Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 345 Hunting the Prophet

Chapter 345 Hunting the Prophet
"Quickly open!"

In Margaret's ears, Alan's call suddenly came.

Before I had time to react, I saw him rushing over.

It was as if he had used all his strength to push her hard!
Margaret was pushed sideways by him, her steps staggered, and she was about to lose her temper subconsciously.

However, reason told him that Allen might have done this because he was eager to save her life!

as predicted.

The next second she was pushed away by Allen, a pale claw stretched out from the mirror and grabbed hard at the place where she originally stood.

If Margaret was not pushed away, this claw would claw at her chest and try to pull out her heart.

Margaret was not sure whether she could withstand the claw that pierced her chest while she was in a state of full defense.

Now, she doesn't have to worry about this problem.

Allen has replaced her and become the target of the devil's claws.

Allen had just pushed Margaret away, and before he could shrink his hand, his arm was firmly grasped by the "Snatcher" floating out of the mirror.

At this moment, thoughts flashed through Allen's mind.

With his strength attribute of over 100 points, it is not difficult to break free from the clutches.

However, he has not forgotten that he is playing the role of "weak scholar" Dr. Allen at this moment.

In the perception of Margaret and others, Dr. Allen is an outstanding intelligence expert who is good at long-range investigation. Hand-to-hand combat is not his strong point.

In order to maintain his character, Allen simply gave up resistance and allowed the devil's claws to crush his arm.


Accompanied by the blood-curdling sound of bones and flesh shattering, Allen's forearm was torn off by the "Snatcher"!
The bloody severed hand fell to the ground.

Allen gritted his teeth and staggered back despite the severe pain.

Margaret's eyes widened suddenly.

The intense distress and anger drove her almost crazy.

Like a roaring female bear, it rushed towards the grabber, sending it flying a hundred meters away with one punch, penetrating the wall, and being buried by the ruins of the collapsed building.

Margaret didn't care about chasing her prey and screamed wildly, urging the medical superpower to treat Allen quickly.

"Aren't some of you good at regenerating severed limbs? Give the doctor first aid as soon as possible!"

"Margaret! Calm down, the battle has just begun!"

Allen reluctantly warned Margaret to prioritize.

"I can't die, so I don't need you to meddle in my own business! Just wake up and concentrate on dealing with the grabber!"

"If you can't handle that magic hand, we will all die here. Even if you can connect my left hand, what's the use?!"

After being scolded by him, Margaret finally calmed down, activated the "misser" in her body, and opened the Titan Network.

The weapons and ammunition boxes stored in the camp opened and unlocked on their own, and heavy machine guns floated into the air one after another, loading ammunition on their own.

As everyone knows, Margaret is an S-class "reincarnator."

However, few people know that the "reincarnated" can not only possess people and seize their bodies, but can also implant their own Titan cells and a trace of spiritual imprint into inanimate objects.

The "reincarnator" can temporarily activate the object that has left the mark, and establish mental communication with it, requiring the activated object to execute simple instructions such as attack, defense, and movement.

With the assistance of the Titan Network, Margaret can activate many imprinted items at the same time and control them remotely.

Just like this, thirty heavy machine guns surrounded her like a flock of birds, ready to fire at any time.

Bang! !

At the same time that Margaret was preparing the firepower matrix, the ruins of the building where the "Grabber" was buried suddenly exploded!
Countless flashes of lightning shot out like silver snakes, stinging the eyes of the mercenaries.

A huge arm slowly rose from the smoke.

From fingertips to elbows, it's ten meters long!

The giant Titan's arm, with its palm facing the area where the mercenaries are densest, suddenly sprayed out a shining beam of light.

Boom - boom! !
The moment the lightning broke out, all the "Wanderers" in the team, including Allen, raced against time to teleport to escape!
Allen's figure appeared on the rooftop of the museum.

Other roamers also dispersed behind the bunkers in the distance.

The B-class mercenary, who had no teleportation ability, had no time to dodge, and could only watch as the high-energy beam bombarded him, and his flesh and blood instantly turned into steam.

The mercenaries who were a little further away were not directly hit by the beam cannon fired by the grabber, but the god of death did not let them go.

Centered on the bombardment point, high-voltage arcs sputtered wildly, like countless shining whips.

The mercenaries within a hundred meters were beaten mercilessly.

He fell down screaming, his body turning into charcoal.

On the rooftop, Allen calmly bandaged his broken arm, expressionless, overlooking the battle below.

The "Grabber" electro-optical cannon with sputtering effects is actually the legendary "Titan Thunder".

Not to mention B-level mercenaries, even A-level wanderers will be wiped out in one hit.

On the battlefield, only Margaret stayed in place, resisting the terrifying attack of the "Snatcher".

Directly in front of her, there was a translucent crystal core shield floating, trembling slightly with her heartbeat.

The "Grabber"'s previous shot had most of its firepower locked on her, but it failed to penetrate the floating crystal core shield.

A forest of guns hovered above Margaret's head.

When she raised her hand and pointed at the gigantic "Grabber", all the machine guns fired together, and the roar resounded over the city.

The bullets fired by the heavy machine gun passed through the space scattered by the Titan network. Under the blessing of Margaret's telekinesis, the kinetic energy increased sharply. The metal warhead rubbed the air and turned into plasma.

The destructive power contained in each strengthened bullet is equivalent to an S-class super power!

The fingers of the "grabber" spread out and crackled.

Countless tiny crystal nuclei full of magic wrapped around the entire arm, forming a layer of armor that looked like diamonds, deflecting all the plasma that struck like a storm.

The machine gun fire was ineffective, but Margaret was not discouraged.

She knew in her heart that the Titan Primarch's crystal core shield needed to consume her own energy to maintain it.

The continuous output of firepower forces the "Grabber" to consume energy, and sooner or later the core shield will collapse.

The mercenaries who were evacuated to the periphery of the battlefield were also aware of this, and used their superpowers to attack the grabbers.

However, they soon discovered that their attacks were useless and instead set themselves on fire.

Superpowers below S level cannot penetrate the "Grabber"'s crystal core shield, and will be bounced back, causing the consequences.

At this time, the roar of the beasts was heard in the distance, as well as the roar of giants trampling the earth.

Over at the Champ de Mars, the Titan beasts and Cancerous Giants received the spiritual instructions from the "Grabber" and rushed over in groups.

"Go and deal with those mutant creatures quickly, don't let them break in and interfere with the duel between the eldest lady and the grabber."

As the second leader of the mercenary group, Allen issues orders to all mercenaries through the Titan Network.

The mercenaries all breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the order.

They would rather fight mutant creatures than fight against the hopelessly powerful Titan Primarch.

The mercenaries relied on the ruins of buildings to form a defense line to block the swarming Titan beasts and cancerous giants.

The battlefield is thus divided into two areas.

No one expected Allen, a civilian, to fight, and he was happy to hide outside the battlefield and take charge of the overall situation.

The melee between mercenaries and beasts does not deserve too much attention.

Allen's eyes returned to Margaret and Snatcher.

The tactics of both sides are very similar.

While maintaining the shield, attack the opponent with powerful firepower.

The key to victory or defeat depends on whose shield collapses first.

The two sides seemed to be evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

However, Allen noticed one detail.

As the fight continued, Margaret's figure became slimmer and slimmer.

The overalls that were originally stretched tight now seemed a little loose.

Ten years ago, Margaret sacrificed her subcutaneous fat to form a contract with the "misser".

Since then, her fat cells have mutated, acting like batteries that can charge and discharge magic.By eating mutated creatures or absorbing crystal nuclei, Margaret obtains magic power from the outside world and stores it in her body.

At the same time, every magic fat cell expanded rapidly, turning her into a bloated woman weighing more than 300 pounds.

Margaret is an extremely insecure woman.

In order to ensure that he can fight in the best condition at any time and always keep the magic power in his body in a full state, he would rather sacrifice his slim figure and beautiful image.

Before today, Margaret had always lived under her father's wing and had never fought against the Titan Primarch alone.

The power of the "Grabber" exceeded her expectations.

In order to fight against this unprecedentedly powerful opponent, she had to go all out.

Both offense and defense were rapidly consuming the magic power stored in her body.

As the magic power reserves decline, more and more fat cells shrink to normal size, and Margaret becomes slimmer and slimmer.

Margaret, who has lost weight, has no signs of sagging skin, and her breasts and buttocks are still relatively plump and perky.

Even by the harshest standards, she can be called a hot and sexy beauty.

Unfortunately, this beautiful skin means that her magic power is about to be exhausted and she is getting closer to defeat.

The time has come, and Allen quietly opens the beyond-limit realm, triggering the "Original Annihilation".

As the domain extends, the original force that decomposes all things is exerted on the "Grabber"'s crystal core shield.

Allen is very restrained and carefully controls the intensity of erosion.

crackle crackle!

Cracks appeared in the crystal core shield.

The Snatcher didn't realize that outsiders were disrupting the situation, and thought that Margaret had increased the bombing intensity of the machine gun matrix.

He hurriedly clenched his fists, gave up attacking, and defended with all his strength.

However, it cannot prevent the core shield from disintegrating layer by layer.

Bang! !

The shield finally collapsed, and the shining crystal core fragments disintegrated into disordered magic power in the air.

A storm of bullets poured down, drowning the grabber.

The huge arm suddenly shrunk, avoiding most of the bullets.

Immediately afterwards, he tried to activate his teleportation ability and escape from the battlefield.

But Margaret didn't give it a chance.

He teleported over first, kicked hard, and trampled the pale broken arm under his feet.

Allen smiled slightly, canceled the over-limit field, and pretended that nothing happened.

With the "Grabber" subdued, the Titan beasts and Cancerous Titans originally driven by it were also freed from their mind control.

They gave up fighting with the mercenaries and fled in all directions.

Margaret tightened her belt three feet, put on an oversized coat, and came to Alan with her trophies in her hands.

Allen was sitting next to a section of wall, receiving first aid from the mercenaries of the medical department.

The arm that was broken before has been recovered.

After disinfection, continue again.

The A-level mercenary who treated him had superpowers similar to a weakened version of "regeneration" and had rich experience in repairing severed limbs.

While treating Allen, he also comforted him not to worry.

"Doctor, your own severed limb is barely usable. You can also replace it with a healthier limb, such as cutting off a right arm from a fresh corpse, and it can still be perfectly connected."

Allen took out the cigarette case from his pocket and said calmly: "I am very satisfied with my left arm, so I don't want to disturb the rest of the deceased."

"Wait a moment!"

Margaret ran over in a hurry.

"Don't reattach his broken arm yet, I have a good idea!"

"This..." The medical soldier looked at Allen in embarrassment.

Allen looked up at Margaret and frowned slightly: "Beauty, who are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

Margaret rolled her eyes at him cutely and shook the severed arm in her hand.

"Alan! Look at this, a gift specially prepared for you! Attach the 'Grabber' to you, and you will become a contractor of the Titan Primarch and gain powerful power!"

"That's great, but at what cost?"

"The price is very small. You only need to sacrifice your original left arm and replace it with a grabber."

"But my right arm has been broken..."

Allen suddenly realized her intention.

"Do you want me to reattach the broken arm, and then sacrifice the arm that was finally repaired and replace it with the Snatcher?"

"Clever!" Margaret smiled and snapped her fingers.

"The arm that was just reattached needs to be cut off and reattached again, which will make me suffer twice... Isn't this really sick?!"

Seeing Allen swearing in anger, the medical soldier became more and more embarrassed and did not dare to take action.

Margaret had to do it herself.

Like a strong female leopard, she sat astride Allen.He suppressed him tightly and comforted him hypocritically:

"Actually, I can't bear to do it, but this is all for your own good. My dearest friend, just be patient and you'll be fine soon!"

Margaret grabbed Allen's left arm that had just been reattached, and used both hands to force it.

Click! !
"Ah - stinking bitch! You are so cruel, just wait for me!"


Half an hour later, the sacrificial ceremony hosted by Margaret was successfully completed.

Allen looked at his unfamiliar arm and felt unreal.

I tried moving my fingers, but they were flexible.

After transplanting the "Grabber", Allen gained four legendary-level original skills:
"Mind Control", "Palm Ray Cannon", "Crystal Core Shield", and "Wormhole Claw".

Mind control is limited to those infected with Titan cells.

The palm thunder cannon is actually the thunder of the legendary Titan.

Crystal Core Shield, a legendary level defense skill.

Wormhole Claw, similar to Allen's "Infinite Bone Spur", can attack targets from a distance as long as they enter the observation field of view.

Combined with the "Detection Technique", even if the prey is far away from the ends of the earth, it cannot escape the claws of the void.

Not only Allen thought of this usage, but Solomon and his daughter also thought of it.

The day after returning to the Metropolis Sanctuary, Allen was summoned by Dr. Solomon and asked him to use the special abilities of the "Grabber" to carry out a hunting mission.

"Excuse me, who is the hunting target and where is it located?"

Allen looked at Solomon and his daughter.

Dr. Solomon sat in his armchair, smoking his pipe and keeping silent.

Margaret glanced at her strange father, then turned to tell Allen:

"The target lives in Liberty City two thousand miles away. He is the false prophet who calls himself the savior."

"This man who is good at deceiving people and the cult organization 'Church of the Titan' he founded have already posed a threat to us and must be eradicated as soon as possible!"

"Actually, before today, we have sent assassins many times to sneak into Liberty City to assassinate the false prophet, but unfortunately they failed."

"The false prophet is cunning and suspicious. He seems to have some superpower to predict extreme evil. Ordinary assassination methods are ineffective against him."

"So we thought of you, Dr. Allen, now use your scrying skills to locate the false prophet and project his image in the mirror."

"After that, try to see if you can use the original body skill of 'Seizer' to go through the mirror and take out the heart of the false prophet!"


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(End of this chapter)

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