Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 272 The Last Golden Titan

Chapter 272 The Last Golden Titan
Fengyue keeps her word.

Knowing that Alan has obtained the essence of the blood of the golden titan, he takes him into the riverside hut again.

It was agreed to pick him up after 30 days and leave quietly.

After sending Fengyue away, Allen walked out of the hut, and was under the empty and vast astral sky.

Adjust the direction of gravity and fly straight to Bloodline Galaxy.

Bloodline Galaxy, the junction of reality and meditation.

Meditate by the river, double the efficiency.

How many times the specific increase depends on how close it is to the Bloodline Galaxy.

However, the closer to the bloodline galaxy, the stronger the mental pressure caused by the hundreds of millions of ancestor spirits in the river.

If you are not careful, your will will collapse and you will return to your ancestors and become a demon.

Allen resists mental interference by relying on the 7th-level requiem meditation idea.

When you feel that you can't hold on anymore, you stop decisively.

Allen plans to practice by the river for 30 days, which is equivalent to five years of practice in the outside world!

During this period, he not only had to initially integrate the blood of the golden titan, but also had to strive to advance to the late sixth stage.

Concentrating his mind, Allen began to meditate.

Being by the river, it stands to reason that there should be many ancestor spirits for him to fuse with.

Unexpectedly, however, the titan ancestral spirit sensed by Allen was very rare.

Most of them are bronze titans.

Silver Titans are rare.

As for the golden titan, after searching for half an hour, only one ancestral spirit was sensed.

Allen vaguely realized that there was a problem here!

very wrong!

The Titan family had a glorious history.

From the Golden Age to the Silver Age, and then to the Bronze Age, the Titans were active in all areas of the warlock world.

It wasn't until the end of the Bronze Age that the Titans were severely injured in a decisive battle with the Dragons and were replaced by mixed-blood giants before they withdrew from the stage of history.

Such an ancient race that has existed for countless centuries, it is reasonable to say that there should be millions of ancestral souls returning to the bloodline galaxy, why can't I sense it?
Allen pondered and guessed that there were two possibilities.

First, the more powerful the ancestral spirit, the more inclined it is to lurk deeper in the bloodline galaxy.

Warlocks who are not strong enough are not qualified to establish telepathy with them.

Second, in addition to the bloodline Galaxy, the soul has other destinations, such as the Kingdom of God created by the gods.

Will the Titans collectively convert to a certain god at a certain stage, and their souls return to the kingdom of God after death?

With doubts, Allen released mental fluctuations and fused with the only golden titan ancestral spirit he could feel.

Enter the Bronze Age where the titanic ancestors lived.


A young and handsome golden titan, shirtless, with trembling hands holding an adamantine giant axe.

Around the execution platform, crowds of onlookers watched the execution.

In addition to Titans, there are more giants of various skin colors.

In this era, the Titans have declined.

Titans with pure bloodlines, even bronze Titans, are already very rare.

The nation of Titans, in a statistical sense, has degenerated into a race of giants.

The executioner Atreus, who was under the focus of everyone's attention, hadn't realized yet...

He is the last naturally born golden titan.

After him, there is no golden titan in the world.

Atreus' parents and elder brother were both silver titans.

In the whole family, only he is the golden titan!
Naturally, a rare talent is eagerly awaited by the clansmen.

People's expectations have already caused unbearable mental pressure on this young man.

Atreus's greatest fear was doing the wrong thing, or behaving badly, and disappointing his family and friends.

He always strives to be perfect in everything.

Although I have already felt powerless, I dare not say a word of frustration for fear of disappointing everyone.

However, he never expected that he would be appointed by the elders as the executioner to cut off his brother's head with his own hands!

Atreus hated the job from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't want his hands to be stained with his brother's blood.

However, he did not dare to resist the orders of the elders.

Even though those arrogant and stubborn old fellows are nothing more than Silver Titans, their bloodlines are far less noble than his.

Contrary to the tall and strong image, Atreus is actually an introverted, shy, and somewhat weak boy.

From childhood to adulthood, he was used to being an obedient and good baby.

After his parents died in the battle with the dragon, his brother Atlas became his guardian.

Atreus habitually consulted his elder brother for instructions.

Atlas doesn't like his brother's submissive character, and encourages him to act according to his inner guidance.

Don't be led by others like a donkey, and you don't need to be afraid of the eyes and pointers of others.

"But... what if I act according to my own ideas and make a mistake?"

Atreus asked his brother anxiously.

"Everyone makes mistakes. You can't stop drinking water because you're afraid of choking to death, right?"

Atlas smiled and encouraged his younger brother.

"You have to make a decision that convinces you, Atreus. If you are proven wrong afterwards, it's better to admit your mistakes like a man and bear the consequences than to regret it!"

Atreus has been working hard to practice the teachings of his brother.

But he gradually realized that he was just imitating his elder brother clumsily. Could this be considered as showing his personality?

Before he could answer the question, his brother got into a catastrophe and committed a capital crime!
According to the code of the Titan family, only the Golden Titans are eligible to execute the Silver Titans who have committed capital crimes.

As the only golden titan in the clan, Atreus was forced to pick up the beheading axe and execute his brother in public.

The executioner had blown his horn, urging him to do it.

The onlookers in the audience were also expecting him to make a move.

Atreus' hands were shaking.

He knew that his brother had committed a capital crime.

But that was his own brother!

He couldn't bear to do it!

Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, the crowd of onlookers started to commotion and whisper.

The elders also sank their faces.

Everyone can understand the pain of fratricide.

However, Atreus is the golden titan, the future leader of titans and giants, people will not allow him to be weak!

He must have a strong will far beyond ordinary people, and he cannot be shaken under any circumstances, otherwise how can he convince the public?

If he can't, he's not worthy of his noble lineage, not worthy of people's expectations.

"Do it, Atreus."

On the execution platform, Atlas, who was bound by shackles, spoke.

"I don't consider myself guilty, brother, you have no choice."

"When you see Basilisa, remember to tell her for me... Although she never reciprocated my feelings, I never regret falling in love with her... If possible, please take good care of her for me."

The brother's relief gave Atreus a reason to be weak.

As so many times in the past, he chose to go against his will and follow the orders of others.

Because in this way, no matter whether the result is good or bad, he does not need to bear the responsibility and consequences.

The giant ax fell, and blood spattered.

Atreus seemed to be exhausted all of a sudden, drooping his blood-stained hands.

The burst of applause from the crowd made him feel dizzy and nauseated.

He finally killed his respected elder brother with his own hands.

Of course he can find all kinds of reasons to justify himself.

But deep down, I have to face self-blame and frustration.

Especially the frustration, which has never been stronger.

The death of his brother means that Atreus's efforts to become a man with responsibility and personality have completely failed.

He once thought about protecting his brother regardless of the consequences, even if he sacrificed his own life.

But in the end he was weak and retreated.

The world has since become gray.

"What's the point of living for someone like me?"

Atreus thought dejectedly.

He even hated his noble golden blood.

If you are not a gold titan, just an ordinary bronze titan, or a lower giant.

Then he wouldn't be in the spotlight, the future leader that people expected so much from.

As an ordinary person, even if he is a coward, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, his outstanding talent and noble blood did not allow him to have any spiritual weaknesses.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of the endowment bestowed on him by God.

Atreus doesn't like playing what other people see as a genius.

In fact, he also deeply knows that he cannot meet people's high expectations.

But what can he do?
In the presence of his brother's body, Atreus was disoriented and devastated.

Especially when the elders praised him for his righteousness and selflessness...

Atreus finally couldn't bear the strong nausea, and vomited in public.

There was a sudden silence around the execution ground.

Atreus vomited and had to fight back tears.

As a golden titan, vomiting in public is already embarrassing.

If you can't help but cry out, it will be even more embarrassing.

He exposed himself as a coward in front of everyone and became a laughing stock.

It is better to die than to live like this!
Dark thoughts occupied Atreus's mind.

Just when he was most depressed, Alan's will took advantage of the void and gained control of the body of the golden titan.

"Ahem...Sorry, I'm sorry."

Allen stopped vomiting and apologized to the crowd.

"I would rather kill a thousand dragons than have my hands stained with the blood of my loved ones."

"Killing people off the battlefield, especially your own loved ones, makes me sick!"

"Your Highness Atreus, we can all understand that you don't want to execute your brother, but according to the law..."

An elder, trying to teach a young golden titan a lesson.

"To shut up!"

Allen snapped.

"I haven't finished speaking yet, who allowed you to interrupt?"

The elder's expression changed in astonishment.

"The silver titan dared to offend the golden titan. Is this in line with the ancestral teachings? According to the code, how should we deal with it?"

Allen's series of pressing questions made the elder's forehead sweat.

Under pressure, I had to apologize in public, bow my head and give in.

Allen used this old guy as a punching bag to calm the ancestral spirit's resentment a little.

Afterwards, he ordered his servants to collect Atlas's body and give it a decent burial.

After merging the ancestral spirit, Allen changed his previous weak style and focused on showing a strong side.

Finally eliminated the negative effects caused by public vomiting and stabilized his position.

However, Alan's heart was not peaceful.

The ancestral spirit he fused with, the golden titan Atreus, had only just begun the tragedy of his life.

Today, Atreus was forced to behead his brother.

The elder brother was accused of being bewitched and brainwashed by an evil dragon, promoting heresy, and trying to overthrow the ancestral caste system.

Who would have thought that in just one year, Atreus himself would be on the road of no return because of the same crime.


The Titan ancestral spirit fused with Allen lived in the so-called "Bronze Age".

In fact, the ancestors of the gods and sorcerers are the real protagonists of this era.

The war between the two sides has lasted for a whole century.

It is common for two opposing camps to kill each other.

The flames of war are raging all over the world, and no one can stay out of it.

Even the pretentious titans and dragons had to choose sides.

Both the Titans and the five-color dragons are proud of their bloodlines and worship their creators.

Annan, the god of titans and giants, and Tiamat, the goddess of the five-colored dragon clan, are also known as gods, but they are first and foremost the ancestors of creation.

Such highly humanized "racial gods" did not specifically design a set of religious theories, write Bible books, and have no interest in establishing churches and spreading teachings.

As gods, they are almost only worshiped by their own people.

The five-color dragons worship Tiamat, the dragon mother, and the giants worship Annan, the father of giants, not out of ideological resonance.

Just because the other party is the ancestor of his own blood and the source of his extraordinary power.

If they agree that their idol is the savior, then only their own family members are eligible for salvation.

As for the universal gods who treat believers of all ethnic groups equally, the universal church, giants and dragons are not interested.

It is conceivable that the five-color dragons and giant titans are actually worshiping ancestors rather than gods in the religious sense.

This is essentially the same thing as warlocks respecting the ancestors who endowed them with extraordinary blood.

Therefore, both the five-color dragons and the titans are considered to be born warlocks.

During the war, both of these old enemies were placed in the camp of the ancestors.

Although the two sides have never fought side by side as allies.

However, in this era, there are not only five-color dragons in the world.

The metal dragon clan is also a force that cannot be ignored.

Different from the five-color dragons, the kind-hearted metal dragons hate the caste system advocated by the five-color dragons and giants very much.

They are proud of being dragons, but they don't discriminate against other species.

The metal dragon clan does not think that only metal dragons are qualified to worship their creator, the "Platinum Dragon God" Bahamut.

Humans, dwarves, elves... Any creature who agrees with a righteous cause can worship Bahamut, become a priest or even a paladin of the Platinum Dragon God, and gain the respect of the metal dragon clan.

Obviously, metal dragons are different from five-color dragons or giants, and they are more inclined to universal beliefs.

As a matter of course, the metal dragon clan was included in the camp of the gods and became the enemy of the titans.

Atreus, the ancestral spirit fused with Allen, was educated to hate dragons since he was a child.

The elders warned him that the evilness of the five-color dragons is superficial, and anyone can see that these dragons who are keen on burning, killing and looting are a group of villains.

However, what is more worthy of vigilance is the metal dragon, a hypocrite more insidious than the five-color dragon!
On the surface, metal dragons pride themselves on being kind and advocating justice, and rarely hurt others for no reason.

However, their minds have long been occupied by heresy, and they always seize every opportunity to instill false ideas in others.

Trying to persuade the brave to make concessions to the weak, trying to reduce the nobles to the same status as the pariah!

Unfortunately, Atreus' elder brother is a negative example of being poisoned by the thoughts of the metal dragon clan.

Atlas, fell in love with a woman named Basilisa.

Basilisa's public identity is the elf queen of the White Hart Forest.

In reality, she is a silver dragon disguised as an elf, a priest of Bahamut.

The race of silver dragons is so despicable.

It is obviously a giant dragon of noble blood, but it always likes to become a weak human or elf, living among the crowd.

Even fall in love with humanoids, start families, and have children.

The elders believed that Yinlong's behavior could only be attributed to his lustful nature and self-willing lowliness!

The young Atreus did not understand why the elders reacted so violently.

The Titan family does not intermarry with other races in name.

However, this ancestral motto has long existed in name only.

Otherwise, where did the first stone giants, frost giants, fire giants, cloud giants, and storm giants come from, including the hill giants that the Titans don't want to mention?
They are nothing more than the interracial spouses of Titans. The difference in size and appearance is not as big as that between silver dragons and humans or elves.

However, essentially there doesn't seem to be a difference.

Later, when he was a little older, Atreus gradually understood that Titan intermarried with a foreign race, thinking that he had no choice but to look down on foreign spouses deep in his heart, feeling that he had been wronged.

They look down on giants born from cross-ethnic unions.

The caste system of the giant society is actually a concentrated expression of this chain of contempt—the more giants look like Titans, the more noble the caste is.

The metal dragon clan, represented by Yinlong, did not intermarry with other races with the mentality of giving alms or wronging themselves.

Just simply love each other.

People of mixed race will not be systematically discriminated against in the metal dragon clan.

The silver dragon, Basilisa, lived in the White Deer Forest as an elf for many years. With her powerful mana and prestige, she became the queen of this elf group and founded the Church of Bahamut.

Atreus' elder brother, out of curiosity, turned into an elf by casting a spell, and went to listen to Basilisa's sermon.

As a result, he was not only captured by Basilisa's amazing beauty, but also changed his thinking under the influence of Yinlong.

Back among the Titans, he had the crazy idea of ​​abolishing the caste system!

Of course, Atlas's heresy cannot be widely recognized among the tribe.

The elders believed that he had been brainwashed by the evil dragon, and he was publicly executed on the charge of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, and finally took his own life.

Atreus was also implicated by his brother.

A few days after executing Atlas with his own hands, he was commissioned by the elders.

Let him go to the White Deer Forest, capture the evil dragon Basilisa who bewitched Atlas, and execute him to death for the shame she caused to the Titans!

With the strength of the golden titan, it is not difficult to capture an adult silver dragon alive.

However, Allen didn't think it was an easy job.

Basilisa is not only a silver dragon, but also the priest of the dragon god and the queen of elves.

In addition to dragon vein innate spells, she is also good at divine spells, and there is a large group of devout elf believers around her.

Presumably Baselissa will not be caught without a fight, and don't expect to fight her one-on-one.

So before going out, Allen specially disguised himself.

The Titans are born with the ability to transform.

Can take the form of a humanoid or a giant.

For the sake of keeping a low profile, Allen turned into a grizzled old warlock.

Wearing a gray robe, wearing a pointed hat, and holding an oak staff.

If it has become like this, it is not appropriate to call yourself a pretty boy.

Allen gave himself an alias, Gandalf.

After getting ready, Alan bid farewell to his tribe and embarked on a journey alone.

In front of the elders, he patted his chest and pledged that within a month, he would capture the evil dragon and return for execution.

In fact, this is just lip service.

Alan's ancestral spirit, who was ordered to arrest his brother's lover, was still struggling in his heart, feeling sorry for his brother's spirit in heaven.

If his subordinates were merciful and let Basilisa go, he was worried that he would come back empty-handed and unable to make a errand to the elders.

Therefore, in the real history, the ancestral spirit wandered outside for more than half a year.

Spy on Baselissa secretly most of the time, like a wretched stalker.

Whenever Ms. Yinlong was in trouble, he would appear in the image of an old warlock to help her solve problems.

After going back and forth, he and Basilisa became good friends who talked about everything.

It is logical to fall in love with this beautiful and kind female dragon.

Like his brother Atlas.

From this moment on, the tragedy of his life was doomed.

Allen is no weak and shy Atreus.

Emotionally, he sees more thoroughly than Zu Ling.

If you want to make up for the regrets of the ancestors and achieve perfect meditation, there is only one principle: boldly pursue Basilisa!
Why doesn't the ancestor spirit know what he wants?
But after all, he still failed to take this taboo step.

In addition to the antagonism between the enemy and the self, the prejudice instilled since childhood is mainly due to the threshold in his heart, and he feels that pursuing his brother's former lover is an immoral behavior.

Allen has no such scruples at all.

He has no hypocritical moral cleanliness.

There is no prejudice against metal dragons.

Rather, as a time traveler, compared to the Titans who advocate bloodline theory and caste system, he appreciates the silver dragon Basilisa's kindness and tolerance towards weaker races.

As for how to communicate with the elders?

Allen didn't care about this difficult problem that once made the ancestor spirit extremely entangled.

Just make up a set of nonsense, for example, after Basilisa was killed by him, her body fell into the crater and was burned to ashes...

Which elder doesn't believe it, just drill into the crater to check it out!

The old guys knew he was making up nonsense, so what?

Silver Titan, dare to question the noble Gold Titan?

He is the only and irreplaceable golden titan in the world!

This heavy identity ensures that he has the right to be a little willful.

It's a pity that Zu Ling never took advantage of his noble status, exercised his privileges, and was happy and self-willed once in his life.

He is too thin-skinned and cares too much about what other people think.

In order to please others, I would rather wrong myself.

Allen felt that Zu Ling's greatest tragedy was that his character did not match his identity.

It's like a pure artist being promoted to the throne, which is not good for himself or the subjects under his rule.

When Allen teleported to the White Deer Forest, the night was dark.

From the depths of the forest, the flames burst into the sky.

The sound of killing came with the wind.

Allen frowned slightly, holding a wooden stick, and flew into the air.

The Titans are born with the ability to walk against the wind.

Not long after, Allen floated over the melee zone.

The elves' village is under siege.

The attackers were a group of ugly and ferocious orcs.

According to visual estimates, the number is no less than two or three hundred!

The number of elves guarding the village is much smaller.

Hiding in the burning house, he shot arrows out of the window in despair.

Allen landed straight in the middle of the fire.

The five-level fire resistance absorbed from the red dragon is enough to counteract the burning of the flames.

Allen waved the wooden stick, pretending to cast a spell.

In fact, it draws magic power and activates ice-type martial arts.

Extended Mecha!

Shape super magic!

Ice Soul Frozen Wave!
The pale ring of ice, radiating out, extinguished the fire in an instant.

The elves who were struggling to support in the fire field were all included in the protection zone of the "shaping super magic" and were not harmed by the cold air.

On the edge of the fire, many orcs were frozen into ice.

The expression of astonishment was permanently frozen in the ice sculpture.

There was a group of orcs on the outside, and they were alarmed that someone was disrupting the situation. They cast spells to put out the fire, and immediately besieged them.

"Bad old man, if you dare to meddle in my business, you are dead!"

The orc leader waved a mace and clamored.

Allen turned around and glanced at him lightly.

The golden pupils flashed bright lightning!


Allen's sight turned into two bolts of lightning, which hit the orc leader, instantly burning him into coke.

This is not over yet.

Starting from the corpse of the orc leader, countless arcs shot out in all directions, like a shiny whip.

Crackling! !
Within a hundred feet, all the orcs were mercilessly whipped by the electric arc, and the screams resounded through the night sky.

Hundreds of orcs died instantly!

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(End of this chapter)

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