and the tax amount for this year must be paid in full, otherwise I will do it myself and take away everything I want."

These are the original words of the orc warlord, a naked threat!

The militia in New Gwent Town obviously couldn't resist the looting of the orc army.

Turn to the Keith family?

Ms. Sola told Allen in private that the Keith family did not have enough strength to help New Gwent Town stop the catastrophe.

So who else can you turn to?

The answer can only be Silver Moon Monastery.

The monastery approved the immigrants to open up wasteland and build towns, which theoretically also provided security for the immigrants.

Security is not free.

Ms. Sola has already sent a letter of appeal to the Silver Moon Monastery through the Case family.

The senior management of the monastery responded quickly.

Agree to send people to protect the town, but you have to pay more!
The protection agreement is signed once a year, and the fee is determined according to the population and economic status of the town.

Allen made a comparison.

The "protection fee" collected by the monastery is actually similar to the "poll tax" charged by the orcs!

In the market for collecting protection fees, information is symmetrical.

The monastery knew the orc's asking price, and the orc knew the price of the monastery.

Have the two sides discussed it beforehand?

Allen didn't dare to say.

At least it is a tacit price alliance.

This also explains a question: why didn't the monastery completely wipe out the orc corps in Dimenbao?
Without the threat of the orcs, would the immigrants still obediently pay the protection fee?
If you have the ability, you can settle the trouble yourself.

If you don't have the skills, then I'm sorry, please spend money to buy peace.

(End of this chapter)

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